Who was the worst murderer in U.S. history?

It has been fully legal for over 40 years and is not going back to the way it was.
Slavery was fully legal for a long time. Should the abolitionists have given up?
only the availability of safe abortions
The abortion industry is indifferent to women's health. Just a few of the women chewed up by the abortion industry:

New 911 tape reveals botched abortion at Virginia Planned Parenthood

Authorities: Abortion doctors charged with murder

16-Year-Old Girl Suffered Botched Abortion at Planned Parenthood

DA: West Philadelphia abortion doctor killed 7 babies with scissors

The abortion industry, like many industries, has captured the regulatory apparatus. Legalization means mistreatment of women and a huge expansion of the industry.

For example: Lax state oversight results in widespread violations at Michigan abortion providers, report says

And let's not forget that polls show pro-lifers winning:

‘Pro-life’ position gaining support

Roe at 40: Polling Shows Americans are Pro-Life on Abortion

The best option for all is to reduce the need for abortion through free access to birth control
Examine the facts:

Studies: Birth Control, Contraception Don’t Cut Abortions

Study: Abortions Double in Spain Despite Increased Contraception

Scare tactics do not work
Certainly not working for the pro-abortion fanatics.

Your biggest problem is that abortion is not only avalable in the US but in most of the world. You are fighting a losing battle. Abortion is going to happen...that is not going to change

Your only option is to cut down on the need for abortions and to provide pregnant women with an alternative to abortion.

Unfortunately, the same people who fight so hard against abortions also fight against birth control and programs that allow women to keep their children.

You contribute to more abortions than you prevent
Why do you guys have this impression that not being a Lawyer means you couldn't possibly understand the Law?

Being a "Practicing" Lawyer just means you're tied to a State Bar. Nothing more.

What makes you guys think that Lawyers and Judges actually follow the Law when they Argue Cases and pronounce Judgements?

Because the TV said so?

I know, right? :lol:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ubVZ7HcJvc]Classic TV Ad: "Mumbo-Jumbo" (1982) - YouTube[/ame]
bush the dumber. Iraqwmd's scam. Hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqi civilians. Men, women, children. In that mix the odds are thousands of pregnant women which means thousands of fetuses. This alone should concern the batshit crazy tea bag wing of the republican party.

Not that I really want to be in this discussion but,

Some are claiming that the worst murderers are:

The United States Government, or Bush or the State of Texas, but at the same time argue that Abortion is not Murder, because it's legal?

There really needs to be some explanation because there seems a bit of hypocrisy here.
The sinister Dr. Kevorkian: Dr. Death


quote: "at least 70 percent of his assisted suicides were not dying, and five weren’t ill at all according to their autopsies."

link: Kevorkian: A Dark Mirror on Society

Kevorkian was also greedy for the death of handicapped people.

See: The Real Jack Kevorkian
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and to provide pregnant women with an alternative to abortion.
I agree.

fight against birth control
I linked to news about studies that show more contraception does not equal less abortions. One reason: risk compensation.

I opened your link about the studies and it was quickly obvious that they were anti-abortion propaganda pushing abstenance as the only solution

Ask any woman in America whether birth control cuts down on unwanted pregnancies
and to provide pregnant women with an alternative to abortion.
I agree.

fight against birth control
I linked to news about studies that show more contraception does not equal less abortions. One reason: risk compensation.

I opened your link about the studies and it was quickly obvious that they were anti-abortion propaganda pushing abstenance as the only solution

Ask any woman in America whether birth control cuts down on unwanted pregnancies

The argument is that abortion can't be murder simply because its legal, but at the same time you accuse the State of Texas of being the biggest murderer, but what has Texas done that is illegal?

It is curious!
I agree.

I linked to news about studies that show more contraception does not equal less abortions. One reason: risk compensation.

I opened your link about the studies and it was quickly obvious that they were anti-abortion propaganda pushing abstenance as the only solution

Ask any woman in America whether birth control cuts down on unwanted pregnancies

The argument is that abortion can't be murder simply because its legal, but at the same time you accuse the State of Texas of being the biggest murderer, but what has Texas done that is illegal?

It is curious!

Texas murdering people is legal too
Stalin and Mao have the sheer numbers. Jim Jones for the megalomania of killing people he knew and was supposed to protect. but for all-round creepiness and evil in a serial killer, Randy Kraft has got to be right up there.
I opened your link about the studies and it was quickly obvious that they were anti-abortion propaganda pushing abstenance as the only solution

Ask any woman in America whether birth control cuts down on unwanted pregnancies

The argument is that abortion can't be murder simply because its legal, but at the same time you accuse the State of Texas of being the biggest murderer, but what has Texas done that is illegal?

It is curious!

Texas murdering people is legal too

Then it's not murder and you are either insincere or a hypocrite.
but for all-round creepiness and evil in a serial killer, Randy Kraft has got to be right up there.

Oh god, yes. Forgot about that lunatic...

Why is it that California has all of the nutjobs?:cuckoo:
I think Florida has all the nutjobs.

But, the common denominator? Beautiful weather! Psychopaths love great weather just like normal people do. And if you're a transient bum psycho killer, like Aileen Wuornos, and you end up sleeping outside a lot, it makes all the difference over, say, Cleveland.

but for all-round creepiness and evil in a serial killer, Randy Kraft has got to be right up there.

Oh god, yes. Forgot about that lunatic...

Why is it that California has all of the nutjobs?:cuckoo:
I think Florida has all the nutjobs.

But, the common denominator? Beautiful weather! Psychopaths love great weather just like normal people do. And if you're a transient bum psycho killer, like Aileen Wuornos, and you end up sleeping outside a lot, it makes all the difference over, say, Cleveland.


I will disagree about all of the nuts being in Florida, but you do have a point about the nice weather.:tongue:

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