Spygate: The Worst Corruption Scandal in American History

Sham Hammity?

Ohh yea...that's credible

Knowing that you didnt watch the video how can you bitch?

"conspiracy page" my ass. The deep state got caught. There will be indictments. Its just getting started.

There is no "deep state". That's a total conspiracy theory. There are civil servants who are upholding their oath to the Constitution. Republicans used to respect the Constitution and the rule of law. Now they ignore it completely. There will be no indictments, and it will never happen.
"conspiracy page" my ass. The deep state got caught. There will be indictments. Its just getting started.

There is no "deep state". That's a total conspiracy theory. There are civil servants who are upholding their oath to the Constitution. Republicans used to respect the Constitution and the rule of law. Now they ignore it completely. There will be no indictments, and it will never happen.

Things are looking pretty bad for your "civil servants" right about now...
Bill Barr exposed himself yesterday as the Trump toady we all know him to be.
He began this nonsense with nothing and sat there stammering when asked if the FBI was spying on Trump or if he had seen any evidence

As the book says

Everything Trump Touches... Dies

The Proggies keep getting desperater and desperater as the truth of their corruption comes to light. It's great!

I cant wait to see where the new investigation leads!!!!
If the truth comes to light it'll make 16 look like a minor blip on the radar when it comes to the hysterics!!
Really looking forward to the wacky spin we're going to see here and in the MSM!!!!

Karma is on overdrive. All of the people who are most virulent in their attacks on Trump are being outed for doing far worse than anything he has done (Avenatii being a quite obvious example). This is going to be an epic display of Nemesis catching the Prog-Hubris.
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Trump wasn't indicted. Nuff said.

You realize of course that DOJ policy states that a President CAN'T be indicted...right?

Doesn't matter. If they had anything on him that was a crime, we'd all know about it - it would have been used to justify impeachment. They got "nuttin", hence no impeachment and no indictments after he leaves office.

It's so fun watching your disappointment.
So you don’t really want to know what Russia did?

WTF are you talking about?
Hutch Starskey: WTF are you talking about?​
1. Criticing information that you don't care to read.
2. Criticizing information without reading it that just happens to follow the body of lies that were proven to be lies and -- horrors! -- cleared the name of President Donald Trump.
3. Ignoring evidence that President Trump is not guilty of any of the charges
4. Killing the messenger with with a load of bullshit that is in the publicly disproved category.​
Except for carrying the heavy hatchet of learning something about the lies your masters perpetrate on you and the rest of the world, and being unreceptive to current information on the dirt, which was also disproved by the Mueller report.
How do you know anything was disproved by the Mueller report? Neither you nor any neutral party has had an opportunity to read or examine it in full.
for the umpteenth time. no open indictments to act on, and none sealed. what else do you need? hey step out of the leftist boilerplate and answer. be a man
We need for our Constitutionally designated oversight authorities to judge the subjective opinions of Barr.
Why, they have no oversight to him. He’s the executive branch, they are legislative branch. They don’t oversee the president . Fk learn fking something
Trump wasn't indicted. Nuff said.

You realize of course that DOJ policy states that a President CAN'T be indicted...right?

Doesn't matter. If they had anything on him that was a crime, we'd all know about it - it would have been used to justify impeachment. They got "nuttin", hence no impeachment and no indictments after he leaves office.

It's so fun watching your disappointment.
Dude,if they had anything, there would have been a sealed indictment. Another stupid fk that doesn’t know are fking law.

Why are all you fks so stupid?
"conspiracy page" my ass. The deep state got caught. There will be indictments. Its just getting started.

There is no "deep state". That's a total conspiracy theory. There are civil servants who are upholding their oath to the Constitution. Republicans used to respect the Constitution and the rule of law. Now they ignore it completely. There will be no indictments, and it will never happen.

You may change your mind when Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama get called on the carpet for colluding with Russian and British intelligence agencies for to obtain dirt on now-President Trump. OTOH, it may simply cause you to dig in deeper, far from the light of day. We'll see your reaction after the televised courtroom proceedings that convict them of collusion, treason, spying--you know, all those things they projected against President Trump including the $40 million Mueller colonoscopy of Trump's innards. If I were Feinstein, Schumer, Pelosi, Waters, and their minions, they're looking at a few obstructions apiece themselves. And when they're all in prison, we're going to fix voting where criminals lose their voting privileges for the harsh things they did to their fellow Americans.

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