Who/what on Earth is the "alt-right"?

Here's a press conference Richard Spencer gave.

Take a good listen, retards. Listen to Spence talk about the inferiority of blacks, the virtues of white supremacy, and what a great leader Donald Trump is.

Listen to Jared Taylor splaining to the press the lower IQs of blacks.

That fuck face is not the alt-right he's a white supremacist douchebag.

He created the alt-right.
I'll let him explain.
“We memed alt-right into existence”: Our extended interview with Richard Spencer on white nationalism

He certainly doesn't represent my views and he sure as hell not a Conservative.

He represents the views of Trump's chief strategist. Bannon has said he admires Spencer and that he used Breitbart as a platform for the all-right.

What then about Bannon does Trump admire and what type of strategy are they forming?

That is the problem.

You do know that one of Breitbart's senior editors is a gay Jew with a black boyfriend ? What part of BreitBart are the White Supremacist using as a platform?
As to the original question, the alt right is the third most recent boogie man the left has concocted to explain Hillary's defeat. It has since been supplanted by "fake news" and "the Russians".

LOL- and by the 'left' you mean Breitbart.....

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