Who will be "blamed" over the looming government shutdown?

The LAST thing democrats want is for the government to "shut down" (it doesn't really shut down, because stuff still runs) and for people to realize they can function quite well with the government doing less. It might make voters start demanding balanced budgets and spending cuts.

Well true , we are used to the congress working a few days a month yet get paid for full time..

The government will not be able to send out the seniors checks, and they will not forget...Ted Cruz should already know that..

They will send out seniors' checks. That simply won't be stopped. They'll bluster and claim the checks will stop, but it's all theater.
Non-essentials are cut.

The Fed Gov does what it was supposed to do in the beginning.

Order is finally restored.


Bring on a shut down.
Republicans can relax
Democrats can relax

If there is a federal government shutdown I'll be happy to personally accept all of the blame.
Flashback: That Time Schumer Said It Was Insane To Shut Down The Government Over Immigration Reform

'Schumer Said It Was Insane To Shut Down The Government Over Immigration Reform'

...and yet here he and Nancy Pelosi are just about to do it.... :p

Easy, Easy, Easy

Trump was ready to sign, until the corrupt GOP changed his mind..

  • Trump has dismissed a bipartisan deal by Sens. Lindsey Graham, a Republican, and Dick Durbin, a Democrat, to deal with DACA & border security
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During a shut down:

Active Duty Military will get paid
Courts will continue to operate
USPS will continue to operate
School lunches for low-income students will still get paid
Veterans Affairs will still operate
Entitlements will all still be paid
Homeland Security will continue to operate
Air Traffic Controllers will still operate

What will NOT operate?

Travel, Tourism, Parks (should be state-run anyway)
The National Zoo
Some of NASA, but essentials will still run

Heaven FORBID!!!

Please, oh, PLEASE don't shut down the gubment!!!

I wonder if foreign aid gets shut down during a government shut down?

That alone would make a permanent shut down WAY more cost-effective, even if we do continue to pay non-essential employees to do no work.
Easy, Easy, Easy
Trump was ready to sign, until the corrupt GOP changed his mind..
'Corrupt GOP'? The GOP pointed out to Trump that all the Democrats were doing is demanding Trump give them what they want while calling it a 'compromise'. Now that they are not getting everything they want, Schumer and Pelosi are getting ready to do what Schumer himself previously called 'Insane', placing illegals' welfare above those of Americans.

Embrace the suck, buddy....or pray they change their mind, if you hope for any success in the 2018 elections for Democrats.
During a shut down:

Active Duty Military will get paid
Courts will continue to operate
USPS will continue to operate
School lunches for low-income students will still get paid
Veterans Affairs will still operate
Entitlements will all still be paid
Homeland Security will continue to operate
Air Traffic Controllers will still operate

What will NOT operate?

Travel, Tourism, Parks (should be state-run anyway)
The National Zoo
Some of NASA, but essentials will still run

Heaven FORBID!!!

Please, oh, PLEASE don't shut down the gubment!!!

A government shutdown is not much different than the holiday we just celebrated yesterday...
neither do you and your Dim buddies

Perhaps.......but your orange buffoon rates about 26% approval ratings.....Surely the remainder must mean something to your half brain, don't you think?
(Or do you ever think on your own?...........LOL)
Which is where Reid was disingenuous. He deliberately caused the shut down, even though he had spending bills on his desk.

It was just a bit more complicated than that. But, I do not expect right wing nitwits to have a good grasp of fairly recent history.....
neither do you and your Dim buddies

Perhaps.......but your orange buffoon rates about 26% approval ratings.....Surely the remainder must mean something to your half brain, don't you think?
(Or do you ever think on your own?...........LOL)
(Or do you ever think on your own?...........LOL)

If I didn't think on my own, I'd vote party line,

Like those that put Trump in the WH, and tried to put Hillary there.
Which is where Reid was disingenuous. He deliberately caused the shut down, even though he had spending bills on his desk.

It was just a bit more complicated than that. But, I do not expect right wing nitwits to have a good grasp of fairly recent history.....
But, I do not expect right wing nitwits to have a good grasp of fairly recent history.....

They seem to have a better grasp than you.

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