Who will be romney's vp pick?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Will he play the race card and pick condolezza? Polls show her a strong prospect.
Will he play the race card and pick condolezza? Polls show her a strong prospect.

Well let us hope he plays the best card, for his political ambitions, since all those that are in line for the job are good people with good records. All will have their positives and negatives and I have heard it speculated that he does prefer someone with executive experience, i.e., a governor, past or present.
That might be OK.Then mittens can have an "accident" and poppy Bush and Cheney can return as pResidents and get on with the final chapter of The Script.
Who ever he picks is going to understand that the attacks will be relentless and magnify the trivial into the outrageous.
I'm still thinking Pawlenty or Portman, as they are the dullest, safest guys he could pick.
Will he play the race card and pick condolezza? Polls show her a strong prospect.
Not a snowball's chance in hell.

She's pro-choice.
She was a disaster as NSA, allowing 3,000 people to die in the WTC attacks.
She's never been elected to anything, except maybe class president.
She's an Ivory Tower pinhead academic - rednecks don't vote for them.
She's Black - a significant portion of rednecks won't vote for her.

Mitt needs every vote he can steal. He can't afford to piss off any part of his base.

I am still sticking with my choice from last January: SC Gov. Nikki "Boom-Boom" Haley.

Sure, she's part Indian, but she has a heavy southern drawl, and just looks like she has a good tan. Rednecks are stupid, and won't notice.
Will he play the race card and pick condolezza? Polls show her a strong prospect.

I would be very proud to have her as my VP. Unfortunately for the Conservatives, she's Pro Life so the GOP can't tolerate that on a national ticket. But remember, they are the party of "tolerance".

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