Who Will Be TIME's Person of the Year for 2020? See the Shortlist

Time's person of the year is the person who has most impacted world events, be those events good or bad. Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin and the Ayatollah Khomeini have all been named "POY".

Of the four finalists, it should go to frontline workers, but not Fauci. Personally, I don't think anyone should be named POY more than once, so I would consider Trump ineligible. Fuck those BLM thugs. And Biden? Fucker hasn't actually been in a position to impact anything yet.

I believe, however, that Time will select Biden, just so he can start his Presidency with his dick already in Time's mouth...

We have had enough bad and nightmare to last us a lifetime.

I want to recognize those who have spent the last year fighting that nightmare and all that bad. Those who saved lives. Those who gave their life to save lives. Those who went to work to keep our nation going. Everyone fed, the lights on and all the rest that we take for granted everyday.

I think recognizing the positive is better than dwelling on the negative.

I hope that Time does not name Biden person of the year. It will only further divide our nation.
Time's person of the year is the person who has most impacted world events, be those events good or bad. Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin and the Ayatollah Khomeini have all been named "POY".

Of the four finalists, it should go to frontline workers, but not Fauci. Personally, I don't think anyone should be named POY more than once, so I would consider Trump ineligible. Fuck those BLM thugs. And Biden? Fucker hasn't actually been in a position to impact anything yet.

I believe, however, that Time will select Biden, just so he can start his Presidency with his dick already in Time's mouth...

We have had enough bad and nightmare to last us a lifetime.

I want to recognize those who have spent the last year fighting that nightmare and all that bad. Those who saved lives. Those who gave their life to save lives. Those who went to work to keep our nation going. Everyone fed, the lights on and all the rest that we take for granted everyday.

I think recognizing the positive is better than dwelling on the negative.

I hope that Time does not name Biden person of the year. It will only further divide our nation.
What nightmare? Its a flu virus that libbers have converted into the plague except the stats don't back that up. The only tragedy was causing millions of people to lose their jobs as part of the hoax..
My vote immediately goes to the front line workers.

Many have given their lives to save the lives of others. People they don't even know. Yet they put their lives on the line to save them. In doing so, some of them got the virus and died too.

We can't thank those workers enough for all they have done for us, our nation and humanity since this nightmare started.

They should be Time's person or people of the year.

Now that he is leaving I’m all for making trump man of the year. Wasn’t hitler man of the year once?

Nah but I think Saddam Hussein was.
My vote immediately goes to the front line workers.

Many have given their lives to save the lives of others. People they don't even know. Yet they put their lives on the line to save them. In doing so, some of them got the virus and died too.

We can't thank those workers enough for all they have done for us, our nation and humanity since this nightmare started.

They should be Time's person or people of the year.

Now that he is leaving I’m all for making trump man of the year. Wasn’t hitler man of the year once?

Nah but I think Saddam Hussein was.


Hussein was never Person of the Year.

Hitler was: 1938...
My vote immediately goes to the front line workers.

Many have given their lives to save the lives of others. People they don't even know. Yet they put their lives on the line to save them. In doing so, some of them got the virus and died too.

We can't thank those workers enough for all they have done for us, our nation and humanity since this nightmare started.

They should be Time's person or people of the year.

Now that he is leaving I’m all for making trump man of the year. Wasn’t hitler man of the year once?

My vote goes to the people who gave their lives to save others.

Not the man who lied through his teeth about it which caused the virus to be much worse than it should have been.

Not the man who's lies caused the deaths of over 280 thousand Americans.

The only recognition that person deserves is scorn and responsibility for all the needless deaths he caused.
And yet so many here will make excuses and suggest if biden were president more would have died.

In reality, we’d be more like Australia. They have 3 cases. The entire country. Why? Social distanced. Closed businesses. Wore masks.

We can’t stop it if republicans insist on going to thanksgiving and Christmas parties.
My vote immediately goes to the front line workers.

Many have given their lives to save the lives of others. People they don't even know. Yet they put their lives on the line to save them. In doing so, some of them got the virus and died too.

We can't thank those workers enough for all they have done for us, our nation and humanity since this nightmare started.

They should be Time's person or people of the year.

Now that he is leaving I’m all for making trump man of the year. Wasn’t hitler man of the year once?

Nah but I think Saddam Hussein was.


Hussein was never Person of the Year.

Hitler was: 1938...
For real? Omg.
My vote immediately goes to the front line workers.

Many have given their lives to save the lives of others. People they don't even know. Yet they put their lives on the line to save them. In doing so, some of them got the virus and died too.

We can't thank those workers enough for all they have done for us, our nation and humanity since this nightmare started.

They should be Time's person or people of the year.

Now that he is leaving I’m all for making trump man of the year. Wasn’t hitler man of the year once?

Nah but I think Saddam Hussein was.


Hussein was never Person of the Year.

Hitler was: 1938...
For real? Omg.

I don't know for sure but I remember hearing that and thought that whoever ran the Times lost their damned minds.
My vote immediately goes to the front line workers.

Many have given their lives to save the lives of others. People they don't even know. Yet they put their lives on the line to save them. In doing so, some of them got the virus and died too.

We can't thank those workers enough for all they have done for us, our nation and humanity since this nightmare started.

They should be Time's person or people of the year.

Agreed...health workers for me.
My vote immediately goes to the front line workers.

Many have given their lives to save the lives of others. People they don't even know. Yet they put their lives on the line to save them. In doing so, some of them got the virus and died too.

We can't thank those workers enough for all they have done for us, our nation and humanity since this nightmare started.

They should be Time's person or people of the year.

Now that he is leaving I’m all for making trump man of the year. Wasn’t hitler man of the year once?
well why not......you voted for the guy....
Time was always a closeted Prog Socialist propaganda rag. Hitler was all theirs. There are alternate histories then the official one.
time fauci.jpg
My vote immediately goes to the front line workers.

Many have given their lives to save the lives of others. People they don't even know. Yet they put their lives on the line to save them. In doing so, some of them got the virus and died too.

We can't thank those workers enough for all they have done for us, our nation and humanity since this nightmare started.

They should be Time's person or people of the year.

Now that he is leaving I’m all for making trump man of the year. Wasn’t hitler man of the year once?

Nah but I think Saddam Hussein was.


Hussein was never Person of the Year.

Hitler was: 1938...
For real? Omg.


Remember, the distinction doesn't go to the person who's done the most good in the world. It goes to the person who's impacted world events more than any other...
Many have given their lives to save the lives of others. People they don't even know. Yet they put their lives on the line to save them.

You just described every police force in this country.

I would agree with you...
Over 130 cops have died of covid so far, I heard.

That number is so small as to be, statistically speaking, non-existent. less than .02%. The police in this country face far greater dangers...
My vote immediately goes to the front line workers.

Many have given their lives to save the lives of others. People they don't even know. Yet they put their lives on the line to save them. In doing so, some of them got the virus and died too.

We can't thank those workers enough for all they have done for us, our nation and humanity since this nightmare started.

They should be Time's person or people of the year.

Now that he is leaving I’m all for making trump man of the year. Wasn’t hitler man of the year once?

My vote goes to the people who gave their lives to save others.

Not the man who lied through his teeth about it which caused the virus to be much worse than it should have been.

Not the man who's lies caused the deaths of over 280 thousand Americans.

The only recognition that person deserves is scorn and responsibility for all the needless deaths he caused.
And yet so many here will make excuses and suggest if biden were president more would have died.

In reality, we’d be more like Australia. They have 3 cases. The entire country. Why? Social distanced. Closed businesses. Wore masks.

We can’t stop it if republicans insist on going to thanksgiving and Christmas parties.

I can't agree with you more.

I would add we can't stop it when we have a president who holds super spreader rallies and gatherings at the White House and around the nation.

Nor can we stop it when we have a president who doesn't want to stop it. Who doesn't tell the truth about the virus. Whose actions are to not do anything to to fight the virus.

Making wearing a mask and social distancing isn't politics. None of this should be.

But we have a president who only cares about himself and whose actions say all he wants to do is spread the virus to as many people as possible to kill as many people possible.

His actions aren't the actions of a responsible human being and he's giving the green light to his selfish followers to be irresponsible to cause that virus to spread more, kill more people and destroy our economy and nation.
My vote immediately goes to the front line workers.

Many have given their lives to save the lives of others. People they don't even know. Yet they put their lives on the line to save them. In doing so, some of them got the virus and died too.

We can't thank those workers enough for all they have done for us, our nation and humanity since this nightmare started.

They should be Time's person or people of the year.

Now that he is leaving I’m all for making trump man of the year. Wasn’t hitler man of the year once?

My vote goes to the people who gave their lives to save others.

Not the man who lied through his teeth about it which caused the virus to be much worse than it should have been.

Not the man who's lies caused the deaths of over 280 thousand Americans.

The only recognition that person deserves is scorn and responsibility for all the needless deaths he caused.
And yet so many here will make excuses and suggest if biden were president more would have died.

In reality, we’d be more like Australia. They have 3 cases. The entire country. Why? Social distanced. Closed businesses. Wore masks.

We can’t stop it if republicans insist on going to thanksgiving and Christmas parties.

I can't agree with you more.

I would add we can't stop it when we have a president who holds super spreader rallies and gatherings at the White House and around the nation.

Nor can we stop it when we have a president who doesn't want to stop it. Who doesn't tell the truth about the virus. Whose actions are to not do anything to to fight the virus.

Making wearing a mask and social distancing isn't politics. None of this should be.

But we have a president who only cares about himself and whose actions say all he wants to do is spread the virus to as many people as possible to kill as many people possible.

His actions aren't the actions of a responsible human being and he's giving the green light to his selfish followers to be irresponsible to cause that virus to spread more, kill more people and destroy our economy and nation.
Have you ever had an original thought.
The childish replies in this thread from the trump people are disgusting but typical.

I didn't expect anything else from those deplorable people.

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