Who Will Be TIME's Person of the Year for 2020? See the Shortlist

My vote immediately goes to the front line workers.

Many have given their lives to save the lives of others. People they don't even know. Yet they put their lives on the line to save them. In doing so, some of them got the virus and died too.

We can't thank those workers enough for all they have done for us, our nation and humanity since this nightmare started.

They should be Time's person or people of the year.

Now that he is leaving I’m all for making trump man of the year. Wasn’t hitler man of the year once?
well why not......you voted for the guy....
Time was always a closeted Prog Socialist propaganda rag. Hitler was all theirs. There are alternate histories then the official one.
For example how germany was a Christian nation when it went nazi. Most people like to say hitler was an atheist and who knows what that wacko believed but one things for sure, most Germans are and were Christians.

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