who will christians discriminate against once gays have equal rights?

Gays and lesbians are considered evil just by being born as gay or lesbian. I can't agree with any religion that says someone is evil when they are born.

Anyone's God who is like that is not a good one to worship. JMO.
Some Christians EARN their hatred. They behave badly. They make poor representatives of the religion. They do hateful things.
I could use that as an excuse to hate on ANY group. It's a classic straw man.

It's wrong to see ALL Christians as the same as the ones who act like bozos.
...or most, or anything other than the tiny minority they are. Yet again it's all the rage.

I would say some of them are spoiled. They expect respect before they earn it, just because they are in the majority. I think that's wrong.
Of course, but again that represents an extremely small minority and again I could say that about many diff kinds of people.

There is a movement in this country to make the US a Christian theocracy. That's wrong. The US is not meant to be a theocracy.
That only states the obvious, and again, speaks to an extremely small # or % of people. Any such movements are laughable and will never happen (which also should be stating the obvious). In fact the movement now is to seperate religion and state more than ever.
You make my point perfectly. No self-respecting gay or lesbian individual would want to go near YOUR church.
That's fine........I rarely attend church anyway.

But, would your pledge not to be near my church, equal descrimination and bigotry, seeing as though my church may not buy into the BS?:eusa_whistle:

Hypocritical much?

It's your freedom to attend whatever the fuck you damn well please. Just as much as it is my freedom not to accept your deviance as valid.

I would be more than happy than to stay away from YOUR church and YOUR views. Luckily, not all who call themselves, "christian", think like you.
So, wouldn't that be considered discrimination and bigotry towards my church?

You're a fuckin' riot!:lol:

Funny thing about people like you, particularly the LGBT types, is that you run around cackling like hens, calling anybody who doesn't buy the BS, bigot's, discriminators etc..But then you blatantly announce your own bigotry and discrimination. All based on YOUR beliefs...In your lil' minds, if someone doesn't buy into your beliefs, they are bigots. But, if YOU don't buy into someone elses beliefs, you're somehow exonerated because you think you're special.

You're friggin' hypocrites to the core.
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The majority of gays are christian.............................

Survey Explores Faith of Homosexuals, Christian News
They can call themselves Christians until the crows swim. Fact is, it's a bit hypocritical to identify as such. Seeing as though they go against the bible, and choose to live their immoral life.

I was not aware of the fact that I had to be sin free before I began to follow Christ. Can you tell me how I can achieve this goal as I have been lead to believe that nothing I do can make me sin free. I have been told repeatedly that it is by Grace that I have been saved, through faith -- and this is not from myself -- it is the Gift of God, not by works, so that I do not boast. ;) personalizing Ephesians 2:8-9.

Really, what right do you have to state that anyone, gay or straight, is excluded from the kingdom of God?

My belief is that if God wants their souls that He will provide what they need and nothing we can or will do can change that.

Did I state that they are excluded from the kingdom of god?......Noooooooo.

I'm simply stating that I find it hypocritical of themselves to call themselves Christians, when they CHOOSE to go against the Bible.......When they continually bash those Christians who don't buy into their BS.

I also find it hypocritical of any Christian who profess their Christianity on sunday, and then go out on monday and screw their neighbors wife while commiting adultery.

It goes both ways.......Hypocrites are hypocrites.

But then, God will sort 'em out in the end.
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They can call themselves Christians until the crows swim. Fact is, it's a bit hypocritical to identify as such. Seeing as though they go against the bible, and choose to live their immoral life.

I was not aware of the fact that I had to be sin free before I began to follow Christ. Can you tell me how I can achieve this goal as I have been lead to believe that nothing I do can make me sin free. I have been told repeatedly that it is by Grace that I have been saved, through faith -- and this is not from myself -- it is the Gift of God, not by works, so that I do not boast. ;) personalizing Ephesians 2:8-9.

Really, what right do you have to state that anyone, gay or straight, is excluded from the kingdom of God?

My belief is that if God wants their souls that He will provide what they need and nothing we can or will do can change that.

Did I state that they are excluded from the kingdom of god?......Noooooooo.

I'm simply stating that I find it hypocritical of themselves to call themselves Christians, when they CHOOSE to go against the Bible.......When they continually bash those Christians who don't buy into their BS.

I also find it hypocritical of any Christian who profess their Christianity on sunday, and then go out on monday and screw their neighbors wife while commiting adultery.

It goes both ways.......Hypocrites are hypocrites.

But then, God will sort 'em out in the end.

Just trying to point some things out.

I think that you would probably be the first to admit that you too are a sinner and that if you really examine your own life, you will admit that there is something between you and God this very day. You are not a homosexual and probably have never committed adultery, but in your heart, I think you have to admit that there is something there.

Am I wrong on that?

Did the Lord stand up and slap the adulterous woman who was to be stoned to death and call her all kinds of vile names and scream at her that she was going to Hell or did he stand and tell her "Go and sin no more?"

Say there is a young person roaming these forums who has not posted, they are battling with a fear that they may be homosexual and they are afraid to tell their parents or anyone else. Are you driving them closer to God by scaring the shit out of them or further away?

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The majority of gays are christian.............................

Survey Explores Faith of Homosexuals, Christian News
They can call themselves Christians until the crows swim. Fact is, it's a bit hypocritical to identify as such. Seeing as though they go against the bible, and choose to live their immoral life.

You make my point perfectly. No self-respecting gay or lesbian individual would want to go near YOUR church.

Exactly. Lester wears his bigotry proudly.
That's fine........I rarely attend church anyway.

But, would your pledge not to be near my church, equal descrimination and bigotry, seeing as though my church may not buy into the BS?:eusa_whistle:

Hypocritical much?

It's your freedom to attend whatever the fuck you damn well please. Just as much as it is my freedom not to accept your deviance as valid.

I would be more than happy than to stay away from YOUR church and YOUR views. Luckily, not all who call themselves, "christian", think like you.
So, wouldn't that be considered discrimination and bigotry towards my church?

You're a fuckin' riot!:lol:

Funny thing about people like you, particularly the LGBT types, is that you run around cackling like hens, calling anybody who doesn't buy the BS, bigot's, discriminators etc..But then you blatantly announce your own bigotry and discrimination. All based on YOUR beliefs...In your lil' minds, if someone doesn't buy into your beliefs, they are bigots. But, if YOU don't buy into someone elses beliefs, you're somehow exonerated because you think you're special.

You're friggin' hypocrites to the core.

Yeah, because we put propositions on ballots to take away YOUR civil rights and then cackle about it. :doubt:
I was not aware of the fact that I had to be sin free before I began to follow Christ. Can you tell me how I can achieve this goal as I have been lead to believe that nothing I do can make me sin free. I have been told repeatedly that it is by Grace that I have been saved, through faith -- and this is not from myself -- it is the Gift of God, not by works, so that I do not boast. ;) personalizing Ephesians 2:8-9.

Really, what right do you have to state that anyone, gay or straight, is excluded from the kingdom of God?

My belief is that if God wants their souls that He will provide what they need and nothing we can or will do can change that.

Did I state that they are excluded from the kingdom of god?......Noooooooo.

I'm simply stating that I find it hypocritical of themselves to call themselves Christians, when they CHOOSE to go against the Bible.......When they continually bash those Christians who don't buy into their BS.

I also find it hypocritical of any Christian who profess their Christianity on sunday, and then go out on monday and screw their neighbors wife while commiting adultery.

It goes both ways.......Hypocrites are hypocrites.

But then, God will sort 'em out in the end.

Just trying to point some things out.

I think that you would probably be the first to admit that you too are a sinner and that if you really examine your own life, you will admit that there is something between you and God this very day. You are not a homosexual and probably have never committed adultery, but in your heart, I think you have to admit that there is something there.

Am I wrong on that?

Did the Lord stand up and slap the adulterous woman who was to be stoned to death and call her all kinds of vile names and scream at her that she was going to Hell or did he stand and tell her "Go and sin no more?"

Say there is a young person roaming these forums who has not posted, they are battling with a fear that they may be homosexual and they are afraid to tell their parents or anyone else. Are you driving them closer to God by scaring the shit out of them or further away?

Can't really think of anything i've done that would have me shakin' in my boots before God. Stole a pack of M&M's when I was 7 years old, got caught, and my mother showed me the error of my ways. Two months restriction sucked at that age, particularly during summer vacation....Doubt he would hold that against me.......I smoke an occasional bowl o' Kush on occassion, and down a few Newcastle Ales once in a while, but don't have much to worry about there either.

I don't lie, cheat, steal. Have been faithful to every woman i've been with through the years. Would never CHOOSE to cheat on my wife. I have no reason too. Besides, I took those vows seriously......So, no, I don't see anything i've done to suffer his wrath.

As far as the rest of your post.......Do those who choose to engage in sexually perverted deviancy, "Go and sin no more"?.......Do they accept God, and then go right out and commit sin by choice?

I'm not trying to drive anybody closer to god, or scare the shit out of 'em......I'm simply stating my opinion up here just like everybody else is. If it scares the shit out of somebody, they need to go look for professional help.......Besides, a commitment to God comes from within, and not some message board.
I would be more than happy than to stay away from YOUR church and YOUR views. Luckily, not all who call themselves, "christian", think like you.
So, wouldn't that be considered discrimination and bigotry towards my church?

You're a fuckin' riot!:lol:

Funny thing about people like you, particularly the LGBT types, is that you run around cackling like hens, calling anybody who doesn't buy the BS, bigot's, discriminators etc..But then you blatantly announce your own bigotry and discrimination. All based on YOUR beliefs...In your lil' minds, if someone doesn't buy into your beliefs, they are bigots. But, if YOU don't buy into someone elses beliefs, you're somehow exonerated because you think you're special.

You're friggin' hypocrites to the core.

Yeah, because we put propositions on ballots to take away YOUR civil rights and then cackle about it. :doubt:
Nobody took any civil rights from you, so shut the fuck up.
They can call themselves Christians until the crows swim. Fact is, it's a bit hypocritical to identify as such. Seeing as though they go against the bible, and choose to live their immoral life.

You make my point perfectly. No self-respecting gay or lesbian individual would want to go near YOUR church.

Exactly. Lester wears his bigotry proudly.
Oh, so because I don't buy into your BS, i'm a bigot.....Get the fuck outta here!

You don't respect MY belief, you're a fuckin' bigot!

Friggin' hypocritical lunatics.:cuckoo:
So, wouldn't that be considered discrimination and bigotry towards my church?

You're a fuckin' riot!:lol:

Funny thing about people like you, particularly the LGBT types, is that you run around cackling like hens, calling anybody who doesn't buy the BS, bigot's, discriminators etc..But then you blatantly announce your own bigotry and discrimination. All based on YOUR beliefs...In your lil' minds, if someone doesn't buy into your beliefs, they are bigots. But, if YOU don't buy into someone elses beliefs, you're somehow exonerated because you think you're special.

You're friggin' hypocrites to the core.

Yeah, because we put propositions on ballots to take away YOUR civil rights and then cackle about it. :doubt:
Nobody took any civil rights from you, so shut the fuck up.

In my case, you are correct. I am still legally married. But you brag about taking away the civil/equal rights of other law-abiding, tax-paying California citizens who are gay. You are proud of doing so. And History is going to put you in the same trash heap as those who fought AGAINST the civil rights of blacks, of women, of other religions, of the disabled, of Native Americans.

So...I understand you wanting to shut me up....but I and others like me are not going away. And we are winning...bit by bit. So, your shrillness amuses me.
Yeah, because we put propositions on ballots to take away YOUR civil rights and then cackle about it. :doubt:
Nobody took any civil rights from you, so shut the fuck up.

In my case, you are correct. I am still legally married. But you brag about taking away the civil/equal rights of other law-abiding, tax-paying California citizens who are gay. You are proud of doing so. And History is going to put you in the same trash heap as those who fought AGAINST the civil rights of blacks, of women, of other religions, of the disabled, of Native Americans.

So...I understand you wanting to shut me up....but I and others like me are not going away. And we are winning...bit by bit. So, your shrillness amuses me.
Marriage is not an abject right, period!

Nobody took away the rights of any citizen.

You're a fuckin' lunatic.....Yeah, I personally took away the rights of blacks, women, other religions, the disabled, Native Americans.

You're an idiot, Chester!

You made the choice to be what you are. Nobody owes you anything for making that choice.......Quit trying to put yourself up with entities who did not have a choice in their situation. It's disgusting.
Nobody took any civil rights from you, so shut the fuck up.

In my case, you are correct. I am still legally married. But you brag about taking away the civil/equal rights of other law-abiding, tax-paying California citizens who are gay. You are proud of doing so. And History is going to put you in the same trash heap as those who fought AGAINST the civil rights of blacks, of women, of other religions, of the disabled, of Native Americans.

So...I understand you wanting to shut me up....but I and others like me are not going away. And we are winning...bit by bit. So, your shrillness amuses me.
Marriage is not an abject right, period!

At least two Supreme Court decisions say otherwise.

Nobody took away the rights of any citizen.

Law-abiding, Tax-paying gay citizens of CA now find themselves unequal under the law due to your Prop H8.

You're a fuckin' lunatic.....Yeah, I personally took away the rights of blacks, women, other religions, the disabled, Native Americans.

You are in the same bigoted catagory as people who did that...yes. And you will find yourself in the same trashheap of History as those people...yes.

You're an idiot, Chester!

Same kind of things said by those against civil rights of other minorities in the past. How did they fare? Not so good. And they weren't very bright either. They didn't see the headlights of History running them over either. I don't expect you to wise up....you aren't smart enough.

You made the choice to be what you are. Nobody owes you anything for making that choice.......Quit trying to put yourself up with entities who did not have a choice in their situation. It's disgusting.

If I chose, you chose. But I suspect that "choice" thingee is just a mantra you say as if you think any thinking person would actually believe you. More indication that you aren't very bright.
Oh, so because I don't buy into your BS, i'm a bigot.....Get the fuck outta here!

You don't respect MY belief, you're a fuckin' bigot!

Friggin' hypocritical lunatics.:cuckoo:

As Lester continues to prove my point.
You don't have a point, Chester.

You're a bigot for not accepting my beliefs, correct?


You can believe all you want. It's when you try to get the law to take my civil rights away based on your silly beliefs that it becomes an issue.
Nobody took any civil rights from you, so shut the fuck up.

In my case, you are correct. I am still legally married. But you brag about taking away the civil/equal rights of other law-abiding, tax-paying California citizens who are gay. You are proud of doing so. And History is going to put you in the same trash heap as those who fought AGAINST the civil rights of blacks, of women, of other religions, of the disabled, of Native Americans.

So...I understand you wanting to shut me up....but I and others like me are not going away. And we are winning...bit by bit. So, your shrillness amuses me.
Marriage is not an abject right, period!

Nobody took away the rights of any citizen.

You're a fuckin' lunatic.....Yeah, I personally took away the rights of blacks, women, other religions, the disabled, Native Americans.

You're an idiot, Chester!

You made the choice to be what you are. Nobody owes you anything for making that choice.......Quit trying to put yourself up with entities who did not have a choice in their situation. It's disgusting.

You mean you chose your sexual orientation?
Damn, I never heard of that.
You considered the same sex, decided against it and chose to be straight?
Don't believe I would have said that my man.
Never in a million years here. I was born straight.
In my case, you are correct. I am still legally married. But you brag about taking away the civil/equal rights of other law-abiding, tax-paying California citizens who are gay. You are proud of doing so. And History is going to put you in the same trash heap as those who fought AGAINST the civil rights of blacks, of women, of other religions, of the disabled, of Native Americans.

So...I understand you wanting to shut me up....but I and others like me are not going away. And we are winning...bit by bit. So, your shrillness amuses me.
Marriage is not an abject right, period!

Nobody took away the rights of any citizen.

You're a fuckin' lunatic.....Yeah, I personally took away the rights of blacks, women, other religions, the disabled, Native Americans.

You're an idiot, Chester!

You made the choice to be what you are. Nobody owes you anything for making that choice.......Quit trying to put yourself up with entities who did not have a choice in their situation. It's disgusting.

You mean you chose your sexual orientation?
Damn, I never heard of that.
You considered the same sex, decided against it and chose to be straight?
Don't believe I would have said that my man.
Never in a million years here. I was born straight.
Everybody's born straight.

A small percentage (thank got it's a small percentage) CHOOSE to engage in Sexually perverted deviancy.

It's just the way it is...I mean hey, NAMBLA is lobbying for the right to engage in their choice of sexually deviant perversions. Do we just start giving special rights to all sexually deviant perverts?

Hell fuckin' no!
Marriage is not an abject right, period!

Nobody took away the rights of any citizen.

You're a fuckin' lunatic.....Yeah, I personally took away the rights of blacks, women, other religions, the disabled, Native Americans.

You're an idiot, Chester!

You made the choice to be what you are. Nobody owes you anything for making that choice.......Quit trying to put yourself up with entities who did not have a choice in their situation. It's disgusting.

You mean you chose your sexual orientation?
Damn, I never heard of that.
You considered the same sex, decided against it and chose to be straight?
Don't believe I would have said that my man.
Never in a million years here. I was born straight.
Everybody's born straight.

A small percentage (thank got it's a small percentage) CHOOSE to engage in Sexually perverted deviancy.

It's just the way it is...I mean hey, NAMBLA is lobbying for the right to engage in their choice of sexually deviant perversions. Do we just start giving special rights to all sexually deviant perverts?

Hell fuckin' no!

Let me appeal to your common sense.
You claim gay folk choose to be persecuted?
Come on man, that can not be true.
Even the Southern Baptist Convention now admits gay folks are born with same sex attaraction. Same as you were born with opposite sex attraction.
NANBLA commits crimes. Where has anyone, other than you, say anything about them getting special rights.
Damn son, even us old rednecks in Georgia know the gay boogeyman issue is a non issue.
I used to be just like you 40 years ago.
You will grow up one day and change your mind also. You seem like a good guy, just misguided and uninformed.
You mean you chose your sexual orientation?
Damn, I never heard of that.
You considered the same sex, decided against it and chose to be straight?
Don't believe I would have said that my man.
Never in a million years here. I was born straight.
Everybody's born straight.

A small percentage (thank got it's a small percentage) CHOOSE to engage in Sexually perverted deviancy.

It's just the way it is...I mean hey, NAMBLA is lobbying for the right to engage in their choice of sexually deviant perversions. Do we just start giving special rights to all sexually deviant perverts?

Hell fuckin' no!

Let me appeal to your common sense.
You claim gay folk choose to be persecuted?
Come on man, that can not be true.
Even the Southern Baptist Convention now admits gay folks are born with same sex attaraction. Same as you were born with opposite sex attraction.
NANBLA commits crimes. Where has anyone, other than you, say anything about them getting special rights.
Damn son, even us old rednecks in Georgia know the gay boogeyman issue is a non issue.
I used to be just like you 40 years ago.
You will grow up one day and change your mind also. You seem like a good guy, just misguided and uninformed.
Dude, we've already heard all of your Georgia this, blah, bklah, blah. 40 years ago, blah, blah, blah. Souther baptist, blah blah blah.

I don't care.......You feel the way you do, I feel the way I do......You will not change my belief, I will not change your belief.

I'm not a bigot for my beliefs. You're not a bigot for your beliefs......Despite what Bodecea and her hypocritical lil' LGBT buddies cackle on about.

BTW, i'm fully grown, very successful, Very wealthy, and no different than you.....So, you can take that childish put down and shove it wherever you please, respectfully.

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