Who will hurt more from the potential gridlock that will continue?


VIP Member
Dec 5, 2008
Since Obama can not get re-elected again, I think that if republicans want to be re-elected or gain extra seats they will have to prove themselves. If Obama is bi partisan or not, he does not have that much to gain or lose by it but republican representatives do

If there will be a gridlock for the coming years will dems or reps get the bill for it? Or will just no one bother to come and vote anymore (since the politicians don't do their job, why should voters bother to do theirs to come and vote)
What I am hoping is that now that Obama does not need to worry about running again he starts thinking legacy, and worry less about keeping his Base Happy by not agreeing to anything Republicans want.

He has a real chance here, to erase the image many on the right have on him, and truly become the Candidate for change and Bi-Partisanship he claimed to be in 2008.

I am ready to support him, if he is ready to compromise on some of the issues I care about.
The media will continue to cooperate with the Dems by blaming any deadlock on the GOP. The only way out is to let the Dems have their way and let the voters react, as they did in 2010.
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Considering the Republican strategy of crying and dragging their feet as much as possible failed miserably wouldn't it be beneficial for the gridlock to lift and for both sides to start working together?
can you say powershift.

Republicans will be targeted in the midterms by all the new superpack money.

poor things now have alot to lose

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