Who Will Win the 2016 Presidential Election


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This is my personal opinion based upon reading hundreds of news feeds every day.

The Democrats = Sanders may win more primaries but Hillary will be the nominee due to super delegates. This will create a huge rift in the DNC and hundreds of thousands of Sanders supporters will either stay home, try to force a write in surge, or even rebel and vote for whoever the GOP nominee is. There is also the possibility that, knowing she is facing indictments, Hillary may simply withdraw due to “health concerns.” The DNC Establishment, having no desire to see Sanders run, may well force Biden or some other Democrat bigwig to run – shutting out Sanders with the same rebellious results.

The Republicans – there may be a minor scare here or there but Trump will have the delegates before the primaries are half-way over. The GOP money will then be spent for Congressional candidates – telling Trump he can continue to spend his own money. The question now is who will Trump select as his running mate? I think Cruz has cut his own throat and Rubio isn't getting a lot of excitement. Kasich?

Trump will win the White House in a landslide almost of the epic proportions of Pres Reagan's win.
If Hillary doesn't bury Sanders by the end of March, the primary will be similar to 2008. Hillary's angry followers voted for Obama then. Democrats won't stay home if that means a President Trump, Cruz, or Carson.
If Hillary doesn't bury Sanders by the end of March, the primary will be similar to 2008. Hillary's angry followers voted for Obama then. Democrats won't stay home if that means a President Trump, Cruz, or Carson.

I think you need to look at "Democrats" in perspective. The huge majority of Sanders are first-time young voters who have registered Democrat just to support him. If he does not get the nomination, they will simply stay home or might even vote for the GOP in revenge for what they will see as treason.

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