Who will win the senate runoff?

Who will win the Georgia runoff?

  • Total voters
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
I haven't followed the races, but I heard Warnock last night at the rally in Atlanta. He seems pretty reasonable.
Haven't really followed either. Not happening in my state. You have heard me mention the importance of character in leadership positions. I have question marks on his.
You've apparently followed him more than I have. What are your questions, other than running over his wife's foot, which didn't happen.
So much for believing all women....


He tried to leave, she hung onto the car and almost got her foot run over, which is what happens when you try to stop a moving vehicle with your tongue. She moved in time and called the cops because DIVORCE.

Not a bruise, even. He didn't run over her foot or even try to run over her foot. He was trying to leave a fruitless argument.

Is he a good actor? A controlling, old fashioned patriarch of the household? Maybe. Maybe he should get together with some of Amy Cony Barrett's friends, huh?
My point is why do we believe Blasey Ford and not her? More evidence here than with CBF. The hypocrisy is mind blowing. It is OK to believe neither! Saying "believe all women" is crazy and I am a father of two girls.
By the end of the confirmation hearing, who believed in Blasey Ford? Kavanaugh has been a good justice, so far.
Old Lady still does...as do many others.
You don't. I don't. Heard that argument that women must be believed, never bought it any more than if they said politicians must always be believed. Strictly an emotional appeal that does not speak to rational facts proved or provable.
CBF lied. Blatantly. Yet many here still believe her.
I thought Kavanaugh should be rejected not because abortion, not because he was a drunk teenager, but because of his highly partisan and unprofessional rant in his closing remarks.
Thought? What do you think of his decisions since confirmed? I did not think she proved anything and was in favor of confirmation, though he seemed like he could be a whiny bitch. I am satisfied with his decisions since he was confirmed.
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
I haven't followed the races, but I heard Warnock last night at the rally in Atlanta. He seems pretty reasonable.
Haven't really followed either. Not happening in my state. You have heard me mention the importance of character in leadership positions. I have question marks on his.
You've apparently followed him more than I have. What are your questions, other than running over his wife's foot, which didn't happen.
So much for believing all women....


He tried to leave, she hung onto the car and almost got her foot run over, which is what happens when you try to stop a moving vehicle with your tongue. She moved in time and called the cops because DIVORCE.

Not a bruise, even. He didn't run over her foot or even try to run over her foot. He was trying to leave a fruitless argument.

Is he a good actor? A controlling, old fashioned patriarch of the household? Maybe. Maybe he should get together with some of Amy Cony Barrett's friends, huh?
My point is why do we believe Blasey Ford and not her? More evidence here than with CBF. The hypocrisy is mind blowing. It is OK to believe neither! Saying "believe all women" is crazy and I am a father of two girls.
By the end of the confirmation hearing, who believed in Blasey Ford? Kavanaugh has been a good justice, so far.
Old Lady still does...as do many others.
You don't. I don't. Heard that argument that women must be believed, never bought it any more than if they said politicians must always be believed. Strictly an emotional appeal that does not speak to rational facts proved or provable.
CBF lied. Blatantly. Yet many here still believe her.
I thought Kavanaugh should be rejected not because abortion, not because he was a drunk teenager, but because of his highly partisan and unprofessional rant in his closing remarks.
Thought? What do you think of his decisions since confirmed? I did not think she proved anything and was in favor of confirmation, though he seemed like he could be a whiny bitch. I am satisfied with his decisions since he was confirmed.
Too soon to tell but the confirmation process was an utter joke.
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
I haven't followed the races, but I heard Warnock last night at the rally in Atlanta. He seems pretty reasonable.
Haven't really followed either. Not happening in my state. You have heard me mention the importance of character in leadership positions. I have question marks on his.
You've apparently followed him more than I have. What are your questions, other than running over his wife's foot, which didn't happen.
So much for believing all women....


He tried to leave, she hung onto the car and almost got her foot run over, which is what happens when you try to stop a moving vehicle with your tongue. She moved in time and called the cops because DIVORCE.

Not a bruise, even. He didn't run over her foot or even try to run over her foot. He was trying to leave a fruitless argument.

Is he a good actor? A controlling, old fashioned patriarch of the household? Maybe. Maybe he should get together with some of Amy Cony Barrett's friends, huh?
My point is why do we believe Blasey Ford and not her? More evidence here than with CBF. The hypocrisy is mind blowing. It is OK to believe neither! Saying "believe all women" is crazy and I am a father of two girls.
By the end of the confirmation hearing, who believed in Blasey Ford? Kavanaugh has been a good justice, so far.
Old Lady still does...as do many others.
You don't. I don't. Heard that argument that women must be believed, never bought it any more than if they said politicians must always be believed. Strictly an emotional appeal that does not speak to rational facts proved or provable.
CBF lied. Blatantly. Yet many here still believe her.
I thought Kavanaugh should be rejected not because abortion, not because he was a drunk teenager, but because of his highly partisan and unprofessional rant in his closing remarks.
Thought? What do you think of his decisions since confirmed? I did not think she proved anything and was in favor of confirmation, though he seemed like he could be a whiny bitch. I am satisfied with his decisions since he was confirmed.
Too soon to tell but the confirmation process was an utter joke.
It was a circus, no doubt and plenty of clowns in all rings. So far, he has not acted like the partisan one side hoped he was nor as the other side feared he was. So far.
I can’t make a prediction on this, but I have reasons to be optimistic that the Dems will win.

I hope the Dems sweep.

But the tea leaves say different. McConnell wouldn't have shelved the stimulus checks if the GOP internals had shown a competitive race, I believe. I hope I'm wrong.

Ding, ding, ding we have a winner!!
I dunno. Moscow Mitch wouldn't even have given workers the crummy $600 after 3 trillion to the millionaires club if he wasn't told that no checks would guarantee a dem sweep.
I can’t make a prediction on this, but I have reasons to be optimistic that the Dems will win.
Why didn't you have an option for "split" OP?

Many people believe that will be the case.

However, as of the last few days, I've been feeling truly positive about today's runoff.

I believe BOTH Warnock and Ossoff will be triumphant.

It will be all due to the ground effort of the local black political groups work.

The National Democratic Party would have had damn near NOTHIING to do w/the coming win.
Yeah true I forgot about the split possibility. I guess that would be the second best thing. Not a total loss for Dems.
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
I haven't followed the races, but I heard Warnock last night at the rally in Atlanta. He seems pretty reasonable.
Haven't really followed either. Not happening in my state. You have heard me mention the importance of character in leadership positions. I have question marks on his.
You've apparently followed him more than I have. What are your questions, other than running over his wife's foot, which didn't happen.
So much for believing all women....


He tried to leave, she hung onto the car and almost got her foot run over, which is what happens when you try to stop a moving vehicle with your tongue. She moved in time and called the cops because DIVORCE.

Not a bruise, even. He didn't run over her foot or even try to run over her foot. He was trying to leave a fruitless argument.

Is he a good actor? A controlling, old fashioned patriarch of the household? Maybe. Maybe he should get together with some of Amy Cony Barrett's friends, huh?
My point is why do we believe Blasey Ford and not her? More evidence here than with CBF. The hypocrisy is mind blowing. It is OK to believe neither! Saying "believe all women" is crazy and I am a father of two girls.
By the end of the confirmation hearing, who believed in Blasey Ford? Kavanaugh has been a good justice, so far.
Old Lady still does...as do many others.
You don't. I don't. Heard that argument that women must be believed, never bought it any more than if they said politicians must always be believed. Strictly an emotional appeal that does not speak to rational facts proved or provable.
CBF lied. Blatantly. Yet many here still believe her.
I thought Kavanaugh should be rejected not because abortion, not because he was a drunk teenager, but because of his highly partisan and unprofessional rant in his closing remarks.
You're moving the goal posts. Did you believe the accusations against him? Yes or no?
I already answered that.
I can’t make a prediction on this, but I have reasons to be optimistic that the Dems will win.

I hope the Dems sweep.

But the tea leaves say different. McConnell wouldn't have shelved the stimulus checks if the GOP internals had shown a competitive race, I believe. I hope I'm wrong.

Ding, ding, ding we have a winner!!
I dunno. Moscow Mitch wouldn't even have given workers the crummy $600 after 3 trillion to the millionaires club if he wasn't told that no checks would guarantee a dem sweep.

Damn you, handout money only belongs in the hands off corporations, farmers and the uber rich. Try and keep up please.

I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
I haven't followed the races, but I heard Warnock last night at the rally in Atlanta. He seems pretty reasonable.
Haven't really followed either. Not happening in my state. You have heard me mention the importance of character in leadership positions. I have question marks on his.
You've apparently followed him more than I have. What are your questions, other than running over his wife's foot, which didn't happen.
So much for believing all women....


He tried to leave, she hung onto the car and almost got her foot run over, which is what happens when you try to stop a moving vehicle with your tongue. She moved in time and called the cops because DIVORCE.

Not a bruise, even. He didn't run over her foot or even try to run over her foot. He was trying to leave a fruitless argument.

Is he a good actor? A controlling, old fashioned patriarch of the household? Maybe. Maybe he should get together with some of Amy Cony Barrett's friends, huh?
My point is why do we believe Blasey Ford and not her? More evidence here than with CBF. The hypocrisy is mind blowing. It is OK to believe neither! Saying "believe all women" is crazy and I am a father of two girls.
By the end of the confirmation hearing, who believed in Blasey Ford? Kavanaugh has been a good justice, so far.
Old Lady still does...as do many others.
You don't. I don't. Heard that argument that women must be believed, never bought it any more than if they said politicians must always be believed. Strictly an emotional appeal that does not speak to rational facts proved or provable.
CBF lied. Blatantly. Yet many here still believe her.
I thought Kavanaugh should be rejected not because abortion, not because he was a drunk teenager, but because of his highly partisan and unprofessional rant in his closing remarks.
You're moving the goal posts. Did you believe the accusations against him? Yes or no?
I already answered that.
You actually didn't
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
I haven't followed the races, but I heard Warnock last night at the rally in Atlanta. He seems pretty reasonable.
Haven't really followed either. Not happening in my state. You have heard me mention the importance of character in leadership positions. I have question marks on his.
You've apparently followed him more than I have. What are your questions, other than running over his wife's foot, which didn't happen.
So much for believing all women....


He tried to leave, she hung onto the car and almost got her foot run over, which is what happens when you try to stop a moving vehicle with your tongue. She moved in time and called the cops because DIVORCE.

Not a bruise, even. He didn't run over her foot or even try to run over her foot. He was trying to leave a fruitless argument.

Is he a good actor? A controlling, old fashioned patriarch of the household? Maybe. Maybe he should get together with some of Amy Cony Barrett's friends, huh?
My point is why do we believe Blasey Ford and not her? More evidence here than with CBF. The hypocrisy is mind blowing. It is OK to believe neither! Saying "believe all women" is crazy and I am a father of two girls.
By the end of the confirmation hearing, who believed in Blasey Ford? Kavanaugh has been a good justice, so far.
Old Lady still does...as do many others.
You don't. I don't. Heard that argument that women must be believed, never bought it any more than if they said politicians must always be believed. Strictly an emotional appeal that does not speak to rational facts proved or provable.
CBF lied. Blatantly. Yet many here still believe her.
I thought Kavanaugh should be rejected not because abortion, not because he was a drunk teenager, but because of his highly partisan and unprofessional rant in his closing remarks.
You're moving the goal posts. Did you believe the accusations against him? Yes or no?
I already answered that.
You actually didn't
I told you I NEVER KNEW WHAT TO MAKE OF CBF. Did you hear me that time? After you put words in my mouth I never said?
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
I haven't followed the races, but I heard Warnock last night at the rally in Atlanta. He seems pretty reasonable.
Haven't really followed either. Not happening in my state. You have heard me mention the importance of character in leadership positions. I have question marks on his.
You've apparently followed him more than I have. What are your questions, other than running over his wife's foot, which didn't happen.
So much for believing all women....


He tried to leave, she hung onto the car and almost got her foot run over, which is what happens when you try to stop a moving vehicle with your tongue. She moved in time and called the cops because DIVORCE.

Not a bruise, even. He didn't run over her foot or even try to run over her foot. He was trying to leave a fruitless argument.

Is he a good actor? A controlling, old fashioned patriarch of the household? Maybe. Maybe he should get together with some of Amy Cony Barrett's friends, huh?
My point is why do we believe Blasey Ford and not her? More evidence here than with CBF. The hypocrisy is mind blowing. It is OK to believe neither! Saying "believe all women" is crazy and I am a father of two girls.
By the end of the confirmation hearing, who believed in Blasey Ford? Kavanaugh has been a good justice, so far.
Old Lady still does...as do many others.
You don't. I don't. Heard that argument that women must be believed, never bought it any more than if they said politicians must always be believed. Strictly an emotional appeal that does not speak to rational facts proved or provable.
CBF lied. Blatantly. Yet many here still believe her.
I thought Kavanaugh should be rejected not because abortion, not because he was a drunk teenager, but because of his highly partisan and unprofessional rant in his closing remarks.
You're moving the goal posts. Did you believe the accusations against him? Yes or no?
I already answered that.
You actually didn't
I told you I NEVER KNEW WHAT TO MAKE OF CBF. Did you hear me that time? After you put words in my mouth I never said?
That is not an answer. That is you skating. I just asked for a "yes" or a "no"?
I don't recall anyone here posting women must always be believed. Not that it should matter. Frankly with all the male Catholics I figure somebody got fiddled with. (-:
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
I haven't followed the races, but I heard Warnock last night at the rally in Atlanta. He seems pretty reasonable.
Haven't really followed either. Not happening in my state. You have heard me mention the importance of character in leadership positions. I have question marks on his.
You've apparently followed him more than I have. What are your questions, other than running over his wife's foot, which didn't happen.
So much for believing all women....


He tried to leave, she hung onto the car and almost got her foot run over, which is what happens when you try to stop a moving vehicle with your tongue. She moved in time and called the cops because DIVORCE.

Not a bruise, even. He didn't run over her foot or even try to run over her foot. He was trying to leave a fruitless argument.

Is he a good actor? A controlling, old fashioned patriarch of the household? Maybe. Maybe he should get together with some of Amy Cony Barrett's friends, huh?
My point is why do we believe Blasey Ford and not her? More evidence here than with CBF. The hypocrisy is mind blowing. It is OK to believe neither! Saying "believe all women" is crazy and I am a father of two girls.
By the end of the confirmation hearing, who believed in Blasey Ford? Kavanaugh has been a good justice, so far.
Old Lady still does...as do many others.
You don't. I don't. Heard that argument that women must be believed, never bought it any more than if they said politicians must always be believed. Strictly an emotional appeal that does not speak to rational facts proved or provable.
CBF lied. Blatantly. Yet many here still believe her.
I thought Kavanaugh should be rejected not because abortion, not because he was a drunk teenager, but because of his highly partisan and unprofessional rant in his closing remarks.
You're moving the goal posts. Did you believe the accusations against him? Yes or no?
I already answered that.
You actually didn't
I told you I NEVER KNEW WHAT TO MAKE OF CBF. Did you hear me that time? After you put words in my mouth I never said?
That is not an answer. That is you skating. I just asked for a "yes" or a "no"?
I don't know.
I don't recall anyone here posting women must always be believed. Not that it should matter. Frankly with all the male Catholics I figure somebody got fiddled with. (-:
All women should be listened to and their claims respected enough to be investigated. No one should be automatically believed.
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
I haven't followed the races, but I heard Warnock last night at the rally in Atlanta. He seems pretty reasonable.
Haven't really followed either. Not happening in my state. You have heard me mention the importance of character in leadership positions. I have question marks on his.
You've apparently followed him more than I have. What are your questions, other than running over his wife's foot, which didn't happen.
So much for believing all women....


He tried to leave, she hung onto the car and almost got her foot run over, which is what happens when you try to stop a moving vehicle with your tongue. She moved in time and called the cops because DIVORCE.

Not a bruise, even. He didn't run over her foot or even try to run over her foot. He was trying to leave a fruitless argument.

Is he a good actor? A controlling, old fashioned patriarch of the household? Maybe. Maybe he should get together with some of Amy Cony Barrett's friends, huh?
My point is why do we believe Blasey Ford and not her? More evidence here than with CBF. The hypocrisy is mind blowing. It is OK to believe neither! Saying "believe all women" is crazy and I am a father of two girls.
By the end of the confirmation hearing, who believed in Blasey Ford? Kavanaugh has been a good justice, so far.
Old Lady still does...as do many others.
You don't. I don't. Heard that argument that women must be believed, never bought it any more than if they said politicians must always be believed. Strictly an emotional appeal that does not speak to rational facts proved or provable.
CBF lied. Blatantly. Yet many here still believe her.
I thought Kavanaugh should be rejected not because abortion, not because he was a drunk teenager, but because of his highly partisan and unprofessional rant in his closing remarks.
You're moving the goal posts. Did you believe the accusations against him? Yes or no?
I already answered that.
You actually didn't
I told you I NEVER KNEW WHAT TO MAKE OF CBF. Did you hear me that time? After you put words in my mouth I never said?
That is not an answer. That is you skating. I just asked for a "yes" or a "no"?
I don't know.
Gut feel?
I don't recall anyone here posting women must always be believed. Not that it should matter. Frankly with all the male Catholics I figure somebody got fiddled with. (-:
Only the Prog male Catholics.
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
I haven't followed the races, but I heard Warnock last night at the rally in Atlanta. He seems pretty reasonable.
Haven't really followed either. Not happening in my state. You have heard me mention the importance of character in leadership positions. I have question marks on his.
You've apparently followed him more than I have. What are your questions, other than running over his wife's foot, which didn't happen.
So much for believing all women....


He tried to leave, she hung onto the car and almost got her foot run over, which is what happens when you try to stop a moving vehicle with your tongue. She moved in time and called the cops because DIVORCE.

Not a bruise, even. He didn't run over her foot or even try to run over her foot. He was trying to leave a fruitless argument.

Is he a good actor? A controlling, old fashioned patriarch of the household? Maybe. Maybe he should get together with some of Amy Cony Barrett's friends, huh?
My point is why do we believe Blasey Ford and not her? More evidence here than with CBF. The hypocrisy is mind blowing. It is OK to believe neither! Saying "believe all women" is crazy and I am a father of two girls.
By the end of the confirmation hearing, who believed in Blasey Ford? Kavanaugh has been a good justice, so far.
Old Lady still does...as do many others.
You don't. I don't. Heard that argument that women must be believed, never bought it any more than if they said politicians must always be believed. Strictly an emotional appeal that does not speak to rational facts proved or provable.
CBF lied. Blatantly. Yet many here still believe her.
I thought Kavanaugh should be rejected not because abortion, not because he was a drunk teenager, but because of his highly partisan and unprofessional rant in his closing remarks.
You're moving the goal posts. Did you believe the accusations against him? Yes or no?
I already answered that.
You actually didn't
I told you I NEVER KNEW WHAT TO MAKE OF CBF. Did you hear me that time? After you put words in my mouth I never said?
That is not an answer. That is you skating. I just asked for a "yes" or a "no"?
I don't know.
Gut feel?
After hassling for an hour, now you are asking for a feel of her gut?o_O

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