Who will win the senate runoff?

Who will win the Georgia runoff?

  • Total voters
I have no love for the GOPers, and hold the Dimocraps in lower regard. If only to provide a small obstruction to whatever nonsense the bolsheviks have in mind, I should like to see Purdue and Loeffler prevail.
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.

Give it time W6 we got to get this Trump/Biden baby up to 10,000 rpm(wild ride!) before we can even shift it into 2nd gear! Gotta keep the lower & upper houses divided or we'll lose trim, like lose the right flaps/aileron & we'll roll over port into a dive & end up in the hard left side of the rubber room. Lose the left flaps/aileron & we roll over starboard into a dive & end up in the hard right side of the rubber room. The only option is for all to go center(Libertarian party) but with no opposition party for stability the Lp would drift into an oligarchy or outright dictatorship. For us poor bass-turds that make up the American constituency we are no different than the Ghost Riders In The Sky on their endless trip through eternity!
It will be alright. Knew how Joe would be when I voted for him. I'm 66. He is 78. People my age and older do not get up to 10,000 RPM. We know better and can often leave pups in our dust without going over 2,700 RPM. It won't be entertaining as the orange guy, but a lot smoother and efficient. May take him a while to get the parties talking to each other, if he can, but we got time. But he knows enough of them for long enough, he will be able to talk with them privately and accomplish goals, including "The Turtle".
Who will win the Georgia runnoff??

Easy. Whoever the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department arranges to win.

Just like in the General Election.
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
It's uncanny how well you parrot how President Trump's supporters think about you. Falsifying a Presidential election is high treason.
Difference is, they have attempted to prove in court and lost 66 out of 67 times, another one just today. Trumpers are no longer tired of all the winning. Now they are tired of all the losing and just cannot let go, as their deranged, indeed criminally indictable leader cannot let go, and are willing to back whatever play legal or illegal, moral or corrupt to win at all cost and overthrow what cannot be overthrown at this point.
No, the difference is that in extreme cases the courts do not have the final say; the People do. Which is exactly what the FF intended and how this Nation started. Courts are part of governments and governments become corrupt. You say the election was legitimate. A very large part of population say you lie. Maybe this Nation HAS become a nation of sheep. Maybe not. We're about to find out.
I can’t make a prediction on this, but I have reasons to be optimistic that the Dems will win.
If the D's win all you will here are "it was stolen" over and over...
Since the gopers got more votes than dems in BOTH races, it "deflates" Trump's whines about fraud.
There's no question that GA gopers voted on a split ticket.

As to who wins, it depends on turnout today. A heavy turnout is a must for the gop, and from what little I saw, they were getting it.

Which frankly is a shame because both gopers are shameless grifters. Osoff cut his teeth working for Lewis, so he can't be all bad. I admire Warnock, but imo his religious views sort of conflict with the compromises any pol has to make to achieve what is achievable as opposed to what AOC and her Squawd are up to. Not that Warnock is brainless as those women (sans Pressley) are.
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I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
It's uncanny how well you parrot how President Trump's supporters think about you. Falsifying a Presidential election is high treason.
Difference is, they have attempted to prove in court and lost 66 out of 67 times, another one just today. Trumpers are no longer tired of all the winning. Now they are tired of all the losing and just cannot let go, as their deranged, indeed criminally indictable leader cannot let go, and are willing to back whatever play legal or illegal, moral or corrupt to win at all cost and overthrow what cannot be overthrown at this point.
No, the difference is that in extreme cases the courts do not have the final say; the People do. Which is exactly what the FF intended and how this Nation started. Courts are part of governments and governments become corrupt. You say the election was legitimate. A very large part of population say you lie. Maybe this Nation HAS become a nation of sheep. Maybe not. We're about to find out.
Nobody lying to you, least of all me. To listen to you, the election in the states was a fraud. The recounts were a fraud. The failure in 67+ court cases filed and ruled on in local, state, Federal Appeals and Supreme Court(including republican judges and several appointed by trump himself were a fraud. Failed attempt to challenge in stat legislatures were a fraud. Trump attempts to have electors change their vote were fine. Crackpot accusations the were denied in court by trump supporting lawyers were fine. Republican attacks on republican governors that did not overturn the votes of the voters in their state were fine. Now a 1 hour attempt to get the Secretary of State to say they had recalculate? and find him specifically 11,780 (coincidentally 1 more vote than it takes to beat Joe Biden in that state was fine?
Yes. We are about to find out what kind of traitorous, seditious assholes you guys are. I am beginning to think real prosecutions should take place against trump and ring leaders to teach others to never make this kind of attack on the fabric of elections, governance, the constitution, rule of law and traditions in our country again.
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
It's uncanny how well you parrot how President Trump's supporters think about you. Falsifying a Presidential election is high treason.
Difference is, they have attempted to prove in court and lost 66 out of 67 times, another one just today. Trumpers are no longer tired of all the winning. Now they are tired of all the losing and just cannot let go, as their deranged, indeed criminally indictable leader cannot let go, and are willing to back whatever play legal or illegal, moral or corrupt to win at all cost and overthrow what cannot be overthrown at this point.
No, the difference is that in extreme cases the courts do not have the final say; the People do. Which is exactly what the FF intended and how this Nation started. Courts are part of governments and governments become corrupt. You say the election was legitimate. A very large part of population say you lie. Maybe this Nation HAS become a nation of sheep. Maybe not. We're about to find out.
Nobody lying to you, least of all me. To listen to you, the election in the states was a fraud. The recounts were a fraud. The failure in 67+ court cases filed and ruled on in local, state, Federal Appeals and Supreme Court(including republican judges and several appointed by trump himself were a fraud. Failed attempt to challenge in stat legislatures were a fraud. Trump attempts to have electors change their vote were fine. Crackpot accusations the were denied in court by trump supporting lawyers were fine. Republican attacks on republican governors that did not overturn the votes of the voters in their state were fine. Now a 1 hour attempt to get the Secretary of State to say they had recalculate? and find him specifically 11,780 (coincidentally 1 more vote than it takes to beat Joe Biden in that state was fine?
Yes. We are about to find out what kind of traitorous, seditious assholes you guys are. I am beginning to think real prosecutions should take place against trump and ring leaders to teach others to never make this kind of attack on the fabric of elections, governance, the constitution, rule of law and traditions in our country again.
" I am beginning to think real prosecutions should take place against...ring leaders to teach others to never make this kind of attack on the fabric of elections, governance, the constitution, rule of law and traditions in our country again."

I can agree with this part of what you had to say except I don't think we're talking about the same folks.
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
I haven't followed the races, but I heard Warnock last night at the rally in Atlanta. He seems pretty reasonable.
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
I haven't followed the races, but I heard Warnock last night at the rally in Atlanta. He seems pretty reasonable.
Haven't really followed either. Not happening in my state. You have heard me mention the importance of character in leadership positions. I have question marks on his.
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
I haven't followed the races, but I heard Warnock last night at the rally in Atlanta. He seems pretty reasonable.
Haven't really followed either. Not happening in my state. You have heard me mention the importance of character in leadership positions. I have question marks on his.
You've apparently followed him more than I have. What are your questions, other than running over his wife's foot, which didn't happen.
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
I haven't followed the races, but I heard Warnock last night at the rally in Atlanta. He seems pretty reasonable.
Haven't really followed either. Not happening in my state. You have heard me mention the importance of character in leadership positions. I have question marks on his.
You've apparently followed him more than I have. What are your questions, other than running over his wife's foot, which didn't happen.
So much for believing all women....

Some of Rev Warnock's sermons are online. He's an impressive preacher, at MLKjr's church. His comments are sometimes uncompromising, but I do agree with him that it was impossible to comform Christian (and I assume Jewish) faith with supporting the Iraq War. Obviously some disagree. But if violence can only be ok if it's in self-defense …… how is nation building ok. And obviously there are parallels to Afghan.
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
I haven't followed the races, but I heard Warnock last night at the rally in Atlanta. He seems pretty reasonable.
Haven't really followed either. Not happening in my state. You have heard me mention the importance of character in leadership positions. I have question marks on his.
You've apparently followed him more than I have. What are your questions, other than running over his wife's foot, which didn't happen.
So much for believing all women....


He tried to leave, she hung onto the car and almost got her foot run over, which is what happens when you try to stop a moving vehicle with your tongue. She moved in time and called the cops because DIVORCE.

Not a bruise, even. He didn't run over her foot or even try to run over her foot. He was trying to leave a fruitless argument.

Is he a good actor? A controlling, old fashioned patriarch of the household? Maybe. Maybe he should get together with some of Amy Cony Barrett's friends, huh?
I can’t make a prediction on this, but I have reasons to be optimistic that the Dems will win.

There is NOTHING to prevent the same type of election fraud that went on in the main election to take place again this time. The same election machines made in Socialist Venezuela owned by the same company that took $400 million from the CCP in October are being used...and are reportedly having the same 'problems' reported last time. No changes whatsoever were made to correct identified technical, process, and human problems / errors were addressed from one election to the next. The Democrats will take this election the same way they did last election.

He tried to leave, she hung onto the car and almost got her foot run over, which is what happens when you try to stop a moving vehicle with your tongue. She moved in time and called the cops because DIVORCE.

Not a bruise, even. He didn't run over her foot or even try to run over her foot. He was trying to leave a fruitless argument.

Is he a good actor? A controlling, old fashioned patriarch of the household? Maybe. Maybe he should get together with some of Amy Cony Barrett's friends, huh?

Holy Shit!

That BITCH - she obviously asked for it.

Way to put the woman on trial and paint Warnock as the 'victim'.

No way a Fidel Castro / Jeremiah Wright-praising Marxist could be an abuser. Who the hell needs a trial, judge, or jury - we have socialist / traitor-defending snowflakes vouching for Warnock's character and actions.

Thanks, OL.
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
I haven't followed the races, but I heard Warnock last night at the rally in Atlanta. He seems pretty reasonable.
Haven't really followed either. Not happening in my state. You have heard me mention the importance of character in leadership positions. I have question marks on his.
You've apparently followed him more than I have. What are your questions, other than running over his wife's foot, which didn't happen.
So much for believing all women....


He tried to leave, she hung onto the car and almost got her foot run over, which is what happens when you try to stop a moving vehicle with your tongue. She moved in time and called the cops because DIVORCE.

Not a bruise, even. He didn't run over her foot or even try to run over her foot. He was trying to leave a fruitless argument.

Is he a good actor? A controlling, old fashioned patriarch of the household? Maybe. Maybe he should get together with some of Amy Cony Barrett's friends, huh?
My point is why do we believe Blasey Ford and not her? More evidence here than with CBF. The hypocrisy is mind blowing. It is OK to believe neither! Saying "believe all women" is crazy and I am a father of two girls.

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