Who will win the senate runoff?

Who will win the Georgia runoff?

  • Total voters
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
You’re so full of it
Many republicans on this forum are decorated veterans
So you can stick it
I guess I will just have to keep banking all my own military retirement checks for and go on with my life right along with them. Hey, did you notice Mitch overrode the President's veto attempt to defund the military? How bout that. We got a 3% raise. ;)
I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections

How do we know that we have "free elections" when the folks running the elections are unwilling to provide open, transparent, audits of ballots and of voters by a bi-partisan team of people from both campaigns?

Why is asking for this considered to be an attempt to "overthrow free elections"?

They've done audits and they have been open and transparent.
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I can’t make a prediction on this, but I have reasons to be optimistic that the Dems will win.
If Dems are allowed the same shenanigans, they will steal it.
They don't need to steal anything. Trump is hated. Simple as that. I think they'll get one each.
Is President Trump in the ballot? Damn you’re unhinged.
I know Deplorables don't do nuance, but here's a hint: look up the word 'vicarious'....
I can’t make a prediction on this, but I have reasons to be optimistic that the Dems will win.
The Dem's will win, of course. They will simply truck in more fake ballots and not allow Republicans to stand over the ballots being counted to confirm the result.
I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
It's uncanny how well you parrot how President Trump's supporters think about you. Falsifying a Presidential election is high treason.
Republican AG, State AG, FBI and other organisms are directly run by Republicans and they couldn't prove jack shit and you still swallow every single lie the orange Moron make you swallow? WAKE UP.
Whoever gets the most votes but no matter who wins both sides will have there talking point excuse ready if the Republicans lose it will be because of voter fraud if the Democrats lose it will be because of voter supression.
blackhawk speakum truth BIG TIME!!!
I can’t make a prediction on this, but I have reasons to be optimistic that the Dems will win.

Of course you're optimistic.
How could cheaters NOT be optimistic after such a successful theft of the 2020 General and Presidential election?

America is right now on a precipice and about to fall to a place from which it cannot return.
It's a very bad place.

Fortunately America has massive helium reserves. If we end up on the bottom of the pit we'll just blow ballast with helium until we are in the heavens where we will use the stars as our stepping stones!(sponsored by the Democratic National Committee)
I can’t make a prediction on this, but I have reasons to be optimistic that the Dems will win.
The Republican party will win. But the Democrats had paid many homeless people from other states to move to Georgia to vote for the democrat party.

I do not have a prediction, but hope it would be the Democrats. This is not because I think they are great candidates as they do come with warts. I just totally disapprove of the sycophant trumper republicans running and supporting the overthrow of free elections and the will of the voters in their own state, and the trump attacks on the leaders (republican leaders, in fact) of their own state. To me, the republicans are running national traitors, against the constitution, against the rule of law, and against the election of leaders by free election. When choosing between mediocre candidates and treasonous, Anti-American scum, the choice is clear. I could never support anybody, anytime anywhere that supported treason against my country in support of an aspiring treasonous president, trying to overthrow an election by hook or by crook and mostly crook. Good luck Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.

Give it time W6 we got to get this Trump/Biden baby up to 10,000 rpm(wild ride!) before we can even shift it into 2nd gear! Gotta keep the lower & upper houses divided or we'll lose trim, like lose the right flaps/aileron & we'll roll over port into a dive & end up in the hard left side of the rubber room. Lose the left flaps/aileron & we roll over starboard into a dive & end up in the hard right side of the rubber room. The only option is for all to go center(Libertarian party) but with no opposition party for stability the Lp would drift into an oligarchy or outright dictatorship. For us poor bass-turds that make up the American constituency we are no different than the Ghost Riders In The Sky on their endless trip through eternity!
The Reps better win. If the Dems do there will be nothing to stop Biden from institution the shit he wants to do.

If that happens every one who voted for his stupid ass will be regretting in in one big hurry. I've seen the list of what that jack ass wants to do and it will cost we the tax payer up the ass.
I can’t make a prediction on this, but I have reasons to be optimistic that the Dems will win.
Both Republicans will win.

Incumbents usually win reelection.

Republicans – Trump supporters in particular – are motivated to vote; they see hobbling Biden with a Republican Senate as ‘revenge’ for Trump’s election loss.

The pedophile that you voted for will be impeached in 2023 after dems lose congress.
I can’t make a prediction on this, but I have reasons to be optimistic that the Dems will win.
Both Republicans will win.

Incumbents usually win reelection.

Republicans – Trump supporters in particular – are motivated to vote; they see hobbling Biden with a Republican Senate as ‘revenge’ for Trump’s election loss.
If the repubs win then they'll say 'see we told you Trump won Georgia". If they lose, 'it's rigged'. You can't win with unhinged people.

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