Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

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You certainly did not think I would vote for Romney?? Obama was not as bad as you people are saying. Romney's delivery was better but he lied about everything. So I did not over exaggerate anything.

So, like your vote says, you think Obama won the debate.

and yet again, the little bitch runs away crying cause the big bad Conservative was mean to her :rofl:

Get over yourself, little boy. No conservative was mean to me ever. Bat crap crazies try to be but they are just immature, uninformed little people. Such as yourself. Who cares what they think?? :)
You may now drop dead and take your pals with you. I have never seen such a bunch of hateful, classless people. I understand your stupid poll. But that's not what I thought we were talking about. I was referencing a post I did and I never said Obama won.

It was not necessary for you and the other bat crap crazies to cuss at me and call me names. You get what you give.

So, you're really gonna go with saying 'I never SAID Obama won the debate, I just VOTED that he won the debate?

Really? You're gonna go with that?

Again, you may now go fuck yourself. Again.

You may drop dead.
Romney won the debate.

If the Obama team can exploit the gaps in Romney's narrative this week end and next week, Mitt is going to have real problems.
Agree. Romney looked good but damn, it was one lie after another. And still, no specifics.

Why doesn't Mitt know how many unemployed there are?

Why is it okay for him to so rude to Leher? Why is it okay that he ignored the rules?

But, my question is, how is it possible for him to THAT changeable? Is he manic-depressive? Is that what Ann referred to when she said she was concerned for his mental well being and when she said she should talk for him?

It was a bizarre performance, that's for sure.

I will let Obama own words be your judge.

Barack Obama Lies To America - YouTube

7 Lies In Under 2 Minutes - YouTube

65 Outrageous Lies by President Obama - YouTube
Where did I say he, "won the debate"?? And if you cannot do that you need to just shut up!!!

Uhh.. look in the poll results... you idiot racist bitch

Barb, Chris, courseofhistory, francoHFW, JoeB131, Lakhota, LilOlLady, MarcATL, NoNukes, Pasco08, Rinata, RosieS, Sallow, Sarah G, sfcalifornia

Romney's delivery was better but he lied about everything.

Prove it, saddlebags....
So you allow your religious bias dictate how you feel about someone. I find that disturbing.

Well, then 40% of the county must disturb you...since that's how many said they wouldn't vote for a Muslim for President. 43% wouldn't vote for an atheist.

Atheists, Muslims See Most Bias as Presidential Candidates

Look...whatever......I dont believe ANY registered republican would vote for Obama. He is very far to the leftr and by no means meets any of the crirteria of the GOP.

And yet plenty will. Why? Because he's not far left by any stretch of the imagination.

Can you name this President?

  • Created the EPA
  • Supported the Clean Air Act
  • Created OSHA
  • Bolstered Social Security benefits
  • Introduced a minimum tax on the wealthy
  • Championed a guaranteed minimum income for the poor
  • Proposed health reform that would require employers to buy health insurance for all their employees and subsidize those who couldn't afford it.


Yes, you did. Otherwise your name would not be listed with those that voted they thought Obama won. These are not anonymous polls you know. Your dishonesty is noted.

I wasn't ASKED who I voted for, I was asked what I said.

What I said was that Romney didn't accomplish what he had to.

He changed no minds.

He got the press to stop shovelling dirt into his grave for a couple days... so there's that.
Independent voters gave Obama the edge by I'd say 65 to 49% overall on CNN. There was a ticker for Colorado independent voters on the screen and Obama went to 100% I'd say about 6-8 times and Romney about 4-5. Romney went below the line about 4 times and Obama never did. Obama got higher marks consistently on healthcare and education, economy maybe a slight edge. Women consistently gave him higher marks than men, especially on education and healthcare. I'm on another forum with about 6K members but only 20 or so posting regularly, predominately republicans and of course, they thought Romney did super! *rolling eyes*

If you weren't looking for details, I'd say Romney did pretty well.. But independent voters on the screen gave it to Obama by a pretty good margin.:eusa_clap:

65 to 49 huh? You don't say. You sir are too cowardly to even post a link for such a bold proclamation that defies all of the data I've seen.
So you allow your religious bias dictate how you feel about someone. I find that disturbing.

Well, then 40% of the county must disturb you...since that's how many said they wouldn't vote for a Muslim for President. 43% wouldn't vote for an atheist.

Atheists, Muslims See Most Bias as Presidential Candidates

Look...whatever......I dont believe ANY registered republican would vote for Obama. He is very far to the leftr and by no means meets any of the crirteria of the GOP.

And yet plenty will. Why? Because he's not far left by any stretch of the imagination.

Can you name this President?

  • Created the EPA
  • Supported the Clean Air Act
  • Created OSHA
  • Bolstered Social Security benefits
  • Introduced a minimum tax on the wealthy
  • Championed a guaranteed minimum income for the poor
  • Proposed health reform that would require employers to buy health insurance for all their employees and subsidize those who couldn't afford it.


And yet Dems hated him; just like they hated Bush who gave them all their bull shit. Now we have a man, Romney who is saying all this bull shit needs to be re-examined. We can't stay on the path to failure. Get on the winner train or get ran over bitches.
And yet Dems hated him; just like they hated Bush who gave them all their bull shit. Now we have a man, Romney who is saying all this bull shit needs to be re-examined. We can't stay on the path to failure. Get on the winner train or get ran over bitches.

Romney and his ilk are the ones who got us into the mess. Trickle down doesn't work, and the rich have plenty.

I agree, the Dems hated Nixon, and a lot of it was unjustified. Some of it was. I think Nixon was a far greater president than we deserved. Certainly more of a visionary than anyone from either party that followed.
You may now drop dead and take your pals with you. I have never seen such a bunch of hateful, classless people. I understand your stupid poll. But that's not what I thought we were talking about. I was referencing a post I did and I never said Obama won.

It was not necessary for you and the other bat crap crazies to cuss at me and call me names. You get what you give.

So, you're really gonna go with saying 'I never SAID Obama won the debate, I just VOTED that he won the debate?

Really? You're gonna go with that?

Again, you may now go fuck yourself. Again.

You may drop dead.

I'd say 'ladies first', but that really doesn't apply to you.

You voted Obama won, then denied saying he won, and are apparently so monumentally stupid that you fail to understand they are the same thing, and claim some sort of moral victory. You're quite possibly the most pathetic excuse for a poster on this board... and with the likes of Chris, TM, Black_Label and a few others, that is seriously saying something.
Independent voters gave Obama the edge by I'd say 65 to 49% overall on CNN. There was a ticker for Colorado independent voters on the screen and Obama went to 100% I'd say about 6-8 times and Romney about 4-5. Romney went below the line about 4 times and Obama never did. Obama got higher marks consistently on healthcare and education, economy maybe a slight edge. Women consistently gave him higher marks than men, especially on education and healthcare. I'm on another forum with about 6K members but only 20 or so posting regularly, predominately republicans and of course, they thought Romney did super! *rolling eyes*

If you weren't looking for details, I'd say Romney did pretty well.. But independent voters on the screen gave it to Obama by a pretty good margin.:eusa_clap:

65 to 49 huh? You don't say. You sir are too cowardly to even post a link for such a bold proclamation that defies all of the data I've seen.

that would be because he is lying.
Sorry bout that,

Romney won the debate.

If the Obama team can exploit the gaps in Romney's narrative this week end and next week, Mitt is going to have real problems.

1. We know your heart broken.
2. Go ahead and say it, claim it, Obama is done!
3. And we know you will still vote for the loser, Obama.
4. Go ahead throw away your vote, vote for the loser,...lol! :badgrin:

Our Corpseman (???) in chief showed the world that without the aid of a teleprompter - where he merely reads what someone else has written - he is not the intellectual giant the media has falsely portrayed him to be. Obama's much-touted brilliance was extinguished last night.

Americans got to look behind the curtain and discovered that the Great and Wonderful O was nothing but a sham; a media-created illusion.

However, Obama claims to have won in 56 of 57 states with one more state to be counted, and since he always tells the truth (wink, wink) we must accept what he says. After all, you don't want to be called a racist, do you?

Obama is a lying, thieving, ignorant, immoral, anti-American, war mongering, debt creating, job killing, tax loving, race baiting, puppy eating (OK, that was unfair), divisive, ACORN supporting, SEIU butt kissing, teleprompter-dependent, incompetent, mumbling, bungling, narcissistic, socialist asshole.....a genuine, 100% USDA certified asshole.

Obama is as much a threat to this country as any foreign enemy. If Americans do not wake up to the truth this country will be overthrown from within by Obama's thugs and their congressional and senatorial co-conspirators. Hell, it might already be too late to stop the train.

Obama's wife is just as bad. The only difference between Barack and Michelle is that one has a pair of balls and the other is a little pussy who somehow managed to get elected president.

If they ever analyze the lip prints on Obama's bony derriere, they will find traces of DNA for Chris Mathews and his cohorts in the MSM. Without the support of Chris Mathews and his ilk, Obama would have already been impeached.

OK, I'm done ranting. I feel so much better now.

Speaking of ignorant...

And what specifically did I say that was untrue?

Funny about some people. They can say the crudest and cruelest things about others, but when the same form of raw criticism is directed at them they go off the deep end.

Finally, my dear sir (or madam as the case may be), there are people on this forum who are more intelligent than I, but no one, and I mean no one, is qualified to call me ignorant.
Where did I say he, "won the debate"?? And if you cannot do that you need to just shut up!!!

Uhh.. look in the poll results... you idiot racist bitch

Barb, Chris, courseofhistory, francoHFW, JoeB131, Lakhota, LilOlLady, MarcATL, NoNukes, Pasco08, Rinata, RosieS, Sallow, Sarah G, sfcalifornia

You certainly did not think I would vote for Romney?? Obama was not as bad as you people are saying. Romney's delivery was better but he lied about everything. So I did not over exaggerate anything.

First of all, anyone who actually thinks Obama won the debate is either dim, delusional or duped.

Second, you got caught playing games. You first challenged anyone to prove you said that Obama won the debate, the obvious implication being that you did not say or suggest that. However, your vote proved you did say that Obama won the debate. Apparently you did not realize your vote could be verified. Next time you'll know better.

Third, even members of the liberal press conceded Obama's performance was awful, so its only a very small minority of Obama worshipers who think he really won the debate. This same small group would have proclaimed Obama the victor no matter what. Actually, these people are as close to a cult as I've seen in recent years.

Fourth, your claim that Romney lied about everything is touching, considering all the lies that Obama has been spewing since his election (actually even before). But if Romney was telling so many lies during the debate, how is it that Obama - the purportedly smartest president in all of history - was unable to call him on it? Is Obama so far out of it that Romney can lie and he doesn't know it, even though you and the rest of the country do? Was he still on that old college high?

Sadly, I am convinced that Obama will be reelected, but that's another matter.
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So, you're really gonna go with saying 'I never SAID Obama won the debate, I just VOTED that he won the debate?

Really? You're gonna go with that?

Again, you may now go fuck yourself. Again.

You may drop dead.

I'd say 'ladies first', but that really doesn't apply to you.

You voted Obama won, then denied saying he won, and are apparently so monumentally stupid that you fail to understand they are the same thing, and claim some sort of moral victory. You're quite possibly the most pathetic excuse for a poster on this board... and with the likes of Chris, TM, Black_Label and a few others, that is seriously saying something.

What is wrong with you?? Seriously, there is something REALLY wrong. I voted in the stupid survey for Obama. I sort of forgot about the survey. Is that okay?? I didn't mean to break the law!! When I got the post criticizing me for saying Obama won, I thought it was one of my posts being challenged. And I had not done a post where I said that. Okay??? Do you get it???

Why didn't you just ask me instead of being such a horses ass??? If you didn't cuss at people and call them names it would be like a day without sunshine for you.

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