Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

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Honestly, he looked amused. I kept seeing the grin after the most egregious lies. The left went batshit four years ago at his "professors" approach to schooling the opposition, the gentle, leading opportunity opportunity to correct their own record.

They didn't take it either. Obama just smiled, nodded, and won.

The American electorate aren't QUITE as stupid as you on the right like to believe.

Funny, I would have thought you watched MSNBC after the debate.
You dumb Son of a Bitch.

Why would I watch someone else tell me what I just saw? That type of behavior is for lemmings.

I think that is the point, democrat devotees tend to be very much like lemmings.
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Wasn't it funny how The ONE found it necessary to keep invoking Bubba Clinton? (Twice by my count -- after double checking the transcripts found here: Transcript: First 2012 presidential debate, part 1 - CBS News )

HE 'created' 23 million jobs, so the present President claims.


It was kinda like the President was saying, "yeah, I may suck but my big brother was good."

Who here could have imagined that we would ever see an incumbent President so weak and incompetent that Bill Clinton!....Bubba himself!!! would have to ride in on his White Horse to save him? "Don't worry about Obama's incompetence America, Bill Clinton is on his side!!"

Nah....I still can't imagine it.....:lol:

I doubt Bill Clinton has much respect for Obama.
CNN poll: 67% - Romney, 25% - Obama.............Romney won.
It's funny how wingnuts bitterly cling to the "Liberal Mainstream Media" when it's convenient. :lol:

it's funnier how you don't understand that even the liberal media cannot fudge poll numbers. Sure, they can slant stories, not report stories, make up stories, etc... but poll numbers are verifiable. They either say one thing or another, there is no shading.
All the same: when you do not like the facts, you blame the "Liberal media", and when you do like the facts, you cite the "Liberal media"

The common denominator in those two "Liberal media" scenarios? Facts.
Monoplizing the debate, romney won. Obama won on the facts he was allowed to get out before being interrupted by Lehrer and Romney. Debate may as well had been moderatored by FOXNEWS Hannity.

Lehrer was trying to help Obama at points.

Balance, Mr. President, you said something about balance, right?

Um, yes, Jim, thank you. I want a balanced approach.

Lehrer was actually trying to help him complete his thoughts.
Why did Lehrer give Mittens an opportunity too ask the president a question directly, but didn't give the president an opportunity to ask Mittens a question directly?
It's funny how wingnuts bitterly cling to the "Liberal Mainstream Media" when it's convenient. :lol:

it's funnier how you don't understand that even the liberal media cannot fudge poll numbers. Sure, they can slant stories, not report stories, make up stories, etc... but poll numbers are verifiable. They either say one thing or another, there is no shading.
All the same: when you do not like the facts, you blame the "Liberal media", and when you do like the facts, you cite the "Liberal media"

The common denominator in those two "Liberal media" scenarios? Facts.

I'd love to see the post where I blame 'the liberal media' for something.

There are 14 members in here that need some serious help.

The usual suspects... :lol:

Barb, Chris, courseofhistory, francoHFW, JoeB131, Lakhota, LilOlLady, MarcATL, NoNukes, Rinata, RosieS, Sallow, Sarah G, sfcalifornia

Surprisingly BlindBoo, Dick Suck, Synth, and a couple others actually voted truthfully (not that I think seeing Obama's incompetence will change their minds at the ballot box)

But no wonder that winger trolls like Lakhota and chrissypoo still think Obamalama won

Why would anyone change their vote based on a debate, rather than policy?

If Mittens had totally tanked, would you vote for Obama?

You're a liar if you say yes.

Of course, you're a liar already. Proven and verified.
Monoplizing the debate, romney won. Obama won on the facts he was allowed to get out before being interrupted by Lehrer and Romney. Debate may as well had been moderatored by FOXNEWS Hannity.

Lehrer was trying to help Obama at points.

Balance, Mr. President, you said something about balance, right?

Um, yes, Jim, thank you. I want a balanced approach.

Lehrer was actually trying to help him complete his thoughts.
Why did Lehrer give Mittens an opportunity too ask the president a question directly, but didn't give the president an opportunity to ask Mittens a question directly?



Dat mean olde Jim Lehrer!
People actually voted for Obama? They must've seen a different debate last night than the one I saw. Anyway, Obama is whining like a spoiled brat today. I can't listen to him anymore. I wish he would grow up.

Oh, please!!! Get a grip.

morons like you who think Obama won the debate need to not only get a grip, but will need to get a life after November 6th.

Where did I say he, "won the debate"?? And if you cannot do that you need to just shut up!!!
Oh, please!!! Get a grip.

morons like you who think Obama won the debate need to not only get a grip, but will need to get a life after November 6th.

Where did I say he, "won the debate"?? And if you cannot do that you need to just shut up!!!

Uhh.. look in the poll results... you idiot racist bitch

Barb, Chris, courseofhistory, francoHFW, JoeB131, Lakhota, LilOlLady, MarcATL, NoNukes, Pasco08, Rinata, RosieS, Sallow, Sarah G, sfcalifornia
Why did Lehrer give Mittens an opportunity too ask the president a question directly, but didn't give the president an opportunity to ask Mittens a question directly?

you really are a moron, aren't you. Lehrer gave Obama a chance to respond directly to something Romney had just said... then he gave Romney a chance to respond directly to something Obama had just said. PErfectly even.

You libtards are looking for ANY excuse to explain Obama's pathetic performance. Now it's 'the moderator wasn't fair!'???

Transcript of Wednesday's presidential debate - CNN.com
21:08:40: LEHRER: Mr. President, please respond directly to what the governor just said about trickle-down -- his trick-down approach, as he said yours is.

21:08: 50: OBAMA: Well, let me talk specifically about what I think we need to do. First, we've got to improve our education system and we've made enormous progress drawing on ideas both from Democrats and Republicans that are already starting to show gains in some of the toughest to deal with schools. We've got a program called Race to the Top that has prompted reforms in 46 states around the country, raising standards, improving how we train teachers.

So now I want to hire another 100,000 new math and science teachers, and create 2 million more slots in our community colleges so that people can get trained for the jobs that are out there right now. And I want to make sure that we keep tuition low for our young people.

When it comes to our tax code, Governor Romney and I both agree that our corporate tax rate is too high, so I want to lower it, particularly for manufacturing, taking it down to 25 percent. But I also want to close those loopholes that are giving incentives for companies that are shipping jobs overseas. I want to provide tax breaks for companies that are investing here in the United States.

On energy, Governor Romney and I, we both agree that we've got to boost American energy production, and oil and natural gas production are higher than they've been in years. But I also believe that we've got to look at the energy sources of the future, like wind and solar and biofuels, and make those investments.

So all of this is possible. Now, in order for us to do it, we do have to close our deficit, and one of the things I'm sure we'll be discussing tonight is, how do we deal with our tax code? And how do we make sure that we are reducing spending in a responsible way, but also, how do we have enough revenue to make those investments?

And this is where there's a difference, because Governor Romney's central economic plan calls for a $5 trillion tax cut -- on top of the extension of the Bush tax cuts -- that's another trillion dollars -- and $2 trillion in additional military spending that the military hasn't asked for. That's $8 trillion. How we pay for that, reduce the deficit, and make the investments that we need to make, without dumping those costs onto middle-class Americans, I think is one of the central questions of this campaign.

21:11:03: LEHRER: Both of you have spoken about a lot of different things, and we're going to try to get through them in as specific a way as we possibly can.

But, first, Governor Romney, do you have a question that you'd like to ask the president directly about something he just said?

dumb ass.
The usual suspects... :lol:

Barb, Chris, courseofhistory, francoHFW, JoeB131, Lakhota, LilOlLady, MarcATL, NoNukes, Rinata, RosieS, Sallow, Sarah G, sfcalifornia

Surprisingly BlindBoo, Dick Suck, Synth, and a couple others actually voted truthfully (not that I think seeing Obama's incompetence will change their minds at the ballot box)

But no wonder that winger trolls like Lakhota and chrissypoo still think Obamalama won

Why would anyone change their vote based on a debate, rather than policy?

If Mittens had totally tanked, would you vote for Obama?

You're a liar if you say yes.

Of course, you're a liar already. Proven and verified.

If Obama would have won the debate, it would have been because of hammering points home and having correct answers... We all knew that was not going to happen

And show one thing where I have lied... I never post untruths like your little buddies Mr. Shithead, rdummy, etc... don't confuse me with one of your brethren
Oh, please!!! Get a grip.

morons like you who think Obama won the debate need to not only get a grip, but will need to get a life after November 6th.

Where did I say he, "won the debate"?? And if you cannot do that you need to just shut up!!!

Look at your vote, dipshit!

My God, are you really so fucking stupid you can vote and not even know what you voted for? Oh wait, yes.. you are... you voted for Obama in 2008 :rofl:

Question: Who won the debate?

Barb, Chris, courseofhistory, francoHFW, JoeB131, Lakhota, LilOlLady, MarcATL, NoNukes, Pasco08, Rinata, RosieS, Sallow, Sarah G, sfcalifornia

You may now fuck off.
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Monoplizing the debate, romney won. Obama won on the facts he was allowed to get out before being interrupted by Lehrer and Romney. Debate may as well had been moderatored by FOXNEWS Hannity.

Lehrer was trying to help Obama at points.

Balance, Mr. President, you said something about balance, right?

Um, yes, Jim, thank you. I want a balanced approach.

Lehrer was actually trying to help him complete his thoughts.
Why did Lehrer give Mittens an opportunity too ask the president a question directly, but didn't give the president an opportunity to ask Mittens a question directly?

And there we see your propensity to lie
morons like you who think Obama won the debate need to not only get a grip, but will need to get a life after November 6th.

Where did I say he, "won the debate"?? And if you cannot do that you need to just shut up!!!

Uhh.. look in the poll results... you idiot racist bitch

Barb, Chris, courseofhistory, francoHFW, JoeB131, Lakhota, LilOlLady, MarcATL, NoNukes, Pasco08, Rinata, RosieS, Sallow, Sarah G, sfcalifornia

:lol: I think the fat ass Rinata won 'Stupid Post of the Month' for that delusional rant. :lol:
morons like you who think Obama won the debate need to not only get a grip, but will need to get a life after November 6th.

Where did I say he, "won the debate"?? And if you cannot do that you need to just shut up!!!

Look at your vote, dipshit!

My God, are you really so fucking stupid you can vote and not even know what you voted for? Oh wait, yes.. you are... you voted for Obama in 2008 :rofl:

Question: Who won the debate?

Barb, Chris, courseofhistory, francoHFW, JoeB131, Lakhota, LilOlLady, MarcATL, NoNukes, Pasco08, Rinata, RosieS, Sallow, Sarah G, sfcalifornia

You may now fuck off.

Luckily, she's too dumb to feel the pain of that bitchslap.
We all need to applaud the OP....since this poll votes are visible - we can once and for all see who is the partisan robots on this forum. Obama won... :laugh2:

Where did I say he, "won the debate"?? And if you cannot do that you need to just shut up!!!

Look at your vote, dipshit!

My God, are you really so fucking stupid you can vote and not even know what you voted for? Oh wait, yes.. you are... you voted for Obama in 2008 :rofl:

Question: Who won the debate?

Barb, Chris, courseofhistory, francoHFW, JoeB131, Lakhota, LilOlLady, MarcATL, NoNukes, Pasco08, Rinata, RosieS, Sallow, Sarah G, sfcalifornia

You may now fuck off.

Luckily, she's too dumb to feel the pain of that bitchslap.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyFQv72JXAU]The Bitchslap Heard Around The World - YouTube[/ame]
Look at your vote, dipshit!

My God, are you really so fucking stupid you can vote and not even know what you voted for? Oh wait, yes.. you are... you voted for Obama in 2008 :rofl:

Question: Who won the debate?

You may now fuck off.

Luckily, she's too dumb to feel the pain of that bitchslap.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyFQv72JXAU]The Bitchslap Heard Around The World - YouTube[/ame]



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