Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

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So, aside from the IDIOTS in here PRETENDING as if their little boi king messiah even stood a chance, it's clear by now, Romney wiped the floor with the kenyan.

End of story.
This morning I thought that democrats would say obama won no matter what, but tonight was so devastating, they can't.

Look, Romney looked great tonight. The aftermath of what he actually said may become a big problem for him though. In substance, Obama did more than hold his ground. There are two major points that Romney failed on miserably, although neither showed up immediately. The first is his tax plan. The Obama campaign is going to drill Romney on this, because his tax plan is completely flawed. Secondly, Romney said his healthcare plan would not prevent those with pre-existing conditions from being able to purchase insurance. Simply put, this is a complete lie. Under Romney's so called plan, anyone who goes without insurance for 90 days and has a pre-existing condition would not be able to find health insurance. So if you are unemployed for six months, then get a job that doesn't provide insurance and you need to get your own, well you'd be screwed.


Obama kept repeating the same lie over and over. You might think that is holding his own on substance, but he was actually stuttering when he tried to deal with the points Romney made. Romney's tax plan is a lot less flawed than the Obama plan to cut the deficit by counting the sequestration cuts he is trying to roll them back. Then he is claiming that ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan count as debt reduction even though we would end them even if we were planning on a big spending increase.

Under Romney's plan we would use the same law we had before Obamacare that allowed people to keep their old insurance and pay for it out of pocket. Come to think of it, that is the same thing Obamacare does. Folding COBRA into Obamacare and claiming it is a new policy is so fucking dishonest only a complete hack lying piece of shit, or a politician, which is essentially the same thing, would try it.
Listened to the debate on the radio. Obama sounded unprepared and weak. I do think he held in his own in the ideological battle, made his points and came off as respectable. Romney sounded the best I've ever heard him and hammered all his points effectively. However the substance of a lot of what Romney was saying will be a major point of contention as he flip-flopped and said a lot of bullshit. No real home runs or knock out punches from either side. It was about what I expected, a bunch of political jive that really didn't mean much. But in the swim suit portion of the election tonight, I give Romney the edge.

You should take the time to watch some clips, you will score Obama a lot lower. His body language sucked, he came off as being condescending, he talked down to the audience, sneered at everyone, and generally looked like he wanted to be golfing.
In all fairness to Obama, perhaps he was distracted by the anticipation of having anniversary sex.:D

That's possible, it was almost like he was distracted trying to come up with excuses to not have anniversary sex.......Sorry honey but I urgently need to go to Hawaii tonight...... Reggie will accompany me....... let me take a rain check...... I can't help it...... I'm President and it is really important.
People actually voted for Obama? They must've seen a different debate last night than the one I saw. Anyway, Obama is whining like a spoiled brat today. I can't listen to him anymore. I wish he would grow up.

Only his fluffers think 0bama did well...

So far, we have 14 posters who put ideology above honesty. Interesting to note the names... hacks, each and every one.
Precisely...if MSNBC swallows enough pride and admits Romney "won" the debate...only someone who is fooling themselves could possibly see it the other way around.
You know...like TruthdontMatter..

Did you watch MSNBC last night?? Apparently not. Why do you people criticize it when you never watch it???

I always watch a little of MSNBC just to know what the other side is thinking, which most of the time is not much. What I saw was the Race Hustler cherry picking and Christ Matthew whining about why Obama keeping looking down and not attacking Romney on his 47% comment. No one in the 10-15 minutes I watched thought Obama was the clear winner although no one came out and said it.

Do you watch a different MSNBC than I do?? Chris, Lawrence, and Rachel clearly said that Mitt Romney had performed much better than the prez. Oh, and Steve Schmidt. But especially Chris!!! My hubs and I laughed so hard at Chris. His hair was all messed up and he was furious with Obama. But it was really funny. I would say that Al Sharpton was the only one that did not think Romney won.

My feeling was that they were right about Romney's presentation and confidence. But he lied about almost everything he said!!! Why Obama did not call him on it is very curious.
Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

Obama looked presidential if not somewhat put off by Mittens agressiveness and blatent lying. He looked the way I do when in the presence of a teen ager that is out of control and irritating.

I'm sure that many of the simple minds that attend WWF matches will see the debate as a win for Romney. They like their heros to be loud and full of shit. You can be assured that the display of blatent lying was not lost on world leaders. They do not want to deal with a liar.

Mitten's republican base is sure they won something just like the gangs of blacks in the LA Riots stealing TVs. Most of em got caught on video and went to jail.

What they, Romney's base, REALLY won is rejuvinated dem base knowing even more clearly that this piece of shit can NEVER be the POTUS.

List the "lies" for us Polly......want a cracker?
Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

Obama looked presidential if not somewhat put off by Mittens agressiveness and blatent lying. He looked the way I do when in the presence of a teen ager that is out of control and irritating.

I'm sure that many of the simple minds that attend WWF matches will see the debate as a win for Romney. They like their heros to be loud and full of shit. You can be assured that the display of blatent lying was not lost on world leaders. They do not want to deal with a liar.

Mitten's republican base is sure they won something just like the gangs of blacks in the LA Riots stealing TVs. Most of em got caught on video and went to jail.

What they, Romney's base, REALLY won is rejuvinated dem base knowing even more clearly that this piece of shit can NEVER be the POTUS.

"I didn't have sex with that woman" ... just sayin

Is your lack of sexual attraction REALLY on topic?

Saint Clinton.. Saint Obama...:wtf:
I got the impression the reason that Obama keep looking down was he was looking for his teleprompter. I have never witnessed a more rambling, stumbling performance from Obama in the last 3 and half years of wall to wall campaign speeches. Obama looked and acted totally lost and in over his head.

This really is a bit much. Actually it's more than just a bit. Give you people an inch and you take a mile!!!! This is really not true. Romney is losing this campaign big time. You people saw what you wanted to see.
People actually voted for Obama? They must've seen a different debate last night than the one I saw. Anyway, Obama is whining like a spoiled brat today. I can't listen to him anymore. I wish he would grow up.

Oh, please!!! Get a grip.
People actually voted for Obama? They must've seen a different debate last night than the one I saw. Anyway, Obama is whining like a spoiled brat today. I can't listen to him anymore. I wish he would grow up.

Oh, please!!! Get a grip.

morons like you who think Obama won the debate need to not only get a grip, but will need to get a life after November 6th.
You people saw what you wanted to see.
What do you say to the left leaning posters on this list??? Did they also want to see Obama lose the debate, so that's what they saw?

007, aaronleland, Amelia, Annie, antiquity, AquaAthena, Ariux, auditor0007, Avatar4321, Babbleon, Bigfoot, blackhawk, BlindBoo, BluePhantom, bripat9643, California Girl, Caroljo, Charles_Main, chesswarsnow, Clementine, clevergirl, CMike, Conservative, copsnrobbers, CrazedScotsman, depotoo, DevinCurtis, DiamondDave, Dick Tuck, Dr.House, Dreamy, eflatminor, Ernie S., Fang, Grampa Murked U, GuyPinestra, GWV5903, Hardcandy, healthmyths, iamwhatiseem, IHBF, ilia25, Intolerant, ItsjustmeIthink, Jackson, Jarhead, jknowgood, Jroc, JustSomeGuy, Kevin_Kennedy, LadyGunSlinger, Locke11_21, Lonestar_logic, Lumpy 1, masquerade, Matthew, Meathead, Meister, miami_thomas, Missourian, Moneyman, Murf76, Newby, NLT, NO!bama08, Nunz, OKTexas, Old Rocks, Oldguy, OODA_Loop, paulitician, philosophstar, Plasmaball, PLYMCO_PILGRIM, Publius1787, Quantum Windbag, racewright, Rambunctious, Rat in the Hat, Rocko, Rozman, Shelzin, Sherry, sitarro, Some Guy, Steelplate, SuMar, Synthaholic, syrenn, TakeAStepBack, techieny, The Infidel, The Irish Ram, The Professor, tjvh, Two Thumbs, Unkotare, VaYank5150, Vel, WillowTree, xsited1, Zander
I enjoyed how obama couldn't even try to answer the last question about working across the aisle without drifting into a rambling defense of why he has been such an obstinant, dismissive, partisan hindrance. If his good buddy Leher hadn't jumped into help him he would have been barking about the Republicans being the enemy and sitting in the back of the bus within a few more seconds.

What a healer.

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