Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

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morons like you who think Obama won the debate need to not only get a grip, but will need to get a life after November 6th.

Where did I say he, "won the debate"?? And if you cannot do that you need to just shut up!!!

Uhh.. look in the poll results... you idiot racist bitch

Barb, Chris, courseofhistory, francoHFW, JoeB131, Lakhota, LilOlLady, MarcATL, NoNukes, Pasco08, Rinata, RosieS, Sallow, Sarah G, sfcalifornia

You certainly did not think I would vote for Romney?? Obama was not as bad as you people are saying. Romney's delivery was better but he lied about everything. So I did not over exaggerate anything.
Where did I say he, "won the debate"?? And if you cannot do that you need to just shut up!!!

Uhh.. look in the poll results... you idiot racist bitch

Barb, Chris, courseofhistory, francoHFW, JoeB131, Lakhota, LilOlLady, MarcATL, NoNukes, Pasco08, Rinata, RosieS, Sallow, Sarah G, sfcalifornia

You certainly did not think I would vote for Romney?? Obama was not as bad as you people are saying. Romney's delivery was better but he lied about everything. So I did not over exaggerate anything.

So, like your vote says, you think Obama won the debate.
You certainly did not think I would vote for Romney?? Obama was not as bad as you people are saying. Romney's delivery was better but he lied about everything. So I did not over exaggerate anything.[/QUOTE]

Where did I say he, "won the debate"??
Barb, Chris, courseofhistory, francoHFW, JoeB131, Lakhota, LilOlLady, MarcATL, NoNukes, Pasco08, Rinata, RosieS, Sallow, Sarah G, sfcalifornia

It wasn't about you exaggerating.. it was about you lying...

We know a racist winger such as yourself would not vote for Romney... You are nothing more than a blinded, lying, Obamabot
Our Corpseman (???) in chief showed the world that without the aid of a teleprompter - where he merely reads what someone else has written - he is not the intellectual giant the media has falsely portrayed him to be. Obama's much-touted brilliance was extinguished last night.

Americans got to look behind the curtain and discovered that the Great and Wonderful O was nothing but a sham; a media-created illusion.

However, Obama claims to have won in 56 of 57 states with one more state to be counted, and since he always tells the truth (wink, wink) we must accept what he says. After all, you don't want to be called a racist, do you?

Obama is a lying, thieving, ignorant, immoral, anti-American, war mongering, debt creating, job killing, tax loving, race baiting, puppy eating (OK, that was unfair), divisive, ACORN supporting, SEIU butt kissing, teleprompter-dependent, incompetent, mumbling, bungling, narcissistic, socialist asshole.....a genuine, 100% USDA certified asshole.

Obama is as much a threat to this country as any foreign enemy. If Americans do not wake up to the truth this country will be overthrown from within by Obama's thugs and their congressional and senatorial co-conspirators. Hell, it might already be too late to stop the train.

Obama's wife is just as bad. The only difference between Barack and Michelle is that one has a pair of balls and the other is a little pussy who somehow managed to get elected president.

If they ever analyze the lip prints on Obama's bony derriere, they will find traces of DNA for Chris Mathews and his cohorts in the MSM. Without the support of Chris Mathews and his ilk, Obama would have already been impeached.

OK, I'm done ranting. I feel so much better now.
Our Corpseman (???) in chief showed the world that without the aid of a teleprompter - where he merely reads what someone else has written - he is not the intellectual giant the media has falsely portrayed him to be. Obama's much-touted brilliance was extinguished last night.

Americans got to look behind the curtain and discovered that the Great and Wonderful O was nothing but a sham; a media-created illusion.

However, Obama claims to have won in 56 of 57 states with one more state to be counted, and since he always tells the truth (wink, wink) we must accept what he says. After all, you don't want to be called a racist, do you?

Obama is a lying, thieving, ignorant, immoral, anti-American, war mongering, debt creating, job killing, tax loving, race baiting, puppy eating (OK, that was unfair), divisive, ACORN supporting, SEIU butt kissing, teleprompter-dependent, incompetent, mumbling, bungling, narcissistic, socialist asshole.....a genuine, 100% USDA certified asshole.

Obama is as much a threat to this country as any foreign enemy. If Americans do not wake up to the truth this country will be overthrown from within by Obama's thugs and their congressional and senatorial co-conspirators. Hell, it might already be too late to stop the train.

Obama's wife is just as bad. The only difference between Barack and Michelle is that one has a pair of balls and the other is a little pussy who somehow managed to get elected president.

If they ever analyze the lip prints on Obama's bony derriere, they will find traces of DNA for Chris Mathews and his cohorts in the MSM. Without the support of Chris Mathews and his ilk, Obama would have already been impeached.

OK, I'm done ranting. I feel so much better now.

Speaking of ignorant...
Monoplizing the debate, romney won. Obama won on the facts he was allowed to get out before being interrupted by Lehrer and Romney. Debate may as well had been moderatored by FOXNEWS Hannity.

Lehrer was trying to help Obama at points.

Balance, Mr. President, you said something about balance, right?

Um, yes, Jim, thank you. I want a balanced approach.

Lehrer was actually trying to help him complete his thoughts.

Please at least tell the truth. The moderator was not trying to help anyone.

Whatever you say. I can understand why you would want to suppress that sad segment of the debate.
On the subject of Lehrer, he was awful all around. He had nothing to do with Obama losing the debate.

If he's still around in 4 years, I don't think we'll see him hosting any other debates.
As far as theatrics, Romney was far ahead. He looked almost manic at times.

But the lies. He may have a euphoria tonight, but tomorrow, the next day, the debates will be scrutinized and he will be asked about his positions tonight compared to his positions over the last 18 months. Mitt has the "flip flop" and "etch a sketch" labels for a reason.

So feel good tonight. It won't last.

Agree. Romney looked good but damn, it was one lie after another. And still, no specifics.

Why doesn't Mitt know how many unemployed there are?

Why is it okay for him to so rude to Leher? Why is it okay that he ignored the rules?

But, my question is, how is it possible for him to THAT changeable? Is he manic-depressive? Is that what Ann referred to when she said she was concerned for his mental well being and when she said she should talk for him?

It was a bizarre performance, that's for sure.
I got the impression the reason that Obama keep looking down was he was looking for his teleprompter. I have never witnessed a more rambling, stumbling performance from Obama in the last 3 and half years of wall to wall campaign speeches. Obama looked and acted totally lost and in over his head.

This really is a bit much. Actually it's more than just a bit. Give you people an inch and you take a mile!!!! This is really not true. Romney is losing this campaign big time. You people saw what you wanted to see.

And you never? Look at the poll on the thread.....what is now, oh yeah.......104-15!
Even some die hard in the past Obama supporters are changing their thought patterns.
As far as theatrics, Romney was far ahead. He looked almost manic at times.

But the lies. He may have a euphoria tonight, but tomorrow, the next day, the debates will be scrutinized and he will be asked about his positions tonight compared to his positions over the last 18 months. Mitt has the "flip flop" and "etch a sketch" labels for a reason.

So feel good tonight. It won't last.

Agree. Romney looked good but damn, it was one lie after another. And still, no specifics.

Why doesn't Mitt know how many unemployed there are?

Why is it okay for him to so rude to Leher? Why is it okay that he ignored the rules?

But, my question is, how is it possible for him to THAT changeable? Is he manic-depressive? Is that what Ann referred to when she said she was concerned for his mental well being and when she said she should talk for him?

It was a bizarre performance, that's for sure.

And you neglect Obama's lies... naturally.. and there were a TON of them...

Yet Romney does know that there are more unemployed than what are in the unemployment percentage calculation... you know, the ones they don't like to calculate in stats announced by the govt... those who have been unemployed for an extended period, ones who have given up, etc

Go back to smoking your dope, troll
Uhh.. look in the poll results... you idiot racist bitch

Barb, Chris, courseofhistory, francoHFW, JoeB131, Lakhota, LilOlLady, MarcATL, NoNukes, Pasco08, Rinata, RosieS, Sallow, Sarah G, sfcalifornia

You certainly did not think I would vote for Romney?? Obama was not as bad as you people are saying. Romney's delivery was better but he lied about everything. So I did not over exaggerate anything.

So, like your vote says, you think Obama won the debate.

and yet again, the little bitch runs away crying cause the big bad Conservative was mean to her :rofl:
morons like you who think Obama won the debate need to not only get a grip, but will need to get a life after November 6th.

Where did I say he, "won the debate"?? And if you cannot do that you need to just shut up!!!

Look at your vote, dipshit!

My God, are you really so fucking stupid you can vote and not even know what you voted for? Oh wait, yes.. you are... you voted for Obama in 2008 :rofl:

Question: Who won the debate?

Barb, Chris, courseofhistory, francoHFW, JoeB131, Lakhota, LilOlLady, MarcATL, NoNukes, Pasco08, Rinata, RosieS, Sallow, Sarah G, sfcalifornia

You may now fuck off.

You may now drop dead and take your pals with you. I have never seen such a bunch of hateful, classless people. I understand your stupid poll. But that's not what I thought we were talking about. I was referencing a post I did and I never said Obama won.

It was not necessary for you and the other bat crap crazies to cuss at me and call me names. You get what you give.
Where did I say he, "won the debate"?? And if you cannot do that you need to just shut up!!!

Uhh.. look in the poll results... you idiot racist bitch

Barb, Chris, courseofhistory, francoHFW, JoeB131, Lakhota, LilOlLady, MarcATL, NoNukes, Pasco08, Rinata, RosieS, Sallow, Sarah G, sfcalifornia

:lol: I think the fat ass Rinata won 'Stupid Post of the Month' for that delusional rant. :lol:

There was no rant, Miss Crappy Personality Of The Decade. Oh, I shouldn't have said that. You'll be whining for the next year like you did when I told you that anybody that escapes your clutches dodged a bullet. Right?? You love to dish it out but you can't take it. Now go cry to Cleo.
You may now drop dead and take your pals with you. I have never seen such a bunch of hateful, classless people. I understand your stupid poll. But that's not what I thought we were talking about. I was referencing a post I did and I never said Obama won.

It was not necessary for you and the other bat crap crazies to cuss at me and call me names. You get what you give.

So, you're really gonna go with saying 'I never SAID Obama won the debate, I just VOTED that he won the debate?

Really? You're gonna go with that?

Again, you may now go fuck yourself. Again.
Wow that poll is a surprise. I thought a larger percentage were blind obamabots in this community, you all just proved that wrong.

Read through the names...there are several folks who voted Romney won that are not conservative.
Like I say...whoever thought Obama won the debate is either too blind to have a real opinion or refuses to let go of their imagination.
It wasn't even close.
Uhh.. look in the poll results... you idiot racist bitch

Barb, Chris, courseofhistory, francoHFW, JoeB131, Lakhota, LilOlLady, MarcATL, NoNukes, Pasco08, Rinata, RosieS, Sallow, Sarah G, sfcalifornia

You certainly did not think I would vote for Romney?? Obama was not as bad as you people are saying. Romney's delivery was better but he lied about everything. So I did not over exaggerate anything.

So, like your vote says, you think Obama won the debate.

I think that I do now. You people cannot be gracious so I no longer feel the need to be with any of you. Romney, your pathetic candidate, will never be president. So enjoy your little, "victory", because on the night of November 6 you will all be whining like a bunch of cranky 2 year olds. And you know it.

I got the impression the reason that Obama keep looking down was he was looking for his teleprompter. I have never witnessed a more rambling, stumbling performance from Obama in the last 3 and half years of wall to wall campaign speeches. Obama looked and acted totally lost and in over his head.

This really is a bit much. Actually it's more than just a bit. Give you people an inch and you take a mile!!!! This is really not true. Romney is losing this campaign big time. You people saw what you wanted to see.

And you never? Look at the poll on the thread.....what is now, oh yeah.......104-15!
Even some die hard in the past Obama supporters are changing their thought patterns.

See what I mean?? Your candidate has one good night and you think he has changed the world!!! It's silly.

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