Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

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You may drop dead.

I'd say 'ladies first', but that really doesn't apply to you.

You voted Obama won, then denied saying he won, and are apparently so monumentally stupid that you fail to understand they are the same thing, and claim some sort of moral victory. You're quite possibly the most pathetic excuse for a poster on this board... and with the likes of Chris, TM, Black_Label and a few others, that is seriously saying something.

What is wrong with you?? Seriously, there is something REALLY wrong. I voted in the stupid survey for Obama. I sort of forgot about the survey. Is that okay?? I didn't mean to break the law!! When I got the post criticizing me for saying Obama won, I thought it was one of my posts being challenged. And I had not done a post where I said that. Okay??? Do you get it???

Why didn't you just ask me instead of being such a horses ass??? If you didn't cuss at people and call them names it would be like a day without sunshine for you.

You "sort of forgot about the survey?" Now that's a classic line.

Now let me hit you with a little logic. According to you, you did not write any posts wherein you opined that Obama won the debate; yet you thought that just such a post - a non-existing post - was being challenged. A logical person would have looked at any other possible source which could have been construed as making such a claim and might have easily determined that the only other source would have been the vote. I would suggest that you were fully aware of your vote, but you were not smart enough to deduce the vote was made public. That demonstrates that you are not as brilliant as you think you are, and your comments were deceptive at best.

Obama did not win his debate and I'm sorry to tell you, dear lady, you are not winning yours either.

Finally, faulting others for calling people names has added a bizarre touch of humor to your post. Do you know what hypocrisy means?

My advice: Have a strong drink, chill out and show others the same respect you want to receive.
I'd say 'ladies first', but that really doesn't apply to you.

You voted Obama won, then denied saying he won, and are apparently so monumentally stupid that you fail to understand they are the same thing, and claim some sort of moral victory. You're quite possibly the most pathetic excuse for a poster on this board... and with the likes of Chris, TM, Black_Label and a few others, that is seriously saying something.

What is wrong with you?? Seriously, there is something REALLY wrong. I voted in the stupid survey for Obama. I sort of forgot about the survey. Is that okay?? I didn't mean to break the law!! When I got the post criticizing me for saying Obama won, I thought it was one of my posts being challenged. And I had not done a post where I said that. Okay??? Do you get it???

Why didn't you just ask me instead of being such a horses ass??? If you didn't cuss at people and call them names it would be like a day without sunshine for you.

You "sort of forgot about the survey?" Now that's a classic line.

Now let me hit you with a little logic. According to you, you did not write any posts wherein you opined that Obama won the debate; yet you thought that just such a post - a non-existing post - was being challenged. A logical person would have looked at any other possible source which could have been construed as making such a claim and might have easily determined that the only other source would have been the vote. I would suggest that you were fully aware of your vote, but you were not smart enough to deduce the vote was made public. That demonstrates that you are not as brilliant as you think you are, and your comments were deceptive at best.

Obama did not win his debate and I'm sorry to tell you, dear lady, you are not winning yours either.

Finally, faulting others for calling people names has added a bizarre touch of humor to your post. Do you know what hypocrisy means?

My advice: Have a strong drink, chill out and show others the same respect you want to receive.

Wow. The truth just doesn't work with you people. I never said I was brilliant. And I am a good researcher. When I'm at work!!! I'm done. As I've said, don't care what you think.
Sir James, Romney won the debate and is back in the game. I hope he beats Obama. However, MR told a different narrative Wed nite than he has the last year. Obama's people are going to try to lever those gaps apart.

RCP poll averaging has not moved in 48 hours, where Obama continues to lead in 11 of 12 states.

However, Intrades Odds has dropped in favor of Obama from 78.5 to 66.5. That is a big drop in 48 hours.
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Look for the corrupt MSM to hail their Dear Leader 'The Comeback Kid' after the next Debate. They're so predictable. Romney showed he had a real grasp on the Economy. Obama only embarrased himself with his stunning lack of knowledge. If you're voting on the Economy, it's Mitt Romney in a Landslide.
Obama is knowledgable, paulitician, far more than you, and certainly far more than you give him credit. You only embarass yourself with such a statement.

Mitt's boys are preparing him for the defending chamption to come out with all guns firing.

If Mitt can do it one more time in the debates then swamp the swing states with four speeches a day to election, he has a real chance to win.

Your type of blathering here does not matter, it's juist blathering. If you do it to undecided voters, they will look at you as if you are an idiot.
Sir James, Romney won the debate and is back in the game. I hope he beats Obama. However, MR told a different narrative Wed nite than he has the last year. Obama's people are going to try to lever those gaps apart.

RCP poll averaging has not moved in 48 hours, where Obama continues to lead in 11 of 12 states.

However, Intrades Odds has dropped in favor of Obama from 78.5 to 66.5. That is a big drop in 48 hours.

Ras came out this morning unmoved from yesterday. Since they have a three day rolling average that means one of two things.

1. Romney had a good day on Monday that was replaced by a good day yesterday.
2. The debate wasn't as much of a game changer as some people think it may be.
We will know by the middle to end of next week.

Romney has to keep this persona of competence and aggressiveness.

Obama and his people have to get the guy more agressive while trying to lever open the inconsistencies in Mitt's changed narrative.

Sir James, Romney won the debate and is back in the game. I hope he beats Obama. However, MR told a different narrative Wed nite than he has the last year. Obama's people are going to try to lever those gaps apart.

RCP poll averaging has not moved in 48 hours, where Obama continues to lead in 11 of 12 states.

However, Intrades Odds has dropped in favor of Obama from 78.5 to 66.5. That is a big drop in 48 hours.

Ras came out this morning unmoved from yesterday. Since they have a three day rolling average that means one of two things.

1. Romney had a good day on Monday that was replaced by a good day yesterday.
2. The debate wasn't as much of a game changer as some people think it may be.
Sorry bout that,

1. In my opinion, Romney is a better man than Reagan.
2. And far out-shinned anything Reagan did to Jimma Carter.
3. This may very well be a landslide victory for Romney, not unlike what Reagan did to Carter.
4. Lets see the *Piss Boy Medias* *October Surprise* first.
5. I am sure they are cooking up a good one now.

Uhh.. look in the poll results... you idiot racist bitch

Barb, Chris, courseofhistory, francoHFW, JoeB131, Lakhota, LilOlLady, MarcATL, NoNukes, Pasco08, Rinata, RosieS, Sallow, Sarah G, sfcalifornia

:lol: I think the fat ass Rinata won 'Stupid Post of the Month' for that delusional rant. :lol:

There was no rant, Miss Crappy Personality Of The Decade. Oh, I shouldn't have said that. You'll be whining for the next year like you did when I told you that anybody that escapes your clutches dodged a bullet. Right?? You love to dish it out but you can't take it. Now go cry to Cleo.

Actually, that's not what you said... your comment was about one specific person... you know it, I know it... and lots of other posters know it.

Now, stop lying and go fuck a twinkie.
CG has never been able to take what she dishes.

That's why she whines all the time.

:lol: I think the fat ass Rinata won 'Stupid Post of the Month' for that delusional rant. :lol:

There was no rant, Miss Crappy Personality Of The Decade. Oh, I shouldn't have said that. You'll be whining for the next year like you did when I told you that anybody that escapes your clutches dodged a bullet. Right?? You love to dish it out but you can't take it. Now go cry to Cleo.

Actually, that's not what you said... your comment was about one specific person... you know it, I know it... and lots of other posters know it.

Now, stop lying and go fuck a twinkie.
You may drop dead.

I'd say 'ladies first', but that really doesn't apply to you.

You voted Obama won, then denied saying he won, and are apparently so monumentally stupid that you fail to understand they are the same thing, and claim some sort of moral victory. You're quite possibly the most pathetic excuse for a poster on this board... and with the likes of Chris, TM, Black_Label and a few others, that is seriously saying something.

What is wrong with you?? Seriously, there is something REALLY wrong. I voted in the stupid survey for Obama. I sort of forgot about the survey. Is that okay?? I didn't mean to break the law!! When I got the post criticizing me for saying Obama won, I thought it was one of my posts being challenged. And I had not done a post where I said that. Okay??? Do you get it???

Why didn't you just ask me instead of being such a horses ass??? If you didn't cuss at people and call them names it would be like a day without sunshine for you.

It is certainly okay for you to be stupid. You're not the only libtards afflicted with stupidity. You are the one most heavily afflicted of course, but that too, is okay.
What is wrong with you?? Seriously, there is something REALLY wrong. I voted in the stupid survey for Obama. I sort of forgot about the survey. Is that okay?? I didn't mean to break the law!! When I got the post criticizing me for saying Obama won, I thought it was one of my posts being challenged. And I had not done a post where I said that. Okay??? Do you get it???

Why didn't you just ask me instead of being such a horses ass??? If you didn't cuss at people and call them names it would be like a day without sunshine for you.

You "sort of forgot about the survey?" Now that's a classic line.

Now let me hit you with a little logic. According to you, you did not write any posts wherein you opined that Obama won the debate; yet you thought that just such a post - a non-existing post - was being challenged. A logical person would have looked at any other possible source which could have been construed as making such a claim and might have easily determined that the only other source would have been the vote. I would suggest that you were fully aware of your vote, but you were not smart enough to deduce the vote was made public. That demonstrates that you are not as brilliant as you think you are, and your comments were deceptive at best.

Obama did not win his debate and I'm sorry to tell you, dear lady, you are not winning yours either.

Finally, faulting others for calling people names has added a bizarre touch of humor to your post. Do you know what hypocrisy means?

My advice: Have a strong drink, chill out and show others the same respect you want to receive.

Wow. The truth just doesn't work with you people. I never said I was brilliant. And I am a good researcher. When I'm at work!!! I'm done. As I've said, don't care what you think.

You don't care what I think? Well, that's a lie! You cared enough about what I think to give me a negative rep, that's for sure. You are one of the most disingenuous posters I have encountered on this or any other forum.

As for the truth, dear lady, I propose that you have been so brainwashed by your God-king Obama that you are incapable of even looking for the truth. Your cultish worship of your hero leads me to believe that you are extremely gullible and easily duped. In the final analysis, your vulnerability to deception make you rather impervious to the truth.

I do have a question for you. What in the hell did you mean when you said you were a good researcher "at work?" A rational person could reasonably conclude that you can research only when at work, but in the confines of your home you are incompetent. If this is true, and your statement leaves little room for doubt, either: (1) you fraudulently waste your employer's time by doing personal research on the clock; or (2) you don't do any research, political or otherwise unless it is job related, and therefore, you have no clue what's going on in the real world.

One last thing, dear madam, or sir as the case may be (forum identities are not easily verifiable), there are those on this forum who are smarter than I, and more than a few have bested my in debate; however, you are not in their league and never will be.

PS: I previously advised you to have a drink, chill out and learn to treat others with the same respect you expect. I hereby modify my advice. I strongly recommend that you got at least a liter of your favorite alcoholic beverage, drink it until you pass out, and when you awaken from your stupor, open your window and shout to the world, “forgive me for being an asshole.”

Good night and goodby..
The fucking NEW YORKER of all rags NAILED it:

Independent voters gave Obama the edge by I'd say 65 to 49% overall on CNN. There was a ticker for Colorado independent voters on the screen and Obama went to 100% I'd say about 6-8 times and Romney about 4-5. Romney went below the line about 4 times and Obama never did. Obama got higher marks consistently on healthcare and education, economy maybe a slight edge. Women consistently gave him higher marks than men, especially on education and healthcare. I'm on another forum with about 6K members but only 20 or so posting regularly, predominately republicans and of course, they thought Romney did super! *rolling eyes*

If you weren't looking for details, I'd say Romney did pretty well.. But independent voters on the screen gave it to Obama by a pretty good margin.:eusa_clap:

65 to 49 huh? You don't say. You sir are too cowardly to even post a link for such a bold proclamation that defies all of the data I've seen.

65 to 45? How is that possible? 69+45=114% More fuzzy math.
What is wrong with you?? Seriously, there is something REALLY wrong. I voted in the stupid survey for Obama. I sort of forgot about the survey. Is that okay?? I didn't mean to break the law!! When I got the post criticizing me for saying Obama won, I thought it was one of my posts being challenged. And I had not done a post where I said that. Okay??? Do you get it???

Why didn't you just ask me instead of being such a horses ass??? If you didn't cuss at people and call them names it would be like a day without sunshine for you.

You "sort of forgot about the survey?" Now that's a classic line.

Now let me hit you with a little logic. According to you, you did not write any posts wherein you opined that Obama won the debate; yet you thought that just such a post - a non-existing post - was being challenged. A logical person would have looked at any other possible source which could have been construed as making such a claim and might have easily determined that the only other source would have been the vote. I would suggest that you were fully aware of your vote, but you were not smart enough to deduce the vote was made public. That demonstrates that you are not as brilliant as you think you are, and your comments were deceptive at best.

Obama did not win his debate and I'm sorry to tell you, dear lady, you are not winning yours either.

Finally, faulting others for calling people names has added a bizarre touch of humor to your post. Do you know what hypocrisy means?

My advice: Have a strong drink, chill out and show others the same respect you want to receive.

Wow. The truth just doesn't work with you people. I never said I was brilliant. And I am a good researcher. When I'm at work!!! I'm done. As I've said, don't care what you think.
You wouldn't be whining like a little bitch if you didn't care what everyone here thinks. You measure your own self worth by the opinions of the posters on this board. Since most have a negative opinion of you, that should tell you something about what you're worth.
:lol: I think the fat ass Rinata won 'Stupid Post of the Month' for that delusional rant. :lol:

There was no rant, Miss Crappy Personality Of The Decade. Oh, I shouldn't have said that. You'll be whining for the next year like you did when I told you that anybody that escapes your clutches dodged a bullet. Right?? You love to dish it out but you can't take it. Now go cry to Cleo.

Actually, that's not what you said... your comment was about one specific person... you know it, I know it... and lots of other posters know it.

Now, stop lying and go fuck a twinkie.

No self respecting Twinkie would have her.
Is that the best you have? Spin?

I suppose you think Obby's gonna come storming back and win the next two debates, Right?


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