Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

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Is that the best you have? Spin?

I suppose you think Obby's gonna come storming back and win the next two debates, Right?


I think that Obama will put in much stronger debate peformances in the next two debates, and the media will "Marvel" at how much he improved.

Because ironically, that's what Reagan did in 1984, and Bush did in 2004. They had weak first debates, and stronger second and third ones.

But here's the dirty little secret about debates.

They don't really matter that much.

They are something the media insists on mostly so they can have something to talk about.

But they don't really change anyone's mind.

Kerry outperformed Bush-43 in all three debates, and still lost the election.
60 million viewers saw this debate...... It does matter this time.

The only way Obby does well is if the left gets him the questions and gives him the answers before the debate. It wouldn't surprise me if they did.
They live on lies and corruption.
I'm sure Romney will be ready for this... He'll beat him with questions he hasn't been given the answers too and iterupt him while he tries to use up the clock.
There is no secret about Obama now. He is exposed.
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60 million viewers saw this debate...... It does matter this time.

The only way Obby does well is if the left gets him the questions and gives him the answers before the debate. It wouldn't surprise me if they did.
They live on lies and corruption.
I'm sure Romney will be ready for this... He'll beat him with questions he hasn't been given the answers too and iterupt him while he tries to use up the clock.
There is no secret about Obama now. He is exposed.

Actually, the people who saw the debate who liked Obama still like Obama.

The people who saw the debate and didn't like Willard still don't like him.

The debate changed no minds..
60 million viewers saw this debate...... It does matter this time.

The only way Obby does well is if the left gets him the questions and gives him the answers before the debate. It wouldn't surprise me if they did.
They live on lies and corruption.
I'm sure Romney will be ready for this... He'll beat him with questions he hasn't been given the answers too and iterupt him while he tries to use up the clock.
There is no secret about Obama now. He is exposed.

Actually, the people who saw the debate who liked Obama still like Obama.

The people who saw the debate and didn't like Willard still don't like him.

The debate changed no minds..

Did anyone see the college Kids (fools is a better term in describing to days campus children) that believe Obama not having a teleprompter was unfair???
Wow that says volumes as to the brainwashing the left has done on campus USA you are Screwed.
Yup, because it does not matter, Intrades Odds dropped by 12 points, 78.5 to 66.5, in favor of Obama over night.

60 million viewers saw this debate...... It does matter this time.

The only way Obby does well is if the left gets him the questions and gives him the answers before the debate. It wouldn't surprise me if they did.
They live on lies and corruption.
I'm sure Romney will be ready for this... He'll beat him with questions he hasn't been given the answers too and iterupt him while he tries to use up the clock.
There is no secret about Obama now. He is exposed.

Actually, the people who saw the debate who liked Obama still like Obama.

The people who saw the debate and didn't like Willard still don't like him.

The debate changed no minds..
Yup, because it does not matter, Intrades Odds dropped by 12 points, 78.5 to 66.5, in favor of Obama over night.

So you mean that Romney is still losing horribly, just not as bad as he was losing before?


A few more people are willing to gamble on him?

Again- you want to impress me, Jake-o, show me someone who was pro-Obama before the debate whose pro-Romney now.

That would impress me.
Nothing would impress you, because you are a lefty homer.

You said there was no difference, I showed that you deliberately lied again, and you agree. OK.
Is that the best you have? Spin?

I suppose you think Obby's gonna come storming back and win the next two debates, Right?


THe real question is obviously "Is that the best YOU have?" When the little car full of clowns was finally empty the last stooge standing was Mittens. He is a horribly flawed contender that lies compulsively. He is not presidential calibur as has been clearly displayed in the 8 years he has been selling himself for POTUS.

A large majority of American voters already vetted and elected Barrack Obama.

That fact seems elusive to you.
You "sort of forgot about the survey?" Now that's a classic line.

Now let me hit you with a little logic. According to you, you did not write any posts wherein you opined that Obama won the debate; yet you thought that just such a post - a non-existing post - was being challenged. A logical person would have looked at any other possible source which could have been construed as making such a claim and might have easily determined that the only other source would have been the vote. I would suggest that you were fully aware of your vote, but you were not smart enough to deduce the vote was made public. That demonstrates that you are not as brilliant as you think you are, and your comments were deceptive at best.

Obama did not win his debate and I'm sorry to tell you, dear lady, you are not winning yours either.

Finally, faulting others for calling people names has added a bizarre touch of humor to your post. Do you know what hypocrisy means?

My advice: Have a strong drink, chill out and show others the same respect you want to receive.

Wow. The truth just doesn't work with you people. I never said I was brilliant. And I am a good researcher. When I'm at work!!! I'm done. As I've said, don't care what you think.
You wouldn't be whining like a little bitch if you didn't care what everyone here thinks. You measure your own self worth by the opinions of the posters on this board. Since most have a negative opinion of you, that should tell you something about what you're worth.

First of all, I don't whine. This comment is just amazing. Is that what you do?? Please do not project that onto me. It's ridiculous. If that's what you do, I feel sorry for you.

What is it with people like you and "The Professor"? You both just love attacking people and making observations about people you do not even know!!! I have a theory about that. I think you have so little control over your own lives, for whatever reason. And so you get such pleasure from being hateful on these boards. It relieves something inside you. But you both need to grow up. You would never talk to people like that if you were having a discussion in person. But you feel safe in doing so because there is no face to face with anyone here. Do you know what that makes you?? A couple of bullies. You are both bullies and need to grow up.
Did anyone see the college Kids (fools is a better term in describing to days campus children) that believe Obama not having a teleprompter was unfair???
Wow that says volumes as to the brainwashing the left has done on campus USA you are Screwed.

No, I didn't see that. Neither did anyone else.

Do you have a link?

Before you whine about the source, and I am sure you will, watch the video. The y are specific with the question, and show the specific answer from the Obama supporters.

Obama Supporters: President Should Have Teleprompter At Debates
Wow. The truth just doesn't work with you people. I never said I was brilliant. And I am a good researcher. When I'm at work!!! I'm done. As I've said, don't care what you think.
You wouldn't be whining like a little bitch if you didn't care what everyone here thinks. You measure your own self worth by the opinions of the posters on this board. Since most have a negative opinion of you, that should tell you something about what you're worth.

First of all, I don't whine. This comment is just amazing. Is that what you do?? Please do not project that onto me. It's ridiculous. If that's what you do, I feel sorry for you.

What is it with people like you and "The Professor"? You both just love attacking people and making observations about people you do not even know!!! I have a theory about that. I think you have so little control over your own lives, for whatever reason. And so you get such pleasure from being hateful on these boards. It relieves something inside you. But you both need to grow up. You would never talk to people like that if you were having a discussion in person. But you feel safe in doing so because there is no face to face with anyone here. Do you know what that makes you?? A couple of bullies. You are both bullies and need to grow up.

WAAAAAAAAAAAA! Conservative and The Professor are being mean to me... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
60 million viewers saw this debate...... It does matter this time.

The only way Obby does well is if the left gets him the questions and gives him the answers before the debate. It wouldn't surprise me if they did.
They live on lies and corruption.
I'm sure Romney will be ready for this... He'll beat him with questions he hasn't been given the answers too and iterupt him while he tries to use up the clock.
There is no secret about Obama now. He is exposed.

Actually, the people who saw the debate who liked Obama still like Obama.

The people who saw the debate and didn't like Willard still don't like him.

The debate changed no minds..

Then explain the 4 point swing at Rasmussen in the last 2 days, OK?
Or the 12.5 drop in Intrades Odds in 24 hours.

60 million viewers saw this debate...... It does matter this time.

The only way Obby does well is if the left gets him the questions and gives him the answers before the debate. It wouldn't surprise me if they did.
They live on lies and corruption.
I'm sure Romney will be ready for this... He'll beat him with questions he hasn't been given the answers too and iterupt him while he tries to use up the clock.
There is no secret about Obama now. He is exposed.

Actually, the people who saw the debate who liked Obama still like Obama.

The people who saw the debate and didn't like Willard still don't like him.

The debate changed no minds..

Then explain the 4 point swing at Rasmussen in the last 2 days, OK?
Joe's medications wore off so he can't type for a while.

Nah, JoeB, you and the far lefties are as delusional as the far righties.

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