Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Take a look at the polls results here: (on the left half way down the page)

Liberal pundits underwhelmed by Obama's debate performance | NOLA.com

The percentages mirror what we have here.

And election night will mirror these polls. The kenyan got his ass handed to him last night, and he'll get his ass handed to him again in November.

Mmm b'bye... obamalamadingdong... fucking dick head.

I didn't listen to all of it, but since the mostly liberal analysts at MSNBC agreed Romney won,

he apparently won.

Precisely...if MSNBC swallows enough pride and admits Romney "won" the debate...only someone who is fooling themselves could possibly see it the other way around.
You know...like TruthdontMatter..

Did you watch MSNBC last night?? Apparently not. Why do you people criticize it when you never watch it???
I didn't listen to all of it, but since the mostly liberal analysts at MSNBC agreed Romney won,

he apparently won.

Precisely...if MSNBC swallows enough pride and admits Romney "won" the debate...only someone who is fooling themselves could possibly see it the other way around.
You know...like TruthdontMatter..


considering that, the reality of THIS is less than promising:


and this?


You have some problems with the message if the delivery boy is Clear channel, which Bain Capital owns, and who OWNS:


Clear Channel has purchased interest in, or outright acquired, companies in a number of media or advertising related industries. This is not an exhaustive list.

With 850 stations, Clear Channel is the largest radio station group owner in the United States, both by number of stations and by revenue. The 850 stations reach more than 110 million listeners every week, and 237 million every month. According to BIA Financial Network, Clear Channel Media & Entertainment recorded more than $3.5 billion in revenues in as of 2005, $1 billion more than the number-two group owner, CBS Radio.[27]

Clear Channel has purchased stations from or acquired the following radio companies:

The Ackerley Group
Capstar (also operating under Gulfstar, Southern Star, Pacific Star, and Atlantic Star)
Clark Broadcasting
Dame Media
Eastern Radio Assets
Quad City
ION Media Networks
Taylor Broadcasting
Trumper Communications
SFX Radio
US Radio
Mondosphere Broadcasting

Outdoor advertising
Billboards at Dundas Square in Toronto, owned by Clear Channel.

Clear Channel Outdoor is an advertising company owned by Clear Channel Communications.

Bought Eller Media, Universal Outdoor, and More Group Plc, giving Clear Channel outdoor advertising space in 25 countries.
Owns part of an Italian street furniture company, Jolly Pubblicita S.p.A.
Owns BBH Exhibits, Yellow Checker Star Cab Displays, Dauphin, Taxi Tops, Donrey Media, and Ackerley Media. Also owns an outdoor advertising company in Switzerland and Poland and a major outdoor advertising firm in Chile.
Has a partnership with APN Outdoor in Australia, which has resulted in a 49% share in Adshel, a street furniture advertising company. APN Outdoor is the majority shareholder (owning 51% of Adshel).
Operates over 500 digital billboards in 32 markets.


The first television station Clear Channel purchased was WPMI in Mobile, Alabama in 1988. It owned more than 40 additional stations, a few of which are independent (non-network affiliates). In 2007, the company entered into an agreement to sell all its television stations to Providence Equity Partners for $1.2 billion, a deal that eventually closed in March, 2008. All former Clear Channel television stations are now owned by Newport Television, except for six stations then flipped to other buyers by Newport. In 2012, Newport announced its intentions to sell off as many of the former Clear Channel stations as is legally allowed to Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Cox Media Group and Sinclair Broadcast Group.
Live events

On December 21, 2005, Clear Channel completed the spin-off of Live Nation, formerly known as Clear Channel Entertainment. Live Nation is an independent company (NYSE: LYV) and is no longer owned by Clear Channel. Live Nation UK was also included in the spin off.

Note that post-spinoff, there is overlap the board between Clear Channel and Live Nation, specifically: L. Lowry Mays, Mark P. Mays (Former Vice Chairman of Live Nation), and Randall T. Mays (Former Chairman of Live Nation).[28]
News and information

Operates Clear Channel News Network and local news networks in Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, Ohio, Oklahoma, Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia and Florida
Premiere Radio Networks
FOX News Radio
FOX Sports Radio Network
Acquired and later sold the Agri Broadcast Network (ABN), a farm programming provider in Ohio
Publishes "Inside Radio" magazine - Inside Radio, The Most Trusted News in Radio
Clear Channel Traffic reports on road and traffic conditions across the United States, and in Mexico City, Mexico; these are used by many GPS navigation systems.[29]
Fan Radio Network a sports radio network that serves Minnesota, South Dakota, and North Dakota. Flagship station is KFAN in Minneapolis, MN
Your Smooth Jazz, 24-hour smooth jazz network provided under the company's "Broadcast Architecture" division[30]

Bicing, community bicycle program in Barcelona, Spain, European Union

Owns part of radio groups in New Zealand, Mexico, Norway, and Australia
Owns outdoor advertising companies in Brazil, Chile, Finland, France, Italy, Norway, Poland, Romania, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and Mauritius
Owns L & C Outdoor Comunicacao Visual Ltda., of Brazil
Owns the only airport advertising contract in South America
United Kingdom
Large numbers of billboards (through a takeover of Adshel)
See Clear Channel UK
Operates urban bicycle sharing systems in several European cities:
Caen - 350 bikes in 40 stations - VEOL (French)
Dijon - 350 bikes in 33 stations - Velodi (French)
Perpignan - 150 bikes in 15 stations - bip-perpignan.fr (French)
Rennes (since 1998) - 200 bikes in 25 stations - veloalacarte.free.fr (French).
Norway - Oslo : Oslo Bysykkel ; Drammen : Drammen Bysykkel ; Trondheim : Trondheim Bysykkel - www.oslobysykkel.no
Spain - Barcelona : Bicing - 6,000 bikes in 400 stations - www.bicing.com.
Sweden - Stockholm : Stockholm City Bikes, 1,000 bikes in 80 stations - www.stockholmcitybikes.se
Italy - Milan : bikeMi, 1,300 bikes in 103 stations - Bikemi

Vertical Real Estate

In 2003, Clear Channel created the Vertical Real Estate division and hired Scott Quitadamo to promote its tower portfolio. Clear Channel owns and operates approximately 1,500 broadcast transmission towers across the U.S., many of which are available for co-location by third parties such as cellular and PCS companies, wireless internet, fixed wireless, and other broadcasters.
Corporate governance


If your message isn't CLEARLY articulated and most positively spun with THAT toolbox for misinforming the masses? YOU have a MAJOR fucking problem, and it probably revolves around the fact that your shit is shit, and our shit is stuff.
I got the impression the reason that Obama keep looking down was he was looking for his teleprompter. I have never witnessed a more rambling, stumbling performance from Obama in the last 3 and half years of wall to wall campaign speeches. Obama looked and acted totally lost and in over his head.
I got the impression the reason that Obama keep looking down was he was looking for his teleprompter. I have never witnessed a more rambling, stumbling performance from Obama in the last 3 and half years of wall to wall campaign speeches. Obama looked and acted totally lost and in over his head.

Well, that's what the rest of us 90+% that aren't lying to ourselves saw also.
Lol, 14 idiots voted for Obama. I'll be voting for Obama this November but he lost that debate. It wasn't a very big loss, but Obama was obviously very ill-prepared.
People actually voted for Obama? They must've seen a different debate last night than the one I saw. Anyway, Obama is whining like a spoiled brat today. I can't listen to him anymore. I wish he would grow up.
Lol, 14 idiots voted for Obama. I'll be voting for Obama this November but he lost that debate. It wasn't a very big loss, but Obama was obviously very ill-prepared.

It depends on what you consider a loss, grasshopper.

The both of them were MUCH better prepared than the American electorate had every right to expect, and THAT was because the Romney camp insisted on it, and because Obama caved to allow it.
Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

Obama looked presidential if not somewhat put off by Mittens agressiveness and blatent lying. He looked the way I do when in the presence of a teen ager that is out of control and irritating.

I'm sure that many of the simple minds that attend WWF matches will see the debate as a win for Romney. They like their heros to be loud and full of shit. You can be assured that the display of blatent lying was not lost on world leaders. They do not want to deal with a liar.

Mitten's republican base is sure they won something just like the gangs of blacks in the LA Riots stealing TVs. Most of em got caught on video and went to jail.

What they, Romney's base, REALLY won is rejuvinated dem base knowing even more clearly that this piece of shit can NEVER be the POTUS.
Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

Obama looked presidential if not somewhat put off by Mittens agressiveness and blatent lying. He looked the way I do when in the presence of a teen ager that is out of control and irritating.

I'm sure that many of the simple minds that attend WWF matches will see the debate as a win for Romney. They like their heros to be loud and full of shit. You can be assured that the display of blatent lying was not lost on world leaders. They do not want to deal with a liar.

Mitten's republican base is sure they won something just like the gangs of blacks in the LA Riots stealing TVs. Most of em got caught on video and went to jail.

What they, Romney's base, REALLY won is rejuvinated dem base knowing even more clearly that this piece of shit can NEVER be the POTUS.

"I didn't have sex with that woman" ... just sayin
Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

Obama looked presidential if not somewhat put off by Mittens agressiveness and blatent lying. He looked the way I do when in the presence of a teen ager that is out of control and irritating.

I'm sure that many of the simple minds that attend WWF matches will see the debate as a win for Romney. They like their heros to be loud and full of shit. You can be assured that the display of blatent lying was not lost on world leaders. They do not want to deal with a liar.

Mitten's republican base is sure they won something just like the gangs of blacks in the LA Riots stealing TVs. Most of em got caught on video and went to jail.

What they, Romney's base, REALLY won is rejuvinated dem base knowing even more clearly that this piece of shit can NEVER be the POTUS.

"I didn't have sex with that woman" ... just sayin

Apropos of?


You ARE a creepy little fucker, aren't you?
Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

Obama looked presidential if not somewhat put off by Mittens agressiveness and blatent lying. He looked the way I do when in the presence of a teen ager that is out of control and irritating.

I'm sure that many of the simple minds that attend WWF matches will see the debate as a win for Romney. They like their heros to be loud and full of shit. You can be assured that the display of blatent lying was not lost on world leaders. They do not want to deal with a liar.

Mitten's republican base is sure they won something just like the gangs of blacks in the LA Riots stealing TVs. Most of em got caught on video and went to jail.

What they, Romney's base, REALLY won is rejuvinated dem base knowing even more clearly that this piece of shit can NEVER be the POTUS.

"I didn't have sex with that woman" ... just sayin

Is your lack of sexual attraction REALLY on topic?
Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

Obama looked presidential if not somewhat put off by Mittens agressiveness and blatent lying. He looked the way I do when in the presence of a teen ager that is out of control and irritating.

I'm sure that many of the simple minds that attend WWF matches will see the debate as a win for Romney. They like their heros to be loud and full of shit. You can be assured that the display of blatent lying was not lost on world leaders. They do not want to deal with a liar.

Mitten's republican base is sure they won something just like the gangs of blacks in the LA Riots stealing TVs. Most of em got caught on video and went to jail.

What they, Romney's base, REALLY won is rejuvenated dem base knowing even more clearly that this piece of shit can NEVER be the POTUS.

Go back to college and get your mother the refund she deserves
Could the contrast be any greater between Romney, who looted American companies and shipped their jobs overseas, only pays taxes at a 13% rate, stashes his money in the Cayman Islands to avoid U.S. taxes, and President Obama who saved GM and created 32 straight months of private sector job growth?

Obama is an economic patriot.

Romney is an economic traitor.

The Left likes patriots now? Are we going to see left wingers setting up patriot camps and giving all their money to the government?

If Obama was really an economic patriot he wouldn't take any deductions.
I didn't listen to all of it, but since the mostly liberal analysts at MSNBC agreed Romney won,

he apparently won.

Precisely...if MSNBC swallows enough pride and admits Romney "won" the debate...only someone who is fooling themselves could possibly see it the other way around.
You know...like TruthdontMatter..

Did you watch MSNBC last night?? Apparently not. Why do you people criticize it when you never watch it???

I always watch a little of MSNBC just to know what the other side is thinking, which most of the time is not much. What I saw was the Race Hustler cherry picking and Christ Matthew whining about why Obama keeping looking down and not attacking Romney on his 47% comment. No one in the 10-15 minutes I watched thought Obama was the clear winner although no one came out and said it.
Monoplizing the debate, romney won. Obama won on the facts he was allowed to get out before being interrupted by Lehrer and Romney. Debate may as well had been moderatored by FOXNEWS Hannity.

Lehrer was trying to help Obama at points.

Balance, Mr. President, you said something about balance, right?

Um, yes, Jim, thank you. I want a balanced approach.

Lehrer was actually trying to help him complete his thoughts.

Please at least tell the truth. The moderator was not trying to help anyone.
Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

Obama looked presidential if not somewhat put off by Mittens agressiveness and blatent lying. He looked the way I do when in the presence of a teen ager that is out of control and irritating.

I'm sure that many of the simple minds that attend WWF matches will see the debate as a win for Romney. They like their heros to be loud and full of shit. You can be assured that the display of blatent lying was not lost on world leaders. They do not want to deal with a liar.

Mitten's republican base is sure they won something just like the gangs of blacks in the LA Riots stealing TVs. Most of em got caught on video and went to jail.

What they, Romney's base, REALLY won is rejuvinated dem base knowing even more clearly that this piece of shit can NEVER be the POTUS.

"I didn't have sex with that woman" ... just sayin

Apropos of?


You ARE a creepy little fucker, aren't you?

Wow Barb...

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