Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

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Well, then 40% of the county must disturb you...since that's how many said they wouldn't vote for a Muslim for President. 43% wouldn't vote for an atheist.

Atheists, Muslims See Most Bias as Presidential Candidates

And yet plenty will. Why? Because he's not far left by any stretch of the imagination.

Can you name this President?

  • Created the EPA
  • Supported the Clean Air Act
  • Created OSHA
  • Bolstered Social Security benefits
  • Introduced a minimum tax on the wealthy
  • Championed a guaranteed minimum income for the poor
  • Proposed health reform that would require employers to buy health insurance for all their employees and subsidize those who couldn't afford it.

[*]Created the EPA good idea turned job killer
[*]Supported the Clean Air Act ditto
[*]Created OSHA I had to deal with these assholes, they were corrupt in the early 90's, so I imagine it's ditto
[*]Bolstered Social Security benefits tricked people into thinking the government would care for them when they got old, so people didn't save or plan ahead, or another bad (D) idea.
[*]Introduced a minimum tax on the wealthy seriously... and then on everyone else.
[*]Championed a guaranteed minimum income for the poor and garunteed that those people stay poor.
[*]Proposed health reform that would require tryanny employers to buy health insurance for all their employees and subsidize those who couldn't afford it tyranny, tyranny tyranny. those that surrender liberty for safety deserve neither.

Who is championing jobs? it's not obama, clearly he thinks 26 million UE is funny.

You didn't answer the question. Which President was it?

Who is championing jobs? The President who has seen 5 million of them created since he became President.


you can toss that 5 million numbner around all you want....but there is a net gain of people in the workjforce of near zero....and unemployment is still at 8.1%...

Sure companies hired...they were given 3/4 of a trillion dollars in tax money.....but how permanent is a job when LIMITED funds are used to support it?

Apply logic seawytch...dont simply spew talking points....even though that is what the democratic party wants you to do.
Could the contrast be any greater between Romney, who looted American companies and shipped their jobs overseas, only pays taxes at a 13% rate, stashes his money in the Cayman Islands to avoid U.S. taxes, and President Obama who saved GM and created 32 straight months of private sector job growth?

Obama is an economic patriot.

Romney is an economic traitor.

so are you back to being a LEFTY this week Chris?.....
Romney really schooled him on the Economy. Even i was a bit shocked at how ignorant Obama is on economic matters. But i guess i shouldn't be shocked. 'Community Organizing' is the only job he ever had. He's completely clueless when it comes to Business. Romney embarrassed him several times.
[*]Created the EPA good idea turned job killer
[*]Supported the Clean Air Act ditto
[*]Created OSHA I had to deal with these assholes, they were corrupt in the early 90's, so I imagine it's ditto
[*]Bolstered Social Security benefits tricked people into thinking the government would care for them when they got old, so people didn't save or plan ahead, or another bad (D) idea.
[*]Introduced a minimum tax on the wealthy seriously... and then on everyone else.
[*]Championed a guaranteed minimum income for the poor and garunteed that those people stay poor.
[*]Proposed health reform that would require tryanny employers to buy health insurance for all their employees and subsidize those who couldn't afford it tyranny, tyranny tyranny. those that surrender liberty for safety deserve neither.

Who is championing jobs? it's not obama, clearly he thinks 26 million UE is funny.

You didn't answer the question. Which President was it?

Who is championing jobs? The President who has seen 5 million of them created since he became President.


you can toss that 5 million numbner around all you want....but there is a net gain of people in the workjforce of near zero....and unemployment is still at 8.1%...

Sure companies hired...they were given 3/4 of a trillion dollars in tax money.....but how permanent is a job when LIMITED funds are used to support it?

Apply logic seawytch...dont simply spew talking points....even though that is what the democratic party wants you to do.

It's 5 million jobs created. Are you attributing all that red to him? Do you really not remember that we were losing 700,000 jobs a MONTH when he took office? Like it or not, the Stimulus DID turn the economy around and we ARE creating jobs. 30 straight months of job gains. Those aren't "talking points", but MATH.

The only criticism ya'll can come up with is that he's not cleaning up "the predecessors" mess fast enough. Sounds like John Sununu saying he didn't kill Bin Laden fast enough. :rolleyes:

I'm still waiting for you to tell me how President Obama is so "far left" and for anyone to answer this question.

Can you name this President?

  • Created the EPA
  • Supported the Clean Air Act
  • Created OSHA
  • Bolstered Social Security benefits
  • Introduced a minimum tax on the wealthy
  • Championed a guaranteed minimum income for the poor
  • Proposed health reform that would require employers to buy health insurance for all their employees and subsidize those who couldn't afford it.

I love those "Obama is far left" stories. Best fairy tale EVER.
You didn't answer the question. Which President was it?

Who is championing jobs? The President who has seen 5 million of them created since he became President.


you can toss that 5 million numbner around all you want....but there is a net gain ofpeople in the workjforce of near zero....and unemployment is still at 8.1%...

Sure companies hired...they were given 3/4 of a trillion dollars in tax money.....but how permanent is a job when LIMITED funds are used to support it?

Apply logic seawytch...dont simply spew talking points....even though that is what the democratic party wants you to do.

It's 5 million jobs created. Are you attributing all that red to him? Do you really not remember that we were losing 700,000 jobs a MONTH when he took office? Like it or not, the Stimulus DID turn the economy around and we ARE creating jobs. 30 straight months of job gains. Those aren't "talking points", but MATH.

The only criticism ya'll can come up with is that he's not cleaning up "the predecessors" mess fast enough. Sounds like John Sununu saying he didn't kill Bin Laden fast enough. :rolleyes:

I'm still waiting for you to tell me how President Obama is so "far left" and for anyone to answer this question.

Can you name this President?

  • Created the EPA
  • Supported the Clean Air Act
  • Created OSHA
  • Bolstered Social Security benefits
  • Introduced a minimum tax on the wealthy
  • Championed a guaranteed minimum income for the poor
  • Proposed health reform that would require employers to buy health insurance for all their employees and subsidize those who couldn't afford it.

I love those "Obama is far left" stories. Best fairy tale EVER.

Nixon...but irrelevant.

Now I have a question for you....

If you were unemployed and struggling...collecting 500 a week unemployment and barely getting by....

And then you got a "stimulus" job making 1000 a week....but you knew it was only temporary becaus stimulus money always is...

What would you do?

Would you spoend all 1000?
Romney IS a great con man/liar. That WAS obama's first debate in 4 years...


THAT was the sorriest, most pathetic, most pussy excuse I have EVER seen posted at USMB.



and it was posted by the sorriest, most pathetic, most pussy poster on USMB.

actually right now that title belongs to Duddly ludite....Mr. i am an "INDEPENDENT"....and he of course says he doesnt remember that.....so i had to remind him.....:eusa_angel:
Obummer looked bummed. He seemed very tired and defeated. It probably is time for him to go.

From what I understand they've already purchased a retirement home in Hawaii, I think he knows the writing is on the wall.
Obummer looked bummed. He seemed very tired and defeated. It probably is time for him to go.

From what I understand they've already purchased a retirement home in Hawaii, I think he knows the writing is on the wall.

Yeah, he really did look worn out and defeated. His lack of knowledge on economic matters is what shocked me the most though. He is shockingly ignorant. We already have the second highest Corporate Tax Rate in the World. And look at all the Taxpayer Cash he gave to his 'Green Energy' cronies. So his 'Evil Corporation/Evil Oil Company' rant seemed so disingenuous and stale. And Romney rightfully pounced.
Mitt doesn't speak of middle "class."
That bullshit rhetoric is entirely in the hands of the incumbent.

Mitt evidently got the message [EXCELLENT news] and speaks instead of middle income people.

President Class Warfare is gonna get steam rolled.

You can't believe anything that empty suit has to say!

No, Romney doesn't speak of the middle class, if you skip instances like the third sentence he uttered in the debate:

My view is that we ought to provide tax relief to people in the middle class.

lol, shut up.
Mitt doesn't speak of middle "class."
That bullshit rhetoric is entirely in the hands of the incumbent.

Mitt evidently got the message [EXCELLENT news] and speaks instead of middle income people.

President Class Warfare is gonna get steam rolled.

You can't believe anything that empty suit has to say!

No, Romney doesn't speak of the middle class, if you skip instances like the third sentence he uttered in the debate:

My view is that we ought to provide tax relief to people in the middle class.

lol, shut up.
Independent voters gave Obama the edge by I'd say 65 to 49% overall on CNN. There was a ticker for Colorado independent voters on the screen and Obama went to 100% I'd say about 6-8 times and Romney about 4-5. Romney went below the line about 4 times and Obama never did. Obama got higher marks consistently on healthcare and education, economy maybe a slight edge. Women consistently gave him higher marks than men, especially on education and healthcare. I'm on another forum with about 6K members but only 20 or so posting regularly, predominately republicans and of course, they thought Romney did super! *rolling eyes*

If you weren't looking for details, I'd say Romney did pretty well.. But independent voters on the screen gave it to Obama by a pretty good margin.:eusa_clap:

CNN poll: 67% - Romney, 25% - Obama.............Romney won.
It's funny how wingnuts bitterly cling to the "Liberal Mainstream Media" when it's convenient. :lol:
Mitt doesn't speak of middle "class."
That bullshit rhetoric is entirely in the hands of the incumbent.

Mitt evidently got the message [EXCELLENT news] and speaks instead of middle income people.

President Class Warfare is gonna get steam rolled.

You can't believe anything that empty suit has to say!

No, Romney doesn't speak of the middle class, if you skip instances like the third sentence he uttered in the debate:

My view is that we ought to provide tax relief to people in the middle class.

lol, shut up.
Oh, the burn! :lol:
Independent voters gave Obama the edge by I'd say 65 to 49% overall on CNN. There was a ticker for Colorado independent voters on the screen and Obama went to 100% I'd say about 6-8 times and Romney about 4-5. Romney went below the line about 4 times and Obama never did. Obama got higher marks consistently on healthcare and education, economy maybe a slight edge. Women consistently gave him higher marks than men, especially on education and healthcare. I'm on another forum with about 6K members but only 20 or so posting regularly, predominately republicans and of course, they thought Romney did super! *rolling eyes*

If you weren't looking for details, I'd say Romney did pretty well.. But independent voters on the screen gave it to Obama by a pretty good margin.:eusa_clap:

CNN poll: 67% - Romney, 25% - Obama.............Romney won.
It's funny how wingnuts bitterly cling to the "Liberal Mainstream Media" when it's convenient. :lol:

it's funnier how you don't understand that even the liberal media cannot fudge poll numbers. Sure, they can slant stories, not report stories, make up stories, etc... but poll numbers are verifiable. They either say one thing or another, there is no shading.
Wow, talk about a total beat down!! It was almost embarassing and Chrissy Pissy Matthews had a meltdown on television! LMFAO!!!

Romney showed just what an Amateur Obama truly is.. So very proud of him! WTG Mitt Romney..!!

The thrill is gone.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4GfRQSE-Ak]BB King, "The Thrill is Gone" - YouTube[/ame]
Neither candidate won the debate.

Both candidates played it safe. Neither one of them went off script. Both told their same old stories.

It was a boring, boring draw.

With these two clowns as their choices, though, the American people lost.


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