Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

Who won the debate tonight? Obama or Romney?

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So you allow your religious bias dictate how you feel about someone. I find that disturbing.

You deem Romney as a lair based on what...his religion?

Yup. He thinks Joseph Smith was talking to God. I think Joseph Smith was lying to scam less smart people out of money and getting to sleep with their teenage daughters. Kind of like David Koresh.

If Romney can't get a no-brainer like that one right, I'm not sure I can trust him on the bigger decisions.

Also, I met some Mormons back in the 1980's who really creeped me the fuck out. From Romney to the Osmonds, whenever I see a Mormon, I just cringe.

Look...whatever......I dont believe ANY registered republican would vote for Obama. He is very far to the leftr and by no means meets any of the crirteria of the GOP.

9% of Republicans voted for Obama last time, according to exit polls. Sorry.

Not sure if you are a liar and I dont really care. But I do know that you are prejudiced based on religion for you admitted that.

SO you are now being put on my ignore list. You arent worth the my time. I do not interact with those that are prejudice.

In short, you can't answer the points. I get that. Maybe we should call you "brain in a jar"

Little man your boy king failed miserably last night, he looked a little boy being schooled out there.
Debates are designed to allow voters to educate themselves based on the candidates themselves...not based on how the media portrays them.

The fact that you deem debates as irrelevant means that you would vote for a ham sandwich if the ham sandwich were up against Romney. Which means that you are not interested in who would be better for the country. You just want "the other guy" to lose.

However, I admire your honesty. Seeing as you deem debates as irrelevant and this is a debate forum, it explains why you rarely engage in debates and instead simply spew talking points.

You are ideal for the democratic party. They can tell you the sky is green and you would support it as fact.

How is a contrived setting "educational"? What did we find out about Romney that we didn't know before? What did we find out about Obama that we didn't know before?

Other than Romney telling some whoppers about his tax plans and medical proposals, what did we learn.

And, actually, guy, I'm a registered Republican.

I'm just horrified my party has been hijacked by Wall Street and the Latter-Day Saints Cult.

I voted for McCain in 2008, and if there is a Hillary/Jeb matchup in 2016 (after Romney loses) I will vote for Jeb, probably.

But I really, really despise, distrust and disdain Mormons, so I'm stuck voting for Obama.

So you allow your religious bias dictate how you feel about someone. I find that disturbing.

You deem Romney as a lair based on what...his religion?

Look...whatever......I dont believe ANY registered republican would vote for Obama. He is very far to the leftr and by no means meets any of the crirteria of the GOP.

Not sure if you are a liar and I dont really care. But I do know that you are prejudiced based on religion for you admitted that.

SO you are now being put on my ignore list. You arent worth the my time. I do not interact with those that are prejudice.

I've had him on ignore for a while now. Wise choice!
The Dear Leader looked lost. He should have gone into Preacher-Mode. Might have helped. But not much. He just doesn't have anything to run on. He's out of gas.
The Dear Leader looked lost. He should have gone into Preacher-Mode. Might have helped. But not much. He just doesn't have anything to run on. He's out of gas.

Precisely. He's a media created hype, nothing more. When having to stand before the people of this Nation, he failed miserably. He doesn't ever answer questions, go on real Media outlets... he hides behind the liberal media, behind a teleprompter with carefully crafted speeches written by staff. He's a Community Organizer and it showed last night.
The Dear Leader looked lost. He should have gone into Preacher-Mode. Might have helped. But not much. He just doesn't have anything to run on. He's out of gas.

Precisely. He's a media created hype, nothing more. When having to stand before the people of this Nation, he failed miserably. He doesn't ever answer questions, go on real Media outlets... he hides behind the liberal media, behind a teleprompter with carefully crafted speeches written by staff. He's a Community Organizer and it showed last night.

You mean Community Agitator...and he looked agitated last night. :razz:
Obama won:
Barb, Chris, courseofhistory, francoHFW, JoeB131, Lakhota, LilOlLady, MarcATL, Rinata, RosieS, Sallow, Sarah G, sfcalifornia


Never said he won...

I said it was irrelevent... because debates always are.

And I think I said that before the debate.

Debates are something for the media to talk about while they fill time between the conventions and the election.

Fact is, the guy who leads two weeks after the conventions always wins, and that's been Obama.

Yes, you did. Otherwise your name would not be listed with those that voted they thought Obama won. These are not anonymous polls you know. Your dishonesty is noted.
This morning I thought that democrats would say obama won no matter what, but tonight was so devastating, they can't.

well according to that poll it looks like it could be the other way around too.....just sayin.....were is the category for DRAW or NOT SURE?......
So you allow your religious bias dictate how you feel about someone. I find that disturbing.

Well, then 40% of the county must disturb you...since that's how many said they wouldn't vote for a Muslim for President. 43% wouldn't vote for an atheist.

Atheists, Muslims See Most Bias as Presidential Candidates

Look...whatever......I dont believe ANY registered republican would vote for Obama. He is very far to the leftr and by no means meets any of the crirteria of the GOP.

And yet plenty will. Why? Because he's not far left by any stretch of the imagination.

Can you name this President?

  • Created the EPA
  • Supported the Clean Air Act
  • Created OSHA
  • Bolstered Social Security benefits
  • Introduced a minimum tax on the wealthy
  • Championed a guaranteed minimum income for the poor
  • Proposed health reform that would require employers to buy health insurance for all their employees and subsidize those who couldn't afford it.

[*]Created the EPA good idea turned job killer
[*]Supported the Clean Air Act ditto
[*]Created OSHA I had to deal with these assholes, they were corrupt in the early 90's, so I imagine it's ditto
[*]Bolstered Social Security benefits tricked people into thinking the government would care for them when they got old, so people didn't save or plan ahead, or another bad (D) idea.
[*]Introduced a minimum tax on the wealthy seriously... and then on everyone else.
[*]Championed a guaranteed minimum income for the poor and garunteed that those people stay poor.
[*]Proposed health reform that would require tryanny employers to buy health insurance for all their employees and subsidize those who couldn't afford it tyranny, tyranny tyranny. those that surrender liberty for safety deserve neither.

Who is championing jobs? it's not obama, clearly he thinks 26 million UE is funny.
Obama is shockingly ignorant on economic issues. That much is pretty obvious to anyone with common sense. He embarrassed himself several times during the Debate.
As far as theatrics, Romney was far ahead. He looked almost manic at times.

But the lies. He may have a euphoria tonight, but tomorrow, the next day, the debates will be scrutinized and he will be asked about his positions tonight compared to his positions over the last 18 months. Mitt has the "flip flop" and "etch a sketch" labels for a reason.

So feel good tonight. It won't last.

Dean they are wondering why you left that thread where you made all those 10,000 dollar bets......hey just thought i would let you know....
So you allow your religious bias dictate how you feel about someone. I find that disturbing.

Well, then 40% of the county must disturb you...since that's how many said they wouldn't vote for a Muslim for President. 43% wouldn't vote for an atheist.

Atheists, Muslims See Most Bias as Presidential Candidates

Look...whatever......I dont believe ANY registered republican would vote for Obama. He is very far to the leftr and by no means meets any of the crirteria of the GOP.

And yet plenty will. Why? Because he's not far left by any stretch of the imagination.

Can you name this President?

  • Created the EPA
  • Supported the Clean Air Act
  • Created OSHA
  • Bolstered Social Security benefits
  • Introduced a minimum tax on the wealthy
  • Championed a guaranteed minimum income for the poor
  • Proposed health reform that would require employers to buy health insurance for all their employees and subsidize those who couldn't afford it.

[*]Created the EPA good idea turned job killer
[*]Supported the Clean Air Act ditto
[*]Created OSHA I had to deal with these assholes, they were corrupt in the early 90's, so I imagine it's ditto
[*]Bolstered Social Security benefits tricked people into thinking the government would care for them when they got old, so people didn't save or plan ahead, or another bad (D) idea.
[*]Introduced a minimum tax on the wealthy seriously... and then on everyone else.
[*]Championed a guaranteed minimum income for the poor and garunteed that those people stay poor.
[*]Proposed health reform that would require tryanny employers to buy health insurance for all their employees and subsidize those who couldn't afford it tyranny, tyranny tyranny. those that surrender liberty for safety deserve neither.

Who is championing jobs? it's not obama, clearly he thinks 26 million UE is funny.

You didn't answer the question. Which President was it?

Who is championing jobs? The President who has seen 5 million of them created since he became President.

Romney now has brand new tax plan that doesn't cut taxes for those Republican job creators,

but instead cuts taxes for the middle class,

thus adding progressivity to our system?

You can't believe anything this guy says.
Mitt doesn't speak of middle "class."

That bullshit rhetoric is entirely in the hands of the incumbent.

Mitt evidently got the message [EXCELLENT news] and speaks instead of middle income people.

President Class Warfare is gonna get steam rolled.

You can't believe anything that empty suit has to say!
Debates are designed to allow voters to educate themselves based on the candidates themselves...not based on how the media portrays them.

The fact that you deem debates as irrelevant means that you would vote for a ham sandwich if the ham sandwich were up against Romney. Which means that you are not interested in who would be better for the country. You just want "the other guy" to lose.

However, I admire your honesty. Seeing as you deem debates as irrelevant and this is a debate forum, it explains why you rarely engage in debates and instead simply spew talking points.

You are ideal for the democratic party. They can tell you the sky is green and you would support it as fact.

How is a contrived setting "educational"? What did we find out about Romney that we didn't know before? What did we find out about Obama that we didn't know before?

Other than Romney telling some whoppers about his tax plans and medical proposals, what did we learn.

And, actually, guy, I'm a registered Republican.

I'm just horrified my party has been hijacked by Wall Street and the Latter-Day Saints Cult.

I voted for McCain in 2008, and if there is a Hillary/Jeb matchup in 2016 (after Romney loses) I will vote for Jeb, probably.

But I really, really despise, distrust and disdain Mormons, so I'm stuck voting for Obama.

Romney is so shamelessly dishonest that only an aggressive debater who can beat him over the head with his lies is going to win a debate with him. Obama needs to do that.
Romney IS a great con man/liar. That WAS obama's first debate in 4 years...

so?......all they were doing was answering questions.....as President the guy should be up on everything he was asked about....since he has been dealing with this shit for 3 years now....

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