Who Won The Election?

Nope, not how it would work at all.

Take California and New York, just because they're oft-cited examples and because I know the numbers. Over six million voters in those states voted for Rump, yet had their votes tossed in the trash by the inane "winner take all" system. That's not all --- with such a low turnout there were millions more who didn't bother to vote, uncountable among them being those who didn't bother because they KNEW their vote wasn't going to count. Even those who voted for Clinton wasted their time, because the state was already going to do that whether they voted for Rump, voted for Clinton, or voted for nobody at all. So IF voters had a reason to think their vote would actually count, a lot more of them would show up than a pathetic 55%.

That's one --- and by no means the only one --- of the deleterious effects of the EC system as it's practiced.

Another one (and my no means the only other one) is the artificial bullshit walls it creates dividing the country into imaginary "red" states and "blue" states --- as if every last person in California is a liberal and every last person in Texas is a conservative, neither of which is true and which does both a disservice and patronizing insult. Then multiply that by fifty.

For starters.
That is an assumption on your part. A scenario of shouda, coulda, woulda. Get real.

That's true in EVERY election, and it's a point I've been on the whole time.

No voter in a "locked" state has a reason to even show up at the polling place, at least not for POTUS. Doesn't matter -- if you're in New York your state is voting for the Democrat. You can vote for the Democrat, you can vote for the Republican, you can vote for a third party to make a drop-in-the-bucket statement, or you can stay home and not vote at all --------- ALL FOUR scenaria produce exactly the same result.

Voters know this. Why the fuck should they bother?

I had a vote this year, because it wasn't clear which way my state would go. But my friends and relatives in Mississippi, California, Texas, Washington and Louisiana ---- they had no vote. Didn't matter what they did, their state was already decided and there was jack-all they could do either for or against it.

That *IS* real. And it's also fucked up.
Your twisted reasoning doesn't hold water. Say, five of us decide to go on a hiking trip. We come to a fork on the hiking path and we are undecided which path to follow and instead of flipping a coin we decide to vote. Three of us vote for the right and two for the left path facing the fork. According to you the two who voted for the left path had no vote, correct?
Liberals will tell you Hillary won but in the heart of EVERY Trump supporter we KNOW who won. The PEOPLE who won and I say PEOPLE made this long awaited change happen. Democrats despise the PEOPLE. People who have made this nation GREAT. So have a listen liberals THIS is America, and WE be standing proud of those who make the effort to keep things going.


The People voted for Hillary Clinton. The weird rules we have for electing presidents trumped the will of the People.

"The weird rules we have for electing presidents trumped the will of the People."

You've had those rules for a very long time and all of a sudden you don't like those rules anymore. In typical Leftist fashion, if something doesn't go the way you want it to you want to change the rules and move the goalposts.

Nobody likes those rules, and they get questioned exactly every four years, specifically because that's when they come into play. So there's nothing "sudden" about it. I've been railing against this idiotic system steadily here for the last year.

In this particular case, 46% of the 55% of eligible voters who actually did vote, installed the Orangeman who came in second. And if anybody's wondering ---- 46% of 55% is 25%. That's who won the election --- 25%.

And yes you read that right ---only 55% of our electorate bothered to vote. That's another effect of the inane system ---- it makes the idea of voting absolutely pointless for millions of voters, so they don't bother. And then we end up with................. this.

If "Nobody likes those rules", then it should be easy to get a constitutional amendment passed to do away with the EC and go by the popular vote. Go for it!

Thank you, this reminds me of another point for Lucy Hamilton I forgot to mention.

This inane "winner take all" system began in the 1800s when one state selfishly adopted the practice as a way to protect its "favorite son" (candidate whose only asset is he's from that state). The other states, in a collective mob mentality, all caved in to the same thing to "protect" their own power. And it snowballed into this ridiculous charade.

James Madison, one of this country's architects and first Presidents, who collaborated in designing the Electoral College, was still around when this mob rule started to overrun the states. And he proposed a Constitutional Amendment prohibiting the practice. Even though it would diminish his own state's punch.
Nope, not how it would work at all.

Take California and New York, just because they're oft-cited examples and because I know the numbers. Over six million voters in those states voted for Rump, yet had their votes tossed in the trash by the inane "winner take all" system. That's not all --- with such a low turnout there were millions more who didn't bother to vote, uncountable among them being those who didn't bother because they KNEW their vote wasn't going to count. Even those who voted for Clinton wasted their time, because the state was already going to do that whether they voted for Rump, voted for Clinton, or voted for nobody at all. So IF voters had a reason to think their vote would actually count, a lot more of them would show up than a pathetic 55%.

That's one --- and by no means the only one --- of the deleterious effects of the EC system as it's practiced.

Another one (and my no means the only other one) is the artificial bullshit walls it creates dividing the country into imaginary "red" states and "blue" states --- as if every last person in California is a liberal and every last person in Texas is a conservative, neither of which is true and which does both a disservice and patronizing insult. Then multiply that by fifty.

For starters.
That is an assumption on your part. A scenario of shouda, coulda, woulda. Get real.

That's true in EVERY election, and it's a point I've been on the whole time.

No voter in a "locked" state has a reason to even show up at the polling place, at least not for POTUS. Doesn't matter -- if you're in New York your state is voting for the Democrat. You can vote for the Democrat, you can vote for the Republican, you can vote for a third party to make a drop-in-the-bucket statement, or you can stay home and not vote at all --------- ALL FOUR scenaria produce exactly the same result.

Voters know this. Why the fuck should they bother?

I had a vote this year, because it wasn't clear which way my state would go. But my friends and relatives in Mississippi, California, Texas, Washington and Louisiana ---- they had no vote. Didn't matter what they did, their state was already decided and there was jack-all they could do either for or against it.

That *IS* real. And it's also fucked up.
Your twisted reasoning doesn't hold water. Say, five of us decide to go on a hiking trip. We come to a fork on the hiking path and we are undecided which path to follow and instead of flipping a coin we decide to vote. Three of us vote for the right and two for the left path facing the fork. According to you the two who voted for the left path had no vote, correct?

No. Not anywhere near close to 'correct'.

Lemme see if I can fix that up for ya. Three vote to go right, two to go left, so we go right, and all fall off a cliff. At the bottom the EMT asks "why did you walk off a cliff?" and one of us replies, "we all voted to go this way, it was unanimous".

Closer anyway.
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Liberals will tell you Hillary won but in the heart of EVERY Trump supporter we KNOW who won. The PEOPLE who won and I say PEOPLE made this long awaited change happen. Democrats despise the PEOPLE. People who have made this nation GREAT. So have a listen liberals THIS is America, and WE be standing proud of those who make the effort to keep things going.


The People voted for Hillary Clinton. The weird rules we have for electing presidents trumped the will of the People.

"The weird rules we have for electing presidents trumped the will of the People."

You've had those rules for a very long time and all of a sudden you don't like those rules anymore. In typical Leftist fashion, if something doesn't go the way you want it to you want to change the rules and move the goalposts.

Nobody likes those rules, and they get questioned exactly every four years, specifically because that's when they come into play. So there's nothing "sudden" about it. I've been railing against this idiotic system steadily here for the last year.

In this particular case, 46% of the 55% of eligible voters who actually did vote, installed the Orangeman who came in second. And if anybody's wondering ---- 46% of 55% is 25%. That's who won the election --- 25%.

And yes you read that right ---only 55% of our electorate bothered to vote. That's another effect of the inane system ---- it makes the idea of voting absolutely pointless for millions of voters, so they don't bother. And then we end up with................. this.

If "Nobody likes those rules", then it should be easy to get a constitutional amendment passed to do away with the EC and go by the popular vote. Go for it!

That would be Democracy by throwing the principles out the window.. We are a Constitutional Republic.
Liberals will tell you Hillary won but in the heart of EVERY Trump supporter we KNOW who won. The PEOPLE who won and I say PEOPLE made this long awaited change happen. Democrats despise the PEOPLE. People who have made this nation GREAT. So have a listen liberals THIS is America, and WE be standing proud of those who make the effort to keep things going.


The People voted for Hillary Clinton. The weird rules we have for electing presidents trumped the will of the People.

"The weird rules we have for electing presidents trumped the will of the People."

You've had those rules for a very long time and all of a sudden you don't like those rules anymore. In typical Leftist fashion, if something doesn't go the way you want it to you want to change the rules and move the goalposts.

Nobody likes those rules, and they get questioned exactly every four years, specifically because that's when they come into play. So there's nothing "sudden" about it. I've been railing against this idiotic system steadily here for the last year.

In this particular case, 46% of the 55% of eligible voters who actually did vote, installed the Orangeman who came in second. And if anybody's wondering ---- 46% of 55% is 25%. That's who won the election --- 25%.

And yes you read that right ---only 55% of our electorate bothered to vote. That's another effect of the inane system ---- it makes the idea of voting absolutely pointless for millions of voters, so they don't bother. And then we end up with................. this.

The solution is very simple. Everybody receiving government assistance should be ineligible to vote by giving up their voting rights in lieu of welfare. If you want welfare you don't vote and the decision is yours what is more important for you.

Prisoners and illegals shouldn't be allowed to vote either and there should be a Voter ID to enable people to vote, no Voter ID then they're not allowed to vote.

Prisoners and illegals ALREADY can't vote.

In some states, convicts can't vote even after they've served their sentence.
Liberals will tell you Hillary won but in the heart of EVERY Trump supporter we KNOW who won. The PEOPLE who won and I say PEOPLE made this long awaited change happen. Democrats despise the PEOPLE. People who have made this nation GREAT. So have a listen liberals THIS is America, and WE be standing proud of those who make the effort to keep things going.


Regressive hate the People, many democrats voted for Trump, he wouldn't have won without them.
The butthurt is still alive and well in the leftists.

Blame the electoral college, a rather sound system, rather than blaming your LOSER candidate, who was only chosen for her vagina. Way to go...
The People voted for Hillary Clinton. The weird rules we have for electing presidents trumped the will of the People.

"The weird rules we have for electing presidents trumped the will of the People."

You've had those rules for a very long time and all of a sudden you don't like those rules anymore. In typical Leftist fashion, if something doesn't go the way you want it to you want to change the rules and move the goalposts.

Nobody likes those rules, and they get questioned exactly every four years, specifically because that's when they come into play. So there's nothing "sudden" about it. I've been railing against this idiotic system steadily here for the last year.

In this particular case, 46% of the 55% of eligible voters who actually did vote, installed the Orangeman who came in second. And if anybody's wondering ---- 46% of 55% is 25%. That's who won the election --- 25%.

And yes you read that right ---only 55% of our electorate bothered to vote. That's another effect of the inane system ---- it makes the idea of voting absolutely pointless for millions of voters, so they don't bother. And then we end up with................. this.
The solution is very simple. Everybody receiving government assistance should be ineligible to vote by giving up their voting rights in lieu of welfare. If you want welfare you don't vote and the decision is yours what is more important for you.

Prisoners and illegals shouldn't be allowed to vote either and there should be a Voter ID to enable people to vote, no Voter ID then they're not allowed to vote.

Prisoners and illegals ALREADY can't vote.

In some states, convicts can't vote even after they've served their sentence.
Not entirely true.

State Felon Voting Laws - Felon Voting - ProCon.org
Main and Vermont allow prisoners to vote WHILE incarcerated. Rather silly if you ask me.

10 take away the right permanently and I find that just as wrong. However, that leaves the majority with at least a somewhat sane policy.
12 Million Dogs,Cats and Ferrets could of voted for Hillary Illegally, giving Hillary a 7 Million vote win, and the Dems would still be crying that Trump still wins because he got 350 electoral votes!
Liberals will tell you Hillary won but in the heart of EVERY Trump supporter we KNOW who won. The PEOPLE who won and I say PEOPLE made this long awaited change happen. Democrats despise the PEOPLE. People who have made this nation GREAT. So have a listen liberals THIS is America, and WE be standing proud of those who make the effort to keep things going.


The People voted for Hillary Clinton. The weird rules we have for electing presidents trumped the will of the People.

"Weird rules"? The electoral college?
The People voted for Hillary Clinton. The weird rules we have for electing presidents trumped the will of the People.

"The weird rules we have for electing presidents trumped the will of the People."

You've had those rules for a very long time and all of a sudden you don't like those rules anymore. In typical Leftist fashion, if something doesn't go the way you want it to you want to change the rules and move the goalposts.

Nobody likes those rules, and they get questioned exactly every four years, specifically because that's when they come into play. So there's nothing "sudden" about it. I've been railing against this idiotic system steadily here for the last year.

In this particular case, 46% of the 55% of eligible voters who actually did vote, installed the Orangeman who came in second. And if anybody's wondering ---- 46% of 55% is 25%. That's who won the election --- 25%.

And yes you read that right ---only 55% of our electorate bothered to vote. That's another effect of the inane system ---- it makes the idea of voting absolutely pointless for millions of voters, so they don't bother. And then we end up with................. this.
The solution is very simple. Everybody receiving government assistance should be ineligible to vote by giving up their voting rights in lieu of welfare. If you want welfare you don't vote and the decision is yours what is more important for you.

Prisoners and illegals shouldn't be allowed to vote either and there should be a Voter ID to enable people to vote, no Voter ID then they're not allowed to vote.

Common sense having voter i.d. The sob sisters say some people can't afford an i.d. lame excuse.
They damn sure can find it when they want welfare.
Liberals will tell you Hillary won but in the heart of EVERY Trump supporter we KNOW who won. The PEOPLE who won and I say PEOPLE made this long awaited change happen. Democrats despise the PEOPLE. People who have made this nation GREAT. So have a listen liberals THIS is America, and WE be standing proud of those who make the effort to keep things going.


The People voted for Hillary Clinton. The weird rules we have for electing presidents trumped the will of the People.

"Weird rules"? The electoral college?

The Electoral College --- as the states apply it.

My state for instance was one of those not called until late on election night because it was so close. And yet the state's electors then went to Congress and told them "wow, every voter in North Carolina voted for Rump, it's unanimous".

Yeah I'd say that's pretty weird.
Liberals will tell you Hillary won but in the heart of EVERY Trump supporter we KNOW who won. The PEOPLE who won and I say PEOPLE made this long awaited change happen. Democrats despise the PEOPLE. People who have made this nation GREAT. So have a listen liberals THIS is America, and WE be standing proud of those who make the effort to keep things going.


The People voted for Hillary Clinton. The weird rules we have for electing presidents trumped the will of the People.

"The weird rules we have for electing presidents trumped the will of the People."

You've had those rules for a very long time and all of a sudden you don't like those rules anymore. In typical Leftist fashion, if something doesn't go the way you want it to you want to change the rules and move the goalposts.

Nobody likes those rules, and they get questioned exactly every four years, specifically because that's when they come into play. So there's nothing "sudden" about it. I've been railing against this idiotic system steadily here for the last year.

In this particular case, 46% of the 55% of eligible voters who actually did vote, installed the Orangeman who came in second. And if anybody's wondering ---- 46% of 55% is 25%. That's who won the election --- 25%.

And yes you read that right ---only 55% of our electorate bothered to vote. That's another effect of the inane system ---- it makes the idea of voting absolutely pointless for millions of voters, so they don't bother. And then we end up with................. this.

If you removed the Electoral College though then only the large American States with the largest populations would be represented, this would disenfranchise millions of people who live in the smaller American States.

So if a candidate won New York, California, Illinois and New Jersey in the Popular Vote, the election would be over.

Nope, not how it would work at all.

Take California and New York, just because they're oft-cited examples and because I know the numbers. Over six million voters in those states voted for Rump, yet had their votes tossed in the trash by the inane "winner take all" system. That's not all --- with such a low turnout there were millions more who didn't bother to vote, uncountable among them being those who didn't bother because they KNEW their vote wasn't going to count. Even those who voted for Clinton wasted their time, because the state was already going to do that whether they voted for Rump, voted for Clinton, or voted for nobody at all. So IF voters had a reason to think their vote would actually count, a lot more of them would show up than a pathetic 55%.

Which means, that if those Rump votes were actually counted from California and New York and Illinois and New Jersey --- he'd have a lot more to translate into Electoral Votes than what he got from them, which was Zero.

That's one --- and by no means the only one --- of the deleterious effects of the EC system as it's practiced.

Another one (and my no means the only other one) is the artificial bullshit walls it creates dividing the country into imaginary "red" states and "blue" states --- as if every last person in California is a liberal and every last person in Texas is a conservative, neither of which is true and which does both a disservice and patronizing insult. Then multiply that by fifty.

For starters.

The Electoral Vote: How it works.

Electoral College Fast Facts | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives

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