"Who won the veep debate" thread

Martha Raddatz was awful, stepping all over Paul Ryan's statements. Joe Biden was off his meds, flailing with his hands, interrupting, repetitive, and whiny, which is what most of his base has wanted. And Paul Ryan was calm, cool, and collected, with a better second half in the debate.

Mark Levin

The blogs are on fire as well with the same.. Old man Biden came off rude and bitter..Biden harmed the Obama campaign tonight.. He may have fired up the zombie base, but thats it.

Keep trying to convince yourself; UNDECIDED voters picked BIDEN as the winner by 20+ percent. So did anyone older than 16 (Ryan's apparent age) or with an IQ above room temperature. Ryan is the new Palin, and at least she isn't ugly as sin. Watching Ryan's nose grow as he lies is interesting though. It'll soon reach across every street he reaches, wandering around aimlessly.

Oh Peach stop it. The polls were all over the place among undecided voters. Some polls had Biden winning and some had Ryan winning. Regardless, almost all of them said the result didn't change their vote one way or the other. Knock it off.
Martha Raddatz was awful, stepping all over Paul Ryan's statements. Joe Biden was off his meds, flailing with his hands, interrupting, repetitive, and whiny, which is what most of his base has wanted. And Paul Ryan was calm, cool, and collected, with a better second half in the debate.

Mark Levin

The blogs are on fire as well with the same.. Old man Biden came off rude and bitter..Biden harmed the Obama campaign tonight.. He may have fired up the zombie base, but thats it.

Keep trying to convince yourself; UNDECIDED voters picked BIDEN as the winner by 20+ percent. So did anyone older than 16 (Ryan's apparent age) or with an IQ above room temperature. Ryan is the new Palin, and at least she isn't ugly as sin. Watching Ryan's nose grow as he lies is interesting though. It'll soon reach across every street he reaches, wandering around aimlessly.

You can believe that nonsense if it makes you feel better.
You libs are denial.
This is your Waterloo.
Biden may have actually convinced many to vote against him and his boss. He was a big ole hack. Ryan was very civilized and restrained. He'll get much respect for that. Biden did not do his boss any favors.
The obama camp probably counts it as a victory that at least biden didn't drop his pants and start dancing on top of the table.

There's no excuse for rude behavior like that from a public official, let alone the Vice President of the United States during a debate at such a critical time in our history. Biden did a very good job on the issues, but he was rude and disrespectful, and only a hardcore partisan ideologue would defend or celebrate it. Just another example of how far we've sunk.


Biden did exactly what Obama should have done in the first debate- call these charlatans on their bullshit.

Ryan tried to use Ambassador Steven's coffin as a soap box, Biden pointed out that Ryan had cut embassy security that the White House had asked for.

Ryan tried to claim that the Adminstration watered down sanctions against Iran, Biden pointed out that we got sanctions the rest of the world is going along with and it's wrecked Iran's economy.

Ryan tried to run down the stimulus, Biden pointed out he was grabbing that money for his district hand over fist.


That "mean old man"

Yeah Ryan won. Just like his RNC speech was "a good speech but full of inaccuracies" If you think a speech filled with lies was a good speech then yeah, I can see how you could think he won.

that "they are lying" thing is getting no traction. You see, it is important that you point out the lie and present facts to confirm it is a lie for people to believe it is a lie.

Just saying "he lied" doesnt cut it.

But nice try non the less.


State Department officials testified this week during a hearing by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that extending the tour of additional guards — a 16-member military security team — through mid-September would not have changed the bloody outcome because they were based in Tripoli, not Benghazi.

400 Miles away

The White House spokesman, Jay Carney, said Friday that security issues related to diplomatic posts in Libya and other countries were dealt with at the State Department, not the White House. Based on interviews with administration officials, as well as in diplomatic cables, and Congressional testimony, those security decisions appear to have been made largely by midlevel State Department security officials, and did not involve Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton or her top aides

But what can you do? The whole R&R campaign is lies, theft of other people's work without their permission, and distortions.

first it was rock and rollers, now it's a tv show

Friday Night Lights TV Show Creator to Romney: 'Come Up With Your Own Campaign Slogan' | ThinkProgress

Romney has repeated a version of the line for several days straight on the campaign trail. His campaign sent fundraising email with the motto in the subject line. And it’s now plastered at the top of his Facebook page, overlaid on a black-and-white photo of the candidate standing in the rain, his back to the camera, at a rally in Virginia on Monday.

'Friday Night Lights' Creator Accuses Mitt Romney of Plagiarism in Threatening Letter - Hollywood Reporter

"Your politics and campaign are clearly not aligned with the themes we portrayed in our series," Berg writes in the letter, challenging the GOP contender's use of "Clear Eyes. Full Hearts. Can't Lose."

In a letter to the Romney campaign sent Friday and obtained exclusively by The Hollywood Reporter, Berg calls the use of "Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose" an act of stealing. "Your politics and campaign are clearly not aligned with the themes we portrayed in our series," Berg writes in the letter. "The only relevant comparison that I see between your campaign and Friday Night Lights is in the character of Buddy Garrity -- who turned his back on American car manufacturers selling imported cars from Japan."

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Biden lost by 10 points to Ryan in likeability. Don't tell me that this didn't hurt Obama.

Which poll are you going by?

Your side never "liked" him to begin with. Its no great surprise that you still don't, given the trip to the woodshed he took your errant little princeling on.

good times...

They already had to admit they over represented conservative voters in that poll.


Uh....not quite. They overrepresented Republicans according to their polls of registered voters regarding party identification; not the actual statistics of party identification. That means that according to their polls only 25% of the registered voters in the United States is Republican. Riiiiiiiiiiigggghhhhhtttttt! That's the kind of shit that jackoffs like Nate Silver try to pull all the time. When you apply a likely voter model which is usually 32/32/36 (Democrat/Republican/Independent respectively) then the CNN poll is damn near right on the nose with their sampling and the overall swing would be less than 0.5%.
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