"Who won the veep debate" thread

Only by moving away from the crazee far right can the GOP remain a candidate for national party status.

I'd agree in part but lose the neo-con bullshit.

oh, no doubt. I think this showed in the debate last night. Americans wants a more liberal GOP, and thats who Romney is. He is not a neo-con by any stretch, he just plays one on TV. When team Romney gets away from the neo-con play book, they will win. Im a huge Obama guy here, and this is how I feel.
Martha Raddatz was awful, stepping all over Paul Ryan's statements. Joe Biden was off his meds, flailing with his hands, interrupting, repetitive, and whiny, which is what most of his base has wanted. And Paul Ryan was calm, cool, and collected, with a better second half in the debate.

Mark Levin

The blogs are on fire as well with the same.. Old man Biden came off rude and bitter..Biden harmed the Obama campaign tonight.. He may have fired up the zombie base, but thats it.

That's the best partisan Levin can come up with?

Clear Biden victory

I haven't had a chance to watch the debate yet but do tell HOW DID OBAMA DO?
Like most debates it was a draw. Dems think Biden won and Reps think Ryan. Last week only hacks thought it was a draw and only hopeless dingbats think Obama won.

I expect the same kind of reaction to the next debate.

Other than that, I don't really know if Biden's antics were impressive to the impartial. To me they were not, but then I'm not that impartial.
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Don't threaten me puink on a message board no less you asshole. The Kennedys can suck my dick. They are/were crooked adulterers and bootleggers who are and were full of shit. Easy to pretend to be for the poor and middle class while sailing your boat up in New England and living off the taxpayers. Too bad the drunk, Teddy isn't around to ask him about those "green" windmills that were in the way of his yacht. Generational leeches who made their fortune underhandedly and illegally off the sweat of the middle class.

You make the exact statement about Romney but when it's said about the Kennedys you get your beer muscles up. Romney principles like him or not shame the Kennedys.

Ted the drunk was was quite the swimmer wasn't he? You're going to bury me? Go fuck yourself, moron. Making threats and arguing over three dead stooge brothers.

He who angers you conquers you.
E. Kenny

The only thing you have proven is that you are now owed...:lol::lol::lol:

You used that remark before..BUT I'm not the one mad...you are, you dope. :lol::lol:

I am sitting here laughing at you getting pissed over a comment a dead man made that I passed along in reference to another poster's comment.

Keep that foam coming out your mouth.:clap2:

Your rant, for all to see, defies your premise. You know you will be buried, and your fear overwhelmed you...sorry, it's too late now.

The angry people are those people who are most afraid.
Dr. Robert Anthony
That is not only drastic, it is sick, despicable and wrong. The history of the Kennedy family is one of public service and ALWAYS sticking up for the little guy.

Right, cause the Kennedy's were somehow different, they didn't make their wealth off the backs of the poor working stiffs like all of the other capitalists that are demagogued by the left? Of course, they only demagogue the 'conservative' rich people, somehow liberal rich people are okay. :lol:

Well now you did it...you have just unwittingly painted yourself into a corner...:lol::lol::lol:

So you now have to choose, if the capitalists you folks on the right worship make their wealth off the backs of the poor working stiffs, WHY do you defend them? And if they don't make their wealth off the backs of the poor working stiffs, why are you condemning the Kennedys?

"So you now have to choose, "

And? Then you don't say what the choices are? :cool: The Left who favor the union bosses for example who make wealth off the members? That choice? Or the ones on the dole who making it off the ones paying taxes? Those? Or the ones who pay no tax at all? Those? Or the companies that Obama gave "payback" to like Solyndra? Those? The UAW? Them? Shall I go on?

You're an idiot, Boy Blunder. :D
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The moderator kept the debate moving along and took little gaff from the debaters.

I have not seen a strong moderator like that in a long time.
The moderator kept the debate moving along and took little gaff from the debaters.

I have not seen a strong moderator like that in a long time.

ABC News’ Martha Raddatz delivered just what Team Obama needed in Thursday’s vice presidential debate, a mere week after the president bumbled his way to a failure in his first one-on-one tussle with Republican Mitt Romney.

Raddatz channeled her ABC News colleague, former Bill Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos, while moderating Thursday evening’s showdown between Vice President Joe Biden and GOP vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan, conducting the event with questions and timing that benefited Biden.

Stephanopoulos infamously bombed a GOP primary debate in January, inserting his own politics and probing candidates about marginal issues. Raddatz fell prey to some of his problems Thursday night, adding a seeming unwillingness to control the flow of the debate personified in Biden’s many interruptions of his opponent.

Read more: Raddatz channels Stephanopoulos in lopsided VP debate moderating performance | The Daily Caller
CNN admits their own poll oversampled republicans by +8.

Polling Center: CNN Poll: Who won the VP debate? - Elections & Politics from CNN.com
SPECIAL NOTE OF CAUTION #2: The sample of debate-watchers in this poll were 31% Democratic and 33% Republican. That indicates that the sample of debate watchers is about eight points more Republican than an average CNN poll of all Americans, so the respondents were more Republican than the general public.

Adjust for that, and even the Conservative News Network (CNN) polls shows Biden a solid winner. All the polls show it. It was that obvious. Hence the Republican poutrage routine ("Biden was meaaaaaaaaaaan!") going on now, and their unwillingness to look at any poll except CNN's bad poll.

More important than minds changed (which were very few, given how few independents there are) is the momentum shift.

Republicans were informed that Biden was a moron, Ryan would take him apart, and that would lead to Romney's glorious ascension to DearLeader. And that dream just fell apart, leaving conservatives demoralized and crying.

Democrats loved Biden's fire, and the way he responded to serial lies by laughing, which is the best way to respond to them.

Energized people work hard, donate and go to the polls. Demoralized people don't.
The moderator kept the debate moving along and took little gaff from the debaters.

I have not seen a strong moderator like that in a long time.

ABC News’ Martha Raddatz delivered just what Team Obama needed in Thursday’s vice presidential debate, a mere week after the president bumbled his way to a failure in his first one-on-one tussle with Republican Mitt Romney.

Raddatz channeled her ABC News colleague, former Bill Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos, while moderating Thursday evening’s showdown between Vice President Joe Biden and GOP vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan, conducting the event with questions and timing that benefited Biden.

Stephanopoulos infamously bombed a GOP primary debate in January, inserting his own politics and probing candidates about marginal issues. Raddatz fell prey to some of his problems Thursday night, adding a seeming unwillingness to control the flow of the debate personified in Biden’s many interruptions of his opponent.

Read more: Raddatz channels Stephanopoulos in lopsided VP debate moderating performance | The Daily Caller

I hope this latest FIASCO will teach Republicans to stop accepting LIBERAL media whores as Moderators.. SAY NO.. And also, demand Fox News be included in debates next time. Both Brett Bair and Chris Wallace are excellent journalists! Britt Hume also!
"There were fireworks all the way, and plenty of drama. Each candidate could claim a win in one area or another, but by the end it looked to me like this: For the second time in two weeks, the Democrat came out and defeated himself. In both cases the Republican was strong and the Democrat somewhat disturbing.

Another way to say it is the old man tried to patronize the kid and the kid stood his ground. The old man pushed, and the kid pushed back."

Confusing Strength With Aggression - WSJ.com
Right, cause the Kennedy's were somehow different, they didn't make their wealth off the backs of the poor working stiffs like all of the other capitalists that are demagogued by the left? Of course, they only demagogue the 'conservative' rich people, somehow liberal rich people are okay. :lol:

Well now you did it...you have just unwittingly painted yourself into a corner...:lol::lol::lol:

So you now have to choose, if the capitalists you folks on the right worship make their wealth off the backs of the poor working stiffs, WHY do you defend them? And if they don't make their wealth off the backs of the poor working stiffs, why are you condemning the Kennedys?

"So you now have to choose, "

And? Then you don't say what the choices are? :cool: The Left who favor the union bosses for example who make wealth off the members? That choice? Or the ones on the dole who making it off the ones paying taxes? Those? Or the ones who pay no tax at all? Those? Or the companies that Obama gave "payback" to like Solyndra? Those? The UAW? Them? Shall I go on?

You're an idiot, Boy Blunder. :D

"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

That choice is easy...I choose unions. They fight for jobs that are 100% domestic and ZERO outsourced. And I will NEVER choose the party of Grover Norquist.

"We're going to crush labor as a political entity"
Grover Norquist

"With all their faults, trade unions have done more for humanity than any other organization of men that ever existed"
Clarence Darrow
Well now you did it...you have just unwittingly painted yourself into a corner...:lol::lol::lol:

So you now have to choose, if the capitalists you folks on the right worship make their wealth off the backs of the poor working stiffs, WHY do you defend them? And if they don't make their wealth off the backs of the poor working stiffs, why are you condemning the Kennedys?

"So you now have to choose, "

And? Then you don't say what the choices are? :cool: The Left who favor the union bosses for example who make wealth off the members? That choice? Or the ones on the dole who making it off the ones paying taxes? Those? Or the ones who pay no tax at all? Those? Or the companies that Obama gave "payback" to like Solyndra? Those? The UAW? Them? Shall I go on?

You're an idiot, Boy Blunder. :D

"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

That choice is easy...I choose unions. They fight for jobs that are 100% domestic and ZERO outsourced. And I will NEVER choose the party of Grover Norquist.

"We're going to crush labor as a political entity"
Grover Norquist

"With all their faults, trade unions have done more for humanity than any other organization of men that ever existed"
Clarence Darrow

Can't speak for yourself, can ya? Too bad, junior. :cool:
"So you now have to choose, "

And? Then you don't say what the choices are? :cool: The Left who favor the union bosses for example who make wealth off the members? That choice? Or the ones on the dole who making it off the ones paying taxes? Those? Or the ones who pay no tax at all? Those? Or the companies that Obama gave "payback" to like Solyndra? Those? The UAW? Them? Shall I go on?

You're an idiot, Boy Blunder. :D

"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

That choice is easy...I choose unions. They fight for jobs that are 100% domestic and ZERO outsourced. And I will NEVER choose the party of Grover Norquist.

"We're going to crush labor as a political entity"
Grover Norquist

"With all their faults, trade unions have done more for humanity than any other organization of men that ever existed"
Clarence Darrow

Can't speak for yourself, can ya? Too bad, junior. :cool:

What part of: "I choose unions. They fight for jobs that are 100% domestic and ZERO outsourced. And I will NEVER choose the party of Grover Norquist" ...do you need me to simplify?
"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

That choice is easy...I choose unions. They fight for jobs that are 100% domestic and ZERO outsourced. And I will NEVER choose the party of Grover Norquist.

"We're going to crush labor as a political entity"
Grover Norquist

"With all their faults, trade unions have done more for humanity than any other organization of men that ever existed"
Clarence Darrow

Can't speak for yourself, can ya? Too bad, junior. :cool:

What part of: "I choose unions. They fight for jobs that are 100% domestic and ZERO outsourced. And I will NEVER choose the party of Grover Norquist" ...do you need me to simplify?

Nah! Actually I was just thinking how "simple" you really are. :D
Ryan wins, yes, of course. He's not a psycho like Biden.

I'm happy those few who watched this saw the truth. I know I enjoyed it.

I don't think that Biden is a psycho, but he was so pumped up for this debate that his self restraint was obviously not in tact. He isn't known for self restraint, we know, but this was surely over the top and appeared crude, disrespectful and lacking in good judgment.

I couldn't help but think that a president is one that should be able to bring sparring Congresspeople together for the good of the country. If this president doesn't listen to both sides of the aisle, find some common ground to build on and bring those together, he is useless. And this man could not shut up and listen. All he could do was talk, interrupt and appear condescending.

Are these atributes you would want in a leader?

Ryan was just the opposite. He was cordial, when he was constantly being interrupted, not shaken off message when being overtalked, was cool, calm and continued toi debate when smirks continued by his partner. I commend him for that. He was presidential material.

You're negative description of Biden very aptly describes Romney in the last debate, making your conclusion a form of special pleading simply because Ryan is a conservative. It is merely that fact that Biden is on the other side for you, that the same characteristics you attribute to him, don't apply to Romney only the week before, when their behavior was very similar. Special pleading...
When did Romney interrupt 81 times?

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