"Who won the veep debate" thread

Can't speak for yourself, can ya? Too bad, junior. :cool:

What part of: "I choose unions. They fight for jobs that are 100% domestic and ZERO outsourced. And I will NEVER choose the party of Grover Norquist" ...do you need me to simplify?

Nah! Actually I was just thinking how "simple" you really are. :D

Well, gee, I guess my only retort that would match your cognitive level is: 'I know you are, but what am I'
What part of: "I choose unions. They fight for jobs that are 100% domestic and ZERO outsourced. And I will NEVER choose the party of Grover Norquist" ...do you need me to simplify?

Nah! Actually I was just thinking how "simple" you really are. :D

Well, gee, I guess my only retort that would match your cognitive level is: 'I know you are, but what am I'

Oooohhhhhhhhhhhh... cognitive? My , my...thanks Pee Wee. You resemble that remark.
Well now you did it...you have just unwittingly painted yourself into a corner...:lol::lol::lol:

So you now have to choose, if the capitalists you folks on the right worship make their wealth off the backs of the poor working stiffs, WHY do you defend them? And if they don't make their wealth off the backs of the poor working stiffs, why are you condemning the Kennedys?

"So you now have to choose, "

And? Then you don't say what the choices are? :cool: The Left who favor the union bosses for example who make wealth off the members? That choice? Or the ones on the dole who making it off the ones paying taxes? Those? Or the ones who pay no tax at all? Those? Or the companies that Obama gave "payback" to like Solyndra? Those? The UAW? Them? Shall I go on?

You're an idiot, Boy Blunder. :D

"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

That choice is easy...I choose unions. They fight for jobs that are 100% domestic and ZERO outsourced. And I will NEVER choose the party of Grover Norquist.

"We're going to crush labor as a political entity"
Grover Norquist

"With all their faults, trade unions have done more for humanity than any other organization of men that ever existed"
Clarence Darrow

"The Wisconsin protests are proving that the era of unhinged politics is not over. If anything, the hyperpartisan hysteria seems to be catching, with Democratic lawmakers in Indiana running for the hills while a new round of union protests swamps the statehouse in Ohio.

It’s an unwelcome recurrence of politics being treated as apocalypse. Neither side is innocent, but on matters of both style and substance, the left is coming out of this debate looking worse.


We’ve certainly seen a full range of left-wing-nuttery at the protests, from the obligatory Nazi/Hitler comparisons on signs to Democratic elected officials getting into the overheated action. Rep. Michael Capuano (D-MA) declared his solidarity with the mob, saying “every once in a while you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary,” while the esteemed Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) said, “There is an unbelievable parallel and a real connection that I can readily identify with the people in the streets of Cairo and Madison, Wisconsin.” Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) just cut to the chase and called Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker a “dictator.”

To top off the ugliness, there has been a mini-Twitter rampage of kindly folks calling for Walker’s death. They’ve forgotten about Gabby Giffords pretty fast, and the outrage should be more widespread than it’s been to date. But too often, situational ethics is the operative mode in politics, causing partisans to excuse the inexcusable as long as it comes from their side. The attitude seems to be “they may be crazy, but they’re our crazies.”

Cut through all the special-interest spin and you’ve got a real debate about the role that public-sector unions have in the budget deficits that are bankrupting cities and states.
Public-sector unions reflexively call any proposed reduction in money or power “anti-union.” They could also be fairly described as “pro-taxpayer.”"

Quote of the Day: “Wisconsin’s Anti-Union Hysteria” and The Real Issue Lurking Behind the Emotionse | The Moderate Voice
Frankly Biden lied his ass off as well. Seniors haven't lost medicare advantage? My Dad would beg to differ.

He didn't say that Medicare Advantage isn't gone, it is. Medicare Advantage was a program where we overpaid private insurers to provide coverage. The care Seniors receive has not changed as a result and, in fact, has been expanded.

That's not what he said.

"RYAN: 7.4 million seniors are projected to lose their current Medicare Advantage coverage they have. That’s a $3,200 benefit cut.

BIDEN: That didn’t happen.

Transcript: The 2012 VP Debate

"...and that 7.4 million seniors “are going to lose” Medicare Advantage plans (maybe, but they’d still be covered by traditional Medicare)."​

In other words "yeah...but..." Translation. Ryan was right and Biden lied.

FactCheck.org : Veep Debate Violations

Iran doesn't have a delivery vehicle for a nuclear weapon? Oh yeah they do. Not one that can hit us, but they can sure as hell reach Israel and in fact it can reach southern Europe. The Shahab-3 has a range of 1,250 miles. and can be easily equipped with a nuclear device.

Iran did not restart its civilian nuclear program again until February 2007, a year before Obama took office. As for Ryan's claim Iran has enough material for five bombs, it's complicated, but an ISIS report in March, shows that Iran could conceivably achieve that. However, the conservative estimate is that there's enough material for one to three. And the "fissile material" Ryan refers to has not been enriched to the levels needed to become a nuclear weapon. ISIS concludes that the likelihood of Iran attempting to enrich the material to the levels needed now is low because it would be detected and ensure a military strike, and that current sanctions are working.

From the ISIS report:

"Without past negotiated outcomes, international pressure, sanctions, and intelligence operations, Iran would likely have nuclear weapons by now. Iran has proven vulnerable to international pressure. It now faces several inhibitions against building nuclear weapons, not least of which is fear of a military strike by Israel and perhaps others if it ?breaks out? by egregiously violating its commitments under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and moves to produce highly enriched uranium (HEU) for nuclear weapons."

Fact Checking the Vice Presidential Debate

That has absolutely nothing to do with whether they have a delivery vehicle or not.

BIDEN: ...When my friend talks about fissile material, they have to take this highly enriched uranium, get it from 20 percent up, then they have to be able to have something to put it in. There is no weapon that the Iranians have at this point.

That's a total lie. Shahab-3 has a range of 1,200 miles meaning it can hit into southern Europe and it can be easily adapted to carry a nuclear warhead. Hell they can drop a nuclear device out of a plane...we did...remember?

Iran tests long-range ballistic missiles | World news | guardian.co.uk

The AARP endorses their medicare policy? Really? Interesting since they have gone on record saying "no we don't will you please stop making that claim?"

Yes, they do.

AARP is pleased that the Supreme Court found the critically important provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to be constitutional. This landmark legislation is already improving the health and financial security of our members and all Americans.
AARP Responds to Supreme Court Ruling on the Affordable Care Act

AARP supported passage of the Affordable Care Act because the law contains numerous protections that benefit our members, their families and other Americans age 50 and over, for whom the lack of health insurance coverage — or affordable coverage — is a serious challenge.

By starting to close the coverage gap known as the "doughnut hole," 5.3 million people with Medicare Part D have saved $3.7 billion since the law was enacted. In the first five months of 2012, 745,000 people with Medicare saved a total of $485.3 million on prescription drugs in the doughnut hole for an average of $651 in savings per person this year. Over 32.5 million Americans in Medicare used one or more free preventive services in 2011. And, over 2.2 million people with traditional Medicare benefited from the new Annual Wellness Visit in 2011.

Where AARP Stands
The Affordable Care Act

AARP has a message for President Obama: Stop using us to score political points.

Obama cited the nonpartisan senior lobby twice in Wednesday's debate when arguing against Mitt Romney's Medicare proposals.

The remarks prompted a polite statement from AARP Senior Vice President John Hishta asking candidates to refrain from mentioning the group.

"AARP has never consented to the use of its name by any candidate or political campaign," Hishta said.

"AARP is a nonpartisan organization, and we do not endorse political candidates nor coordinate with any candidate or political party."​

AARP to Obama: Stop citing us - The Hill's Healthwatch

AARP to Obama: Don

AARP objects to Obama invoking group's support during debate | Fox News

AARP’s Statement on the Denver Presidential Debate – AARP
It was a hard fought, well fought battle. You homers can give it up for a bit.

Biden was nasty, unprofessional, arrogant and impolite.
He interrupted Ryan over 80 times. The moderator jumped on Ryan over 25 times
Biden displayed his actual personality. He demonstrated a level of arrogance that is in poor form for the office he holds.
This may not have been a win for Ryan, but is was a huge loss for Biden. He beat himself. Soundly.
"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

That choice is easy...I choose unions. They fight for jobs that are 100% domestic and ZERO outsourced. And I will NEVER choose the party of Grover Norquist.

"We're going to crush labor as a political entity"
Grover Norquist

"With all their faults, trade unions have done more for humanity than any other organization of men that ever existed"
Clarence Darrow

Can't speak for yourself, can ya? Too bad, junior. :cool:

What part of: "I choose unions. They fight for jobs that are 100% domestic and ZERO outsourced. And I will NEVER choose the party of Grover Norquist" ...do you need me to simplify?
You may choose to belong to a labor collective, but nearly 93% of us choose otherwise.
Unions are vastly unpopular. Public worker unions have almost unanimous rejection by tax payers who are in the private sector.
In fact it is union leadership itself which led to it's own demise.
"Life begins at conception"

That is so obvious - it's amazing that it needs to be pointed out.

So when fertilization clinics destroy unused embryos they are mass murderers right?

Stop the hysteria.
Ryan expressed his beliefs.
He did not express any desire to recommend legislation of those beliefs.
Big difference.
The country is generally pro choice. At least to a certain extent.
Most people allow for abortion in the case of health of the mother, rape or incest.
Legal abortion isn't going anywhere.
You people need to take cold showers.
Nah, Biden did not win but he did not lose. He did what he came to do: to show MR/PR that they could not just say anything and get away with it. MR now needs to explain his economic plans far more clearly, and he has to do it this next time will holding off the President. BHO knows that if he fails here, he will lose the election. This is going to be one heck of a show down.
Nah, Biden did not win but he did not lose. He did what he came to do: to show MR/PR that they could not just say anything and get away with it. MR now needs to explain his economic plans far more clearly, and he has to do it this next time will holding off the President. BHO knows that if he fails here, he will lose the election. This is going to be one heck of a show down.

So unprofessional behavior, interrupting, laughing while Ryan was speaking the raising of his voice....that's ok in your book?
Biden's entire debate was deny and show anger and show disdain for Ryan.
The VP showed his admin has an atrocious record.
Nah, Biden did not win but he did not lose. He did what he came to do: to show MR/PR that they could not just say anything and get away with it. MR now needs to explain his economic plans far more clearly, and he has to do it this next time will holding off the President. BHO knows that if he fails here, he will lose the election. This is going to be one heck of a show down.

So unprofessional behavior, interrupting, laughing while Ryan was speaking the raising of his voice....that's ok in your book?
Biden's entire debate was deny and show anger and show disdain for Ryan.
The VP showed his admin has an atrocious record.

He showed why they've been such a clusterfuck.
Martha Raddatz was awful, stepping all over Paul Ryan's statements. Joe Biden was off his meds, flailing with his hands, interrupting, repetitive, and whiny, which is what most of his base has wanted. And Paul Ryan was calm, cool, and collected, with a better second half in the debate.

Mark Levin

The blogs are on fire as well with the same.. Old man Biden came off rude and bitter..Biden harmed the Obama campaign tonight.. He may have fired up the zombie base, but thats it.

Keep trying to convince yourself; UNDECIDED voters picked BIDEN as the winner by 20+ percent. So did anyone older than 16 (Ryan's apparent age) or with an IQ above room temperature. Ryan is the new Palin, and at least she isn't ugly as sin. Watching Ryan's nose grow as he lies is interesting though. It'll soon reach across every street he reaches, wandering around aimlessly.
Yup, he won! I will admit though that Ryan did not lie as much as Willard did in his debate. Ryan at least admitted there was a 5 Trillion dollar tax cut planned. Willard just outright lied on that one. Ryan just refused to give details...
Who Won the VP Debate 2012: Paul Ryan Wins the Polls Against Laughing Joe Biden

According to the CNN pollof independents, Paul Ryan won the debate, 48% to 44%. The same poll showed that people who watched the debate believed that Paul Ryan expressed himself better than Joe Biden, 50%-41%. An NBC poll of 435 uncommitted voters after the debate showed Paul Ryan winning with 63% to 31%. CNBC had it 56% to 36%, again with Paul Ryan coming out on top. Even the Danville Advocate Messenger had Paul Ryan on top at the end of the day, attracting 56% to Biden's 41%.

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