"Who won the veep debate" thread

Ryan wins, yes, of course. He's not a psycho like Biden.

I'm happy those few who watched this saw the truth. I know I enjoyed it.

I don't think that Biden is a psycho, but he was so pumped up for this debate that his self restraint was obviously not in tact. He isn't known for self restraint, we know, but this was surely over the top and appeared crude, disrespectful and lacking in good judgment.

I couldn't help but think that a president is one that should be able to bring sparring Congresspeople together for the good of the country. If this president doesn't listen to both sides of the aisle, find some common ground to build on and bring those together, he is useless. And this man could not shut up and listen. All he could do was talk, interrupt and appear condescending.

Are these atributes you would want in a leader?

Ryan was just the opposite. He was cordial, when he was constantly being interrupted, not shaken off message when being overtalked, was cool, calm and continued toi debate when smirks continued by his partner. I commend him for that. He was presidential material.

You're negative description of Biden very aptly describes Romney in the last debate, making your conclusion a form of special pleading simply because Ryan is a conservative. It is merely that fact that Biden is on the other side for you, that the same characteristics you attribute to him, don't apply to Romney only the week before, when their behavior was very similar. Special pleading...

No, Romney listened to his opponent. He did not interrupt 82 times. Romney came out as knowledgable and polite, certainly not as over the top Biden came off. There was a huge difference.
Yeah Ryan won. Just like his RNC speech was "a good speech but full of inaccuracies" If you think a speech filled with lies was a good speech then yeah, I can see how you could think he won.
Yeah Ryan won. Just like his RNC speech was "a good speech but full of inaccuracies" If you think a speech filled with lies was a good speech then yeah, I can see how you could think he won.

that "they are lying" thing is getting no traction. You see, it is important that you point out the lie and present facts to confirm it is a lie for people to believe it is a lie.

Just saying "he lied" doesnt cut it.

But nice try non the less.
"Mr Vice-President I defer to your debate experience and the fact that you're an elder statesman, however it is inappropiate, condescending and plain rude not only to this debate forum and it's moderator but to the Americian people as well, to laugh at the seriousness of the issues facing those hurting by yours and soon to be former President Obama's policies"

Had Ryan said something along those lines he would not only have delievered a knockout punch and likely forced Biden to gaffe...he would have stopped it in its' tracks.

The problem is as Ryan was replying he probabay didn't realize the extent of Biden's antics.

Dan Quayle should have responded to Lloyd Bensen's condescending tripe thus: "No, I am not Jack Kennedy, nor would I want to be! I love and I am faithful to my wife. I am not a philandering and adulterous tomcat, like Jack Kennedy was. I am proud to be Dan Quayle!"

Vice Presidential debates don't often influence the final results, but such response might have shed light on the Democratic hypocrisy.

You're right. An elderly and now deceased relative of my ex-wife used to say, "the only good Kennedy is a dead Kennedy". Drastic...but rings true. I love when the Kennedys pretend to be for the little guy, locked away in their compound far from the "hood". The lLbs fawn over them while at the same time mocking Romney for the exact same thing. I'll take Romney's principles over a Kennedy's any day.

That is not only drastic, it is sick, despicable and wrong. The history of the Kennedy family is one of public service and ALWAYS sticking up for the little guy.
Dan Quayle should have responded to Lloyd Bensen's condescending tripe thus: "No, I am not Jack Kennedy, nor would I want to be! I love and I am faithful to my wife. I am not a philandering and adulterous tomcat, like Jack Kennedy was. I am proud to be Dan Quayle!"

Vice Presidential debates don't often influence the final results, but such response might have shed light on the Democratic hypocrisy.

You're right. An elderly and now deceased relative of my ex-wife used to say, "the only good Kennedy is a dead Kennedy". Drastic...but rings true. I love when the Kennedys pretend to be for the little guy, locked away in their compound far from the "hood". The lLbs fawn over them while at the same time mocking Romney for the exact same thing. I'll take Romney's principles over a Kennedy's any day.

That is not only drastic, it is sick, despicable and wrong. The history of the Kennedy family is one of public service and ALWAYS sticking up for the little guy.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: I would expect you to say no less.
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All I can say is there was/is a lot at stake here. I saw nothing that was funny.


The question is whether any minds were changed, and I have a tough time believing many were. Biden did a good job of being aggressive and tough, making up for Obama's sleepy performance, and Ryan proved he's legit and strong. And both showed how far apart the two parties are.

I don't think the needle was moved last night.

Unfortunately, Biden did pretty well this time. Ryan often looked intimidated and even a bit frustrated at times. I suppose it's only natural because of the vast age gap and also the facial contortions, smirking and constant interruptions from Joe. The moderator was also quick to jump in when Ryan was talking. Then there were a number of predictable lies from Joe's mouth to deal with too.

I don't think this will give 0bama any boost in the polls, but it won't help Romney either. This is the least important and ultimately the least memorable of the 4 debates. The next two will showcase the 0bama without his teleprompter and his inevitable lack of knowledge and preparedness.
You're right. An elderly and now deceased relative of my ex-wife used to say, "the only good Kennedy is a dead Kennedy". Drastic...but rings true. I love when the Kennedys pretend to be for the little guy, locked away in their compound far from the "hood". The lLbs fawn over them while at the same time mocking Romney for the exact same thing. I'll take Romney's principles over a Kennedy's any day.

That is not only drastic, it is sick, despicable and wrong. The history of the Kennedy family is one of public service and ALWAYS sticking up for the little guy.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: I would expect you to say no less.

So you can't dispute it...and if you try, I will bury you.
Ryan may have won, but he also may have lost. I have no problems with someone who thinks he won. But to say he was the clear winner is partisan politics at it's finest.

Romney clearly won the 1st debate, Ryan did well enough in this debate and could be considered a winner but nothing was clear about it.

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