"Who won the veep debate" thread

I defer to Ryan's inexperience on the national debate level. Biden assumed the role that Romney did in the 1st debate albeit more disrespectful.

I'd say that Krrauthhammer did nail it.

Facts aside and that is not something to brush off but the uninformed idiot watching this would come away thinking Biden won. To those of us here who follow this each day, we know Biden had no record to speak of so he had to be condescending as to look superior.

Ryan did fail in one respect...no specifics again. To me, I get it but.... knowing he was going to get called on no specifics... he should have had a token few to toss out there to knock Biden off his game...he did not come armed with them.

I see it as as draw with Biden being rude and condescending.

What the American voters will see... will unfold in the next few days.

All just my opinion.

No specifics from Ryan...but you 'get' it? What is it you 'get'? The reason Ryan and Romney give no specifics is because what they are selling is toxic for the middle class and the poor. IF Ryan were to be specific, and tell the truth, THEN you would 'get' it. But it would not win an election.

Romney did a great impression of a Democrat, where are all the RINO catcalls?

Joe Biden reminded me of ole Harry Truman, who said: "I never gave anybody hell. I just told the truth and they thought it was hell."

I get what you miss. First there are so specifics from either side going forward. Second, many candidates give a general outline of what they plan to do. Should Romney and Ryan put out a 1,000 page document to the voters? How many will bother to read it let alone understand it.

As far as your other partisan nonsense...see me after the election. I clearly favor Romney. As to what's toxic...we have been bathed in toxicity by Obama...I'd rather drain the battub water and try some fresh water from Romney and see how it goes. Simple and clear enough for you?

I clearly favor Obama and Democrats. Please be specific as to the WHATS 'we have been bathed in toxicity by Obama'. I will happily show you that you don't know what you are talking about.

Romney and Ryan are trying to sell Americans that they're just a bunch of moderate RINOS. I'm not buying...NONE of their proposals, party platform or fact checks back up these lies.

I've been around since Harry Truman was in the White House. In all those years since Dwight Eisenhower, Republicans have NEVER done anything for the middle class. Today's GOP is the antithesis of Ike.

Joe Biden just gave America a healthy dose of plain speaking Harry S. Truman...

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman
So the comments are about Biden, and in presidential debate language that means Biden won.
The only thing that came out of the presidential Romney-Obama debate was Big Bird.
What came out of this debate was Biden, his words, his grimaces his smiles and force. In short Biden was Biden.
Ryan gets an A for politeness but as I will probably remember this debate, my take on Ryan was that he just stood at the podium trying to think of a snappy one liner. He failed.
"Mr Vice-President I defer to your debate experience and the fact that you're an elder statesman, however it is inappropiate, condescending and plain rude not only to this debate forum and it's moderator but to the Americian people as well, to laugh at the seriousness of the issues facing those hurting by yours and soon to be former President Obama's policies"

Had Ryan said something along those lines he would not only have delievered a knockout punch and likely forced Biden to gaffe...he would have stopped it in its' tracks.

The problem is as Ryan was replying he probabay didn't realize the extent of Biden's antics.

Dan Quayle should have responded to Lloyd Bensen's condescending tripe thus: "No, I am not Jack Kennedy, nor would I want to be! I love and I am faithful to my wife. I am not a philandering and adulterous tomcat, like Jack Kennedy was. I am proud to be Dan Quayle!"

Vice Presidential debates don't often influence the final results, but such response might have shed light on the Democratic hypocrisy.

You're right. An elderly and now deceased relative of my ex-wife used to say, "the only good Kennedy is a dead Kennedy". Drastic...but rings true. I love when the Kennedys pretend to be for the little guy, locked away in their compound far from the "hood". The lLbs fawn over them while at the same time mocking Romney for the exact same thing. I'll take Romney's principles over a Kennedy's any day.

Robert Kennedy may have been an exception to the rule.

Jack probably had no chance to finish his term, because if it had not been Oswald's bullet it would have been a bullet of a jealous husband or the fickle finger of fate, in the form of venereal disease.

And Ted Kennedy died way too late. Should have been under water instead of Mary Jo.

All their descendants are scum. Filthy rich, but scum.
Biden was contradicting what he was saying the whole time about that subject. Ryan took a dick in his ass by his own hand on that one. It should be a persons choice. I agreed with what Biden said about it, but then again, like I said, he steadily contradicted himself
I agree Ryan really dropped the ball on that section.

If Catholics can make decisons for people based on their religion, so can radical Islam. Biden was right not to force his religous belief on others. How many of you complain about JehovahWitnesses knocking on your doors?
If you force me to have a child I cannot afford or do not want, you damn well better to take care of that child for 18 years plus. Give women birth control and that will prevent abortions.
More like he dropped his balls.
Biden was contradicting what he was saying the whole time about that subject. Ryan took a dick in his ass by his own hand on that one. It should be a persons choice. I agreed with what Biden said about it, but then again, like I said, he steadily contradicted himself

Explan or shut the fuck up.:confused::eusa_boohoo:
"Life begins at conception"

That is so obvious - it's amazing that it needs to be pointed out.

So when fertilization clinics destroy unused embryos they are mass murderers right?

Great point. This anti-abortion is going way too far and taking away women's freedom to chose a right our founding father gave us and too many died for.

Clinic Plans to Destroy Unclaimed Embryos


If they don't want them destroyed, tell the owners to come and get them?
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So the comments are about Biden, and in presidential debate language that means Biden won.
The only thing that came out of the presidential Romney-Obama debate was Big Bird.
What came out of this debate was Biden, his words, his grimaces his smiles and force. In short Biden was Biden.
Ryan gets an A for politeness but as I will probably remember this debate, my take on Ryan was that he just stood at the podium trying to think of a snappy one liner. He failed.

Debates are not about one liners. They are about being presidential and knowing the topic at hand. It was a clear Ryan knew what he was talking about and certainly acted more presidential.

Someone should have told Biden that America's problems were no laughing matter and listening is an integral part of being a leader.
Martha Raddatz was awful, stepping all over Paul Ryan's statements. Joe Biden was off his meds, flailing with his hands, interrupting, repetitive, and whiny, which is what most of his base has wanted. And Paul Ryan was calm, cool, and collected, with a better second half in the debate.

Mark Levin

The blogs are on fire as well with the same.. Old man Biden came off rude and bitter..Biden harmed the Obama campaign tonight.. He may have fired up the zombie base, but thats it.

That's the best partisan Levin can come up with?

Clear Biden victory

If the goal was to muddle the issues, confuse the public, and not allow Ryan to tattoo him with facts then you can call it a victory.

However it is a hollow one because it illustrates tactics a candidate on the ropes must use to survive. Joe Biden is a good debater but he's short on facts and long on arrogance. He did what his hard-core base wanted yet alienated the rest.
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Scientists and Doctors have NOT proven when life begins. There is no scientific proof of a "soul" (for lack of a better term), or when to monitor life. Since it is a mystery as to when life truly begins here's my question: why not be on the safe side? What if scientists do eventually prove that life begins at conception (or even a few shorts weeks after). If there was evidence as to when life begins, we can all agree on this: this issue would be a lot easier to grasp.

-If personhood begins at birth (legally), why can somebody who murders an expecting mother be charged with 2 cases of murder?

I'd love to know if the smiling and laughing and smirking were planned, a "strategy".

Alas, we'll probably never know.


Of course it was. Anger your opponent and get him off his game. It didn't work. Ryan stayed cool, calm and collected. That is what we would need in a leader when the going gets rough.

He was supposed to do what the president was unable to do.

Ryan could have turned to Biden with a Reagan remark, "There you go again, Joe. You'll have to stop interrupting and start listening. That what a leader does." But that contrary remark is not part of Ryan's make up... He is too cordial and polite to be antagonistic.
I agree Ryan really dropped the ball on that section.

If Catholics can make decisons for people based on their religion, so can radical Islam. Biden was right not to force his religous belief on others. How many of you complain about JehovahWitnesses knocking on your doors?
If you force me to have a child I cannot afford or do not want, you damn well better to take care of that child for 18 years plus. Give women birth control and that will prevent abortions.
More like he dropped his balls.

-Nobody forces a woman to conceive a child (Ryan clearly made an exception for rape last night).

-Nobody forces a woman not to practice safe sex. It's readily available and cheap (or even free in many instances).

-Even if you give birth, nobody said you have to raise the baby. You can give it up for adoption, or depending on your state drop it off at any police/fire station.

-If a woman doesn't want a baby that she can't afford she has a choice BEFORE getting pregnant. See can: practice safe sex, or simply not have sex. It's called being responsible, and more people should try it sometime. We hold people accountable for their actions in virtually almost every other walk of life-why is this one any different?
So the comments are about Biden, and in presidential debate language that means Biden won.
The only thing that came out of the presidential Romney-Obama debate was Big Bird.
What came out of this debate was Biden, his words, his grimaces his smiles and force. In short Biden was Biden.
Ryan gets an A for politeness but as I will probably remember this debate, my take on Ryan was that he just stood at the podium trying to think of a snappy one liner. He failed.

They were sitting down.

Are you sure you saw the debate??
MS "I suck Democratic cock" NBCcalled it a draw!
Vice presidential candidates fight to draw - Video on NBCNews.com

CN "We lean left" N has Ryan as the winner by 4 points (and shows the people HATE Biden).

CNN Poll: Debate watchers split on who won VP debate – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

And obvious Ryan won on Fox by 92 to 8% WOW!!!

California House race with veteran Democrats turns physical during debate | Fox News

So we have the far leftist douche bags in MSNBC calling it a tie. We have the left leaning CNN havng Ryan win by 4% and we have right leaning fox show it as a Ryan land-slide. Clearly Ryan was the winner!!!

It will be fun to watch Obama get another beat down Tuesday!!!!

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