"Who won the veep debate" thread

Some of the tweets about Joe Biden laughing:

Vice President Joe Biden and Rep. Paul Ryan were the two candidates on stage at Thursday’s vice presidential debate, but a third character emerged: Joe Biden’s laugh, which didn’t escape the notice of tweeting politicos. (And led, of course, to at least three satirical Twitter accounts: Laughing Joe Biden, Biden Smirk, and yet another Laughing Joe Biden.)

Weekly Standard’s Mark Hemingway: “Joe Biden’s laughing through talking about Iran sanctions?”

TIME’s Michael Scherer: “Not sure debate cameras have been light tested for Biden’s teeth. Best to watch with sunglasses.”

Washington Examiner’s Philip Klein: “Biden’s strategy seems to be to laugh at Ryan constantly. Will it work to infantalize Ryan, or backfire like Gore sighing?”

NBC’s David Gregory: “Biden’s smile is out of control.”

BuzzFeed’s Ben Smith: “So did Biden practice laughing at Ryan???”

ABC’s Rick Klein: “Biden on verge of breaking down in laughter when Ryan talks.”

Former Eric Cantor staffer Brad Dayspring: “Joe Biden needs to realize this isn’t a Senate Foreign Relations Hearing. His laughter and condescending attitude is a disaster.”

Radio host Neal Boortz: “Looking like Biden’s gameplan is to laugh his way through this.”

Townhall.com’s Guy Benson: “Will Biden laugh his ass off at the terrible economy, too?”

MSNBC’s S.E. Cupp: “Biden needs to laugh a little less through the Libya, Middle East, nuclear Iran segment.”

Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza: “Ok. I have decided. I find the Biden smile slightly unsettling.”

PBS’ Jeff Greenfield: “Biden has always had a smile that at times is really, really inappropriate.”

Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard: “Can’t tell yet if Biden’s smirking, laughs, eye-rolling, head shaking, works for him or not against the oh-so-young looking eager Ryan.”

Former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer: “Biden is at risk of having his laugh come across like Gore’s sighs. He should knock it off.”

The New York Times’ Ashley Parker: “Biden’s grin is Chesire Cat caliber.”

Republican strategist Ron Bonjean: “Biden laughing does not come off with the intended effect. It is actually hurting him. Looks very condescending.”

Movie critic Roger Ebert: “Joe! Stop smiling and laughing!”

Washington Times’ Emily Miller: “Biden laughing when he disagrees with Ryan is so annoying. Like a child in time out.”

Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin: “Biden’s laughing is losing the debate- obnoxious”

Comedy Central’s Indecision: “If this keeps up much longer, Joe Biden’s going to sprain his laugh muscles.”

Twitter frowns on Joe Biden's laugh - Patrick Gavin - POLITICO.com

We should expect more from our leaders.......let the Dems expect less.

Excellent research, mudwhistle!

Ryan had slightly on points, Biden did what he needed to do: call out GOP discrepancies.

No one is going to run away with this campaign unless either Romney or Obama pull an Obama next week.
Biden's show was distasteful.. He continuously interrupted Ryan.
Why? So the truth or secure plans wouldn't be heard.

Typical Left.

I guess you thought Biden was gonna come out and lay down like Obama did? You know. Just let Lyin Ryan run right over him. And now you are upset that Biden didn't do what you wanted. Too bad.

When a rethugs lips are moving, they are lying. Don't think Obama will let Mittens get by with that bull shit again. And Biden wasn't having any of that lying shit in his debate.

Though I do think Joes smile was a little weird. Ole crazy Joe.

Biden hit back and he hit back hard. He did not let any Ryan claim go unchallenged

Mission accomplished
Bitter Biden disrespected his office last night in a BIZARRE way.. It got so bad, I couldn't watch it any longer. I came in to my office and started blogging.. What I found is that just about everyone but Looney Libs were saying the same exact thing. Independents were turned off COMPLETELY by Bitter Biden. He made a complete ass of himself and will long be rememberd for his CIRCUS SIDESHOW performance.

Here comes LGS with her tiny sampling of people on her "blog" as a good metric for how the debate went....

Ryan lost, go get your guns and bibles, start holding them closer. :lol:
Martha Raddatz was awful, stepping all over Paul Ryan's statements. Joe Biden was off his meds, flailing with his hands, interrupting, repetitive, and whiny, which is what most of his base has wanted. And Paul Ryan was calm, cool, and collected, with a better second half in the debate.

Mark Levin

The blogs are on fire as well with the same.. Old man Biden came off rude and bitter..Biden harmed the Obama campaign tonight.. He may have fired up the zombie base, but thats it.

Extremely Ironic for Levin to say that.
It's safe to see that people saw what they wanted to see. If you like Biden then you thought he won. If you dislike Biden then you toss it to Ryan.

Bingo. I haven't seen a comment yet here in which a supporter of one guy didn't think his guy won. Predictably.

I just don't like that behavior, regardless of whether the guy has a (D) or an (R) after his name. And I have no doubt, none, that the Dems would be complaining nice and loud had it been Ryan acting that way.

Just more intellectual dishonesty, yawn.


Agreed. I'd go as far as to say nothing gained, nothing lost on either side.
Biden called out Ryan; "You sent me 2 letters asking for stimulus money"...priceless

BUSTED! Ryan clearly was a bit taken back and had to admit he did ask for federal bail out funds. The truth hurts some times dont it Neo-cons.

It's what he's elected to do for his constituents whether he likes it or not. Ron Paul has admitted to doing the same thing.
The dumbed-down "IN YOUR FACE!"/"YOU GOT PWNED!" crowd will obviously claim a Biden victory. But what do ya expect from them? Biden came off as a cheezy hack, while Ryan came off as a classy honorable man. And decent common sense thinking people know that.
Ryan made a strong case....Biden just pushed a lot of fluff.

I defer to Ryan's inexperience on the national debate level. Biden assumed the role that Romney did in the 1st debate albeit more disrespectful.

I'd say that Krrauthhammer did nail it.

Facts aside and that is not something to brush off but the uninformed idiot watching this would come away thinking Biden won. To those of us here who follow this each day, we know Biden had no record to speak of so he had to be condescending as to look superior.

Ryan did fail in one respect...no specifics again. To me, I get it but.... knowing he was going to get called on no specifics... he should have had a token few to toss out there to knock Biden off his game...he did not come armed with them.

I see it as as draw with Biden being rude and condescending.

What the American voters will see... will unfold in the next few days.

All just my opinion.

No specifics from Ryan...but you 'get' it? What is it you 'get'? The reason Ryan and Romney give no specifics is because what they are selling is toxic for the middle class and the poor. IF Ryan were to be specific, and tell the truth, THEN you would 'get' it. But it would not win an election.

Romney did a great impression of a Democrat, where are all the RINO catcalls?

Joe Biden reminded me of ole Harry Truman, who said: "I never gave anybody hell. I just told the truth and they thought it was hell."

I get what you miss. First there are so specifics from either side going forward. Second, many candidates give a general outline of what they plan to do. Should Romney and Ryan put out a 1,000 page document to the voters? How many will bother to read it let alone understand it.

As far as your other partisan nonsense...see me after the election. I clearly favor Romney. As to what's toxic...we have been bathed in toxicity by Obama...I'd rather drain the battub water and try some fresh water from Romney and see how it goes. Simple and clear enough for you?
Nice Moderator they had there. The Dear Leader attended her Wedding? Yikes! Yeah, this was clearly a rig-job from the start. And Biden was a cheezy hack. Ryan stayed calm & cool. He was the obvious winner.
Biden came off an obnoxious drunk. His debate strategy was clear. Interrupt, and run out Ryan's time, Radditz then called "time". The Biden giggle is going to go down right along side the Gore sigh. Biden did not do the democrats any good.
this is what I took from the debate, honestly. Ill also tie in Romney's superb performance in here as well.

Ryan was clearly out of his league at moments. However, he did hold his own in many cases, and thats saying a lot. However, I think Biden clearly had the upper hand as Ryan just kept trotting ot the old and tired Neo-con talking point. Which were basically shown to be a fraud when Iran came up. Ryan sounded like Bush and his cronies Pryor to Iraq. Biden jumped on that knowi9ng Americans are war weary and for good reason.

The Romney tie in is simple, he clearly out preformed Obama because he left most of the neo-con talking points at home and came out as a centrist, which I think he is.

Romenys ticket as a shot of winning if they leave the Neo-con play book at home, I think its really that simple.

I'd agree in part but lose the neo-con bullshit. One minute the left says Romney is a moderate if not left of center and the next minute they are calling him a neo-con.
I predicted that every conservative idiot here would say that Ryan won even if he lost.

He lost. They came through, on cue.

The only idiot is always and once again you. Many "conservatives" aren't saying either won.

Take a course in reading comprehension. It would do you wonders.
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