"Who won the veep debate" thread


I think I'm just expecting too much from politicians. Mature, civil behavior went out the window a long time ago, and I'm just out of sync with this stuff.


You should probably read the transcrpits of the Lincoln Douglas debates... They made what happened last night seem like a Tea Party. And, no, not that kind of TEA Party.

Once again, Joe proves he's just an ignorant blowhard that doesn't know jack.

Look, Obama tried to do the "civil debate' thing, and frankly, everyone jumped all over him for it. The Left for him not being aggressive enough, and the right for him just being Obama.

Obama lost because he can't run on his record. The facts all run against him. It has nothing to do with being "aggressive." That's purely a libturd meme.

I don't mind seeing a little fire. I don't mind seeing both sides called on their bullshit.

So "fire" is the libturd euphemism meaning you're an obnoxious rude asshole?

If you remember Obama tried the aggressive approach from the outset and it wasn't working. Eventually he realized the futility of is so he resorted to smirking and dropping his head.
Ryan lost the debate the minute Biden pointed out that he wrote two letters trying to grab stimulus funds for his district...

Ryan just stood there like a stuffed poodle.

Ryan lost the debate only in libturd LA-LA land. When the federal government has a pot of money to hand out, any Congressman who doesn't try to get a fair share for his district is guilty of dereliction of duty. That isn't hypocrisy any more than voting Republican is hypocritical if you are collecting Social Security. Ever liberal moron believes that anyone who doesn't support Democrat socialist spending boondoggles isn't entitled to receive the benefits. That's a Stalinist conception of government, and supporting it is the sure sign that you're a moron.

No, sorry, guy, it is hypocrisy.

Wrong, asshole. The idea that any Congressman who voted against the stimulus is a hypocrite for trying to get some of the funds is only credible among the morons who inhabit liberal LA-LA land.

If you think the government spends too much, you don't try to grab some of that money like someone on a game show.

Yes you do. The money was already allocated. All that remained was to determine where it would be spent, not if it would be spent. Obama and the Dems created a game show, and anyone who declined to play would end up with nothing.

I've said, I think that we need to reduce spending and increase taxes to get the debt under control. And we need to spend more efficiently.

However, you always vote for all the hosebags who make the spending of drunken sailors look responsible and frugal.

Who do you think you're fooling?

but when phonies like Ryan rush out there and try to grab stuff for his district, instead of maybe where the money might do some good, then he's part of the hypocrisy.

Oh, right, Obama and Biden are responsible "fiscal conservatives."

Who do you think you're fooling?
If you remember Obama tried the aggressive approach from the outset and it wasn't working. Eventually he realized the futility of is so he resorted to smirking and dropping his head.

No, he really didn't.

He actually acted too much like a College Professor trying to discuss theory and history, and not take out a phony for what he was.

And you had a moderator who let the Weird Mormon Robot run roughshod over him.

But judging by the amount of knuckle-dragger butthurt here this morning, I'd say Biden did his job well.
So "fire" is the libturd euphemism meaning you're an obnoxious rude asshole?

Well, you seem to be on "fire" all the time, Bripat...

Or maybe you're just a "flamer". That would explain much.

And you're miss congeniality?

I'm not running for POTUS of VPOTUS. I participate in this forum precisely because I can say what I think. I don't have to sugar coat it so morons like you will vote for me.
This is really just more proof that the right are a bunch of pussies who can dish it out but can't take it.
So "fire" is the libturd euphemism meaning you're an obnoxious rude asshole?

Well, you seem to be on "fire" all the time, Bripat...

Or maybe you're just a "flamer". That would explain much.

And you're miss congeniality?

I'm not running for POTUS of VPOTUS. I participate in this forum precisely because I can say what I think. I don't have to sugar coat it so morons like you will vote for me.

If you come at me with a thoughtful argument, I give you one back in return.

If you come up to me with any ridiculous words like "Communist", "Marxist", "Maoist", etc... I treat you with the ridicule and scorn you have coming.

Biden did exactly what he was supposed to do. He challenged Ryan's assertations and pointed out his numbers and facts didn't add up.

And at the end of the night, Ryan looked small.
Frankly Biden lied his ass off as well. Seniors haven't lost medicare advantage? My Dad would beg to differ.

He didn't say that Medicare Advantage isn't gone, it is. Medicare Advantage was a program where we overpaid private insurers to provide coverage. The care Seniors receive has not changed as a result and, in fact, has been expanded.

Iran doesn't have a delivery vehicle for a nuclear weapon? Oh yeah they do. Not one that can hit us, but they can sure as hell reach Israel and in fact it can reach southern Europe. The Shahab-3 has a range of 1,250 miles. and can be easily equipped with a nuclear device.

Iran did not restart its civilian nuclear program again until February 2007, a year before Obama took office. As for Ryan's claim Iran has enough material for five bombs, it's complicated, but an ISIS report in March, shows that Iran could conceivably achieve that. However, the conservative estimate is that there's enough material for one to three. And the "fissile material" Ryan refers to has not been enriched to the levels needed to become a nuclear weapon. ISIS concludes that the likelihood of Iran attempting to enrich the material to the levels needed now is low because it would be detected and ensure a military strike, and that current sanctions are working.

From the ISIS report:

"Without past negotiated outcomes, international pressure, sanctions, and intelligence operations, Iran would likely have nuclear weapons by now. Iran has proven vulnerable to international pressure. It now faces several inhibitions against building nuclear weapons, not least of which is fear of a military strike by Israel and perhaps others if it ?breaks out? by egregiously violating its commitments under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and moves to produce highly enriched uranium (HEU) for nuclear weapons."

Fact Checking the Vice Presidential Debate

The AARP endorses their medicare policy? Really? Interesting since they have gone on record saying "no we don't will you please stop making that claim?"

Yes, they do.

AARP is pleased that the Supreme Court found the critically important provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to be constitutional. This landmark legislation is already improving the health and financial security of our members and all Americans.
AARP Responds to Supreme Court Ruling on the Affordable Care Act

AARP supported passage of the Affordable Care Act because the law contains numerous protections that benefit our members, their families and other Americans age 50 and over, for whom the lack of health insurance coverage — or affordable coverage — is a serious challenge.

By starting to close the coverage gap known as the "doughnut hole," 5.3 million people with Medicare Part D have saved $3.7 billion since the law was enacted. In the first five months of 2012, 745,000 people with Medicare saved a total of $485.3 million on prescription drugs in the doughnut hole for an average of $651 in savings per person this year. Over 32.5 million Americans in Medicare used one or more free preventive services in 2011. And, over 2.2 million people with traditional Medicare benefited from the new Annual Wellness Visit in 2011.

Where AARP Stands
The Affordable Care Act
Obama adjusted Joe's meds and sent him out to attack to see how it would play, Joe mentioned 47% like 100 times, so Obama will likely do the same in the next shellacking he gets from Romney called the debate

There's no excuse for rude behavior like that from a public official, let alone the Vice President of the United States during a debate at such a critical time in our history. Biden did a very good job on the issues, but he was rude and disrespectful, and only a hardcore partisan ideologue would defend or celebrate it. Just another example of how far we've sunk.


Biden did exactly what Obama should have done in the first debate- call these charlatans on their bullshit.

Ryan tried to use Ambassador Steven's coffin as a soap box, Biden pointed out that Ryan had cut embassy security that the White House had asked for.

Ryan tried to claim that the Adminstration watered down sanctions against Iran, Biden pointed out that we got sanctions the rest of the world is going along with and it's wrecked Iran's economy.

Ryan tried to run down the stimulus, Biden pointed out he was grabbing that money for his district hand over fist.

Yes, he did do what the President should have done by calling out the lies, but he also did go too far. He over compensated.
This is really just more proof that the right are a bunch of pussies who can dish it out but can't take it.

If the situation were reversed, it would be the left whining.

Neither end of the spectrum has, or deserves, any credibility.


Yes, I get it. You're opinion is the only one that matters.

All hail the great Mac.

Funny, I'd say the same about you.

Fortunately, the ends of the spectrum are the minority. There are far more of me than there are of you.

And you deny the left would be whining if the situation were reversed? Really, go ahead, let's hear it.

Under today's political climate Biden did what was necessary. Bravo.

"A surefire politics of change would necessarily involve getting people in the middle — from the 30th to the 70th percentile — to see their own economic self-interest. If they vote in their own self-interest, they’ll elect people who are likely to be more aligned with people with lower incomes as well as with them. As long as people in the middle identify more with people on the top than with those on the bottom, we are doomed. The obscene amount of money flowing into the electoral process makes things harder yet." Peter Edelman http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/29/opinion/sunday/why-cant-we-end-poverty-in-america.html

You're probably right...I just wish it wasn't necessary...that the political climate isn't what it is. I really don't want to be British Parliament. I prefer a little decorum.

I mean, if we are going to go this way, why not just make it a fucking episode of "VP Survivor" and make them eat goddamn bugs.
If the situation were reversed, it would be the left whining.

Neither end of the spectrum has, or deserves, any credibility.


Yes, I get it. You're opinion is the only one that matters.

All hail the great Mac.

Funny, I'd say the same about you.

Fortunately, the ends of the spectrum are the minority. There are far more of me than there are of you.


What's hilarious is that you still think that I reside at an end of the spectrum.

There's no excuse for rude behavior like that from a public official, let alone the Vice President of the United States during a debate at such a critical time in our history. Biden did a very good job on the issues, but he was rude and disrespectful, and only a hardcore partisan ideologue would defend or celebrate it. Just another example of how far we've sunk.


Biden did exactly what Obama should have done in the first debate- call these charlatans on their bullshit.

Ryan tried to use Ambassador Steven's coffin as a soap box, Biden pointed out that Ryan had cut embassy security that the White House had asked for.

Ryan tried to claim that the Adminstration watered down sanctions against Iran, Biden pointed out that we got sanctions the rest of the world is going along with and it's wrecked Iran's economy.

Ryan tried to run down the stimulus, Biden pointed out he was grabbing that money for his district hand over fist.

Yes, he did do what the President should have done by calling out the lies, but he also did go too far. He over compensated.

Well, hate to disagree with you, but how can you not like a Joe B who goes a little over the top sometimes?

Yeah, he went a lot farther, but he also harkened back to an earlier time when the Vice President was supposed to be the "bad cop" to the President's "Good Cop". Veep debates started become too sedate around 1996 or so.
Biden's show was distasteful.. He continuously interrupted Ryan.
Why? So the truth or secure plans wouldn't be heard.

Typical Left.
Biden called out Ryan; "You sent me 2 letters asking for stimulus money"...priceless

BUSTED! Ryan clearly was a bit taken back and had to admit he did ask for federal bail out funds. The truth hurts some times dont it Neo-cons.
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Chris Wallace Slams Joe Biden's Debate Demeanor - Business Insider

Bitter Biden FAILED miserably tonight and came off as a mean old rude grampy!

Fat Cowboy chick is in love....

Ryan made a strong case....Biden just pushed a lot of fluff.

I defer to Ryan's inexperience on the national debate level. Biden assumed the role that Romney did in the 1st debate albeit more disrespectful.

I'd say that Krrauthhammer did nail it.

Facts aside and that is not something to brush off but the uninformed idiot watching this would come away thinking Biden won. To those of us here who follow this each day, we know Biden had no record to speak of so he had to be condescending as to look superior.

Ryan did fail in one respect...no specifics again. To me, I get it but.... knowing he was going to get called on no specifics... he should have had a token few to toss out there to knock Biden off his game...he did not come armed with them.

I see it as as draw with Biden being rude and condescending.

What the American voters will see... will unfold in the next few days.

All just my opinion.

No specifics from Ryan...but you 'get' it? What is it you 'get'? The reason Ryan and Romney give no specifics is because what they are selling is toxic for the middle class and the poor. IF Ryan were to be specific, and tell the truth, THEN you would 'get' it. But it would not win an election.

Romney did a great impression of a Democrat, where are all the RINO catcalls?

Joe Biden reminded me of ole Harry Truman, who said: "I never gave anybody hell. I just told the truth and they thought it was hell."

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