"Who won the veep debate" thread

Well, this Debate was rigged from the get-go. That being said, Biden was obnoxious. Ryan was clearly the more classy respectable Candidate. And that goes a long way with people. I'm sure most of the MSM has given this one to Biden, but the silent majority will give it to Ryan.
Martha Raddatz was awful, stepping all over Paul Ryan's statements. Joe Biden was off his meds, flailing with his hands, interrupting, repetitive, and whiny, which is what most of his base has wanted. And Paul Ryan was calm, cool, and collected, with a better second half in the debate.

Mark Levin

The blogs are on fire as well with the same.. Old man Biden came off rude and bitter..Biden harmed the Obama campaign tonight.. He may have fired up the zombie base, but thats it.

Get your vibrator out cowgirl trash chick and go to town, baby!!

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IMHO - this was a strategy gone wrong.
After Obama did so poorly, with the main reason being he simply didn't engage his opponent and looked defeated from the get-go - they NEEDED Biden to be aggressive, assertive and make Ryan look like the amateur. Instead, Biden came across as flippant, frivolous and acting like an imp between laughing constantly and berating the moderator when challenged.
Biden's show was distasteful.. He continuously interrupted Ryan.
Why? So the truth or secure plans wouldn't be heard.

Typical Left.

I guess you thought Biden was gonna come out and lay down like Obama did? You know. Just let Lyin Ryan run right over him. And now you are upset that Biden didn't do what you wanted. Too bad.

When a rethugs lips are moving, they are lying. Don't think Obama will let Mittens get by with that bull shit again. And Biden wasn't having any of that lying shit in his debate.

Though I do think Joes smile was a little weird. Ole crazy Joe.
Bitter Biden disrespected his office last night in a BIZARRE way.. It got so bad, I couldn't watch it any longer. I came in to my office and started blogging.. What I found is that just about everyone but Looney Libs were saying the same exact thing. Independents were turned off COMPLETELY by Bitter Biden. He made a complete ass of himself and will long be rememberd for his CIRCUS SIDESHOW performance.

No doubt, I did the same thing. I turned the channel, because I thought to myself, if I was Ryan, I'd bitch slap that disrespectful old fool right off his lying chair. But what that did last night was once again, highlight how arrogant, mouthy, condescending, foolish, lying and classless leftists are. Biden is nothing more than a BIG FUCKING MOUTH. I give Ryan major points for sitting there like a gentleman and staying on message in the presence of such a POMPOUS, big mouth, BUBBLE HEAD.
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this is what I took from the debate, honestly. Ill also tie in Romney's superb performance in here as well.

Ryan was clearly out of his league at moments. However, he did hold his own in many cases, and thats saying a lot. However, I think Biden clearly had the upper hand as Ryan just kept trotting ot the old and tired Neo-con talking point. Which were basically shown to be a fraud when Iran came up. Ryan sounded like Bush and his cronies Pryor to Iraq. Biden jumped on that knowi9ng Americans are war weary and for good reason.

The Romney tie in is simple, he clearly out preformed Obama because he left most of the neo-con talking points at home and came out as a centrist, which I think he is.

Romenys ticket as a shot of winning if they leave the Neo-con play book at home, I think its really that simple.
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It was a very distasteful performance by Biden. Ryan expressed calm & dignity. He was clearly the better man.
I dont think Biden smiled or interrupted any more than Romney did. Its a moot point really. Has to make one wonder why FOX news is pushing this talking point as if Biden was misbehaved. Romney did the same and both came out as the clear victor, if there is a such thing in a debate.
Biden called out Ryan; "You sent me 2 letters asking for stimulus money"...priceless

BUSTED! Ryan clearly was a bit taken back and had to admit he did ask for federal bail out funds. The truth hurts some times dont it Neo-cons.

Bull shit. When the liberals rammed it through regardless of republicans, Ryan asked for scholarship money for college. If the leftists are going to throw money away on unions and dead end green jobs, Ryan tried to at least save something for a good reason.

Try again.

I'd love to know if the smiling and laughing and smirking were planned, a "strategy".

Alas, we'll probably never know.


Not a chance...in the first 10 minutes or so - Biden was looking better than Ryan. Ryan had that weird half-smirk on his face...and Biden did the grin-chuckle thing in check...but then for whatever reason Biden basically lost his composure an started laughing..and continued to do so for the rest of the debate.
What I take issue the most with, was his treatment of the moderator when she challenged his answers. He interrupted her, and scolded her with fingers pointing - that looked unprofessional and disrespectful.
Ryan tried to at least save something for a good reason.

huh? federal funds are just that FEDERAL FUNDS. no matter what the purpose, Ryan asked for federal funds and had to own that fact. sort of goes against most of what Ryan says he stands for.

Also, Biden had Ryan defending his votes under Bush II, which was brilliant. We must not forget that hot mess that was 8 years of Bush, Rayns voting record will remind us exactly where Ryan stands.

you cant worm your way out of these facts Republicans. Maybe with the fox news crowd but not men like me over seas defending our nation. lol, I have skin in the game and tend to notice these things,.
Lets be honest, this Debate was rigged right from the start. Ryan got screwed bigtime on this one. The Moderator was a disgrace. The Dear Leader attending her Wedding? But all in all, Ryan did fine. Biden came off as an obnoxious old jerk. Ryan stayed calm and cool. He'll get much respect from most for that. He was taken seriously, while Biden was not.
copied and pasted..


When asked for a one-word description of Vice President Joe Biden, more people use negative words like “idiot” and “buffoon” than positive words, according to a new Pew Research Center and the Washington Post poll.

Of those polled, 38 percent used a negative one-word term when describing Joe Biden while only 23 percent used positive words.

“Idiot,” “incompetent” and “clown” were the top negative words used to describe Biden. “Good” and “honest” were the most common adjectives used to describe him.

However, 39 percent of those polled used neutral terms when giving one-word descriptions of Biden, with words like “vice presidential” among the most common.

Republicans were the most likely to sum up the vice president in a negative light, with 63 percent doing so and only 7 percent describing Biden favorably.

As the poll notes, “There are wide partisan differences in one-word impressions of Biden, but even Democrats are not highly positive about the vice president. As many Democrats use neutral words as positive words to describe Biden (47% vs. 45%).”

Independents also weren’t so kind to Biden either, with 42 percent using negative words to describe him and only 18 percent using positive ones.

Pew and the Washington Post released a similar poll last week about Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan, and found that people were more positive than negative when describing him, though nearly as many people use negative terms to describe Ryan as use positive ones.

The most frequent responses people gave when asked to give one-word descriptions about Ryan were “conservative,” “intelligent,” “good,” “unknown,” and “young.”

In contrast, Joe Biden was often described as “old.”

Read more: Poll: Joe Biden described as 'idiot' and 'buffoon' | The Daily Caller
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Biden did exactly what Obama should have done in the first debate- call these charlatans on their bullshit.

Ryan tried to use Ambassador Steven's coffin as a soap box, Biden pointed out that Ryan had cut embassy security that the White House had asked for.

Ryan tried to claim that the Adminstration watered down sanctions against Iran, Biden pointed out that we got sanctions the rest of the world is going along with and it's wrecked Iran's economy.

Ryan tried to run down the stimulus, Biden pointed out he was grabbing that money for his district hand over fist.

Yes, he did do what the President should have done by calling out the lies, but he also did go too far. He over compensated.

Well, hate to disagree with you, but how can you not like a Joe B who goes a little over the top sometimes?

Yeah, he went a lot farther, but he also harkened back to an earlier time when the Vice President was supposed to be the "bad cop" to the President's "Good Cop". Veep debates started become too sedate around 1996 or so.

Oh, I didn't say I didn't like it. ;) I quite enjoyed quite a few of the Biden moments...like when he called Ryan out for panning the stimulus in public, but then begging for the money later.

I just don't want to see our politics devolving into a free for all brawl is all. Biden over-smirked.
This debate reminded me of the Seinfeld episode, when Elaine told Jerry that maybe there is more to Newman than meets the eye, and Jerry replied: "No, there is less!"

Certainly, there is much less to Joe Biden than meets the eye. But still a bit more than his boss.

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