"Who won the veep debate" thread

Biden came off an obnoxious drunk. His debate strategy was clear. Interrupt, and run out Ryan's time, Radditz then called "time". The Biden giggle is going to go down right along side the Gore sigh. Biden did not do the democrats any good.

Yeah, once this short-lived elation wears off, even the Obamabots will realize that Biden came off as a cheezy hack. Ryan was clearly the better man. Let them enjoy their brief euphoria though. It's all they have left. Once the smoke clears, it will become clear Ryan was the big winner.

When Ryan becomes a person who deserves respect, maybe then he'll get some.

You mean when he says what you want to hear.

In the meanwhile, piss on him?

Well, come November and you guys are losing I will savor that sentiment.

I expect more of the same from Obama and Romney will be ready.

Ryan did fine. He showed statesmanship and restraint.

Biden showed nether. But then again he is a mirror of you guys on the left. The table pounding Dickwads like Nikita Khrushchev.

When Ryan becomes a person who deserves respect, maybe then he'll get some.

You mean when he says what you want to hear.

In the meanwhile, piss on him?

Well, come November and you guys are losing I will savor that sentiment.

I expect more of the same from Obama and Romney will be ready.

Ryan did fine. He showed statesmanship and restraint.

Biden showed nether. But then again he is a mirror of you guys on the left. The table pounding Dickwads like Nikita Khrushchev.

Wait till the smoke clears. Even the Obamabots will realize that Ryan won this Debate handily. Right now their in a brief state of euphoria. Their jumping up & down giving each other high fives. But i assure you when the smoke clears, most Americans will respect Ryan's class & dignity. Biden came off as a rude cheezy hack. Ryan will win in the long-run.
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Ryan wins, yes, of course. He's not a psycho like Biden.

I'm happy those few who watched this saw the truth. I know I enjoyed it.

I don't think that Biden is a psycho, but he was so pumped up for this debate that his self restraint was obviously not in tact.

"pumped up" is an understatment. He was like an ADD kid who just ate a dozen bags of hersheys kisses.
“If you read the transcript, I think it’s dead even. If you heard it on radio, Biden won. If you watched it on television, he lost.”

Yup, that's exactly the vibe I got from the limited time I saw the debate. Many people said the same thing about the Kennedy/Nixon debate. I don't know if Biden's behavior was some kind of "strategy" or if he just went off the rails. Weird.


"Mr Vice-President I defer to your debate experience and the fact that you're an elder statesman, however it is inappropiate, condescending and plain rude not only to this debate forum and it's moderator but to the Americian people as well, to laugh at the seriousness of the issues facing those hurting by yours and soon to be former President Obama's policies"

Had Ryan said something along those lines he would not only have delievered a knockout punch and likely forced Biden to gaffe...he would have stopped it in its' tracks.

The problem is as Ryan was replying he probabay didn't realize the extent of Biden's antics.

Dan Quayle should have responded to Lloyd Bensen's condescending tripe thus: "No, I am not Jack Kennedy, nor would I want to be! I love and I am faithful to my wife. I am not a philandering and adulterous tomcat, like Jack Kennedy was. I am proud to be Dan Quayle!"

Vice Presidential debates don't often influence the final results, but such response might have shed light on the Democratic hypocrisy.
The Righties are trying so hard to cover for their sad little boy. Most Lefties here were honest enough to admit when Obama lost his debate. Guess we can't expect the same honesty from many of the Righties here tho.
These debates are not debates in that what the candidate's say is important. The only thing that came out of the Obama-Romney debate was Big Bird. What is important is something else, dominance, and Biden dominated. Some did not like the manner he dominated but Biden dominated.
In the O-R debate Romney dominated not with his words but because Obama hung back, polite, picking his words carefully and he lost. The debates are nothing but campaign arguments, including the lies, without real substance but overall imprssions. Biden won, Biden dominated.
Biden is a blabbering inarticulate idiot....Ryan has substance!!! Biden's smirks were downright derisory and un-vice-presidential.
The Righties are trying so hard to cover for their sad little boy. Most Lefties here were honest enough to admit when Obama lost his debate. Guess we can't expect the same honesty from many of the Righties here tho.

Biden was a disresepectful hack. Ryan stayed classy, while Biden did not. Your euphoria will be short-lived. Ryan will win in the long-run. Most Americans respected how he handled himself. In the coming days, there will be a backlash against Biden. So enjoy your pyrrhic victory. Your time is almost up.
Yup, that's exactly the vibe I got from the limited time I saw the debate. Many people said the same thing about the Kennedy/Nixon debate. I don't know if Biden's behavior was some kind of "strategy" or if he just went off the rails. Weird.


"Mr Vice-President I defer to your debate experience and the fact that you're an elder statesman, however it is inappropiate, condescending and plain rude not only to this debate forum and it's moderator but to the Americian people as well, to laugh at the seriousness of the issues facing those hurting by yours and soon to be former President Obama's policies"

Had Ryan said something along those lines he would not only have delievered a knockout punch and likely forced Biden to gaffe...he would have stopped it in its' tracks.

The problem is as Ryan was replying he probabay didn't realize the extent of Biden's antics.

Dan Quayle should have responded to Lloyd Bensen's condescending tripe thus: "No, I am not Jack Kennedy, nor would I want to be! I love and I am faithful to my wife. I am not a philandering and adulterous tomcat, like Jack Kennedy was. I am proud to be Dan Quayle!"

Vice Presidential debates don't often influence the final results, but such response might have shed light on the Democratic hypocrisy.

You're right. An elderly and now deceased relative of my ex-wife used to say, "the only good Kennedy is a dead Kennedy". Drastic...but rings true. I love when the Kennedys pretend to be for the little guy, locked away in their compound far from the "hood". The lLbs fawn over them while at the same time mocking Romney for the exact same thing. I'll take Romney's principles over a Kennedy's any day.
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It was a hard fought, well fought battle. You homers can give it up for a bit.
I'd agree in part but lose the neo-con bullshit.

oh, no doubt. I think this showed in the debate last night. Americans wants a more liberal GOP, and thats who Romney is. He is not a neo-con by any stretch, he just plays one on TV. When team Romney gets away from the neo-con play book, they will win. Im a huge Obama guy here, and this is how I feel.

When Ryan becomes a person who deserves respect, maybe then he'll get some.

You mean when he says what you want to hear.

In the meanwhile, piss on him?

Well, come November and you guys are losing I will savor that sentiment.

I expect more of the same from Obama and Romney will be ready.

Ryan did fine. He showed statesmanship and restraint.

Biden showed nether. But then again he is a mirror of you guys on the left. The table pounding Dickwads like Nikita Khrushchev.

Wait till the smoke clears. Even the Obamabots will realize that Ryan won this Debate handily. Right now their in a brief state of euphoria. Their jumping up & down giving each other high fives. But i assure you when the smoke clears, most Americans will respect Ryan's class & dignity. Biden came off as a rude cheezy hack. Ryan will win in the long-run.

I've been watching Biden since he chaired the Clarence Thomas hearings.

This what you get with him.
“If you read the transcript, I think it’s dead even. If you heard it on radio, Biden won. If you watched it on television, he lost.”

Yup, that's exactly the vibe I got from the limited time I saw the debate. Many people said the same thing about the Kennedy/Nixon debate. I don't know if Biden's behavior was some kind of "strategy" or if he just went off the rails. Weird.


It was a strategy. Interrupt and run out Ryan's time. Radditz had to interrupt Biden's interruption and call time.

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