"Who won the veep debate" thread

The Libyan incident has been poorly handled from the beginning, mostly by the administration but with less fault, by Romney, too, who shot off his mouth when he had no idea of what he was talking about.

But to suggest that somehow Libya is going to erase the admin's foreign policy accomplishments, not the least being killing Osama, with the American electorate is stupid.

Which foreign policy accomplishments might those be?
The Libyan incident has been poorly handled from the beginning, mostly by the administration but with less fault, by Romney, too, who shot off his mouth when he had no idea of what he was talking about.

But to suggest that somehow Libya is going to erase the admin's foreign policy accomplishments, not the least being killing Osama, with the American electorate is stupid.

Which foreign policy accomplishments might those be?

They are only in Jake's little college boy branwashed head...They don't really exist or Jake would have named them..... Oh yeah "Bin ladens dead and GM is alive" Poor little clueless boy
Romney can only win this if he argues what he can do economically in the future. He cannot win points on international topics. is hurting Romney by suggesting that Libya is going to be of any help tomorrow night. If MR pushes it, BHO is going to use it to talk about the WH accomplishments overseas.

I have said from the beginning that the American people rightfully hate the GOP for their irresponsible adventurism from 1994 to 2006 and the Busn neo-con imperialism and spending that has nearly crashed America.

Obama has not been a good president, but has been far better than Bush. Jroc's nonsense only underlines the truth of what I have said. Turn our backs on Bush, look forward on the economic front, ignore everything else, particularly from the far right.

:lol:Please....the Libyan debacle is party responsible for Obama's drop in the polls, you're an idiot...And "forward" is Obama's slogan get it straight fraud


Clinton: GOP's State Dept. cuts 'detrimental' to national security - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

Republican leadership's FY11 budget cuts would endanger national security, Clinton says

GOP Rep: I 'Absolutely' Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security | ThinkProgress

44 - Secretary Clinton: House Republican budget cuts will endanger national security —

It looks this morning as if MR has surmounted his lack of likability by the voters.

He is on track to win this thing.
Romney can only win this if he argues what he can do economically in the future. He cannot win points on international topics. is hurting Romney by suggesting that Libya is going to be of any help tomorrow night. If MR pushes it, BHO is going to use it to talk about the WH accomplishments overseas.

I have said from the beginning that the American people rightfully hate the GOP for their irresponsible adventurism from 1994 to 2006 and the Busn neo-con imperialism and spending that has nearly crashed America.

Obama has not been a good president, but has been far better than Bush. Jroc's nonsense only underlines the truth of what I have said. Turn our backs on Bush, look forward on the economic front, ignore everything else, particularly from the far right.

:lol:Please....the Libyan debacle is party responsible for Obama's drop in the polls, you're an idiot...And "forward" is Obama's slogan get it straight fraud


Clinton: GOP's State Dept. cuts 'detrimental' to national security - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

Republican leadership's FY11 budget cuts would endanger national security, Clinton says

GOP Rep: I 'Absolutely' Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security | ThinkProgress

44 - Secretary Clinton: House Republican budget cuts will endanger national security —


:eusa_hand:You fail and so does Joe Biden and Media matters

Marines on 9/11/12 Were Protecting U.S. Embassy--in Barbados

When terrorists attacked the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11 of this year and killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans, there were no U.S. Marines deployed in Libya to defend U.S. diplomats, diplomatic facilities and classified information and equipment.

However, says the State Department, a Marine Security Detachment was deployed on that day to carry out those duties at the U.S. Embassy in Bridgetown, Barbados.

“U.S. Marine Security Guards serve at the U.S. Embassy in Bridgetown, and at other diplomatic missions around the world, to protect and safeguard American diplomacy,” Rebecca Ross, the U.S. Embassy to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Counselor for Public Affairs, said in a statement to CNSNews.com.

“On September 11, 2012, our U.S. Marine Security Detachment carried out its regular duties which include providing internal security, preventing the compromise of classified information and equipment, and providing protection for U.S. citizens and property located within official U.S. facilities,” Ross said.

On August 16, less than a month before the terrorists struck the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, the U.S. Marine Security Guard Force in Barbados led a physical fitness test for young athletes.

State Dept. Confirms: Marines on 9/11/12 Were Protecting U.S. Embassy--in Barbados | CNSNews.com
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Jroc and the neo-cons are over. They will have no weight at all in a Romney administration.

Romney believes that GWB and his far right crew of advisers nearly destroyed the country, and Romney will not let that happean again.

Thank heavens adults will be in charge.
Jroc and the neo-cons are over. They will have no weight at all in a Romney administration.

Romney believes that GWB and his far right crew of advisers nearly destroyed the country, and Romney will not let that happean again.

Thank heavens adults will be in charge.

That's why all the lobbyists are lining up for business as usual under Bush, if Romney wins.

Lobbyists ready for a comeback under Mitt Romney

Industry insiders believe that Mitt Romney will unshackle the revolving door and give lobbyists a shot at the government jobs their Democratic counterparts have been denied for the past four years, a dozen Republican lobbyists said in conversations with POLITICO.

"I've heard they are likely not to black ball anybody from any particular sector," said Republican lobbyist Sam Geduldig at Clark, Lytle & Geduldig. "I assume, everyone is welcome to apply. I'm sure they are interested in getting the best people possible."

Allowing lobbyists back into the White House could be a PR nightmare early on in a new administration, some Republicans fear. Romney would have to toss out Obama’s orders, which shook up how President George W. Bush did business and let Obama claim his agenda wouldn’t be hijacked by special interests.

Read more: Lobbyists ready for a comeback under Mitt Romney - POLITICO.com
Bfgrn and the lefties are talking crap, move along.

If moderate is your desire, then Romney is not your man. Nothing he has proposed is moderate. Nothing in his party's platform is moderate and nothing moderate will manifest in a Romney presidency. So you are facing a conundrum Jake. It appears a man crush has crushed your ideals.

Call me all the names you wish, it will not change any FACTS.
Bf bud, you have no cred. Move along. Who has called you a name?

You have Jake. You know I am not a far leftist. And I have plenty of cred. You have refused to see who this guy Mitten really is. His father's long time aide Walter De Vries wrote a letter slamming Mitt for his frequent shifts in policy positions, calling Romney’s campaign “a far cry from the kind of campaign and conduct, as a public servant, I saw during the seven years I worked in George Romney’s campaigns and served him as governor.”

Mitt Romney attacked as 'flip-flopper' by his father's former aide

Mitt Romney was sharply criticized by a longtime aide to his late father yesterday as an unprincipled flip-flopper who would "would say and do anything" to win the US presidency.

Walter De Vries said that the Republican presidential challenger had shown himself to be a pale imitation of George Romney, a former governor of Michigan and businessman idolized by his son.

"The conduct of Mitt Romney's presidential campaign is a far cry from the kind of campaign and conduct, as a public servant, I saw during the seven years I worked in George Romney's campaigns and served him as governor," he wrote in an essay distributed to reporters.

He said Mitt Romney and his team "see campaigns as television marketing and voters as targets to be manipulated," adding: "Policy papers [and] positions are rare and short on content and meaning." A video clip played to supporters at Mitt Romney rallies shows his father making an impassioned speech about being in politics to help America's poor and vulnerable – an unfortunate contrast to his son's secretly-recorded dismissal of 47 per cent of voters as government-dependent "victims".

Mitt Romney has also shifted positions on key issues "in erratic and startling ways", noted Mr De Vries, who accused him of moving to the Right, back to the centre and to the Right again.

From De Vries' essay:

After the first debate it was wife Ann who said that Mitt had written “Dad” on paper he had at the lectern. Mrs. Romney, described as choking up during a post-debate interview with CNN, said it signified that Mitt respected what his father “taught me and what kind of person you are and I’m going to honor that.”

While that might make for some good post-debate spin, perhaps exploitation of his late father’s memory and dramatic television, the conduct of Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign is a far cry from the kind of campaign and conduct, as a public servant, I saw during the seven years I worked in George Romney’s campaigns and served him as governor.

Mitt Romney and the people around him see campaigns as television marketing and voters as targets to be manipulated. Voters, they believe, make up their minds late and will be swayed with saturation television advertising. The campaign managers seek – daily it seems – for a magic bullet to force on the electorate that will move undecided and weak voters to Romney. Policy papers, positions are rare and short on content and meaning.

I’ve tried to track Mitt Romney’s shifts – some 180 degrees others 360 — on key issues during the campaign. I’ve stopped at 30: abortion, stem-cell research; climate change and global warming; campaign finance; and equal pay for women are just a few.

“As you campaign, so shall you govern.” That lesson from father to son, seems to be lost in the win-at-any-cost fog of politics in the 21st century.


How about this 'leftist' Jake?

Mitt Romney: The Great Deformer

by David Stockman

Is Romney really a job creator? Ronald Reagan’s budget director, David Stockman, takes a scalpel to the claims.

Bain Capital is a product of the Great Deformation. It has garnered fabulous winnings through leveraged speculation in financial markets that have been perverted and deformed by decades of money printing and Wall Street coddling by the Fed. So Bain’s billions of profits were not rewards for capitalist creation; they were mainly windfalls collected from gambling in markets that were rigged to rise.

Nevertheless, Mitt Romney claims that his essential qualification to be president is grounded in his 15 years as head of Bain Capital, from 1984 through early 1999. According to the campaign’s narrative, it was then that he became immersed in the toils of business enterprise, learning along the way the true secrets of how to grow the economy and create jobs. The fact that Bain’s returns reputedly averaged more than 50 percent annually during this period is purportedly proof of the case—real-world validation that Romney not only was a striking business success but also has been uniquely trained and seasoned for the task of restarting the nation’s sputtering engines of capitalism.

Except Mitt Romney was not a businessman; he was a master financial speculator who bought, sold, flipped, and stripped businesses. He did not build enterprises the old-fashioned way—out of inspiration, perspiration, and a long slog in the free market fostering a new product, service, or process of production. Instead, he spent his 15 years raising debt in prodigious amounts on Wall Street so that Bain could purchase the pots and pans and castoffs of corporate America, leverage them to the hilt, gussy them up as reborn “roll-ups,” and then deliver them back to Wall Street for resale—the faster the better.

That is the modus operandi of the leveraged-buyout business, and in an honest free-market economy, there wouldn’t be much scope for it because it creates little of economic value. But we have a rigged system—a regime of crony capitalism—where the tax code heavily favors debt and capital gains, and the central bank purposefully enables rampant speculation by propping up the price of financial assets and battering down the cost of leveraged finance.


What now Jake? Leftist plot? Or you could parrot the Frank refrain...RINOS
Lefty talking points, nothing else.

What I love about all of this is that Romney is going to be hated by the far left and the far right by the end of his presidency.
Lefty talking points, nothing else.

What I love about all of this is that Romney is going to be hated by the far left and the far right by the end of his presidency.

Lefty talking points? From Walter De Vries, George Romney's long time aide and David Stockman, Ronald Reagan's budget director??

OK, whatever you say...FRANK
So you have a few insiders whose words you twist.

So what do we end up with: lefty talking points.

OK, whatever you say . . . HUGGY
So you have a few insiders whose words you twist.

So what do we end up with: lefty talking points.

OK, whatever you say . . . HUGGY

First of all, I didn't 'twist' anyone's words. I quoted them verbatim. And if you are going to make that accusation, you have to prove it Jake.

Mitten has flip flopped on over 30 issues, his proposals offer no details and none of his RINO talk at the first debate is backed up in policy proposals or party platform.

But Jake knows Mitten!!! Where do you feel it, in your knees Monica???

From Walter De Vries essay VERBATIM:

"Since 2005, when he first decided to seek the presidency, his political posture and positions have shifted in erratic and startling ways, to the right, to the middle, to the right and shifting still.

Mitt Romney and the people around him see campaigns as television marketing and voters as targets to be manipulated. Voters, they believe, make up their minds late and will be swayed with saturation television advertising. The campaign managers seek – daily it seems – for a magic bullet to force on the electorate that will move undecided and weak voters to Romney.

Policy papers, positions are rare and short on content and meaning.

I’ve tried to track Mitt Romney’s shifts – some 180 degrees others 360 — on key issues during the campaign. I’ve stopped at 30: abortion, stem-cell research; climate change and global warming; campaign finance; and equal pay for women are just a few."

Hey Jake, if consider Walter De Vries and David Stockman leftists, that would put you to the right of Frank, Liability, EdwardBaiamonte, PoliticalChic, LadyGunSlinger, Uncensored2008, and Vel...:cuckoo:
Stop the lefty talking points, kiddos. You are down to eating grass, arentca?
Stop the lefty talking points, kiddos. You are down to eating grass, arentca?

Are you saying Walter De Vries, George Romney's long time aide and David Stockman, Ronald Reagan's budget director are leftists?

Yes or no?
Are you a lefty, yes or no?

You are and that makes you the mirror copy of a Tea Party wack on our side.

We don't need either side of wacks making any policy.
Are you a lefty, yes or no?

You are and that makes you the mirror copy of a Tea Party wack on our side.

We don't need either side of wacks making any policy.

Don't have the courage or honesty to answer the question, 'eh Jake.

But I'll answer yours. I am a liberal. I have been a liberal all my adult life. Our nation was founded by the most liberal thinkers of their time. My centrist beliefs have been the same for 50 years Jake. If I had to describe those beliefs, they are very much in line with our late President Kennedy. And another man who I admire is Barry Goldwater. I've witnessed a drastic change in my country. A conservative era that began with Nixon, festered with Reagan and ruptured under George W. Bush has eviscerated the robust middle class in America. A new Gilded Age is the final outcome. It was from the beginning. It will take decades of Second New Deal type policies to return that middle class to what was it once was.

The Republican Party is morally bankrupt. It is no longer a viable party for We, the People. It it is now the party that caterers solely to the top 1%. If Romney is elected, the biggest polluters in this country will set our energy and environmental policies. If Romney is elected Wall Street will determine our economic policies. If Romney is elected, citizens who can't afford health insurance will be directed by the president named Romney to go to the emergency room. And if Romney is elected, the words public and common trust will be eliminated.

Your man Mitten is not the answer Jake, he is cut from the same cloth as Bush.

Your man Mitten is to the right of Barry Goldwater. Think about THAT Jake. The so called centrist you worship is to the right of the father of modern conservatism.

So, if Jack Kennedy and Barry Goldwater are 'leftists' that should be sanctioned, then so am I Jake.

"Harry Truman once said, 'There are 14 or 15 million Americans who have the resources to have representatives in Washington to protect their interests, and that the interests of the great mass of the other people - the 150 or 160 million - is the responsibility of the president of the United States, and I propose to fulfill it.'"
President John F. Kennedy

"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the Republican party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them."
Barry Goldwater
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