"Who won the veep debate" thread

well he can,t afford to get personal. I just saw rupert murdoch a romney supporter tweet that romney need to avoid personal abuse. so he assuming obama will get personal which he need to avoid. be assertive but don,t be personal.
well he can,t afford to get personal. I just saw rupert murdoch a romney supporter tweet that romney need to avoid personal abuse. so he assuming obama will get personal which he need to avoid. be assertive but don,t be personal.

Again, Romney isn't going to get away with the shit he pulled in the first debate a second time.

Not to mention it's a Town Hall style debate, so he's going to get questions from "the little people" who normally do his lawn and stuff.
well true and obama does like the format but he got to ensure he judges it in right tone. i hope he wins debate and can get some mo back into the race.
That is a lie, and those who spread that type of lie are not worthy of voting.

This is going to be a very good debate format, I think.

MR needs to beat down the President again to ice the election.

I think he can


Only if he continues to lie Jake. None of what he said matches the policies he proposes, the party platform or the fact checks. I guess you believe in dictators, not presidents.

We have that already
Obama has to stand off Romney in this debate to have a better than even chance in the election.

If he fails, he will lose that election, an election that looked he would win hands down two Thursdays ago.
What are you talking about? People who had been covered under Medicare Advantage (where we overpaid for services) are still covered under Medicare. There is no loss in benefits and we cut waste, fraud and abuse out of Medicare. How can a "fiscal conservative" not support that?

That's not the point. The point is that people have lost Medicare Advantage. Whether you feel that Medicare Advantage should be eliminated or not is irrelevant to the point of the argument. The point is that Ryan correctly stated that people had lost it and Biden said no they hadn't. That was a Biden lie. When you state "People who had been covered under Medicare Advantage (where we overpaid for services) are still covered under Medicare" you clearly concede that people have indeed lost that coverage. Thank you very much.

We aren't in danger of attack anytime soon. Sanctions are working. We don't need to invade another country for the GOP jobs plan.

Irrelevant and no one is talking about an invasion. Biden stated that Iran doesn't have a delivery vehicle for a nuclear weapon. That's a complete lie and as VP he knows it good and well. And while the Shahab-3 can't hit the US homeland they can sure as hell hit our military bases in the area and our allies in the Middle East. No one is worried about Iran nuking us, we're worried about them nuking Israel and using nuclear blackmail to bully OPEC.

The AARP said they don't endorse candidates...they DID endorse the Affordable Care Act.

Biden's statement was about Medicare specifically, not the entire ACA. Obama made the same claim the prior week and AARP told him to shut the fuck up. Draw your own conclusions.
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Obama has to stand off Romney in this debate to have a better than even chance in the election.

If he fails, he will lose that election, an election that looked he would win hands down two Thursdays ago.

Not to me it didn't. He'll only lose by more after the second debate than the first.
I won!

because I didn't watch!

Vice President (candidates) tend to be not worth our respect or time

I have no idea why Mccain (who I liked and respected) picked palin

I have no idea why Obama (who I am ambivalent about) picked biden!

and why did Romney (who i like and respect as a MODERATE republican) pick an evangelical christian like ryan? (obviously because he'll bring in christian votes)

biden, palin and ryan are NOT presidential material!

and it's a disgrace to American politics (and U.S. citizens) that ANY of them were even picked to run

Romney should have picked someone like Mccain
Mccain should have picked someone like Romney
and Obama should have picked someone who was NOT biden or pelosi
I won!

because I didn't watch!

Vice President (candidates) tend to be not worth our respect or time

I have no idea why Mccain (who I liked and respected) picked palin

I have no idea why Obama (who I am ambivalent about) picked biden!

and why did Romney (who i like and respect as a MODERATE republican) pick an evangelical christian like ryan? (obviously because he'll bring in christian votes)

biden, palin and ryan are NOT presidential material!

and it's a disgrace to American politics (and U.S. citizens) that ANY of them were even picked to run

Romney should have picked someone like Mccain
Mccain should have picked someone like Romney
and Obama should have picked someone who was NOT biden or pelosi

Ryan isn't an 'evangelical Christian', he's your standard Catholic. He believes in Catholic values... that does not mean he wants to force his values on you or anyone else. No need to panic, he won't hand the country over to Rome. :lol:
I won!

because I didn't watch!

Vice President (candidates) tend to be not worth our respect or time

I have no idea why Mccain (who I liked and respected) picked palin

I have no idea why Obama (who I am ambivalent about) picked biden!

and why did Romney (who i like and respect as a MODERATE republican) pick an evangelical christian like ryan? (obviously because he'll bring in christian votes)

biden, palin and ryan are NOT presidential material!

and it's a disgrace to American politics (and U.S. citizens) that ANY of them were even picked to run

Romney should have picked someone like Mccain
Mccain should have picked someone like Romney
and Obama should have picked someone who was NOT biden or pelosi

Ryan isn't an 'evangelical Christian', he's your standard Catholic. He believes in Catholic values... that does not mean he wants to force his values on you or anyone else. No need to panic, he won't hand the country over to Rome. :lol:

Not by the teachings and human standards of the Catholic Church...

A faith-based lesson for Paul Ryan

There is something un-Christian about the Gospel According to Paul Ryan. So, at least, says Ryan’s Catholic Church.

In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody this month, Ryan, the author of the House Republican budget endorsed by Mitt Romney, said his program was crafted “using my Catholic faith” as inspiration. But the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops was not about to bless that claim.

A week after Ryan’s boast, the bishops sent letters to Congress saying that the Ryan budget, passed by the House, “fails to meet” the moral criteria of the Church, namely its view that any budget should help “the least of these” as the Christian Bible requires: the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the jobless. “A just spending bill cannot rely on disproportionate cuts in essential services to poor and vulnerable persons,” the bishops wrote.

In fact, Ryan would cut spending on the least of these by about $5 trillion over 10 years — from Medicaid, food stamps, welfare and the like — and then turn around and award some $4 trillion in tax cuts to the most of these. To their credit, Catholic leaders were not about to let Ryan claim to be serving God when in fact he was serving mammon.

“Your budget,” a group of Jesuit scholars and other Georgetown University faculty members wrote to Ryan last week, “appears to reflect the values of your favorite philosopher, Ayn Rand, rather than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Her call to selfishness and her antagonism toward religion are antithetical to the Gospel values of compassion and love.”

Paul Ryans faith-based lesson - The Washington Post
Ryan was criticized by Catholic bishops for his budget's failings to the poor.
Umm . . .you must be tired be wrong all the time, son. :lol:

Romney has no trouble making Ryan heel anymore than he will in making you heel when he is president.
Ryan isn't an 'evangelical Christian', he's your standard Catholic. He believes in Catholic values... that does not mean he wants to force his values on you or anyone else. No need to panic, he won't hand the country over to Rome. :lol:

He won't hand it over to anyone because he's gonna lose.

But, yeah, he'd have to have values before he imposed them on anyone.
well he can,t afford to get personal. I just saw rupert murdoch a romney supporter tweet that romney need to avoid personal abuse. so he assuming obama will get personal which he need to avoid. be assertive but don,t be personal.

Again, Romney isn't going to get away with the shit he pulled in the first debate a second time.

Not to mention it's a Town Hall style debate, so he's going to get questions from "the little people" who normally do his lawn and stuff.

What did Romney "get away with"?...Having more facts to bring to the table? Oh no..wait..Romney's people went in to Obama's debate people, paid them off to sabotage Obama's performance?
The people will not be permitted to ask of the candidates directly. Their questions will be written down pre debate and screened.
Obama was unprepared. Romney forced Obama, to debate as though Obama is the current president. Instead of Obama's style of running as though he were the challenger.
Obama is going to be forced to discuss his record. And once again, he will be at a disadvantage. Romney, if he's smart, will hit Obama with the Terror attack on the US Embassy in Libya. He should also nail Obama on his support for Arab Spring AND the Muslim Brotherhood.
Ryan isn't an 'evangelical Christian', he's your standard Catholic. He believes in Catholic values... that does not mean he wants to force his values on you or anyone else. No need to panic, he won't hand the country over to Rome. :lol:

He won't hand it over to anyone because he's gonna lose.

But, yeah, he'd have to have values before he imposed them on anyone.

No he will not lose.
Ryan was criticized by Catholic bishops for his budget's failings to the poor.

And that's the guy your boy Romney picked because he couldnt' stand up to the Teabaggers.

That was one of Romnet's first mistakes other than never getting his stories straight. Paul Ryan lost big trying to sell that Medicare plan to America. His staff was throwing Seniors out of his townhalls when they started asking too many questions.

Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney really are two peas in a pod. In September 2011, Ryan had 5 people kicked out and three others arrested at his town hall because he didn’t like their questions.

Last Fall, Paul Ryan adopted a novel approach to avoiding questions that he didn’t want to answer on his budget and the Bush tax cuts. He made his town halls PPV events. Rep. Ryan actually charged people to attend his town halls.

Ryan’s pay wall didn’t stop protesters from attending and asking him questions about how he was going to create jobs and the Bush tax cuts, but when Rep. Ryan didn’t like the questions, he had the questioners removed or in some cases arrested.

Romney VP Paul Ryan Had People Arrested and Kicked out of Town Hall for Asking Questions
Ever notice how it is fine for a progressive to be a catholic but if a conservative is one he is a fanatic???? You progressive are so hypocritical it is sickening.

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