Who would have thought democrat would destroy western civilization. Stabbing in London

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It's time to take a look at knife sales in the US and just who is buying them.

LONDON (AP) — British police say several people have stabbed near to London Bridge, and a man has been detained.

The news came after witnesses reported hearing gunshots in the area. Sky News reported that police had shot the apparent attacker.

The Metropolitan Police force said officers were called Friday afternoon “to a stabbing at premises near to London Bridge.”

They say “a man has been detained by police. We believe a number of people have been injured.”

BBC reporter John McManus was in the area and said he saw figures grappling on the bridge. He said: “I thought it was initially a fight,” but then shots rang out.
Several stabbed near London Bridge; man detained

Knives in the U.S. kill more people each year than AR-15 rifles do....we obviously need to ban knives and require that only "sporks" be sold to non-military and police....
Knives have a purpose other than putting fatal holes in another human being. Guns don't. I can't carve my Thanksgiving turkey or cut up a butternut squash without a knife. I can definitely manage to survive without a military style rifle, though.

So don't buy one. Derp.
And yet.....more lives are saved with guns each year than killers with guns take....

Mass public shootings in 2018...12. Total killed, 93.

Bicycles killed 345

Knives killed over 1,500....

no matter how you try to hide the fact, knives kill more people than guns do in a years worth of mass public shootings.....every single year....

And guns are used 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals .... criminals continuously released to attack the public by democrat judges, prosecutors and politicians.....

600 million guns in private hands.

18.6 million Americans legally carry guns for self defense.

As more Americans own and carry guns? Our gun murder rate went down 49%.....you can't explain that. our gun crime rate went down 75%...you can't explain that...

Nothing you say about guns is based in truth, facts or reality...that is why we think you are a moron.

We seem to have a bit of difficulty in determining who the "good guys" are. But the fetish symbol of our fweedumb must be lionized as a golden idol.

No, actually, we don't. Members of the democrat party, in particular judges, prosecutors and politicians have a hard time with the concept that violent gun criminals should not be released on bail and should not get short prison sentences......

Our problem is not normal, good people who own and carry guns for self defense....our problem is that when the police catch actual gun criminals, the ones driving the gun murder rate, morons like you in the democrat party who are judges, release them on bond, so they can go out and shoot more people...prosecutors like you drop the gun charges so the criminal can get low bail, and short prison sentences...then morons like you who become politicians, create laws that let violent, repeat gun offenders out of prison over and over again...

That is our problem....

As more law abiding, good Americans own and carry guns?

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

The anti-gun hypothesis and argument.....

More Guns = More Gun crime regardless of any other factors.

Actual Result:

In the U.S....as more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years, gun murder down 49%, gun crime down 75%, violent crime down 72%

The result: Exact opposite of theory of anti-gunners....

In Science when you have a theory, when that theory is tested....and the exact opposite result happens...that means your theory is wrong. That is science....not left wing wishful thinking.
Number of gun owners is down. Only about 30% of Americans own guns.

Number of guns is up. Most owners have 2 or more. Some many more.

Gun deaths are up, not down. Over 40,000 in 2017. Highest total in decades.

Oh look:

Gun deaths in US rise to highest level in 20 years, data shows
This article is more than 11 months old
Forty thousand people were killed in shootings last year amid a growing number of suicides involving firearms, CDC reveals

Gun deaths in US rise to highest level in 20 years, data shows

Moron, suicides don't count.......you dishonest asshats have to add suicides to get the number up...as the FBI shows, gun murder is down, again, after obama left office.......allowing the police to do their jobs....

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8



2018........10,265 ...


2016, 11,138

Rationales again, you're too silly to take seriously.
We seem to have a bit of difficulty in determining who the "good guys" are. But the fetish symbol of our fweedumb must be lionized as a golden idol.

No, actually, we don't. Members of the democrat party, in particular judges, prosecutors and politicians have a hard time with the concept that violent gun criminals should not be released on bail and should not get short prison sentences......

Our problem is not normal, good people who own and carry guns for self defense....our problem is that when the police catch actual gun criminals, the ones driving the gun murder rate, morons like you in the democrat party who are judges, release them on bond, so they can go out and shoot more people...prosecutors like you drop the gun charges so the criminal can get low bail, and short prison sentences...then morons like you who become politicians, create laws that let violent, repeat gun offenders out of prison over and over again...

That is our problem....

As more law abiding, good Americans own and carry guns?

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

The anti-gun hypothesis and argument.....

More Guns = More Gun crime regardless of any other factors.

Actual Result:

In the U.S....as more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years, gun murder down 49%, gun crime down 75%, violent crime down 72%

The result: Exact opposite of theory of anti-gunners....

In Science when you have a theory, when that theory is tested....and the exact opposite result happens...that means your theory is wrong. That is science....not left wing wishful thinking.
Number of gun owners is down. Only about 30% of Americans own guns.

Number of guns is up. Most owners have 2 or more. Some many more.

Gun deaths are up, not down. Over 40,000 in 2017. Highest total in decades.

Oh look:

Gun deaths in US rise to highest level in 20 years, data shows
This article is more than 11 months old
Forty thousand people were killed in shootings last year amid a growing number of suicides involving firearms, CDC reveals

Gun deaths in US rise to highest level in 20 years, data shows

Moron, suicides don't count.......you dishonest asshats have to add suicides to get the number up...as the FBI shows, gun murder is down, again, after obama left office.......allowing the police to do their jobs....

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8



2018........10,265 ...


2016, 11,138

Rationales again, you're too silly to take seriously.

I will translate your post...

The actual facts show I am wrong....so now I will pretend it doesn't matter anymore....

End Translation....
No hon, you're down to slogans again. Who's military is where now across the globe engaged in endless slaughter and torture?

No ones...since the rest of the world has the U.S. stopping Russia and China and keeping the Germans from killing the French again...
You're either an emotionally distraught idiot or a liar.

List the top three nations with military sites outside their own borders and how many they maintain.

Moron...without the U.S., Russia would be in France, China would control Asia, and the British would be learning to speak Russian....
Oh we always have rationales for our slaughter, it's so noble and all. Your backpedaling is cute.

No backpedaling, you doofus...the truth. The United States keeps the European asshats from starting another war, and we keep Russia, and China from owning their neighborhoods....
How many wars we got up and running again? With the last legal constitutional war at WWII?
No, we aren't. We are a society where nutbars have easy access to mass murder tools.

Trucks, cars, hammers, sticks, rocks, knives, gasoline..

Anything can be a "mass murder tool" if someone has intent. So GFY.
Hammers, sticks, rocks, and knives are not really suitable to mass murder. Cars and trucks are only useful in specific circumstances.
The only thing on your little list that really qualifies is gasoline, and again the are limits.

Guns are easy and readily available. Everything else is more difficult.

And yet.....more lives are saved with guns each year than killers with guns take....

Mass public shootings in 2018...12. Total killed, 93.

Bicycles killed 345

Knives killed over 1,500....

no matter how you try to hide the fact, knives kill more people than guns do in a years worth of mass public shootings.....every single year....

And guns are used 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals .... criminals continuously released to attack the public by democrat judges, prosecutors and politicians.....

600 million guns in private hands.

18.6 million Americans legally carry guns for self defense.

As more Americans own and carry guns? Our gun murder rate went down 49%.....you can't explain that. our gun crime rate went down 75%...you can't explain that...

Nothing you say about guns is based in truth, facts or reality...that is why we think you are a moron.
Nobody kills people on purpose with bicycles.

What a dumbass thing to say.

Defensive gun use is bullshit. Almost never happens.

The Centers for Disease Control says you are a moron....they put the number of defensive gun use at 1.1 million. The Department of Justice puts the number at 1.5 million and obama had the CDC go back over all the research and found the number between 500,000 and 3 million times a year.....
No, they don't. They didn't do their own study, they used flawed data from a RWNJ gun-stroker group.

It's fake, and even they don't believe the numbers, so stop posting debunked junk.

Defensive gun use is a myth, a fantasy, a lie.

Here's your average "defensive gun use".

2a guy walks down the street.

2a guy sees black man on sidewalk.

2a guy carefully walks past, not making eye contact or speaking to black guy, without incident.

2a guy thinks "wow, good thing I was carrying my pistol".

And there we have "defensive gun use" #1 for the day!
No, actually, we don't. Members of the democrat party, in particular judges, prosecutors and politicians have a hard time with the concept that violent gun criminals should not be released on bail and should not get short prison sentences......

Our problem is not normal, good people who own and carry guns for self defense....our problem is that when the police catch actual gun criminals, the ones driving the gun murder rate, morons like you in the democrat party who are judges, release them on bond, so they can go out and shoot more people...prosecutors like you drop the gun charges so the criminal can get low bail, and short prison sentences...then morons like you who become politicians, create laws that let violent, repeat gun offenders out of prison over and over again...

That is our problem....

As more law abiding, good Americans own and carry guns?

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

The anti-gun hypothesis and argument.....

More Guns = More Gun crime regardless of any other factors.

Actual Result:

In the U.S....as more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years, gun murder down 49%, gun crime down 75%, violent crime down 72%

The result: Exact opposite of theory of anti-gunners....

In Science when you have a theory, when that theory is tested....and the exact opposite result happens...that means your theory is wrong. That is science....not left wing wishful thinking.
Number of gun owners is down. Only about 30% of Americans own guns.

Number of guns is up. Most owners have 2 or more. Some many more.

Gun deaths are up, not down. Over 40,000 in 2017. Highest total in decades.

Oh look:

Gun deaths in US rise to highest level in 20 years, data shows
This article is more than 11 months old
Forty thousand people were killed in shootings last year amid a growing number of suicides involving firearms, CDC reveals

Gun deaths in US rise to highest level in 20 years, data shows

Moron, suicides don't count.......you dishonest asshats have to add suicides to get the number up...as the FBI shows, gun murder is down, again, after obama left office.......allowing the police to do their jobs....

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8



2018........10,265 ...


2016, 11,138

Rationales again, you're too silly to take seriously.

I will translate your post...

The actual facts show I am wrong....so now I will pretend it doesn't matter anymore....

End Translation....

Trucks, cars, hammers, sticks, rocks, knives, gasoline..

Anything can be a "mass murder tool" if someone has intent. So GFY.
Hammers, sticks, rocks, and knives are not really suitable to mass murder. Cars and trucks are only useful in specific circumstances.
The only thing on your little list that really qualifies is gasoline, and again the are limits.

Guns are easy and readily available. Everything else is more difficult.

And yet.....more lives are saved with guns each year than killers with guns take....

Mass public shootings in 2018...12. Total killed, 93.

Bicycles killed 345

Knives killed over 1,500....

no matter how you try to hide the fact, knives kill more people than guns do in a years worth of mass public shootings.....every single year....

And guns are used 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals .... criminals continuously released to attack the public by democrat judges, prosecutors and politicians.....

600 million guns in private hands.

18.6 million Americans legally carry guns for self defense.

As more Americans own and carry guns? Our gun murder rate went down 49%.....you can't explain that. our gun crime rate went down 75%...you can't explain that...

Nothing you say about guns is based in truth, facts or reality...that is why we think you are a moron.
Nobody kills people on purpose with bicycles.

What a dumbass thing to say.

Defensive gun use is bullshit. Almost never happens.

The Centers for Disease Control says you are a moron....they put the number of defensive gun use at 1.1 million. The Department of Justice puts the number at 1.5 million and obama had the CDC go back over all the research and found the number between 500,000 and 3 million times a year.....
No, they don't. They didn't do their own study, they used flawed data from a RWNJ gun-stroker group.

It's fake, and even they don't believe the numbers, so stop posting debunked junk.

Defensive gun use is a myth, a fantasy, a lie.

Here's your average "defensive gun use".

2a guy walks down the street.

2a guy sees black man on sidewalk.

2a guy carefully walks past, not making eye contact or speaking to black guy, without incident.

2a guy thinks "wow, good thing I was carrying my pistol".

And there we have "defensive gun use" #1 for the day!

You are an idiot and a liar.......the CDC, the Department of Justice did the research.....two out of 17 studies...here are the rest....you moron...

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....

The name of the group doing the study, the year of the study, the number of defensive gun uses and if police and military defensive gun uses are included.....notice the bill clinton and obama defensive gun use research is highlighted.....

GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, no military)

DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, no military)

L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, no military)

Kleck......1994...2.5 million ( no cops, no military)

CDC...1996-1998... 1.1 million averaged over those years.( no cops, no military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, no military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, no military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops,no military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, no military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million ( the bill clinton study)

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."

(Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18])

Paper: "Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment." By David McDowall and others. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, March 2000. Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment - Springer




Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, no military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..
Number of gun owners is down. Only about 30% of Americans own guns.

Number of guns is up. Most owners have 2 or more. Some many more.

Gun deaths are up, not down. Over 40,000 in 2017. Highest total in decades.

Oh look:

Gun deaths in US rise to highest level in 20 years, data shows
This article is more than 11 months old
Forty thousand people were killed in shootings last year amid a growing number of suicides involving firearms, CDC reveals

Gun deaths in US rise to highest level in 20 years, data shows

Moron, suicides don't count.......you dishonest asshats have to add suicides to get the number up...as the FBI shows, gun murder is down, again, after obama left office.......allowing the police to do their jobs....

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8



2018........10,265 ...


2016, 11,138

Rationales again, you're too silly to take seriously.

I will translate your post...

The actual facts show I am wrong....so now I will pretend it doesn't matter anymore....

End Translation....


Again...you have nothing....
Oh look:

Gun deaths in US rise to highest level in 20 years, data shows
This article is more than 11 months old
Forty thousand people were killed in shootings last year amid a growing number of suicides involving firearms, CDC reveals

Gun deaths in US rise to highest level in 20 years, data shows

Moron, suicides don't count.......you dishonest asshats have to add suicides to get the number up...as the FBI shows, gun murder is down, again, after obama left office.......allowing the police to do their jobs....

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8



2018........10,265 ...


2016, 11,138

Rationales again, you're too silly to take seriously.

I will translate your post...

The actual facts show I am wrong....so now I will pretend it doesn't matter anymore....

End Translation....


Again...you have nothing....

You wish for me to "fight" your slogans with slogans?

Trucks, cars, hammers, sticks, rocks, knives, gasoline..

Anything can be a "mass murder tool" if someone has intent. So GFY.
Hammers, sticks, rocks, and knives are not really suitable to mass murder. Cars and trucks are only useful in specific circumstances.
The only thing on your little list that really qualifies is gasoline, and again the are limits.

Guns are easy and readily available. Everything else is more difficult.

And yet.....more lives are saved with guns each year than killers with guns take....

Mass public shootings in 2018...12. Total killed, 93.

Bicycles killed 345

Knives killed over 1,500....

no matter how you try to hide the fact, knives kill more people than guns do in a years worth of mass public shootings.....every single year....

And guns are used 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals .... criminals continuously released to attack the public by democrat judges, prosecutors and politicians.....

600 million guns in private hands.

18.6 million Americans legally carry guns for self defense.

As more Americans own and carry guns? Our gun murder rate went down 49%.....you can't explain that. our gun crime rate went down 75%...you can't explain that...

Nothing you say about guns is based in truth, facts or reality...that is why we think you are a moron.
Nobody kills people on purpose with bicycles.

What a dumbass thing to say.

Defensive gun use is bullshit. Almost never happens.

The Centers for Disease Control says you are a moron....they put the number of defensive gun use at 1.1 million. The Department of Justice puts the number at 1.5 million and obama had the CDC go back over all the research and found the number between 500,000 and 3 million times a year.....
No, they don't. They didn't do their own study, they used flawed data from a RWNJ gun-stroker group.

It's fake, and even they don't believe the numbers, so stop posting debunked junk.

Defensive gun use is a myth, a fantasy, a lie.

Here's your average "defensive gun use".

2a guy walks down the street.

2a guy sees black man on sidewalk.

2a guy carefully walks past, not making eye contact or speaking to black guy, without incident.

2a guy thinks "wow, good thing I was carrying my pistol".

And there we have "defensive gun use" #1 for the day!

Actual stories...

CCW Witness to Fatal Stabbing Holds Red-Handed Attacker at Gunpoint [VIDEO] - The Truth About Guns

The woman, 28-year-old Gabrielle Garcia, was with their five-year-old son at the time and had a standing no-contact order against the father. In full view of his own child as well as many witnesses, the man stabbed Garcia repeatedly, inflicting fatal injuries.

The man, identified as 29-year-old David Lee Morris, then walked out of the Seattle Center Armory (an indoor dining area) and into the street, still holding the knife and covered in blood. There, he was met by Scott Brown, who works at Skillet restaurant in Seattle Center. It was Brown’s day off, and he was dropping by to say hi to friends.

“I have a concealed weapons license,” said Brown. “[Morris] was just walking away calmly… I got next to him and I pulled out my gun and stepped in front of him. As soon as he saw that I had a firearm, he started trying to convince me to shoot him. He just kept trying to convince me to shoot him, and I didn’t want to shoot him.”

Brown did not end up having to shoot Morris (although, based on the video and witness reports, he would have had ample justification).

“Both of his hands were bloody… He was just walking toward the man with the gun,” said Eric DeAngelo, a bystander who recorded a video of the full takedown (see below). “Kept walking toward him. I don’t know what his intention was.”

Morris continued walking toward Brown, asking him to kill him, while Brown kept walking backwards, keeping Morris in his sights for several long minutes.

“I just kept trying to get him to put down the knife,” Brown recalled, “and we kept walking backwards and backwards and backwards. Way too long. I kept looking around for police, security… the point was to hold his focus. There were people everywhere.”

At last, another bystander helped subdue Morris with pepper spray until police arrived and took control. In DeAngelo’s video (around 1:45), you can see Brown looking visibly relieved as he finally puts down his gun.


Father Attacked at McDonald's While Holding Infant Daughter, Shoots One of Four Suspects

A father who was attacked in Memphis, Tennessee, McDonald’s while holding his infant daughter was able to get his gun and open fire, wounding one of the four attackers.
WREG quotes police saying “four suspects attempted to rob the victim at the McDonald’s in the 1400 block of South Trezevant near Lamar and Airways.” A witness described a scene in which the suspects tried to catch the father while he was too busy to fight back.

Witness David Chase said, “They jumped out of the car and they started fighting him and trying to take his wallet and stuff.” He added, “He was fighting them. He dropped his baby and started fighting them and the child was just sitting on the concrete.”

Chase then heard gunshots rang out and the suspects fled the scene. It was later learned that the father had managed to get to his gun and fire the shots, wounding one of the suspects.

ActionNews5 reports that the wounded suspect “showed up later at a nearby fire department” for treatment. His was taken to a hospital in “non-critical condition.”



Armed South Carolina Woman Chases Off Daytime Home Invader - The Truth About Guns

When Ms. Reeves ran across Ralph Goss slithering around inside her home yesterday in the middle of the afternoon, she drew her firearm. Staring down that barrel was enough to change Goss’s mind about whatever it was he had planned.

“I’m one of those people that can go from zero to a hundred in 2.5 seconds and I’m not a nice person normally, but as soon as I got on the phone with the sheriff’s department he was out of sight. The severity of it hit me, and I was in hysterics. I was crying, I was scared, I was very shaken.”

Oconee County deputies tracked Goss down within hours of Ms. Reeves’ call. And surprise! He already had several outstanding warrants for his arrest.


CWB Chicago: River North: Motorist With Concealed-Carry Saves Victim From 3-On-1 Beat-Down And Robbery

An armed suburban man with a concealed-carry license intervened in a 3-on-1 beating and robbery in River North yesterday evening, according to a witness and police.

The victim was in the 700 block of North Clark around 8:30 p.m. when three offenders wearing white surgical masks attacked him and began taking his property, police said.

A passing motorist who saw the robbery unfold pulled over, unholstered his concealed firearm and intervened in the attack. The three offenders fled westbound on Chicago Avenue as the concealed-carry holder protected the victim, according to a witness.

The driver, who lives in Mt. Prospect, returned to his vehicle and drove away after stabilizing the situation, a witness reported.

The victim lost his phone to the robbers who were described as two black men and one black woman wearing surgical masks. One of the offenders wore a red jacket and the others wore dark clothing.

Not charged for self defense shooting..

Milwaukee concealed carrier who killed carjacker acted in self defense

Milwaukee authorities decided not to press charges against the 24-year-old man who shot and killed a carjacker last month, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.

Prosecutors said the man, whose name has not been released, “lawfully acted in self defense” when he killed Carlos D. Martin, 21.

Martin, armed with a gun, tried to carjack the victim who was heading into work around 6 am on Feb. 26, according to a police statement. But the victim opened fire, striking and killing Martin.

The victim, who has a valid concealed carry license, remained on scene and cooperated with police. Martin was a felon and legally barred from possessing a gun.

“Before the summer starts, this should be a warning,” said Milwaukee police Capt. Andra Williams at a press conference last month. “This should be a wake-up call to everyone in the community that this is not a game.”


Video of shooting...

‘Not Going To Be Victims’: Watch Mother-Daughter Pair Use Guns To Defend Liquor Store



Good Guy With A Gun Saves Mother And Daughter Who Were Being Attacked

Law enforcement officials in New Mexico are praising a man who stepped in to save a mother and her daughter after the woman’s estranged husband rammed her car and began shooting at them.

Albuquerque Police say that 66-year-old Qian Ming intentionally crashed into the woman’s vehicle on Sunday and then opened fire, hitting his daughter in the shoulder, KRQE News 13reported.

Officer Simon Drobik says that a 34-year-old good Samaritan, who is not being named since he has not been charged with a crime, saw the attack unfold and intervened.

“Once he started walking up, he saw that there was a male violently pistol-whipping a female in the street,” Drobik said. “He got out of his vehicle and had his firearm on him and told that male to stop.”

Upon telling Ming to stop, the good Samaritan told police that he pointed the gun in his direction and that’s when he opened fire on Ming, hitting and killing him.

“Mom in the hospital said, ‘He saved our lives’,” Drobik continued. “You can’t get a stronger statement than that. So she knew it. Daughter knows it and good thing he took that type of action.”


Homeowner shoots at drive-by suspects, killing 2

Two people are dead and one is in the hospital after a homeowner fired back during a shooting in North Houston.

Investigators say early Saturday morning a suspect vehicle drove up to the homeowner's house on Glenburnie Drive and started shooting.

The homeowner was outside at the time and he hid behind a bush in the yard and returned fire. Officers say more than 40 shots were fired in the exchange.

'He was crazed,' said driver caught in deadly highway shooting in Fridley

The man who rammed into the back of Irvine Doyle’s truck repeatedly stabbed at his driver’s-side window with a six-inch blade knife, all the time yelling and ranting.

That’s when Doyle saw another man approach with a gun, pointing it down toward the ground, telling the man with the knife to calm down.

“I said, ‘Thank God somebody’s here because the cops aren’t here yet,” Doyle recalled.

In an interview Friday, Doyle filled out the picture of the chaotic scene on Hwy. 65 near Medtronic Parkway on Wednesday after Simon Schiffler, 33, of Williston, N.D., set off a chain-reaction crash at a red light.

Schiffler, the man with the knife, was beyond erratic, Doyle said.

The man with gun told Schiffler to relax, Doyle said. Instead, Schiffler charged, “his knife flailing,” Doyle said.

Three shots rang out and Schiffler dropped to the ground, bleeding, Doyle said. Schiffler was taken to Hennepin County Medical Center, where he died.

A family is likely grieving over his death, Doyle said. But he and others feared for their lives.



Armed Robbers Walked Into A Store — Then Cashier Pulled Out His Pistol And Showed Them The Door

he video shows the two men approach the cashier and point a rifle straight in his face. Not missing a beat, the cashier draws his own weapon and shoots at the two men. It’s unclear if he hits anyone.

The criminals flee the scene, dropping their gun as they run outside. Police then say the criminals drove away in a silver vehicle.


Concealed Carry holder holds robbery suspect at gunpoint

A Grayson County man is behind bars after allegedly breaking into a residence in Edmonson County.

The Edmonson County Sheriff's Office says 20-year-old Robert Hunt was held at gunpoint by the homeowner until deputies arrived to the house on E.G. Nash Road.
The homeowner was a Concealed/Carry Deadly Weapons permit holder according to a sheriff's deputy that says in situations like that, it's important to alert police to ensure everyone's safety.
"Once you call police, if you're actually going to hold that suspect at gun point you need to let dispatch know. Go ahead and give a description of yourself, so we know once we get on scene who the actual conceal carry holder is and who actualy is the suspect," said Deputy Jordan Jones with the Edmonson County Sheriff's Office.


Gun-carrying customers at SC dealership held attacker at gunpoint until cops arrived

A pair of customers legally carrying guns held a pipe-wielding attacker at bay at a York County car dealership until police arrived in a December incident where the suspect threatened to kill dealership employees, prosecutors said in court Friday.

Alonzo Seegars, upset with service at Stateline car dealership on Gold Hill Road in Fort Mill on Dec. 21, arrived armed with a pipe wrench, said Aaron Hayes, 16th Circuit assistant solicitor. Seegars told a service employee, “I know who you are and you are a dead man,” then “threatened to kill” a female employee, Hayes said.

Seegars then shouted out “Watch this!” as he smashed at least three vehicles with the pipe wrench, Hayes said.

Two customers, whom prosecutors said had legal concealed carry permits and were armed legally at the time, intervened and “held Mr. Seegars at bay” with the handguns at the crowded dealership until police arrived, Hayes said. York County deputies tackled Seegars after using an electric stun gun. Seegars suffered a broken leg in the scuffle.
Does that include the millions of Jews slaughtered by the racists adolf?
I guess you can't distinguish between a national socialist and a socialist?

They are the same thing, moron......
No hon, you're down to slogans again. Who's military is where now across the globe engaged in endless slaughter and torture?

No ones...since the rest of the world has the U.S. stopping Russia and China and keeping the Germans from killing the French again...
You're either an emotionally distraught idiot or a liar.

List the top three nations with military sites outside their own borders and how many they maintain.

Moron...without the U.S., Russia would be in France, China would control Asia, and the British would be learning to speak Russian....

Moron, kid insult from a zero college old white fart.
What do we expect from a zero college old white fart who has a 60s pic as his moniker.?
I missed how many hand to hand battles you were in.
You do know we were 2 years late getting into the wars?
Gues you don't know MAGA was our WWII Nazi group name?
Ps I think it's accepted now our entry delayed the end by a couple of years?
Forgot the Russian 20000000 deaths that really did adolf in?
London Bridge closed by British police amid reports of gunshots

In the thrust for power democrats refuse to stop bad eliminates from destroying or culture..

One stabbing?
Not worried about our 100 guns deaths A DAY?
How many years have you lived in London again?
Old white zero college fart.
Let me guess

Why don't you smoothbrains do something about it then, instead of whining on the internet?

Come and take the guns. I dare you.
Hammers, sticks, rocks, and knives are not really suitable to mass murder. Cars and trucks are only useful in specific circumstances.
The only thing on your little list that really qualifies is gasoline, and again the are limits.

Guns are easy and readily available. Everything else is more difficult.

And yet.....more lives are saved with guns each year than killers with guns take....

Mass public shootings in 2018...12. Total killed, 93.

Bicycles killed 345

Knives killed over 1,500....

no matter how you try to hide the fact, knives kill more people than guns do in a years worth of mass public shootings.....every single year....

And guns are used 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals .... criminals continuously released to attack the public by democrat judges, prosecutors and politicians.....

600 million guns in private hands.

18.6 million Americans legally carry guns for self defense.

As more Americans own and carry guns? Our gun murder rate went down 49%.....you can't explain that. our gun crime rate went down 75%...you can't explain that...

Nothing you say about guns is based in truth, facts or reality...that is why we think you are a moron.
Nobody kills people on purpose with bicycles.

What a dumbass thing to say.

Defensive gun use is bullshit. Almost never happens.

The Centers for Disease Control says you are a moron....they put the number of defensive gun use at 1.1 million. The Department of Justice puts the number at 1.5 million and obama had the CDC go back over all the research and found the number between 500,000 and 3 million times a year.....
No, they don't. They didn't do their own study, they used flawed data from a RWNJ gun-stroker group.

It's fake, and even they don't believe the numbers, so stop posting debunked junk.

Defensive gun use is a myth, a fantasy, a lie.

Here's your average "defensive gun use".

2a guy walks down the street.

2a guy sees black man on sidewalk.

2a guy carefully walks past, not making eye contact or speaking to black guy, without incident.

2a guy thinks "wow, good thing I was carrying my pistol".

And there we have "defensive gun use" #1 for the day!

Actual stories...

CCW Witness to Fatal Stabbing Holds Red-Handed Attacker at Gunpoint [VIDEO] - The Truth About Guns

The woman, 28-year-old Gabrielle Garcia, was with their five-year-old son at the time and had a standing no-contact order against the father. In full view of his own child as well as many witnesses, the man stabbed Garcia repeatedly, inflicting fatal injuries.

The man, identified as 29-year-old David Lee Morris, then walked out of the Seattle Center Armory (an indoor dining area) and into the street, still holding the knife and covered in blood. There, he was met by Scott Brown, who works at Skillet restaurant in Seattle Center. It was Brown’s day off, and he was dropping by to say hi to friends.

“I have a concealed weapons license,” said Brown. “[Morris] was just walking away calmly… I got next to him and I pulled out my gun and stepped in front of him. As soon as he saw that I had a firearm, he started trying to convince me to shoot him. He just kept trying to convince me to shoot him, and I didn’t want to shoot him.”

Brown did not end up having to shoot Morris (although, based on the video and witness reports, he would have had ample justification).

“Both of his hands were bloody… He was just walking toward the man with the gun,” said Eric DeAngelo, a bystander who recorded a video of the full takedown (see below). “Kept walking toward him. I don’t know what his intention was.”

Morris continued walking toward Brown, asking him to kill him, while Brown kept walking backwards, keeping Morris in his sights for several long minutes.

“I just kept trying to get him to put down the knife,” Brown recalled, “and we kept walking backwards and backwards and backwards. Way too long. I kept looking around for police, security… the point was to hold his focus. There were people everywhere.”

At last, another bystander helped subdue Morris with pepper spray until police arrived and took control. In DeAngelo’s video (around 1:45), you can see Brown looking visibly relieved as he finally puts down his gun.


Father Attacked at McDonald's While Holding Infant Daughter, Shoots One of Four Suspects

A father who was attacked in Memphis, Tennessee, McDonald’s while holding his infant daughter was able to get his gun and open fire, wounding one of the four attackers.
WREG quotes police saying “four suspects attempted to rob the victim at the McDonald’s in the 1400 block of South Trezevant near Lamar and Airways.” A witness described a scene in which the suspects tried to catch the father while he was too busy to fight back.

Witness David Chase said, “They jumped out of the car and they started fighting him and trying to take his wallet and stuff.” He added, “He was fighting them. He dropped his baby and started fighting them and the child was just sitting on the concrete.”

Chase then heard gunshots rang out and the suspects fled the scene. It was later learned that the father had managed to get to his gun and fire the shots, wounding one of the suspects.

ActionNews5 reports that the wounded suspect “showed up later at a nearby fire department” for treatment. His was taken to a hospital in “non-critical condition.”



Armed South Carolina Woman Chases Off Daytime Home Invader - The Truth About Guns

When Ms. Reeves ran across Ralph Goss slithering around inside her home yesterday in the middle of the afternoon, she drew her firearm. Staring down that barrel was enough to change Goss’s mind about whatever it was he had planned.

“I’m one of those people that can go from zero to a hundred in 2.5 seconds and I’m not a nice person normally, but as soon as I got on the phone with the sheriff’s department he was out of sight. The severity of it hit me, and I was in hysterics. I was crying, I was scared, I was very shaken.”

Oconee County deputies tracked Goss down within hours of Ms. Reeves’ call. And surprise! He already had several outstanding warrants for his arrest.


CWB Chicago: River North: Motorist With Concealed-Carry Saves Victim From 3-On-1 Beat-Down And Robbery

An armed suburban man with a concealed-carry license intervened in a 3-on-1 beating and robbery in River North yesterday evening, according to a witness and police.

The victim was in the 700 block of North Clark around 8:30 p.m. when three offenders wearing white surgical masks attacked him and began taking his property, police said.

A passing motorist who saw the robbery unfold pulled over, unholstered his concealed firearm and intervened in the attack. The three offenders fled westbound on Chicago Avenue as the concealed-carry holder protected the victim, according to a witness.

The driver, who lives in Mt. Prospect, returned to his vehicle and drove away after stabilizing the situation, a witness reported.

The victim lost his phone to the robbers who were described as two black men and one black woman wearing surgical masks. One of the offenders wore a red jacket and the others wore dark clothing.

Not charged for self defense shooting..

Milwaukee concealed carrier who killed carjacker acted in self defense

Milwaukee authorities decided not to press charges against the 24-year-old man who shot and killed a carjacker last month, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.

Prosecutors said the man, whose name has not been released, “lawfully acted in self defense” when he killed Carlos D. Martin, 21.

Martin, armed with a gun, tried to carjack the victim who was heading into work around 6 am on Feb. 26, according to a police statement. But the victim opened fire, striking and killing Martin.

The victim, who has a valid concealed carry license, remained on scene and cooperated with police. Martin was a felon and legally barred from possessing a gun.

“Before the summer starts, this should be a warning,” said Milwaukee police Capt. Andra Williams at a press conference last month. “This should be a wake-up call to everyone in the community that this is not a game.”


Video of shooting...

‘Not Going To Be Victims’: Watch Mother-Daughter Pair Use Guns To Defend Liquor Store



Good Guy With A Gun Saves Mother And Daughter Who Were Being Attacked

Law enforcement officials in New Mexico are praising a man who stepped in to save a mother and her daughter after the woman’s estranged husband rammed her car and began shooting at them.

Albuquerque Police say that 66-year-old Qian Ming intentionally crashed into the woman’s vehicle on Sunday and then opened fire, hitting his daughter in the shoulder, KRQE News 13reported.

Officer Simon Drobik says that a 34-year-old good Samaritan, who is not being named since he has not been charged with a crime, saw the attack unfold and intervened.

“Once he started walking up, he saw that there was a male violently pistol-whipping a female in the street,” Drobik said. “He got out of his vehicle and had his firearm on him and told that male to stop.”

Upon telling Ming to stop, the good Samaritan told police that he pointed the gun in his direction and that’s when he opened fire on Ming, hitting and killing him.

“Mom in the hospital said, ‘He saved our lives’,” Drobik continued. “You can’t get a stronger statement than that. So she knew it. Daughter knows it and good thing he took that type of action.”


Homeowner shoots at drive-by suspects, killing 2

Two people are dead and one is in the hospital after a homeowner fired back during a shooting in North Houston.

Investigators say early Saturday morning a suspect vehicle drove up to the homeowner's house on Glenburnie Drive and started shooting.

The homeowner was outside at the time and he hid behind a bush in the yard and returned fire. Officers say more than 40 shots were fired in the exchange.

'He was crazed,' said driver caught in deadly highway shooting in Fridley

The man who rammed into the back of Irvine Doyle’s truck repeatedly stabbed at his driver’s-side window with a six-inch blade knife, all the time yelling and ranting.

That’s when Doyle saw another man approach with a gun, pointing it down toward the ground, telling the man with the knife to calm down.

“I said, ‘Thank God somebody’s here because the cops aren’t here yet,” Doyle recalled.

In an interview Friday, Doyle filled out the picture of the chaotic scene on Hwy. 65 near Medtronic Parkway on Wednesday after Simon Schiffler, 33, of Williston, N.D., set off a chain-reaction crash at a red light.

Schiffler, the man with the knife, was beyond erratic, Doyle said.

The man with gun told Schiffler to relax, Doyle said. Instead, Schiffler charged, “his knife flailing,” Doyle said.

Three shots rang out and Schiffler dropped to the ground, bleeding, Doyle said. Schiffler was taken to Hennepin County Medical Center, where he died.

A family is likely grieving over his death, Doyle said. But he and others feared for their lives.



Armed Robbers Walked Into A Store — Then Cashier Pulled Out His Pistol And Showed Them The Door

he video shows the two men approach the cashier and point a rifle straight in his face. Not missing a beat, the cashier draws his own weapon and shoots at the two men. It’s unclear if he hits anyone.

The criminals flee the scene, dropping their gun as they run outside. Police then say the criminals drove away in a silver vehicle.


Concealed Carry holder holds robbery suspect at gunpoint

A Grayson County man is behind bars after allegedly breaking into a residence in Edmonson County.

The Edmonson County Sheriff's Office says 20-year-old Robert Hunt was held at gunpoint by the homeowner until deputies arrived to the house on E.G. Nash Road.
The homeowner was a Concealed/Carry Deadly Weapons permit holder according to a sheriff's deputy that says in situations like that, it's important to alert police to ensure everyone's safety.
"Once you call police, if you're actually going to hold that suspect at gun point you need to let dispatch know. Go ahead and give a description of yourself, so we know once we get on scene who the actual conceal carry holder is and who actualy is the suspect," said Deputy Jordan Jones with the Edmonson County Sheriff's Office.


Gun-carrying customers at SC dealership held attacker at gunpoint until cops arrived

A pair of customers legally carrying guns held a pipe-wielding attacker at bay at a York County car dealership until police arrived in a December incident where the suspect threatened to kill dealership employees, prosecutors said in court Friday.

Alonzo Seegars, upset with service at Stateline car dealership on Gold Hill Road in Fort Mill on Dec. 21, arrived armed with a pipe wrench, said Aaron Hayes, 16th Circuit assistant solicitor. Seegars told a service employee, “I know who you are and you are a dead man,” then “threatened to kill” a female employee, Hayes said.

Seegars then shouted out “Watch this!” as he smashed at least three vehicles with the pipe wrench, Hayes said.

Two customers, whom prosecutors said had legal concealed carry permits and were armed legally at the time, intervened and “held Mr. Seegars at bay” with the handguns at the crowded dealership until police arrived, Hayes said. York County deputies tackled Seegars after using an electric stun gun. Seegars suffered a broken leg in the scuffle.
Yeah yeah, there's one. Now post up the other 1,999,999.
They are the same thing, moron......
No hon, you're down to slogans again. Who's military is where now across the globe engaged in endless slaughter and torture?

No ones...since the rest of the world has the U.S. stopping Russia and China and keeping the Germans from killing the French again...
You're either an emotionally distraught idiot or a liar.

List the top three nations with military sites outside their own borders and how many they maintain.

Moron...without the U.S., Russia would be in France, China would control Asia, and the British would be learning to speak Russian....

Moron, kid insult from a zero college old white fart.
What do we expect from a zero college old white fart who has a 60s pic as his moniker.?
I missed how many hand to hand battles you were in.
You do know we were 2 years late getting into the wars?
Gues you don't know MAGA was our WWII Nazi group name?
Ps I think it's accepted now our entry delayed the end by a couple of years?
Forgot the Russian 20000000 deaths that really did adolf in?

The Russians would have lost the war without us you doofus...we supplied the distraction that kept the Germans from putting an end to Russia, and we supplied the Russians with all of their important war materials......you doofus....
It's time to take a look at knife sales in the US and just who is buying them.

LONDON (AP) — British police say several people have stabbed near to London Bridge, and a man has been detained.

The news came after witnesses reported hearing gunshots in the area. Sky News reported that police had shot the apparent attacker.

The Metropolitan Police force said officers were called Friday afternoon “to a stabbing at premises near to London Bridge.”

They say “a man has been detained by police. We believe a number of people have been injured.”

BBC reporter John McManus was in the area and said he saw figures grappling on the bridge. He said: “I thought it was initially a fight,” but then shots rang out.
Several stabbed near London Bridge; man detained

lets not forget pointy sticks,,,

We need to enact a law of no running with pointy sticks.

We put that off on teachers long ago. Since we're arming them now they can just gun down any kid they see running with a pointy stick.

yeah shoot those little bastards,,,
Oh we do.
sorry I must have missed that article about teachers shooting students,,,

got a link??
They are the same thing, moron......
No hon, you're down to slogans again. Who's military is where now across the globe engaged in endless slaughter and torture?

No ones...since the rest of the world has the U.S. stopping Russia and China and keeping the Germans from killing the French again...
You're either an emotionally distraught idiot or a liar.

List the top three nations with military sites outside their own borders and how many they maintain.

Moron...without the U.S., Russia would be in France, China would control Asia, and the British would be learning to speak Russian....

Moron, kid insult from a zero college old white fart.
What do we expect from a zero college old white fart who has a 60s pic as his moniker.?
I missed how many hand to hand battles you were in.
You do know we were 2 years late getting into the wars?
Gues you don't know MAGA was our WWII Nazi group name?
Ps I think it's accepted now our entry delayed the end by a couple of years?
Forgot the Russian 20000000 deaths that really did adolf in?

Russia's D-Day message: You're welcome

It’s true that Russia had to contend with more German units than the Allies did in France. This ignores the fact that the Allies had fought the Nazis in North Africa and up the Italian peninsula for several years prior to D-Day, not to mention the naval warfare that the US and UK conducted. Furthermore, even after the Soviets allied with the US, UK, and Free France, they pointedly refused to declare war on Japan, where the US and the Commonwealth were committing massive forces against Hitler’s ally. Stalin declared war on Japan only after the bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in order to demand territorial gains.

Even apart from that, this ignores the fact that Stalin made a greedy agreement with Hitler to divvy up Poland. The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact in August 1939, a craven and disgusting act, guaranteed the start of World War II. Would Hitler have invaded Poland without the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact? Probably, but it would have meant keeping his eastern front prepared for a Soviet reaction. Instead, Hitler overran the Netherland, Belgium, and France … all without Stalin opening up a “second front.”

The Soviets made the mistake of not taking Hitler’s demand for lebensraum seriously and thought they could seize land on the cheap, until Hitler finally turned on Stalin when he thought the time was right. Until then, Stalin’s communist proxies in France, the UK, and the US argued not for a “second front” but for isolationism and a hands-off approach to the conflict in eastern Europe.

Only after Hitler invaded the Soviet Union did Stalin and the communists begin shrieking about a “second front,” ignoring the fact that the Brits had been fighting one in North Africa. (The US joined that front soon after Pearl Harbor.) The Italian campaign tied up a number of German units as well, especially after Mussolini ran out of Rome and the Italians switched sides. The allies attempted a smaller scale invasion force in 1943 at Dieppe to get what would be a thirdfront in Europe, which turned out to be a disaster for the Canadian troops that got trapped there. It was the hard lessons learned at Dieppe as well as those in the Pacific theater that were eventually applied 75 years ago today in the successful D-Day operation.

There’s one other laughable aspect to Russia’s D-Day propaganda, too. The invasion was a massive effort to liberate other countries from the Nazi grip — not just France but also Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and so on. The Russians fought valiantly after the Nazi invasion, but let’s not kid ourselves; they were fighting to free themselves. And when they did manage to push the Nazis out of Russia proper, the Soviets pushed through all of the states of eastern Europe, not to liberate them but to seize them and put them in their own iron grip. They kept those countries prisoner for more than forty years, too.

Remember, they also invaded Poland...

The 1939 Soviet invasion of Poland was a Soviet military operation that started without a formal declaration of war on 17 September 1939, during the early stages of World War II. Sixteen days afterNazi Germany invaded Poland from the west, the Soviet Union did so from the east. The invasion ended on 6 October 1939 with the division and annexing of the whole of the Second Polish Republicby Germany and the Soviet Union.[SUP][6][/SUP]

American Weapons in Russian Army - English Russia

During World War 2 America helped Soviet Russia a lot with different weapons. Trucks, jeeps, military and cargo planes – all sorts of technical equipment was sent to Russia.
In this post we’ll have some unique photos from WW2 by Russian soldier who participated in such missions to America for this help. He was a pilot and their squad was taking American planes to Russia during the war. According to his son’s stories this visits to USA left a big impression upon minds of Russian soldiers, but they were desperate to help their country to win the war and none of the decided to seek a refuge in States.
They usually were taking B-25 heavy bomber planes and P-53 “King Cobras” lighter fighters. It’s interesting that the Red Stars, the emblems of Soviet Russian Army were printed on the planes right in the US and they were flying those Red Star marked planes above USA freely on their way to Russia. Those were the only times I guess when Russian military planes were above the States. Though those Red Star logos were afterwards wiped out in Russia because they were paintedon a white circle, according USAAF standards and were not exactly what Stalin and other Russian chief commanders wanted to see on Russian planes.
Hammers, sticks, rocks, and knives are not really suitable to mass murder. Cars and trucks are only useful in specific circumstances.
The only thing on your little list that really qualifies is gasoline, and again the are limits.

Guns are easy and readily available. Everything else is more difficult.

And yet.....more lives are saved with guns each year than killers with guns take....

Mass public shootings in 2018...12. Total killed, 93.

Bicycles killed 345

Knives killed over 1,500....

no matter how you try to hide the fact, knives kill more people than guns do in a years worth of mass public shootings.....every single year....

And guns are used 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals .... criminals continuously released to attack the public by democrat judges, prosecutors and politicians.....

600 million guns in private hands.

18.6 million Americans legally carry guns for self defense.

As more Americans own and carry guns? Our gun murder rate went down 49%.....you can't explain that. our gun crime rate went down 75%...you can't explain that...

Nothing you say about guns is based in truth, facts or reality...that is why we think you are a moron.
Nobody kills people on purpose with bicycles.

What a dumbass thing to say.

Defensive gun use is bullshit. Almost never happens.

The Centers for Disease Control says you are a moron....they put the number of defensive gun use at 1.1 million. The Department of Justice puts the number at 1.5 million and obama had the CDC go back over all the research and found the number between 500,000 and 3 million times a year.....
No, they don't. They didn't do their own study, they used flawed data from a RWNJ gun-stroker group.

It's fake, and even they don't believe the numbers, so stop posting debunked junk.

Defensive gun use is a myth, a fantasy, a lie.

Here's your average "defensive gun use".

2a guy walks down the street.

2a guy sees black man on sidewalk.

2a guy carefully walks past, not making eye contact or speaking to black guy, without incident.

2a guy thinks "wow, good thing I was carrying my pistol".

And there we have "defensive gun use" #1 for the day!

Actual stories...

CCW Witness to Fatal Stabbing Holds Red-Handed Attacker at Gunpoint [VIDEO] - The Truth About Guns

The woman, 28-year-old Gabrielle Garcia, was with their five-year-old son at the time and had a standing no-contact order against the father. In full view of his own child as well as many witnesses, the man stabbed Garcia repeatedly, inflicting fatal injuries.

The man, identified as 29-year-old David Lee Morris, then walked out of the Seattle Center Armory (an indoor dining area) and into the street, still holding the knife and covered in blood. There, he was met by Scott Brown, who works at Skillet restaurant in Seattle Center. It was Brown’s day off, and he was dropping by to say hi to friends.

“I have a concealed weapons license,” said Brown. “[Morris] was just walking away calmly… I got next to him and I pulled out my gun and stepped in front of him. As soon as he saw that I had a firearm, he started trying to convince me to shoot him. He just kept trying to convince me to shoot him, and I didn’t want to shoot him.”

Brown did not end up having to shoot Morris (although, based on the video and witness reports, he would have had ample justification).

“Both of his hands were bloody… He was just walking toward the man with the gun,” said Eric DeAngelo, a bystander who recorded a video of the full takedown (see below). “Kept walking toward him. I don’t know what his intention was.”

Morris continued walking toward Brown, asking him to kill him, while Brown kept walking backwards, keeping Morris in his sights for several long minutes.

“I just kept trying to get him to put down the knife,” Brown recalled, “and we kept walking backwards and backwards and backwards. Way too long. I kept looking around for police, security… the point was to hold his focus. There were people everywhere.”

At last, another bystander helped subdue Morris with pepper spray until police arrived and took control. In DeAngelo’s video (around 1:45), you can see Brown looking visibly relieved as he finally puts down his gun.


Father Attacked at McDonald's While Holding Infant Daughter, Shoots One of Four Suspects

A father who was attacked in Memphis, Tennessee, McDonald’s while holding his infant daughter was able to get his gun and open fire, wounding one of the four attackers.
WREG quotes police saying “four suspects attempted to rob the victim at the McDonald’s in the 1400 block of South Trezevant near Lamar and Airways.” A witness described a scene in which the suspects tried to catch the father while he was too busy to fight back.

Witness David Chase said, “They jumped out of the car and they started fighting him and trying to take his wallet and stuff.” He added, “He was fighting them. He dropped his baby and started fighting them and the child was just sitting on the concrete.”

Chase then heard gunshots rang out and the suspects fled the scene. It was later learned that the father had managed to get to his gun and fire the shots, wounding one of the suspects.

ActionNews5 reports that the wounded suspect “showed up later at a nearby fire department” for treatment. His was taken to a hospital in “non-critical condition.”



Armed South Carolina Woman Chases Off Daytime Home Invader - The Truth About Guns

When Ms. Reeves ran across Ralph Goss slithering around inside her home yesterday in the middle of the afternoon, she drew her firearm. Staring down that barrel was enough to change Goss’s mind about whatever it was he had planned.

“I’m one of those people that can go from zero to a hundred in 2.5 seconds and I’m not a nice person normally, but as soon as I got on the phone with the sheriff’s department he was out of sight. The severity of it hit me, and I was in hysterics. I was crying, I was scared, I was very shaken.”

Oconee County deputies tracked Goss down within hours of Ms. Reeves’ call. And surprise! He already had several outstanding warrants for his arrest.


CWB Chicago: River North: Motorist With Concealed-Carry Saves Victim From 3-On-1 Beat-Down And Robbery

An armed suburban man with a concealed-carry license intervened in a 3-on-1 beating and robbery in River North yesterday evening, according to a witness and police.

The victim was in the 700 block of North Clark around 8:30 p.m. when three offenders wearing white surgical masks attacked him and began taking his property, police said.

A passing motorist who saw the robbery unfold pulled over, unholstered his concealed firearm and intervened in the attack. The three offenders fled westbound on Chicago Avenue as the concealed-carry holder protected the victim, according to a witness.

The driver, who lives in Mt. Prospect, returned to his vehicle and drove away after stabilizing the situation, a witness reported.

The victim lost his phone to the robbers who were described as two black men and one black woman wearing surgical masks. One of the offenders wore a red jacket and the others wore dark clothing.

Not charged for self defense shooting..

Milwaukee concealed carrier who killed carjacker acted in self defense

Milwaukee authorities decided not to press charges against the 24-year-old man who shot and killed a carjacker last month, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.

Prosecutors said the man, whose name has not been released, “lawfully acted in self defense” when he killed Carlos D. Martin, 21.

Martin, armed with a gun, tried to carjack the victim who was heading into work around 6 am on Feb. 26, according to a police statement. But the victim opened fire, striking and killing Martin.

The victim, who has a valid concealed carry license, remained on scene and cooperated with police. Martin was a felon and legally barred from possessing a gun.

“Before the summer starts, this should be a warning,” said Milwaukee police Capt. Andra Williams at a press conference last month. “This should be a wake-up call to everyone in the community that this is not a game.”


Video of shooting...

‘Not Going To Be Victims’: Watch Mother-Daughter Pair Use Guns To Defend Liquor Store



Good Guy With A Gun Saves Mother And Daughter Who Were Being Attacked

Law enforcement officials in New Mexico are praising a man who stepped in to save a mother and her daughter after the woman’s estranged husband rammed her car and began shooting at them.

Albuquerque Police say that 66-year-old Qian Ming intentionally crashed into the woman’s vehicle on Sunday and then opened fire, hitting his daughter in the shoulder, KRQE News 13reported.

Officer Simon Drobik says that a 34-year-old good Samaritan, who is not being named since he has not been charged with a crime, saw the attack unfold and intervened.

“Once he started walking up, he saw that there was a male violently pistol-whipping a female in the street,” Drobik said. “He got out of his vehicle and had his firearm on him and told that male to stop.”

Upon telling Ming to stop, the good Samaritan told police that he pointed the gun in his direction and that’s when he opened fire on Ming, hitting and killing him.

“Mom in the hospital said, ‘He saved our lives’,” Drobik continued. “You can’t get a stronger statement than that. So she knew it. Daughter knows it and good thing he took that type of action.”


Homeowner shoots at drive-by suspects, killing 2

Two people are dead and one is in the hospital after a homeowner fired back during a shooting in North Houston.

Investigators say early Saturday morning a suspect vehicle drove up to the homeowner's house on Glenburnie Drive and started shooting.

The homeowner was outside at the time and he hid behind a bush in the yard and returned fire. Officers say more than 40 shots were fired in the exchange.

'He was crazed,' said driver caught in deadly highway shooting in Fridley

The man who rammed into the back of Irvine Doyle’s truck repeatedly stabbed at his driver’s-side window with a six-inch blade knife, all the time yelling and ranting.

That’s when Doyle saw another man approach with a gun, pointing it down toward the ground, telling the man with the knife to calm down.

“I said, ‘Thank God somebody’s here because the cops aren’t here yet,” Doyle recalled.

In an interview Friday, Doyle filled out the picture of the chaotic scene on Hwy. 65 near Medtronic Parkway on Wednesday after Simon Schiffler, 33, of Williston, N.D., set off a chain-reaction crash at a red light.

Schiffler, the man with the knife, was beyond erratic, Doyle said.

The man with gun told Schiffler to relax, Doyle said. Instead, Schiffler charged, “his knife flailing,” Doyle said.

Three shots rang out and Schiffler dropped to the ground, bleeding, Doyle said. Schiffler was taken to Hennepin County Medical Center, where he died.

A family is likely grieving over his death, Doyle said. But he and others feared for their lives.



Armed Robbers Walked Into A Store — Then Cashier Pulled Out His Pistol And Showed Them The Door

he video shows the two men approach the cashier and point a rifle straight in his face. Not missing a beat, the cashier draws his own weapon and shoots at the two men. It’s unclear if he hits anyone.

The criminals flee the scene, dropping their gun as they run outside. Police then say the criminals drove away in a silver vehicle.


Concealed Carry holder holds robbery suspect at gunpoint

A Grayson County man is behind bars after allegedly breaking into a residence in Edmonson County.

The Edmonson County Sheriff's Office says 20-year-old Robert Hunt was held at gunpoint by the homeowner until deputies arrived to the house on E.G. Nash Road.
The homeowner was a Concealed/Carry Deadly Weapons permit holder according to a sheriff's deputy that says in situations like that, it's important to alert police to ensure everyone's safety.
"Once you call police, if you're actually going to hold that suspect at gun point you need to let dispatch know. Go ahead and give a description of yourself, so we know once we get on scene who the actual conceal carry holder is and who actualy is the suspect," said Deputy Jordan Jones with the Edmonson County Sheriff's Office.


Gun-carrying customers at SC dealership held attacker at gunpoint until cops arrived

A pair of customers legally carrying guns held a pipe-wielding attacker at bay at a York County car dealership until police arrived in a December incident where the suspect threatened to kill dealership employees, prosecutors said in court Friday.

Alonzo Seegars, upset with service at Stateline car dealership on Gold Hill Road in Fort Mill on Dec. 21, arrived armed with a pipe wrench, said Aaron Hayes, 16th Circuit assistant solicitor. Seegars told a service employee, “I know who you are and you are a dead man,” then “threatened to kill” a female employee, Hayes said.

Seegars then shouted out “Watch this!” as he smashed at least three vehicles with the pipe wrench, Hayes said.

Two customers, whom prosecutors said had legal concealed carry permits and were armed legally at the time, intervened and “held Mr. Seegars at bay” with the handguns at the crowded dealership until police arrived, Hayes said. York County deputies tackled Seegars after using an electric stun gun. Seegars suffered a broken leg in the scuffle.
No hon, you're down to slogans again. Who's military is where now across the globe engaged in endless slaughter and torture?

No ones...since the rest of the world has the U.S. stopping Russia and China and keeping the Germans from killing the French again...
You're either an emotionally distraught idiot or a liar.

List the top three nations with military sites outside their own borders and how many they maintain.

Moron...without the U.S., Russia would be in France, China would control Asia, and the British would be learning to speak Russian....

Moron, kid insult from a zero college old white fart.
What do we expect from a zero college old white fart who has a 60s pic as his moniker.?
I missed how many hand to hand battles you were in.
You do know we were 2 years late getting into the wars?
Gues you don't know MAGA was our WWII Nazi group name?
Ps I think it's accepted now our entry delayed the end by a couple of years?
Forgot the Russian 20000000 deaths that really did adolf in?

The Russians would have lost the war without us you doofus...we supplied the distraction that kept the Germans from putting an end to Russia, and we supplied the Russians with all of their important war materials......you doofus....
Who is militarily occupying where now?
No hon, you're down to slogans again. Who's military is where now across the globe engaged in endless slaughter and torture?

No ones...since the rest of the world has the U.S. stopping Russia and China and keeping the Germans from killing the French again...
You're either an emotionally distraught idiot or a liar.

List the top three nations with military sites outside their own borders and how many they maintain.

Moron...without the U.S., Russia would be in France, China would control Asia, and the British would be learning to speak Russian....

Moron, kid insult from a zero college old white fart.
What do we expect from a zero college old white fart who has a 60s pic as his moniker.?
I missed how many hand to hand battles you were in.
You do know we were 2 years late getting into the wars?
Gues you don't know MAGA was our WWII Nazi group name?
Ps I think it's accepted now our entry delayed the end by a couple of years?
Forgot the Russian 20000000 deaths that really did adolf in?

Russia's D-Day message: You're welcome

It’s true that Russia had to contend with more German units than the Allies did in France. This ignores the fact that the Allies had fought the Nazis in North Africa and up the Italian peninsula for several years prior to D-Day, not to mention the naval warfare that the US and UK conducted. Furthermore, even after the Soviets allied with the US, UK, and Free France, they pointedly refused to declare war on Japan, where the US and the Commonwealth were committing massive forces against Hitler’s ally. Stalin declared war on Japan only after the bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in order to demand territorial gains.

Even apart from that, this ignores the fact that Stalin made a greedy agreement with Hitler to divvy up Poland. The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact in August 1939, a craven and disgusting act, guaranteed the start of World War II. Would Hitler have invaded Poland without the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact? Probably, but it would have meant keeping his eastern front prepared for a Soviet reaction. Instead, Hitler overran the Netherland, Belgium, and France … all without Stalin opening up a “second front.”

The Soviets made the mistake of not taking Hitler’s demand for lebensraum seriously and thought they could seize land on the cheap, until Hitler finally turned on Stalin when he thought the time was right. Until then, Stalin’s communist proxies in France, the UK, and the US argued not for a “second front” but for isolationism and a hands-off approach to the conflict in eastern Europe.

Only after Hitler invaded the Soviet Union did Stalin and the communists begin shrieking about a “second front,” ignoring the fact that the Brits had been fighting one in North Africa. (The US joined that front soon after Pearl Harbor.) The Italian campaign tied up a number of German units as well, especially after Mussolini ran out of Rome and the Italians switched sides. The allies attempted a smaller scale invasion force in 1943 at Dieppe to get what would be a thirdfront in Europe, which turned out to be a disaster for the Canadian troops that got trapped there. It was the hard lessons learned at Dieppe as well as those in the Pacific theater that were eventually applied 75 years ago today in the successful D-Day operation.

There’s one other laughable aspect to Russia’s D-Day propaganda, too. The invasion was a massive effort to liberate other countries from the Nazi grip — not just France but also Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and so on. The Russians fought valiantly after the Nazi invasion, but let’s not kid ourselves; they were fighting to free themselves. And when they did manage to push the Nazis out of Russia proper, the Soviets pushed through all of the states of eastern Europe, not to liberate them but to seize them and put them in their own iron grip. They kept those countries prisoner for more than forty years, too.

Remember, they also invaded Poland...

The 1939 Soviet invasion of Poland was a Soviet military operation that started without a formal declaration of war on 17 September 1939, during the early stages of World War II. Sixteen days afterNazi Germany invaded Poland from the west, the Soviet Union did so from the east. The invasion ended on 6 October 1939 with the division and annexing of the whole of the Second Polish Republicby Germany and the Soviet Union.[SUP][6][/SUP]

American Weapons in Russian Army - English Russia

During World War 2 America helped Soviet Russia a lot with different weapons. Trucks, jeeps, military and cargo planes – all sorts of technical equipment was sent to Russia.
In this post we’ll have some unique photos from WW2 by Russian soldier who participated in such missions to America for this help. He was a pilot and their squad was taking American planes to Russia during the war. According to his son’s stories this visits to USA left a big impression upon minds of Russian soldiers, but they were desperate to help their country to win the war and none of the decided to seek a refuge in States.
They usually were taking B-25 heavy bomber planes and P-53 “King Cobras” lighter fighters. It’s interesting that the Red Stars, the emblems of Soviet Russian Army were printed on the planes right in the US and they were flying those Red Star marked planes above USA freely on their way to Russia. Those were the only times I guess when Russian military planes were above the States. Though those Red Star logos were afterwards wiped out in Russia because they were paintedon a white circle, according USAAF standards and were not exactly what Stalin and other Russian chief commanders wanted to see on Russian planes.

Who pulled a 2009 coup in Honduras fueling migration? Who just tried to topple the Venezuelan govt? Who was going to pull out of Syria but stayed to guard oil?
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