Who would the left's version of Donald Trump be?

FDR. The leftist icon was a hotshot New Yorker, got chummy with cats like Stalin just like the Trumpster did with Chairman Un.

Both guys were particularly popular with Southern men. Roosevelt hung out at the southern Hot Springs resort, much like Trump does at Mar a Lago.
FDR did so much good for the poor and middle class the rich called him a traitor to his class.

Trump is called a traitor to his class, the Billionaires, you know. Fellows like Steyer, Bloomberg, Bezos, Gates and Buffett all hate his fucking guts.
What did he do to them? I do recall his tax breaks did hurt rich people in blue states trump didn’t win in 2016.
FDR. The leftist icon was a hotshot New Yorker, got chummy with cats like Stalin just like the Trumpster did with Chairman Un.

Both guys were particularly popular with Southern men. Roosevelt hung out at the southern Hot Springs resort, much like Trump does at Mar a Lago.
FDR did so much good for the poor and middle class the rich called him a traitor to his class.

Trump is called a traitor to his class, the Billionaires, you know. Fellows like Steyer, Bloomberg, Bezos, Gates and Buffett all hate his fucking guts.

No they don't. They all have done exceedingly well under Trump.

They have done very well financially, but they still hate Trump. How much did they spend to depose him?
They hated him then for his social issues? I agree with them. Also with the pandemic It was clear to all trump was over his head.

Trump could have won me, bezos, Buffett, Gates over if he wasn’t so divisive
Stewart is NOT a pathological liar like Tramp, the only pathological liar close to Tramp is Russia LimpBoi, and he is no Liberal!

I like Jon Stewart. It doesn't make sense to pick somebody that we hate. I think you're coming at this from the wrong angle. Trump does an excellent job of representing the views of everyday conservatives. That's why they love him.

I never considered Trump a conservative, he is more to the left than to the right in my opinjion. His spending puts him in the liberal category.
It would have to be a very popular and very controversial left wing populist. Jon Stewart?

Happily, the left does not have a version of Donald Trump.
Don’t you see that Bernie or Elizabeth Warren would have been the real Donald Trumps? Not a fake like him. In other words they’d pass a tax system that didn’t favor the mega rich over the rest of us. They would shrink the wealth gap between the rich and rest of us. They’d pay higher taxes, we’d all do a little better, social security would fully funded, universal healthcare for all, affordable college.

And it wouldn’t be just republicans fighting them. It’d be corporate democrats. Blue dog democrats. Dino’s. Globalist democrats. Swamp creatures who would also vote no.
Don’t you see that Bernie or Elizabeth Warren would have been the real Donald Trumps? Not a fake like him. In other words they’d pass a tax system that didn’t favor the mega rich over the rest of us. They would shrink the wealth gap between the rich and rest of us. They’d pay higher taxes, we’d all do a little better, social security would fully funded, universal healthcare for all, affordable college.

And it wouldn’t be just republicans fighting them. It’d be corporate democrats. Blue dog democrats. Dino’s. Globalist democrats. Swamp creatures who would also vote no.

Thank you for being smart enough to understand the thread.
Stewart is NOT a pathological liar like Tramp, the only pathological liar close to Tramp is Russia LimpBoi, and he is no Liberal!

I like Jon Stewart. It doesn't make sense to pick somebody that we hate. I think you're coming at this from the wrong angle. Trump does an excellent job of representing the views of everyday conservatives. That's why they love him.

I never considered Trump a conservative, he is more to the left than to the right in my opinjion. His spending puts him in the liberal category.
That’s bullshit. Every republican president spends more than the democrat before them. Is an old but ignorant comment.

Trump was far right with his tax break, appointments, deregulation’s, position on religion, racism, global warming etc. just because he spent like a drunken sailor doesn’t make him liberal. Nice try
Don’t you see that Bernie or Elizabeth Warren would have been the real Donald Trumps? Not a fake like him. In other words they’d pass a tax system that didn’t favor the mega rich over the rest of us. They would shrink the wealth gap between the rich and rest of us. They’d pay higher taxes, we’d all do a little better, social security would fully funded, universal healthcare for all, affordable college.

And it wouldn’t be just republicans fighting them. It’d be corporate democrats. Blue dog democrats. Dino’s. Globalist democrats. Swamp creatures who would also vote no.

Thank you for being smart enough to understand the thread.
I’m smarter than all these brainwashed conservative fools and racist liars.
It would have to be a very popular and very controversial left wing populist. Jon Stewart?

Happily, the left does not have a version of Donald Trump.
We need one. I liked Obama but he quickly went along far too much. Perhaps he feared assassination if he tried too much. So he was pretty moderate. He didn’t make deals with the cons so he could get some stuff done because it wasn’t worth what they were asking. Just look at nafta. Republicans invented nafta, got clinton to sign it and now somehow he owns it. As if they didn’t come up with it in the first place. Forgetting it was us liberals back then who were objecting to nafta, not republicans. Clinton went along. That was his mistake. He triangulated.

Hell bush lied us into Iraq but they don’t let us forget hillary voted to invade too.

I would never go along with anything republicans ask for because they are always unreasonable and wrong.
Stewart is NOT a pathological liar like Tramp, the only pathological liar close to Tramp is Russia LimpBoi, and he is no Liberal!

I like Jon Stewart. It doesn't make sense to pick somebody that we hate. I think you're coming at this from the wrong angle. Trump does an excellent job of representing the views of everyday conservatives. That's why they love him.

I never considered Trump a conservative, he is more to the left than to the right in my opinjion. His spending puts him in the liberal category.
I can’t get over the dumb shit you just tried to pull here. To try and give trump to us liberals because he spent so much. I Doesnt dawn on you that maybe republicans attacking democrats for being the big spenders is bullshit? Because bush 1 spend a hell of a lot more than clinton and he was handed a surplus. Trump was handed a great economy too.

So you can’t even compare. Obama had to spend to get us out of the bush Great Recession. If Obama was handed the obama economy, he would have had a surplus like Clinton had.
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