Who would you prefer as U.S. President, Donald Trump or Nikki Haley?

Who would you prefer as U.S. President, Donald Trump or Nikki Haley?

  • Nikki Haley

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 22 71.0%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2012
Who would you prefer as U.S. President, Donald Trump or Nikki Haley?

Nikki Haley
Who would you prefer as U.S. President, Donald Trump or Nikki Haley?

Nikki Haley
Did you know nikki haley required proof of covid clot shot before they could get into her rally just a couple days ago. this ain't no conservative. She will do nothing to turn this country around.

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Who would you prefer as U.S. President, Donald Trump or Nikki Haley?

Nikki Haley

I dunno, which would I prefer - a proven record of America First - or neoconservative foreign adventurism with a dash of Bushism?

It's no contest.

And no identity politics BS (but she's a WOMAN of Asian heritage!!!) can change that.

P.S. Why do Lefties worship war now?
We have already answered that question on another thread.....haven't we?

Trump of course.

Howard the Duck
Trump is a liability at this point. He's too easy for the democrats to shred with personal attacks, and Jan 6 footage. Haley doesn't have any of that baggage.
You need to face facts. Trump is the only electable Republican. People remember promises made, promises kept. You have been bamboozled by the globalist elitists who hate Trump and the American worker, just like Democrats.
on the advice of Fauci. Now i'm not gonna sit here and let you have this both ways. You wanted Biden to have the credit for the clot shot and when it doesn't work out...you want to blame Trump for it. No man. You're not gonna do that.
Trump was in charge.
You need to face facts. Trump is the only electable Republican. People remember promises made, promises kept. You have been bamboozled by the globalist elitists who hate Trump and the American worker, just like Democrats.
Except Trump didn't keep any of his promises. And ballooned :) the debt and deficit..and got a lot of people killed.
So..there's that. But never fear, he'll be the Republican nominee.
You guys have no concept of strategy.

If you want to win, don't pick the most polarizing candidate. One the democrats hate, independents are afraid of, and republicans are split on.

Nik ain't perfect by a longshot, but she isn't as polarizing or off-putting as Trump is to the independents - the ones who decide elections. If you want to have a win, even if it isn't a perfect win, you have to choose Haley (or someone else). If you go for Trump, mark my words, it'll be the biggest mistake you'll ever make. He will lose to the democrat nominee, and we get four more years of god knows what. Do you want that, or do you want to have a fighting chance?

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