Who would you prefer as U.S. President, Donald Trump or Nikki Haley?

Who would you prefer as U.S. President, Donald Trump or Nikki Haley?

  • Nikki Haley

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 22 71.0%

  • Total voters
You guys have no concept of strategy.

If you want to win, don't pick the most polarizing candidate. One the democrats hate, independents are afraid of, and republicans are split on.

Nik ain't perfect by a longshot, but she isn't as polarizing or off-putting as Trump is to the independents - the ones who decide elections. If you want to have a win, even if it isn't a perfect win, you have to choose Haley (or someone else). If you go for Trump, mark my words, it'll be the biggest mistake you'll ever make. He will lose to the democrat nominee, and we get four more years of god knows what. Do you want that, or do you want to have a fighting chance?
im afraid that be the time the next election roles around things may be so bad that Americans will vote for anyone who isnt a leftist ...remember the dems are only halfway through their 1 st term in the WH and just look at the problems that are swamping average Americans .
im afraid that be the time the next election roles around things may be so bad that Americans will vote for anyone who isnt a leftist ...remember the dems are only halfway through their 1 st term in the WH and just look at the problems that are swamping average Americans .

Remember, people are fucking stupid. The vast majority don't care about politics, and are too inept to make good judgement.

The right places too much faith on the American people. That is idiocy. That's why we never win by popular vote. That's why every election is a nail biter. It's because people are fucking retarded and can't correlate, that dem= tough financial living, and republican = easier living. We place too much faith in IDIOTS and that makes US stupid too.
Move on. Trump's a loser.

Yeah we can tell.

That's why your media can't stop breathlessly mentioning him every two seconds, despite the fact he hasn't been in power for 2 years.

And then bots like you mindlessly repeat "THE MESSAGE", only betraying that you're more worried than fuckin' ever.
Remember, people are fucking stupid. The vast majority don't care about politics, and are too inept to make good judgement.

The right places too much faith on the American people. That is idiocy. That's why we never win by popular vote. That's why every election is a nail biter. It's because people are fucking retarded and can't correlate, that dem= tough financial living, and republican = easier living. We place too much faith in IDIOTS and that makes US stupid too.
like i said if things continue to get worse even uniformed voters will wake up ...
You had your chance and couldn't prove anything, in any state. Move on. Trump's a loser.
more and more comes out all the time. just because you have a corrupt FBI, DOJ and activist leftist judges doesn't mean the truth is negated. Truth is truth and as time goes on... you'll see your side lied on this just like every thing else.
Yeah we can tell.
That's why your media can't stop breathlessly mentioning him every two seconds, despite the fact he hasn't been in power for 2 years.
And then bots like you mindlessly repeat "THE MESSAGE", only betraying that you're more worried than fuckin' ever.
I voted for Trump TWICE.
I'm not voting for him a third time, unless he wins the GOP nomination.
I prefer someone more deserving and qualified.
more and more comes out all the time. just because you have a corrupt FBI, DOJ and activist leftist judges doesn't mean the truth is negated. Truth is truth and as time goes on... you'll see your side lied on this just like every thing else.
Truth becomes history, like the Hunter Biden Laptop went from "Russian Disinformation" to TRUTH.
The 2024 election is what's important, not the 2020 election.
That's not even worthy to be a question. Trump continues to be the only person capable of turning this country back around and Haley is the opposite.
You and Trump... Forever and ever.

My own view? As a furriner I quite like Nikki; she's often OK but lacked some spine wrt the Flag. I just don't think she's tough enough to handle the Dem Machine when it comes after her. Trump, and frankly I don't see ANY faults at all with him least of all that would disqualify him, will be combative and effective from the get-go!!!I am FIRMLY on the Trump Train!!!

Now would Nikki be better than any DemoKKKrat; you betcha!!!

No way will I let the Demstapo divide the fantastic depth that the GOP has at the ready!!!

My own view? As a furriner I quite like Nikki; she's often OK but lacked some spine wrt the Flag. I just don't think she's tough enough to handle the Dem Machine when it comes after her. Trump, and frankly I don't see ANY faults at all with him least of all that would disqualify him, will be combative and effective from the get-go!!!I am FIRMLY on the Trump Train!!!

Now would Nikki be better than any DemoKKKrat; you betcha!!!

No way will I let the Demstapo divide the fantastic depth that the GOP has at the ready!!!


Now that's what I call fair and balanced ;)
Of the two, Trump by a mile.

I've no use for the neocon's prom queen.....She's also the one who got the whole Confederate canceling thing going.....Piss on the opportunistic bitch.

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