Who would you prefer as U.S. President, Donald Trump or Nikki Haley?

Who would you prefer as U.S. President, Donald Trump or Nikki Haley?

  • Nikki Haley

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 22 71.0%

  • Total voters
I voted for Trump TWICE.
I'm not voting for him a third time, unless he wins the GOP nomination.
I prefer someone more deserving and qualified.
How can you get more qualified than President???? Girl Scout leader???

The Demstapo will try and divide; RESIST!!!!

But I'd prefer Trump.

I'd like a more multi-polar world and Trump would continue the slide of US influence while China and Russia rise; whereas Haley would try harder to maintain US influence and hegemony in the world while also being better for the US domestically than the LOTUS.
Who would you prefer as U.S. President, Donald Trump or Nikki Haley?

Nikki Haley
No matter what, we must not let the MSM influence who gets elected. That's exactly how we got into our current mess. The MSM is the last place the American worker should look for political advice because they are supported by the corporations that are very happy enslaving the American worker. The rule of thumb for a middle class worker should be to steer clear of MSM backed candidates. That means no Democrats or neocons.
No matter what, we must not let the MSM influence who gets elected. That's exactly how we got into our current mess. The MSM is the last place the American worker should look for political advice because they are supported by the corporations that are very happy enslaving the American worker. The rule of thumb for a middle class worker should be to steer clear of MSM backed candidates. That means no Democrats or neocons.
Actually the FBI and hi-tech oligarchs orchestrated the coup in 2020 by covering up the Hunter Biden laptop crimes and having the 51 security "experts" call it "Russian disinformation". The MSM just played along with the FBI's coup against Trump.
Trump had his shot and blew it.
All the stupid fuck had to do was "act" presidential, and he would have won easily against old Joe.
His 1st debate "shit show" cost him the election.
act presidential?? YOU THINK this moron sniffy Joe is Presidential???!!! HAW HAW HAW HAW
Trump is a liability at this point. He's too easy for the democrats to shred with personal attacks, and Jan 6 footage. Haley doesn't have any of that baggage.
Trump…and it’s not even close. Nikki Haley has a vagina and women aren’t capable leaders evidenced EVERYWHERE by all token leaders with vaginas.
Now scream “MISOGYNIST” as loud as you can.
Did you know nikki haley required proof of covid clot shot before they could get into her rally just a couple days ago. this ain't no conservative. She will do nothing to turn this country around.

it says last year, super duper. Everything your garbage media says is crap, since you haven't figured that out...
You need to face facts. Trump is the only electable Republican. People remember promises made, promises kept. You have been bamboozled by the globalist elitists who hate Trump and the American worker, just like Democrats.
Imagine what he could have accomplished without the endless, relentless attacks from the entrenched left

He never even got his first term
You guys have no concept of strategy.

If you want to win, don't pick the most polarizing candidate. One the democrats hate, independents are afraid of, and republicans are split on.

Nik ain't perfect by a longshot, but she isn't as polarizing or off-putting as Trump is to the independents - the ones who decide elections. If you want to have a win, even if it isn't a perfect win, you have to choose Haley (or someone else). If you go for Trump, mark my words, it'll be the biggest mistake you'll ever make. He will lose to the democrat nominee, and we get four more years of god knows what. Do you want that, or do you want to have a fighting chance?
Oh no! Not a living wage healthcare for all cheaper drugs free Community College cheap college and training great infrastructure. What about having vacations like every other modern country, at least a month. Such dupes we have... Taxing the rich again and investing in America again is way overdue.

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