Who would you prefer as U.S. President, Donald Trump or Nikki Haley?

Who would you prefer as U.S. President, Donald Trump or Nikki Haley?

  • Nikki Haley

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 22 71.0%

  • Total voters
Neither of the choices in the OP are conservative
hey buddy. Do you know why Americans know that the 2020 election was stolen? Because all loyal Americans know that no one would knowingly vote for a bunch of perverse, america hating, first amendment and constititution despising thieving lying money grubbing, corrupt America Last demco'rat socialists.

Our President of the United States is clearly compromised, corrupted and owned by China. A Democrat U.S. Senator has checked into the hospital for depression. And the former Director of nuclear waste for the Energy Dept is a man, who dresses as a woman, now under indictment for stealing women’s luggage.

Our country is a freaking mess. A shell of its former self, in free fall. The people in charge could star in “One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest.”

This is the purposeful destruction of America and the great American middle class- in only two short years since an illegitimate, corrupt, brain-dead President was placed into power.

The humiliating state of our nation is all the proof you need of a stolen election. The evil all around us is the proof. In only two short years, a stolen election has unleashed the gates of hell. This was all a plan…

And it’s being carried out to perfection.
Trump…and it’s not even close. Nikki Haley has a vagina and women aren’t capable leaders evidenced EVERYWHERE by all token leaders with vaginas.
Now scream “MISOGYNIST” as loud as you can.
You're afraid of women too, fucking coward. What a joke.
hey buddy. Do you know why Americans know that the 2020 election was stolen? Because all loyal Americans know that no one would knowingly vote for a bunch of perverse, america hating, first amendment and constititution despising thieving lying money grubbing, corrupt America Last demco'rat socialists.

Our President of the United States is clearly compromised, corrupted and owned by China. A Democrat U.S. Senator has checked into the hospital for depression. And the former Director of nuclear waste for the Energy Dept is a man, who dresses as a woman, now under indictment for stealing women’s luggage.

Our country is a freaking mess. A shell of its former self, in free fall. The people in charge could star in “One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest.”

This is the purposeful destruction of America and the great American middle class- in only two short years since an illegitimate, corrupt, brain-dead President was placed into power.

The humiliating state of our nation is all the proof you need of a stolen election. The evil all around us is the proof. In only two short years, a stolen election has unleashed the gates of hell. This was all a plan…

And it’s being carried out to perfection.

Not a misogynist, just naïve.
To believe that women are leaders? Have you looked around the world? It’s simply not in their DNA.
You're afraid of women too, fucking coward. What a joke.
I love women…I have three daughters, an amazing wife, two sisters and a phenomenal mother….Women can’t benchpress 400lbs and they can’t run nations….Sorry that hurts the feelings of you emotional pussies
To believe that women are leaders? Have you looked around the world? It’s simply not in their DNA.

I love women…I have three daughters, an amazing wife, two sisters and a phenomenal mother….Women can’t benchpress 400lbs and they can’t run nations….Sorry that hurts the feelings of you emotional pussies

My feelings ain't hurt faggot.

If a woman is going to be president, it needs to be the RIGHT woman. How about Candace Owens? Or is she too Negro for you?
My feelings ain't hurt faggot.

If a woman is going to be president, it needs to be the RIGHT woman. How about Candace Owens? Or is she too Negro for you?
The proof is everywhere bud…you’re just another ‘kinda Lib’ ready to make concessions and bow to the NEW ORDER. It’s nutless pussies like you that have fucked us….step aside, sit on your hands like you‘ve been doing for decades…let this new wave of CONSERVATIVES show you how to use that nutsack of yours.
The proof is everywhere bud…you’re just another ‘kinda Lib’ ready to make concessions and bow to the NEW ORDER. It’s nutless pussies like you that have fucked us….step aside, sit on your hands like you‘ve been doing for decades…let this new wave of CONSERVATIVES show you how to use that nutsack of yours.


You bow to your own masters, and proclaim independence. You are no better than libtards who say the same.

Go ahead, bow to your masters!
The proof is everywhere bud…you’re just another ‘kinda Lib’ ready to make concessions and bow to the NEW ORDER. It’s nutless pussies like you that have fucked us….step aside, sit on your hands like you‘ve been doing for decades…let this new wave of CONSERVATIVES show you how to use that nutsack of yours.
...says a weakling coward like you.
To believe that women are leaders? Have you looked around the world? It’s simply not in their DNA.

I love women…I have three daughters, an amazing wife, two sisters and a phenomenal mother….Women can’t benchpress 400lbs and they can’t run nations….Sorry that hurts the feelings of you emotional pussies
April Mathis Bench Pressed 457.4 pounds in 2016. Her weight at the time was 271.2 pounds

Jennifer Thompson Bench Pressed 327.4 pounds in 2022. Her weight at the time was just 148.9 pounds.
Why do Republicans like dumbasses so much for their political leaders?

Everything Xiden, aka “poopy pants” touches turns to shit, here's a partial list:

How about showering with his daughter Ashley? How fucked-up is that?
The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT for abandoning AFG
The French pulled their ambassador for abandoning AFG
China loves Biden for abandoning AFG’s mother-lode of rare metals to them!
He pissed off the Canadians by killing the KeystoneXL pipeline, that’s 500,000 bbls a day he killed.
Xiden sold us out by approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline giving Putin cash to modernize his military and invade Ukraine, and his “war on energy” keeps fuel costs high. That's why Xiden is "Putin's Whore".
Hope he enjoys the $3,500,000 the Moscow Mayor's wife sent Hunter
Hope he enjoys the $1,500,000,000 that China gave Hunter to "invest"
Open borders is a catastrophe. Trump had it SOLVED. Now its infected migrants & fentanyl sent all over
Runaway inflation would get worse if the dems pass their "BBB" bill. That will be Solyndra on steroids, not to mention the $200,000,000 for Nancy’s park in San Francisco.
Xiden is ruining the US energy sector with his stupid EOs, he wants Russia to pump more oil?? WTF?
Xiden is so dumb he can't even do fake press conferences to answer "ice cream" questions.
Xiden is a gaffe machine, his brain is defective, and he has the nuclear football, WTF???
Xiden surrendered AFG leaving Americans, $billions of equipment, and interpreters to be slaughtered
Xiden’s DOJ sent the FBI after parents (aka domestic terrorists) who dare to ask questions at school board meetings.
China just passed the US out with their new hypersonic missile.
Stupid Joe wants to pay MIGRANTS $450,000 for breaking US immigration LAWS??????
After promising we would have more than enough Covid testing kits, Joe LIED and FAILED.
Xiden killed Israel’s EastMed gas pipeline to sell gas to the EU, Putin’s whore strikes again.
Xiden killed the development of ANWR, but he’s begging Putin to pump more oil???
Xiden’s “war on energy” is pushing gas and diesel to unaffordable levels, causing “runaway inflation”.
Xiden is letting RUSSIA negotiate the new IRAN agreement???? WTF!!!!!!
Xiden is giving baby formula to migrants when American babies can’t get formula????
Xiden sold 1m bbls of SPR emergency oil to Sinopec, Hunter’s Chinese oil company, that’s treason.
Xiden is turning the US into a banana republic by misusing the FBI and IRS to harass opponents
Xiden wants 87,000 armed IRS agents willing to KILL!! WTF???
Xiden proposed forgiving $10,000 of student loan debt (unconstitutional)
Xiden stole classified documents, did he sell them to anyone? Is he a traitor for cash?
Xiden let the Chinese spy balloon fly across the US and send back the data, TRAITOR.
I could go on and on, but you see Trump was at least 1,000,000x better as president than stupid Joe

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Women can’t benchpress 400lbs

Actually they can, and much more.

205 pounds more than 400 in fact.

they can’t run nations

They do no worse than men at this, and often better.

Indira Gandhi

Golda Meir

Margaret Thatcher

Angela Merkel

Vigdís Finnbogadóttir

Have all done better than any male POTUS in the US this century.


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