Who would you prefer as U.S. President, Donald Trump or Nikki Haley?

Who would you prefer as U.S. President, Donald Trump or Nikki Haley?

  • Nikki Haley

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 22 71.0%

  • Total voters
Except Trump didn't keep any of his promises. And ballooned :) the debt and deficit..and got a lot of people killed.
So..there's that. But never fear, he'll be the Republican nominee.
Kept every promise in spite of democrat obstruction. Biden has caused the deaths of our military and our allies that WE PROMISED to get out of afghanistan. Instead, Taterhead brought in afghan terrorist males with no mates. and on top of that we left millions in equipment for our enemies.

And President Trump WILL BE the nominee.
You need to face facts. Trump is the only electable Republican. People remember promises made, promises kept. You have been bamboozled by the globalist elitists who hate Trump and the American worker, just like Democrats.

REPUBLICANS remember those promises. Independents and democrats don't. The democrats hate Trump, they will do everything in their power to convince independents that Trump is Hitler 2.0. If you think independents are smarter than that, than you're a fool. They are wishy washy, they are afraid of Trump.

He is too easy to shred with bad footage, and with democrat money rolling in, it'll be shoved down their throats 24/7.
REPUBLICANS remember those promises. Independents and democrats don't. The democrats hate Trump, they will do everything in their power to convince independents that Trump is Hitler 2.0. If you think independents are smarter than that, than you're a fool. They are wishy washy, they are afraid of Trump.

He is too easy to shred with bad footage, and with democrat money rolling in, it'll be shoved down their throats 24/7.
The liberal media will shatter Haley 2 hours after her nomination. She's not tough enough to win on top of the fact that she's another GWB, the person who made Trump the best alternative. She's a Democrat.
Trump had his shot and blew it.
All the stupid fuck had to do was "act" presidential, and he would have won easily against old Joe.
His 1st debate "shit show" cost him the election.
stolen election. An illegitimate president sits in the white house destroying this country and you're clueless.

You guys have no concept of strategy.

If you want to win, don't pick the most polarizing candidate. One the democrats hate, independents are afraid of, and republicans are split on.

Nik ain't perfect by a longshot, but she isn't as polarizing or off-putting as Trump is to the independents - the ones who decide elections. If you want to have a win, even if it isn't a perfect win, you have to choose Haley (or someone else). If you go for Trump, mark my words, it'll be the biggest mistake you'll ever make. He will lose to the democrat nominee, and we get four more years of god knows what. Do you want that, or do you want to have a fighting chance?
Let's just get Jeb! and Mitt to run.

It's a brilliant strategy! Compromise your way to victory!

Slap it on a poster.

Nikki Haley...sure she's a garden variety scripted neocon who will never answer a straight question with a straight answer and will tell you whatever you want to hear to get elected...but at least she's not polarizing.

And for her running mate we'd like to introduce this extremely inoffensive shrubbery...

Now...give me my thumbs down you fucking pussy.
Then don't bitch about who wins.
I very rarely do. Then again when none of them are worth my dog’s turds, complaining really doesn’t do much anyway. I prefer to train, prepare, and educate myself for what I believe is coming. It’s a far better expend of my time, money and energy.
I very rarely do. Then again when none of them are worth my dog’s turds, complaining really doesn’t do much anyway. I prefer to train, prepare, and educate myself for what I believe is coming. It’s a far better expend of my time, money and energy.
If you don't have bullets you're screwed.
Let's just get Jeb! and Mitt to run.

It's a brilliant strategy! Compromise your way to victory!

Slap it on a poster.

Nikki Haley...sure she's a garden variety scripted neocon who will never answer a straight question with a straight answer and will tell you whatever you want to hear to get elected...but at least she's not polarizing.

And for her running mate we'd like to introduce this extremely inoffensive shrubbery...

Now...give me my thumbs down you fucking pussy.

She's not anywhere near as bad as Jeb or Mitt, you retard.

You wanna finally put the nail in the coffin of our nation? Go ahead. You want more pedos in schools, and trannies in the army, and illegals in your towns, and drugs in your kids, and high priced everything, be my fucking guest.

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