Whom The Gods Would Destroy.....

Even he agrees with me, you dolt.

Libtards regularly join cults of personality to insulate themselves from reality.

Become converts to.....acolytes.

After all.....it's their new religion.

We are suffering through the results of allowing enemies of America to establish a communist culture via, among other things, the installation of hard core communist *educators* and policies which limit freedom while elevating the state to the status of a god. We barely escaped the final and complete destruction of our republic but all of those commie asshats are still in place..in our press, in our schools, in Hollywood and on Broadway.

Yes, they are insane. The brainwashed communist citizens under every communist regime ever established are also nuts. You have to be nuts to tolerate the idiocy, and the govt-run schools and press make sure they are thoroughly brainwashed into nuttery.

"...the installation of hard core communist *educators*..."

They own an operate the school system and the media.

"Texas high school students put on skit portraying Donald Trump assassination"
Texas students put on skit portraying Trump assassination

and this.....

"San Francisco Teachers Union Releases Anti-Trump Lesson Plan"
San Francisco Teachers Union Releases Anti-Trump Lesson Plan

and this....
Here’s what we’re up against: the Washington Post lies outright, describing Senator William Fulbright as “a progressive on racial issues.” Fulbright was a full-bore segregationist, voting against the 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1965 civil rights bills.

Harder to see a way back for American than there was a path for the Trump victory.

Trump has said repeatedly that one of the first things he wants to tackle is the Dept. of Education. He wants to eliminate it altogether, and I certainly hope he does.

Amen to that!

But....not enough.

There must be some attempt to eliminate the bias in the universities and the media.

If that cannot be done....at the very least, there must be a way to make it plain to the public.
And now is the time.

Take their federal funding. I think that's probably the quickest way to eliminate the offal who have attached themselves to our kids.
Become converts to.....acolytes.

After all.....it's their new religion.

We are suffering through the results of allowing enemies of America to establish a communist culture via, among other things, the installation of hard core communist *educators* and policies which limit freedom while elevating the state to the status of a god. We barely escaped the final and complete destruction of our republic but all of those commie asshats are still in place..in our press, in our schools, in Hollywood and on Broadway.

Yes, they are insane. The brainwashed communist citizens under every communist regime ever established are also nuts. You have to be nuts to tolerate the idiocy, and the govt-run schools and press make sure they are thoroughly brainwashed into nuttery.

"...the installation of hard core communist *educators*..."

They own an operate the school system and the media.

"Texas high school students put on skit portraying Donald Trump assassination"
Texas students put on skit portraying Trump assassination

and this.....

"San Francisco Teachers Union Releases Anti-Trump Lesson Plan"
San Francisco Teachers Union Releases Anti-Trump Lesson Plan

and this....
Here’s what we’re up against: the Washington Post lies outright, describing Senator William Fulbright as “a progressive on racial issues.” Fulbright was a full-bore segregationist, voting against the 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1965 civil rights bills.

Harder to see a way back for American than there was a path for the Trump victory.

Trump has said repeatedly that one of the first things he wants to tackle is the Dept. of Education. He wants to eliminate it altogether, and I certainly hope he does.

Amen to that!

But....not enough.

There must be some attempt to eliminate the bias in the universities and the media.

If that cannot be done....at the very least, there must be a way to make it plain to the public.
And now is the time.

Take their federal funding. I think that's probably the quickest way to eliminate the offal who have attached themselves to our kids.

Trump could do that via vouchers.

Even the Progressive paradigm, Sweden, has done that....

  1. Most daringly, it has introduced a universal system of school vouchers and invited private schools to compete with public ones. Private companies also vie with each other to provide state-funded health services and care for the elderly….Sweden is pioneering “a new conservative model”…
...they first make mad."

At no time in our recent history has there been a better example than in the ravings of the Left Liberals....these last few elections.

Get this:

"Trump supporters view their man as a leader "fused with the idea of the nation"? Perhaps some do, but at least they don't see him as "light itself."

That's how Clinton was described in the subhead of a piece for Lena Dunham's Lenny Letter. "Maybe [Clinton] is more than a president," gushed writer Virginia Heffernan. "Maybe she is an idea, a world-historical heroine, light itself," Nothing this nutty has been said by any of Trump's media fanboys.

"Hillary is Athena," Heffernan continued, adding that "Hillary did everything right in this campaign… She cannot be faulted, criticized, or analyzed for even one more second."

That's a key cry of the Cult of Hillary (as it is among followers of L. Ron Hubbard or devotees of Christ): our gal is beyond criticism, beyond the sober and technical analysis of mere humans. Michael Moore, in his movie Trumpland, looked out at his audience and, with voice breaking, said: "Maybe Hillary could be our Pope Francis."
America Called Bullshit on the Cult of Clinton

Of course....2008 was when the same nuts were proclaiming Obama as God....

1. NBC’s Matt Lauer noted that “people” have called Obama “ ‘The Savior,’ ‘The Messiah,’ ‘The Messenger of Change,’ “ Today Show, NBC, October 20, 2008.

2. “Obama seemed the political equivalent of a rainbow — a sudden preternatural event inspiring awe and ecstasy....” Time’s Joe Klein, October 23, 2006 cover story, "Why Barack Obama Could Be the Next President."

3. David Cordero, 24, made the sculpture for his senior show after noticing all the attention Obama has received: "All of this is a response to what I've been witnessing and hearing, this idea that Barack is sort of a potential savior that might come and absolve the country of all its sins," Cordero said. Sculpture of Obama as Jesus causes stir - politics - Decision '08 - Barack Obama News - msnbc.com

4. "We have an amazing story to tell," she said. "This president has brought us out of the dark and into the light."
Source: Michelle Obama, Campaign rally. April 17, 2012.

5. In its November 22, 2010 issue, Obama has been shown by Newsweek on its cover page with multiple arms balancing several policy issues while raising his left leg mimicking the cosmic dance of the Hindu deity; considered a manifestation of Lord Shiva.
... Newsweek has named Obama "god of all things" on its cover.
SOURCE: Times of India (November 20, 2010).

6. The White House released a photo of Obama with a halo around his head:
Photostream: Business and Pleasure in August | The White House

7. "Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD."
"In a way Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD. He's going to bring all different sides together."
- Newsweek editor Evan Thomas

Stupid.....or mad?

Is there any doubt that Liberalism is the religion of the berserk?

Stupid and Mad are not mutually exclusive.

We are suffering through the results of allowing enemies of America to establish a communist culture via, among other things, the installation of hard core communist *educators* and policies which limit freedom while elevating the state to the status of a god. We barely escaped the final and complete destruction of our republic but all of those commie asshats are still in place..in our press, in our schools, in Hollywood and on Broadway.

Yes, they are insane. The brainwashed communist citizens under every communist regime ever established are also nuts. You have to be nuts to tolerate the idiocy, and the govt-run schools and press make sure they are thoroughly brainwashed into nuttery.

"...the installation of hard core communist *educators*..."

They own an operate the school system and the media.

"Texas high school students put on skit portraying Donald Trump assassination"
Texas students put on skit portraying Trump assassination

and this.....

"San Francisco Teachers Union Releases Anti-Trump Lesson Plan"
San Francisco Teachers Union Releases Anti-Trump Lesson Plan

and this....
Here’s what we’re up against: the Washington Post lies outright, describing Senator William Fulbright as “a progressive on racial issues.” Fulbright was a full-bore segregationist, voting against the 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1965 civil rights bills.

Harder to see a way back for American than there was a path for the Trump victory.

Trump has said repeatedly that one of the first things he wants to tackle is the Dept. of Education. He wants to eliminate it altogether, and I certainly hope he does.

Amen to that!

But....not enough.

There must be some attempt to eliminate the bias in the universities and the media.

If that cannot be done....at the very least, there must be a way to make it plain to the public.
And now is the time.

Take their federal funding. I think that's probably the quickest way to eliminate the offal who have attached themselves to our kids.

Trump could do that via vouchers.

Even the Progressive paradigm, Sweden, has done that....

  1. Most daringly, it has introduced a universal system of school vouchers and invited private schools to compete with public ones. Private companies also vie with each other to provide state-funded health services and care for the elderly….Sweden is pioneering “a new conservative model”…

and he has stated his intent to use vouchers. I don't know that he's specifically addressed higher education, but I am hopeful that he includes them in his rhetoric and his intent.
"...the installation of hard core communist *educators*..."

They own an operate the school system and the media.

"Texas high school students put on skit portraying Donald Trump assassination"
Texas students put on skit portraying Trump assassination

and this.....

"San Francisco Teachers Union Releases Anti-Trump Lesson Plan"
San Francisco Teachers Union Releases Anti-Trump Lesson Plan

and this....
Here’s what we’re up against: the Washington Post lies outright, describing Senator William Fulbright as “a progressive on racial issues.” Fulbright was a full-bore segregationist, voting against the 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1965 civil rights bills.

Harder to see a way back for American than there was a path for the Trump victory.

Trump has said repeatedly that one of the first things he wants to tackle is the Dept. of Education. He wants to eliminate it altogether, and I certainly hope he does.

Amen to that!

But....not enough.

There must be some attempt to eliminate the bias in the universities and the media.

If that cannot be done....at the very least, there must be a way to make it plain to the public.
And now is the time.

Take their federal funding. I think that's probably the quickest way to eliminate the offal who have attached themselves to our kids.

Trump could do that via vouchers.

Even the Progressive paradigm, Sweden, has done that....

  1. Most daringly, it has introduced a universal system of school vouchers and invited private schools to compete with public ones. Private companies also vie with each other to provide state-funded health services and care for the elderly….Sweden is pioneering “a new conservative model”…

and he has stated his intent to use vouchers. I don't know that he's specifically addressed higher education, but I am hopeful that he includes them in his rhetoric and his intent.

I'd like to see him deny any federal student loan support to universities that have this sort of staff:

"Academic feminists who received tenure, promotion, and funding, tended to be pro-abortion, pro-pornography (anti-censorship), pro-prostitution (pro-sex workers), pro-surrogacy, and anti-colonialist, anti-imperialist, and anti-American…proponents of simplistic gender-neutrality (women and men are exactly the same) or essentialist: men and women are completely different, and women are better. They are loyal to their careers and their cliques, not to the truth. [In their writing, they] have pretended that brilliance and originality can best be conveyed in a secret, Mandarin language that absolutely no one, including themselves, can possibly understand…and this obfuscation of language has been employed to hide a considerable lack of brilliance and originality and to avoid the consequences of making oneself clear."
“The Death of Feminism,” by Phyllis Chesler
"...mainstream, Democratic left that is so bereft of ideas and so disconnected from everyday people that it ends up pursuing an utterly substance-free politics of emotion and feeling and doesn't even realize it's doing it. They are good, everyone else is bad; they are light itself, everyone else is darkness; and so no self-awareness can exist and no self-criticism can be entertained. Not for even one second, in Heffernan's words. The Cult of Hillary Clinton is the clearest manifestation yet of the 21st-century problem of life in the political echo chamber.

In a brilliant piece titled "The unbearable smugness of the liberal media," Will Rahn recounts how the media allowed itself to become the earthly instrument of Clinton's cause, obsessed with finding out how to make Middle Americans "stop worshiping their false god and accept our [Liberal] gospel."

Indeed. And the failure to make the gospel of Hillary into the actual book of America points to the one good thing about Trump's victory: a willingness among ordinary people to blaspheme against saints, to reject phony saviors, and to sniff at the new secular religion of hollow progressiveness.

The liberal political and media establishment offered the little people a supposedly flawless, [Pope] Francis-like figure of uncommon goodness, and the little people called bulls**t on it. That is epic and beautiful, ...." America Called Bullshit on the Cult of Clinton

So sad......Saint Hillary, defrocked.

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