Whom would you call the worst president in American history?

Clinton was impeached for a blowjob


Sure was

Wrong, you ignorant douche. He was impeached for perjury, obstruction of justice, and tampering with evidence and witnesses.


Perjury about what?
Obstructing justice about what?

Perjury is lying under oath, the subject of the lie does not matter. dipshit. If clinton had just said "yeah, I diddled the girl in the oval office and she sucked my dick" he probably would have gotten off (bad choice of words) LOL.
What was the lie about? A blowjob
Hence, the impeachment was about a blowjob
Lincoln. Hands down worst ever.

Lincoln was our greatest President. That scumbag FDR was the worst.
Reversed actually. Lincoln was a tyrant,war criminal,murderer,racist,thug,he locked up war opponents in the north,censored newspapers,etc etc...people should try learning more about Lincoln other than the puff pieces fed to them in school.Try reading some books Lincoln Uber Alles,The Real Lincoln.Just a good start.
Lincoln United the nation and freed the slaves

Your turn
Lincoln. Hands down worst ever.

Lincoln was our greatest President. That scumbag FDR was the worst.
Reversed actually. Lincoln was a tyrant,war criminal,murderer...

No, actually.
Kid. I am not going to over facts with you. Move along now child.

Wrong guess, fool. I've TAUGHT history for decades. Don't try to pass off your revisionist agenda as fact with me.

Wrong, you ignorant douche. He was impeached for perjury, obstruction of justice, and tampering with evidence and witnesses.


Perjury about what?
Obstructing justice about what?

Perjury is lying under oath, the subject of the lie does not matter. dipshit. If clinton had just said "yeah, I diddled the girl in the oval office and she sucked my dick" he probably would have gotten off (bad choice of words) LOL.
What was the lie about?

The law doesn't care, idiot.
Clinton was impeached for a blowjob


Sure was

Wrong, you ignorant douche. He was impeached for perjury, obstruction of justice, and tampering with evidence and witnesses.


Perjury about what?
Obstructing justice about what?

Perjury is lying under oath, the subject of the lie does not matter. dipshit. If clinton had just said "yeah, I diddled the girl in the oval office and she sucked my dick" he probably would have gotten off (bad choice of words) LOL.
Impeachment is like an indictment. Clinton wasn't found guilty for perjury in relationship to his adult affair. The House thought there was enough evidence to bring the charges of perjury and obstruction to trial in the Senate. The Senate acquitted him of the charges. The vote to acquit included 10 Republican votes.
Nixon left town on the nearest helicopter

Clinton laughed at the pathetic partisan attempt at impeachment

Nixon did the honorable thing and left rather than put the country through an impeachment hearing. BTW he never lied under oath

Clinton WAS impeached for lying under oath. That is his legacy. That and being a serial rapist and pervert.

No, Nixon left cause he had no choice.
And the rapist and pervert comment is a lie. A hater's opinion stated as a fact as if the haters opinion counts for anything. And the Nixon tapes reveal him to be a crude, foul mouthed liar. You can not listen to the tapes of him speaking without coming to those conclusions.

yes, nixon was foul mouthed and he did lie about a break in of a party office. Clinton's rapes and abuse of women are just as well documented.

Nixon opened up china and ended the Kennedy and Johnson's viet nam fiasco. He left rather than put the country through an impeachment hearing that he might or might not have lost. Unlike clinton, he cared more about the country than his legacy.
Nixon ended Vietnam because he was forced to.

...and it only took him five short years.....(longer than WW2).
Lying about an on-the-job-blowjob is chickenshit. It does not rise to 'high crimes and misdemeanors' necessitating the removal from office of a US president, even if we don't like him.
Stealing weapons, selling them to Iran and using the illegal funds to finance terrorists is big time.
Illegally invading a sovereign nation that has not attacked yours is against international law. It is a war crime. That is clear. That is big time.
Pissing around about minor characters like Obama and Clinton is a sideshow.
Lying about an on-the-job-blowjob is chickenshit. It does not rise to 'high crimes and misdemeanors' necessitating the removal from office of a US president, even if we don't like him.
Stealing weapons, selling them to Iran and using the illegal funds to finance terrorists is big time.
Illegally invading a sovereign nation that has not attacked yours is against international law. It is a war crime. That is clear. That is big time.
Pissing around about minor characters like Obama and Clinton is a sideshow.


Obama did the same things. He illegally funnelled arms to the Syrian rebels via the ambassoder in Libya.

Obama also attacked Gaddafi even though he was not attacked. As you say, this is against international law, is it not?

Then Obama claimed to set up a no fly zone and that his mission was not to remove Gaddafi. The next thing you know, he was pounding the hell out of them with Cruz Missils. Some no fly zone.

Wrong, you ignorant douche. He was impeached for perjury, obstruction of justice, and tampering with evidence and witnesses.


Perjury about what?
Obstructing justice about what?

Perjury is lying under oath, the subject of the lie does not matter. dipshit. If clinton had just said "yeah, I diddled the girl in the oval office and she sucked my dick" he probably would have gotten off (bad choice of words) LOL.
What was the lie about? A blowjob
Hence, the impeachment was about a blowjob

No, the impeachment was about lying under oath. If he was willing to lie over something so trivial as a blowjob, just imagine what he would be willing to do if it were something truly serious. That's the disconnect with all of you. Yes the BJ was nothing, but he lied to obfuscate the facts about nothing.

What if it were something serious though? You people NEVER think that part through.
It was Mickey Mouse, an embarrassment to the US around the world. The American people knew every minute that it was just covering up by a Congress that would not do the work it should have been doing.
Serious cases, as the ones stated, get covered up and pushed aside, by the liberal press I suppose or some power I cannot understand.
Lying about an on-the-job-blowjob is chickenshit. It does not rise to 'high crimes and misdemeanors' necessitating the removal from office of a US president, even if we don't like him.
Stealing weapons, selling them to Iran and using the illegal funds to finance terrorists is big time.
Illegally invading a sovereign nation that has not attacked yours is against international law. It is a war crime. That is clear. That is big time.
Pissing around about minor characters like Obama and Clinton is a sideshow.


Obama did the same things. He illegally funnelled arms to the Syrian rebels via the ambassoder in Libya.

Obama also attacked Gaddafi even though he was not attacked. As you say, this is against international law, is it not?

Then Obama claimed to set up a no fly zone and that his mission was not to remove Gaddafi. The next thing you know, he was pounding the hell out of them with Cruz Missils. Some no fly zone.
Everything Reagan did was proven in front of the Congress on live TV. His own administration folks admitted to it with detailed accounts. Basically we had one big confession fest with Ronnie playing stupid and a classical Shultz roll of "I know nothing". He was after all a trained actor. On the other hand, none of your flimsy allegations have ever been shown to be true or accurate. As far as Gaddafi goes, I'll never forget Pan Am 103 being knocked out of the sky over Lockerbie by the pig from Libya. Reagan should have taken him out when he was supposed to.

Wrong, you ignorant douche. He was impeached for perjury, obstruction of justice, and tampering with evidence and witnesses.


Perjury about what?
Obstructing justice about what?

Perjury is lying under oath, the subject of the lie does not matter. dipshit. If clinton had just said "yeah, I diddled the girl in the oval office and she sucked my dick" he probably would have gotten off (bad choice of words) LOL.
What was the lie about? A blowjob
Hence, the impeachment was about a blowjob

No, the impeachment was about lying under oath. If he was willing to lie over something so trivial as a blowjob, just imagine what he would be willing to do if it were something truly serious. That's the disconnect with all of you. Yes the BJ was nothing, but he lied to obfuscate the facts about nothing.

What if it were something serious though? You people NEVER think that part through.
Interesting point

Thanks for posting
Nixon left town on the nearest helicopter

Clinton laughed at the pathetic partisan attempt at impeachment

Nixon did the honorable thing and left rather than put the country through an impeachment hearing. BTW he never lied under oath

Clinton WAS impeached for lying under oath. That is his legacy. That and being a serial rapist and pervert.

No, Nixon left cause he had no choice.
And the rapist and pervert comment is a lie. A hater's opinion stated as a fact as if the haters opinion counts for anything. And the Nixon tapes reveal him to be a crude, foul mouthed liar. You can not listen to the tapes of him speaking without coming to those conclusions.

yes, nixon was foul mouthed and he did lie about a break in of a party office. Clinton's rapes and abuse of women are just as well documented.

Nixon opened up china and ended the Kennedy and Johnson's viet nam fiasco. He left rather than put the country through an impeachment hearing that he might or might not have lost. Unlike clinton, he cared more about the country than his legacy.

You are just repeating a lie over and over hoping it will be believed. You can not document Clinton being involved in rape or abuse with any thing other than never proven allegations and your imagination or willingness to believe gossip.

Right the women only lie about it when it goes against Lefty's.

Pathetic really.

Did it sicken you when Anita Hill lied about Clarence Thomas?
Most people in America as well as the world would say overwhelmingly Bush the Younger. Bar none. If you run Obama vs Bush, Obama would win approval by 2/3ds.

Other than that: Grant, Harding, Buchanan.
Only because the media has brainwashed them into believing that.
Oh, yes--It's the media. Oh, you poor things, can't think for yourselves. But, the fact is that presidential historians rank Obama as a good president and GW as pretty much one of the worst, if not the worst.

"presidential historians" ? Like Oprah and Whoopi? You are totally full of shit.

Never forget..

All historians have it in for Republicans....just like all scientists

It is one big conspiracy

Who said the GOP is worth anything? They are not.

I suppose global warming is the lone issue that is not politicized and used to enrich the establishment.

They really do care. LOL.

If old Al was serious about healing the planet he would give every dime he has made from GW back to te cause.
Frankly, Reagan gets more credit than he deserves, but I wouldn't say he actually damaged the country.
One could make an argument for Obama as well...after all he's attempting to do quite a few unconstitutional things.
I would chose Obama. He is still in the chair now
Nixon did the honorable thing and left rather than put the country through an impeachment hearing. BTW he never lied under oath

Clinton WAS impeached for lying under oath. That is his legacy. That and being a serial rapist and pervert.

No, Nixon left cause he had no choice.
And the rapist and pervert comment is a lie. A hater's opinion stated as a fact as if the haters opinion counts for anything. And the Nixon tapes reveal him to be a crude, foul mouthed liar. You can not listen to the tapes of him speaking without coming to those conclusions.

yes, nixon was foul mouthed and he did lie about a break in of a party office. Clinton's rapes and abuse of women are just as well documented.

Nixon opened up china and ended the Kennedy and Johnson's viet nam fiasco. He left rather than put the country through an impeachment hearing that he might or might not have lost. Unlike clinton, he cared more about the country than his legacy.

You are just repeating a lie over and over hoping it will be believed. You can not document Clinton being involved in rape or abuse with any thing other than never proven allegations and your imagination or willingness to believe gossip.

Right the women only lie about it when it goes against Lefty's.

Pathetic really.

Did it sicken you when Anita Hill lied about Clarence Thomas?
I don't invest all the emotion that some posters do when discussing things that occurred decades ago or seem to have little to do with anything of great importance in today's world. But what does any of what you have posted have to do with a person lying to reinforce an agenda driven opinion. Are you trying to justify lying? Like it is OK to lie if that is what is needed to make your point?
No, Nixon left cause he had no choice.
And the rapist and pervert comment is a lie. A hater's opinion stated as a fact as if the haters opinion counts for anything. And the Nixon tapes reveal him to be a crude, foul mouthed liar. You can not listen to the tapes of him speaking without coming to those conclusions.

yes, nixon was foul mouthed and he did lie about a break in of a party office. Clinton's rapes and abuse of women are just as well documented.

Nixon opened up china and ended the Kennedy and Johnson's viet nam fiasco. He left rather than put the country through an impeachment hearing that he might or might not have lost. Unlike clinton, he cared more about the country than his legacy.

You are just repeating a lie over and over hoping it will be believed. You can not document Clinton being involved in rape or abuse with any thing other than never proven allegations and your imagination or willingness to believe gossip.

Right the women only lie about it when it goes against Lefty's.

Pathetic really.

Did it sicken you when Anita Hill lied about Clarence Thomas?
I don't invest all the emotion that some posters do when discussing things that occurred decades ago or seem to have little to do with anything of great importance in today's world. But what does any of what you have posted have to do with a person lying to reinforce an agenda driven opinion. Are you trying to justify lying? Like it is OK to lie if that is what is needed to make your point?

Priceless projection, I love it.

You're sure the women who claimed Billy Boy was a rapist and a sexual predator were lying....try and pay attention kid, you'll have to remember what you say or you'll get hammered.

....and yet Anita lied through her teeth and you and the rest of the ill-educated left cheered her on ;)

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