Whom would you call the worst president in American history?

Most people in America as well as the world would say overwhelmingly Bush the Younger. Bar none. If you run Obama vs Bush, Obama would win approval by 2/3ds.

Other than that: Grant, Harding, Buchanan.
Only because the media has brainwashed them into believing that.
Oh, yes--It's the media. Oh, you poor things, can't think for yourselves. But, the fact is that presidential historians rank Obama as a good president and GW as pretty much one of the worst, if not the worst.

"presidential historians" ? Like Oprah and Whoopi? You are totally full of shit.

Never forget..

All historians have it in for Republicans....just like all scientists

It is one big conspiracy

nope, the only conspiracy is the one the dems and libs are perpetrating on you by filling your little head with lies and propaganda.

Thanks I forgot......

It is Historians, Scientists and "The Media" who have it in for Republicans

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Most people in America as well as the world would say overwhelmingly Bush the Younger. Bar none. If you run Obama vs Bush, Obama would win approval by 2/3ds.

Other than that: Grant, Harding, Buchanan.
Only because the media has brainwashed them into believing that.
Oh, yes--It's the media. Oh, you poor things, can't think for yourselves. But, the fact is that presidential historians rank Obama as a good president and GW as pretty much one of the worst, if not the worst.

"presidential historians" ? Like Oprah and Whoopi? You are totally full of shit.

Never forget..

All historians have it in for Republicans....just like all scientists

It is one big conspiracy

Who said the GOP is worth anything? They are not.

I suppose global warming is the lone issue that is not politicized and used to enrich the establishment.

They really do care. LOL.
No, you can't say the same things about Obama

Neither will history

right, Obama's record will be much worse.

doubled the national debt
put millions in poverty
increased the gap between rich and poor
allowed the mid east to explode
allowed the rise of ISIS
lost the Iraq war
lost the Afghanistan war
weakened us militarily
weakened us fiscally
weakened us morally
divided the country like never before
lied repeatedly
destroyed the best medical system in human history
violated the constitution
encouraged the radical muslim takeover of Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan
dumped on our allies
made Putin look like a statesman

Propaganda does not pass for fact

Presidents are judged on:

What were you given when you entered office
What did you leave
What was your lasting legacy

Obama was given a nation in a financial collapse. A nation engaged in two wars. A worldwide threat of terrorism

Obama stopped a depression. Reversed the economic collapse. Attacked terrorism around the globe. Killed bin Laden. Got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

What is his lasting legacy? Passed the first universal healthcare system. Enhanced gay rights. Stabilized the economy. Recognized Cuba.

That is what historians will look at

stopped a depression? WTF are you talking about? first of all there was no depression and secondly obama made a recession last longer by his stupid policies

attacked terrorism? He made ISIS a world threat, he turned Egypt and Libya over to radicals.

got us out of Iraq and Afghanistan? by losing what had been won, can you say viet nam, ya dumb shit.

obozocare is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country, thats what history will record.

Legitimized the Castro regime that murdered thousands of Cubans--------WTF is wrong with you?
America was headed towards a depression when Obama took office. It did not happen, but idiots will not give him any credit. And that was at the beginning of his first term, so you guys were not giving him a chance from the getgo.

Let me guess, if it all hits the fan after he leaves then he had nothing to do with it and was the sole reason the economy did not collapse during his term.
Why would you even discuss that now, except to prove my point?
Nixon was never impeached. Clinton was

Nixon left town on the nearest helicopter

Clinton laughed at the pathetic partisan attempt at impeachment

Nixon did the honorable thing and left rather than put the country through an impeachment hearing. BTW he never lied under oath

Clinton WAS impeached for lying under oath. That is his legacy. That and being a serial rapist and pervert.

No, Nixon left cause he had no choice.
And the rapist and pervert comment is a lie. A hater's opinion stated as a fact as if the haters opinion counts for anything. And the Nixon tapes reveal him to be a crude, foul mouthed liar. You can not listen to the tapes of him speaking without coming to those conclusions.

yes, nixon was foul mouthed and he did lie about a break in of a party office. Clinton's rapes and abuse of women are just as well documented.

Nixon opened up china and ended the Kennedy and Johnson's viet nam fiasco. He left rather than put the country through an impeachment hearing that he might or might not have lost. Unlike clinton, he cared more about the country than his legacy.
Nixon ended Vietnam because he was forced to.
Again, Nixon did not 'end' Vietnam. The Vietnamese ended the war, their war.
Your lack of understanding of international law and treaties has been noted.
Presidents seem to get worse and worse, presumably because they have more and more power that goes unchecked.

Nixon, if President today, would never get impeached.

Nixon was never impeached. Clinton was

Nixon left town on the nearest helicopter

Clinton laughed at the pathetic partisan attempt at impeachment

Nixon did the honorable thing and left rather than put the country through an impeachment hearing. BTW he never lied under oath

Clinton WAS impeached for lying under oath. That is his legacy. That and being a serial rapist and pervert.

Clinton was impeached for a blowjob

IMO, the five worst presidents:

1. FDR
2. Lincoln
3. Woodrow Wilson
4. Obama
5. Bush 41 (Bush Sr.)
Presidents seem to get worse and worse, presumably because they have more and more power that goes unchecked.

Nixon, if President today, would never get impeached.

Nixon was never impeached. Clinton was

Nixon left town on the nearest helicopter

Clinton laughed at the pathetic partisan attempt at impeachment

Nixon did the honorable thing and left rather than put the country through an impeachment hearing. BTW he never lied under oath

Clinton WAS impeached for lying under oath. That is his legacy. That and being a serial rapist and pervert.

Clinton was impeached for a blowjob


Sure was
Nixon was never impeached. Clinton was

Nixon left town on the nearest helicopter

Clinton laughed at the pathetic partisan attempt at impeachment

Nixon did the honorable thing and left rather than put the country through an impeachment hearing. BTW he never lied under oath

Clinton WAS impeached for lying under oath. That is his legacy. That and being a serial rapist and pervert.

Clinton was impeached for a blowjob


Sure was

Wrong, you ignorant douche. He was impeached for perjury, obstruction of justice, and tampering with evidence and witnesses.
Nixon left town on the nearest helicopter

Clinton laughed at the pathetic partisan attempt at impeachment

Nixon did the honorable thing and left rather than put the country through an impeachment hearing. BTW he never lied under oath

Clinton WAS impeached for lying under oath. That is his legacy. That and being a serial rapist and pervert.

Clinton was impeached for a blowjob


Sure was

Wrong, you ignorant douche. He was impeached for perjury, obstruction of justice, and tampering with evidence and witnesses.


Perjury about what?
Obstructing justice about what?
Nixon did the honorable thing and left rather than put the country through an impeachment hearing. BTW he never lied under oath

Clinton WAS impeached for lying under oath. That is his legacy. That and being a serial rapist and pervert.

Clinton was impeached for a blowjob


Sure was

Wrong, you ignorant douche. He was impeached for perjury, obstruction of justice, and tampering with evidence and witnesses.


Perjury about what?
Obstructing justice about what?

Perjury is lying under oath, the subject of the lie does not matter. dipshit. If clinton had just said "yeah, I diddled the girl in the oval office and she sucked my dick" he probably would have gotten off (bad choice of words) LOL.
Lincoln. Hands down worst ever.

Lincoln was our greatest President. That scumbag FDR was the worst.
Reversed actually. Lincoln was a tyrant,war criminal,murderer,racist,thug,he locked up war opponents in the north,censored newspapers,etc etc...people should try learning more about Lincoln other than the puff pieces fed to them in school.Try reading some books Lincoln Uber Alles,The Real Lincoln.Just a good start.
Nixon did the honorable thing and left rather than put the country through an impeachment hearing. BTW he never lied under oath

Clinton WAS impeached for lying under oath. That is his legacy. That and being a serial rapist and pervert.

Clinton was impeached for a blowjob


Sure was

Wrong, you ignorant douche. He was impeached for perjury, obstruction of justice, and tampering with evidence and witnesses.


Perjury about what?
Obstructing justice about what?

Those things are illegal regardless of the topic, and not because of the topic, moron.

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