Whoopi Goldberg is an American

Dumb shits.

You will note that she did not ask to be called a "black American" nor a "negro American" either.

Basically, people who prefer being called "African American" do so because the other labels don't fit reality. There are no Americans with black skin....and those who have brown skin are not all a single shade of brown. It isn't being PC to desire being called something that isn't a color. This label indicates heritage....much like "Italian American" or "Native American".

If this nation weren't rife with bigots who find making racial distinctions so fucking vital to their world view, we wouldn't ever use any of these terms. Minority Americans have been trying to be recognized as simply "American" for this nation's entire history.
LOL! Here's another good one from Whoopi, referencing Jerry Seinfeld's whining:

"If you feel like it’s too hard to be funny without perhaps offending somebody, maybe you should find different stuff."

Except that Seinfeld was speaking for comedians in general. He's one of the least offensive comedians alive. He never even curses.
It was still whining. He was saying he wouldn't play college campuses because the students were too PC when in reality he's too old for them. hahahahahahahaha

He doesn't play college campuses because no huge comedians do, and he's still one of the biggest comedians in the world.

And to say "you should find different stuff"? Some of the most well-respected comedians in the world are "offensive". Guess who had to find different stuff? Whoopi. That different stuff was a career outside of comedy.
No, some huge comedians do play college campuses. He's not that huge any more, he plays the Hard Rock down here.

Didn't mean to raise your ire, but she dissed Jerry good.
LOL! Here's another good one from Whoopi, referencing Jerry Seinfeld's whining:

"If you feel like it’s too hard to be funny without perhaps offending somebody, maybe you should find different stuff."

So then we should excuse her endless filthy speeches and performances saying the most vulgar things about Bush and other political figures who do not agree with her extreme leftist views? Because she is now an American. ok.
Ask the OP, not me. He probably agrees with her that Roman Polanski didn't commit rape.

Ok. It wasn't your post.

But it was the quote you brought up about her chiding Seinfeld for having to offend someone in order to be funny which was more irony than I could contain.

Honestly, the woman is as offensive to me as almost any of these "hip" comedians. The more vulgar xrated ones are the worst (and there are many). But Whoopi and Kathy Griffin and Rosie ODonnell, what a dreary affair when being caught listening to them.
LOL! Here's another good one from Whoopi, referencing Jerry Seinfeld's whining:

"If you feel like it’s too hard to be funny without perhaps offending somebody, maybe you should find different stuff."

So then we should excuse her endless filthy speeches and performances saying the most vulgar things about Bush and other political figures who do not agree with her extreme leftist views? Because she is now an American. ok.
Ask the OP, not me. He probably agrees with her that Roman Polanski didn't commit rape.

Ok. It wasn't your post.

But it was the quote you brought up about her chiding Seinfeld for having to offend someone in order to be funny which was more irony than I could contain.

Honestly, the woman is as offensive to me as almost any of these "hip" comedians. The more vulgar xrated ones are the worst (and there are many). But Whoopi and Kathy Griffin and Rosie ODonnell, what a dreary affair when being caught listening to them.
I've only ever seen her in movies so I don't know if she's offensive or not.
LOL! Here's another good one from Whoopi, referencing Jerry Seinfeld's whining:

"If you feel like it’s too hard to be funny without perhaps offending somebody, maybe you should find different stuff."

Except that Seinfeld was speaking for comedians in general. He's one of the least offensive comedians alive. He never even curses.

and her reaction to his statement was speaking TO comedians in general...
LOL! Here's another good one from Whoopi, referencing Jerry Seinfeld's whining:

"If you feel like it’s too hard to be funny without perhaps offending somebody, maybe you should find different stuff."

Except that Seinfeld was speaking for comedians in general. He's one of the least offensive comedians alive. He never even curses.

and her reaction to his statement was speaking TO comedians in general...

And many "offensive" comedians continue to sell out venues like Madison Square Gardens while she sits at a table with three other women discussing their menstrual cycles. Or whatever the fuck they talk about on that shitty show.
Haha good for Whoopi. A lefty who can actually think for herself.

Every once in a while the libtards forget the mantra and basic human common sense seeps through the BS they try so hard to preach

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