Who's a Good Little Nazi?

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
The Democrats supported all the tyrants of the world.
"The Nordic races certainly seem to be superior to the Romans," the 21-year-old Kennedy wrote during a tour through the Rhineland.

The controversial remarks did not end there, notes the Daily Mail.

In an August 1937 diary entry, Kennedy proposed that the world’s hostility toward Nazi Germany stemmed from a jealousy for what the regime had accomplished rather than the actual actions of Hitler and the Nazis.

"The Germans really are too good — therefore people have ganged up on them to protect themselves," he wrote.

Kennedy also asks in his diary, "What are the evils of fascism compared to communism?"At one point it appears the Kennedy believes Fascism was right for Germany at that time, when he concludes: "Fascism? The right thing for Nazi Germany."
Kennedy also praises Hitler's autobahns as "the best roads in the world."
Well I'd say it's great that his ideology is gone and dead but we've got millions in the alt-right army carrying that banner these days. Sad, really... :dunno:
Then, there is Democrat/Fascist Woodrow Wilson:

Wilson harshly suppressed dissent and resistance among citizens and the press.
At Wilson’s urging, a Sedition Act (not unlike the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 ) forbade Americans from criticizing their own government in a time of war. Citizens could not “utter, print, write or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language” about the government or the military. The Postmaster General was given the authority to revoke the mailing privileges of those who disobeyed. About 75 periodicals were were shut down by the government in this way and many others were given warnings.

In the fashion of a police state, the Department of Justice arrested tens of thousands of individuals without just cause. One was not safe even within the walls of one’s own home to criticize the Wilson administration. A letter to federal attorneys and marshals said that citizens had nothing to fear as long as they “Obey the law; keep your mouth shut.” In fact, the Justice Department created the precursor to the Gestapo called the American Protective League. Its job was to spy on fellow citizens and turn in “seditious” persons or draft dodgers. In September of 1918 in NYC, the APL rounded up about 50,000 people. This doesn’t even include the infamous Palmer Raids (named after Wilson’s attorney general) that occurred after the war
Woodrow Wilson: America’s Worst and First Fascist President
The Democrats supported all the tyrants of the world.
"The Nordic races certainly seem to be superior to the Romans," the 21-year-old Kennedy wrote during a tour through the Rhineland.

The controversial remarks did not end there, notes the Daily Mail.

In an August 1937 diary entry, Kennedy proposed that the world’s hostility toward Nazi Germany stemmed from a jealousy for what the regime had accomplished rather than the actual actions of Hitler and the Nazis.

"The Germans really are too good — therefore people have ganged up on them to protect themselves," he wrote.

Kennedy also asks in his diary, "What are the evils of fascism compared to communism?"At one point it appears the Kennedy believes Fascism was right for Germany at that time, when he concludes: "Fascism? The right thing for Nazi Germany."
Kennedy also praises Hitler's autobahns as "the best roads in the world."

Not only they supported all the tyrants in the world but called tyrants/dictators/fascists all the leaders who dared to step in their way. Putin and Trump are the most recent bright examples of that.
FDR initially endorsed the same points very quietly. Hence the refusal to take Jewish refugees.
FDR initially endorsed the same points very quietly. Hence the refusal to take Jewish refugees.
Yeah, he's another good little Nazi. Hitler learned from Margaret Sanger. They were all mutual admirers.

do you have a citation for supporting your allegation that Margaret Sanger was an admirer of
Adolf I am not REFUSING to believe you------it is just NEWS TO ME
The Democrats supported all the tyrants of the world.
"The Nordic races certainly seem to be superior to the Romans," the 21-year-old Kennedy wrote during a tour through the Rhineland.

The controversial remarks did not end there, notes the Daily Mail.

In an August 1937 diary entry, Kennedy proposed that the world’s hostility toward Nazi Germany stemmed from a jealousy for what the regime had accomplished rather than the actual actions of Hitler and the Nazis.

"The Germans really are too good — therefore people have ganged up on them to protect themselves," he wrote.

Kennedy also asks in his diary, "What are the evils of fascism compared to communism?"At one point it appears the Kennedy believes Fascism was right for Germany at that time, when he concludes: "Fascism? The right thing for Nazi Germany."
Kennedy also praises Hitler's autobahns as "the best roads in the world."

First, that journal is made of what type of paper, to survive so long, and be legible. Also, even NewsMax prints some more lines:

"Hitler seems to be as popular here as Mussolini in Germany, although propaganda is probably his most powerful weapon," the 35th President wrote.

JFK, and George H.W. Bush fought in WWII, Reagan and Trump's father STAYED home.
do you have a citation for supporting your allegation that Margaret Sanger was an admirer of
Adolf I am not REFUSING to believe you------it is just NEWS TO ME
Start at 4:25 if you think it's too long to listen to the whole thing
Start at 4:25 if you think it's too long to listen to the whole thing

So, you gave us a pro-life propaganda piece containing quite a few outright lies.

If Sanger supported exterminating black people, as your video claimed she wrote, you should be able to show us those writings. After all, all of Sanger's writings are available on line.

If you're not pushing lies, that is.

Your source pretended an editorial written by someone else was written by Sanger. Do you support the use of such dishonesty?
Start at 4:25 if you think it's too long to listen to the whole thing

So, you gave us a pro-life propaganda piece containing quite a few outright lies.

If Sanger supported exterminating black people, as your video claimed she wrote, you should be able to show us those writings. After all, all of Sanger's writings are available on line.

If you're not pushing lies, that is.
Not pushing lies would be unamerican.
still not convinced-------where does she advocate FORCED sterilization? In fact where does she state
that she wants to do AWAY with black people in the USA. She does not even mention sanctions against
blacks for having "too many" children------What she does say----in sum and substance is----try to get
black religious leaders to advocate for contraception because there are too many VERY IMPOVERISHED
and SUFFERING and DEPRIVED black kids. ----it should be noted that she felt the same way about
large Irish catholic families. As to supporting eugenics way back in the early 1930s-----Adolf et al
presented VERY SANITIZED descriptions of their programs ----------not grabbing people and slicing them
up YET
FDR initially endorsed the same points very quietly. Hence the refusal to take Jewish refugees.
Now we like refugees?
Depends on the refugee -- and if they're REALLY refugees.

Who among you Commies cared about the Christians being slaughtered by your Muzzie pets?
I love it when pre-ejaculatory spittle sprayers assign views to folks. Your govt is supporting al Qaida, al Nusra and ISIS in Syria shoog.
still not convinced-------where does she advocate FORCED sterilization? In fact where does she state
that she wants to do AWAY with black people in the USA. She does not even mention sanctions against
blacks for having "too many" children------What she does say----in sum and substance is----try to get
black religious leaders to advocate for contraception because there are too many VERY IMPOVERISHED
and SUFFERING and DEPRIVED black kids. ----it should be noted that she felt the same way about
large Irish catholic families. As to supporting eugenics way back in the early 1930s-----Adolf et al
presented VERY SANITIZED descriptions of their programs ----------not grabbing people and slicing them
up YET
This thread isn't about Sanger specifically. The info is there.

Google is your friend (though I now prefer Bing.com)
Sanger left Birth Control Review in 1928, yet the video tries to pretend she wrote the 1932 editorial, and that she was responsible for Rudin's 1933 article. That's the level of pro-life dishonesty we're looking at here.

And Death Angel is not sorry for pushing the lie. Pro-lifers never are. They literally think that God has given them a free pass to lie. However, it's not God who tells people to lie, it's Satan. That's who Death Angel is serving by spreading his lies.
The Democrats supported all the tyrants of the world.
"The Nordic races certainly seem to be superior to the Romans," the 21-year-old Kennedy wrote during a tour through the Rhineland.

The controversial remarks did not end there, notes the Daily Mail.

In an August 1937 diary entry, Kennedy proposed that the world’s hostility toward Nazi Germany stemmed from a jealousy for what the regime had accomplished rather than the actual actions of Hitler and the Nazis.

"The Germans really are too good — therefore people have ganged up on them to protect themselves," he wrote.

Kennedy also asks in his diary, "What are the evils of fascism compared to communism?"At one point it appears the Kennedy believes Fascism was right for Germany at that time, when he concludes: "Fascism? The right thing for Nazi Germany."
Kennedy also praises Hitler's autobahns as "the best roads in the world."


What the Hitler pictures says.

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