Who's Afraid of Socialism?

How many millions have died from capitalism over the past two hundred years, Adolph?

How many in the last 70 years?

Why My Communist Critics Are Wrong


You fucking liar.

Number of people who died of hunger last year in the USA - 0

Number of people who died due to lack of clean water in the USA - 0

You're just a fucking liar - as all Communists are.
Got a link, Nazi?

National Socialism is just a riff on the immoral shit you push. Nazis are no different than any other socialist pile of shit.

See, you didn't bother to read your own link. The author takes apart your lies. The dishonest chart you post is based on figures from North Korea, China under Mao, Sub-Sahara Africa, etc. So it is a fucking lie on the face. North Korea is not capitalist, but you vile scum don't care - you have ZERO integrity. You want power and will tell ANY lie to sucker morons into giving it to you.

You Communist directly MURDERED 200 million peace time civilians. Not deaths due to disease or starvation, murder.

That's just what scum like you do.
Your White Pride is showing, Adolph.
Why don't you take a little prussic acid?

The White Book of Capitalism: Genocide of Native Americans

"For over 10,000 years the native americans lived and died throughout the vast, rich continent of North America. The burgenoning United States balanced brute military force with one economic transaction after another, on one hand slaugthering entire tribes, on the other "buying" enourmous tracts of land for exploitation.

"With control over nearly all native american land, leaving only small plots for 'reservations', the native american way of life was destroyed and the clear choice became: be assimilated into "modern" life, or rot in 'irrelevance' on the reservation.

"371 treaties were made by the US government with Native Americans. The United States govenment violated 370 of those treaties, to date. Over 250 years, 160 million Native Americans have been killed by the US government."

BTW, here is "Native land" in America.

You're a Communist douchebag. Fuck You.

There's no "excess labor value" left at the end of the day when I go to work.

Probably something you have never done.


Go back where you came from, Bitch.
There's also a lingering mythology that says socialism requires government control of the economy.

Ok, george - now you're just farting on your keyboard. Socialism IS control of the economy.
All economies require some form of control, right?

Would an economy without any controlling agent have credit or money?

GFY, you ain't never worked a day in your life.

You wanna talk about economy? Save for your retirement, douchebag.

You fucking liar.

Number of people who died of hunger last year in the USA - 0

Number of people who died due to lack of clean water in the USA - 0

You're just a fucking liar - as all Communists are.
Got a link, Nazi?

National Socialism is just a riff on the immoral shit you push. Nazis are no different than any other socialist pile of shit.

See, you didn't bother to read your own link. The author takes apart your lies. The dishonest chart you post is based on figures from North Korea, China under Mao, Sub-Sahara Africa, etc. So it is a fucking lie on the face. North Korea is not capitalist, but you vile scum don't care - you have ZERO integrity. You want power and will tell ANY lie to sucker morons into giving it to you.

You Communist directly MURDERED 200 million peace time civilians. Not deaths due to disease or starvation, murder.

That's just what scum like you do.
Your White Pride is showing, Adolph.
Why don't you take a little prussic acid?

The White Book of Capitalism: Genocide of Native Americans

"For over 10,000 years the native americans lived and died throughout the vast, rich continent of North America. The burgenoning United States balanced brute military force with one economic transaction after another, on one hand slaugthering entire tribes, on the other "buying" enourmous tracts of land for exploitation.

"With control over nearly all native american land, leaving only small plots for 'reservations', the native american way of life was destroyed and the clear choice became: be assimilated into "modern" life, or rot in 'irrelevance' on the reservation.

"371 treaties were made by the US government with Native Americans. The United States govenment violated 370 of those treaties, to date. Over 250 years, 160 million Native Americans have been killed by the US government."

BTW, here is "Native land" in America.

You're a Communist douchebag. Fuck You.

There's no "excess labor value" left at the end of the day when I go to work.

Probably something you have never done.


Go back where you came from, Bitch.

I'm already there, in Florida. Where my ancestors have been well before America was a country, boy.

I am a Cracker, and Cracker proud, too.
How many millions have died from capitalism over the past two hundred years, Adolph?

How many in the last 70 years?

Why My Communist Critics Are Wrong


You fucking liar.

Number of people who died of hunger last year in the USA - 0

Number of people who died due to lack of clean water in the USA - 0

You're just a fucking liar - as all Communists are.
Got a link, Nazi?

National Socialism is just a riff on the immoral shit you push. Nazis are no different than any other socialist pile of shit.

See, you didn't bother to read your own link. The author takes apart your lies. The dishonest chart you post is based on figures from North Korea, China under Mao, Sub-Sahara Africa, etc. So it is a fucking lie on the face. North Korea is not capitalist, but you vile scum don't care - you have ZERO integrity. You want power and will tell ANY lie to sucker morons into giving it to you.

You Communist directly MURDERED 200 million peace time civilians. Not deaths due to disease or starvation, murder.

That's just what scum like you do.
Your White Pride is showing, Adolph.
Why don't you take a little prussic acid?

The White Book of Capitalism: Genocide of Native Americans

"For over 10,000 years the native americans lived and died throughout the vast, rich continent of North America. The burgenoning United States balanced brute military force with one economic transaction after another, on one hand slaugthering entire tribes, on the other "buying" enourmous tracts of land for exploitation.

"With control over nearly all native american land, leaving only small plots for 'reservations', the native american way of life was destroyed and the clear choice became: be assimilated into "modern" life, or rot in 'irrelevance' on the reservation.

"371 treaties were made by the US government with Native Americans. The United States govenment violated 370 of those treaties, to date. Over 250 years, 160 million Native Americans have been killed by the US government."

Move those goal posts commie fuck.

You lied about Capitalism, so when humiliated on your idiotic lies, what's left - oh yeah, you spew your racism.

Who’s Afraid of Socialism? | Open Media Boston

"Capitalism’s incompatibility with majority interests has been reaffirmed by the current economic crisis.

"Earlier, the most severe effects of capitalism had been offset, within the US, by the progressive reforms of the 1930s.

"But capital’s political power was less restrained in this country than it was in the other rich countries.

"Flush with military might and bolstered by a mass right-wing culture of arrogant self-righteousness, US capital launched a withering counterattack against the New Deal legacy, culminating in an almost three-decade orgy of anti-welfare legislation, imperialist aggression, privatization, and deregulation."

Unrestrained profit maximization results in concentrating an enormous amount of surplus capital which can find few safe investments.

"Free market" capitalists turn to highly speculative scams which generate financial bubbles as the real economy continues to be hollowed out and the working class is driven deeper into debt.

Socialism would turn to government for an alternative, but US government is Goldman Sachs regardless of which major party is in control.

An overwhelming majority of Americans. GFY, Commie turd!
Americans like these, Pilgrim?

KKK invites North Carolina town to 'white only' cross-burning - theGrio

Bitch, my grandma stopped 3 KKK dudes from hanging her daddy with a butcher knife.


Americans don't like smug Commies like you, faggot. Break bad and you'll get crushed.

What's your take on the Jews there, Mr. Tolerance?
Greedy Jews should stop stealing land and water that doesn't belong to them.

Maybe your imaginary grandma should bring her butcher knife to Jerusalem, Piss Ant.

You fucking liar.

Number of people who died of hunger last year in the USA - 0

Number of people who died due to lack of clean water in the USA - 0

You're just a fucking liar - as all Communists are.
Got a link, Nazi?

National Socialism is just a riff on the immoral shit you push. Nazis are no different than any other socialist pile of shit.

See, you didn't bother to read your own link. The author takes apart your lies. The dishonest chart you post is based on figures from North Korea, China under Mao, Sub-Sahara Africa, etc. So it is a fucking lie on the face. North Korea is not capitalist, but you vile scum don't care - you have ZERO integrity. You want power and will tell ANY lie to sucker morons into giving it to you.

You Communist directly MURDERED 200 million peace time civilians. Not deaths due to disease or starvation, murder.

That's just what scum like you do.
Your White Pride is showing, Adolph.
Why don't you take a little prussic acid?

The White Book of Capitalism: Genocide of Native Americans

"For over 10,000 years the native americans lived and died throughout the vast, rich continent of North America. The burgenoning United States balanced brute military force with one economic transaction after another, on one hand slaugthering entire tribes, on the other "buying" enourmous tracts of land for exploitation.

"With control over nearly all native american land, leaving only small plots for 'reservations', the native american way of life was destroyed and the clear choice became: be assimilated into "modern" life, or rot in 'irrelevance' on the reservation.

"371 treaties were made by the US government with Native Americans. The United States govenment violated 370 of those treaties, to date. Over 250 years, 160 million Native Americans have been killed by the US government."

Move those goal posts commie fuck.

You lied about Capitalism, so when humiliated on your idiotic lies, what's left - oh yeah, you spew your racism.


You mean like calling people "Racist" when you have no answer to the democide of you Communists?

You're out of your league, asshole.
Who’s Afraid of Socialism? | Open Media Boston

"Capitalism’s incompatibility with majority interests has been reaffirmed by the current economic crisis.

"Earlier, the most severe effects of capitalism had been offset, within the US, by the progressive reforms of the 1930s.

"But capital’s political power was less restrained in this country than it was in the other rich countries.

"Flush with military might and bolstered by a mass right-wing culture of arrogant self-righteousness, US capital launched a withering counterattack against the New Deal legacy, culminating in an almost three-decade orgy of anti-welfare legislation, imperialist aggression, privatization, and deregulation."

Unrestrained profit maximization results in concentrating an enormous amount of surplus capital which can find few safe investments.

"Free market" capitalists turn to highly speculative scams which generate financial bubbles as the real economy continues to be hollowed out and the working class is driven deeper into debt.

Socialism would turn to government for an alternative, but US government is Goldman Sachs regardless of which major party is in control.

An overwhelming majority of Americans. GFY, Commie turd!
Americans like these, Pilgrim?

KKK invites North Carolina town to 'white only' cross-burning - theGrio

Bitch, my grandma stopped 3 KKK dudes from hanging her daddy with a butcher knife.


Americans don't like smug Commies like you, faggot. Break bad and you'll get crushed.

What's your take on the Jews there, Mr. Tolerance?
Greedy Jews should stop stealing land and water that doesn't belong to them.

Maybe your imaginary grandma should bring her butcher knife the Jerusalem, Piss Ant.

Just as I thought, another leftist, Communist anti-Semite.

You're in for a very bad time at some point in your life.

Americans don't prescribe to your way of thinking, sorry.

PS: If you fuck with us? We have all the guns and know how to shoot them, I suggest you get with the program or self-deport.
There's also a lingering mythology that says socialism requires government control of the economy.

Ok, george - now you're just farting on your keyboard. Socialism IS control of the economy.
All economies require some form of control, right?

Would an economy without any controlling agent have credit or money?

Maybe. Depends on the people involved I suppose.
There's also a lingering mythology that says socialism requires government control of the economy.

Ok, george - now you're just farting on your keyboard. Socialism IS control of the economy.
All economies require some form of control, right?

Would an economy without any controlling agent have credit or money?

GFY, you ain't never worked a day in your life.

You wanna talk about economy? Save for your retirement, douchebag.

You'll always have MAGA.
Who’s Afraid of Socialism? | Open Media Boston

"Capitalism’s incompatibility with majority interests has been reaffirmed by the current economic crisis.

"Earlier, the most severe effects of capitalism had been offset, within the US, by the progressive reforms of the 1930s.

"But capital’s political power was less restrained in this country than it was in the other rich countries.

"Flush with military might and bolstered by a mass right-wing culture of arrogant self-righteousness, US capital launched a withering counterattack against the New Deal legacy, culminating in an almost three-decade orgy of anti-welfare legislation, imperialist aggression, privatization, and deregulation."

Unrestrained profit maximization results in concentrating an enormous amount of surplus capital which can find few safe investments.

"Free market" capitalists turn to highly speculative scams which generate financial bubbles as the real economy continues to be hollowed out and the working class is driven deeper into debt.

Socialism would turn to government for an alternative, but US government is Goldman Sachs regardless of which major party is in control.

An overwhelming majority of Americans. GFY, Commie turd!
Americans like these, Pilgrim?

KKK invites North Carolina town to 'white only' cross-burning - theGrio

Bitch, my grandma stopped 3 KKK dudes from hanging her daddy with a butcher knife.


Americans don't like smug Commies like you, faggot. Break bad and you'll get crushed.

What's your take on the Jews there, Mr. Tolerance?
Greedy Jews should stop stealing land and water that doesn't belong to them.

Maybe your imaginary grandma should bring her butcher knife to Jerusalem, Piss Ant.

You fucking liar.

There has NEVER been a country called Palestine.

You really are a piece of shit, even for a Nazi.
Got a link, Nazi?

National Socialism is just a riff on the immoral shit you push. Nazis are no different than any other socialist pile of shit.

See, you didn't bother to read your own link. The author takes apart your lies. The dishonest chart you post is based on figures from North Korea, China under Mao, Sub-Sahara Africa, etc. So it is a fucking lie on the face. North Korea is not capitalist, but you vile scum don't care - you have ZERO integrity. You want power and will tell ANY lie to sucker morons into giving it to you.

You Communist directly MURDERED 200 million peace time civilians. Not deaths due to disease or starvation, murder.

That's just what scum like you do.
Your White Pride is showing, Adolph.
Why don't you take a little prussic acid?

The White Book of Capitalism: Genocide of Native Americans

"For over 10,000 years the native americans lived and died throughout the vast, rich continent of North America. The burgenoning United States balanced brute military force with one economic transaction after another, on one hand slaugthering entire tribes, on the other "buying" enourmous tracts of land for exploitation.

"With control over nearly all native american land, leaving only small plots for 'reservations', the native american way of life was destroyed and the clear choice became: be assimilated into "modern" life, or rot in 'irrelevance' on the reservation.

"371 treaties were made by the US government with Native Americans. The United States govenment violated 370 of those treaties, to date. Over 250 years, 160 million Native Americans have been killed by the US government."

Move those goal posts commie fuck.

You lied about Capitalism, so when humiliated on your idiotic lies, what's left - oh yeah, you spew your racism.


You mean like calling people "Racist" when you have no answer to the democide of you Communists?

You're out of your league, asshole.
You're not even in the game, Adolph.
National Socialism is just a riff on the immoral shit you push. Nazis are no different than any other socialist pile of shit.

See, you didn't bother to read your own link. The author takes apart your lies. The dishonest chart you post is based on figures from North Korea, China under Mao, Sub-Sahara Africa, etc. So it is a fucking lie on the face. North Korea is not capitalist, but you vile scum don't care - you have ZERO integrity. You want power and will tell ANY lie to sucker morons into giving it to you.

You Communist directly MURDERED 200 million peace time civilians. Not deaths due to disease or starvation, murder.

That's just what scum like you do.
Your White Pride is showing, Adolph.
Why don't you take a little prussic acid?

The White Book of Capitalism: Genocide of Native Americans

"For over 10,000 years the native americans lived and died throughout the vast, rich continent of North America. The burgenoning United States balanced brute military force with one economic transaction after another, on one hand slaugthering entire tribes, on the other "buying" enourmous tracts of land for exploitation.

"With control over nearly all native american land, leaving only small plots for 'reservations', the native american way of life was destroyed and the clear choice became: be assimilated into "modern" life, or rot in 'irrelevance' on the reservation.

"371 treaties were made by the US government with Native Americans. The United States govenment violated 370 of those treaties, to date. Over 250 years, 160 million Native Americans have been killed by the US government."

Move those goal posts commie fuck.

You lied about Capitalism, so when humiliated on your idiotic lies, what's left - oh yeah, you spew your racism.


You mean like calling people "Racist" when you have no answer to the democide of you Communists?

You're out of your league, asshole.
You're not even in the game, Adolph.


What a fucking loser

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