Who's at fault for the 2008 Recession?

On another thread, the 2008 election was brought up. I stated that any Democrat would have won the Presidency because of the Recession under Bush. I was told that the Recession was the fault of the Democrat-let Congress.

Now, I ask....again (because I got a lot of dodging, but no answer)...what Democrat legislation caused the 2008 Recession?

We have discussed this topic for years and you want to act like it's a new fucking topic?

Yup liberals are the most retarded on Earth, well who can blame them, they insist they came from monkeys.

I guess you didn't read why this thread was started, eh?
How could Former President Obama (the Scourge of the CRC) have cherished it since he wasn't in office until 2009? And, remember, in my OP, I pointed out that I've been told it was the Democrat's running Congress that caused the Recession.

You’ve been told? Why don’t you show who “told” you it was caused by democrats? I smell a STRAWMAN!
At least two posters here..but it was on another thread that was not the same topic, so in consideration and to not derail the other thread, I moved the discussion here. If you want the names of the two who kept telling me that, I will be glad to link that thread and/or tell you their names.

So a democrat somewhere told me
How could Former President Obama (the Scourge of the CRC) have cherished it since he wasn't in office until 2009? And, remember, in my OP, I pointed out that I've been told it was the Democrat's running Congress that caused the Recession.

You’ve been told? Why don’t you show who “told” you it was caused by democrats? I smell a STRAWMAN!
At least two posters here..but it was on another thread that was not the same topic, so in consideration and to not derail the other thread, I moved the discussion here. If you want the names of the two who kept telling me that, I will be glad to link that thread and/or tell you their names.

Yes, I am curious who it was and the context in which they said it.

As with many things, like economics and climate, there is almost always an amalgamation of many factors which cause events and notable change. No one party or person caused the recession any more than climate change is simply the result of humans driving cars.
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Read it for yourself.....leaving the entire thread for you to follow the string of posts and how it got off topic.

Really? You expect me to read over 400 post to see who said the recession was all democrats fault. I’ll just drop it.
Of course. Reading is hard.
Democrats may be the party of "tax and spend" but unlike Republicans, they tax BEFORE they spend. Obamacare had taxes which covered the costs of it, before Republicans started nibbling at the edges of it, trying to undercut it and make it fail.

I'm sorry, but DumBama's debt was being increased every year; especially the first two years. If his "taxes covered" everything he spent, HTF did we end up 10 trillion dollars further in debt?

Economics 101 Ray. Try reading up on what happens when the stock market, the housing market, and the jobs all go south at the same time. It is important to keep as many people as possible working. You cannot tax during a recession, you MUST spend. Republicans kept Obama from spending enough on infrastructure, which the country sorely needs. But you must spend during a recession and cut spending during an economic boom. Obama did both, which lead to the strongest recover in history.

Instead of cutting spending, Trump has increased spending AND made deep cuts to taxes, after the Republicans basically made the Bush tax cuts permanent. You cannot run your household unless your income exceeds your expenses, so now you have the largest deficits in history during the tail end of the longest economic boom in history.

What happens when the inevitable recession hits? You can't increase spending to prime the pump, and taxes are now so lo, that the entire government is running on credit. Trump has been asked what happens to the country when the bill comes due for all of this and he has said he won't care because he'll be long gone.

And yet that question was asked about GW and DumBama as well.

How do you figure DumBama had the strongest recovery in history? There are countless articles how it was the slowest recovery since WWII. Google it and find out for yourself.

DumBama had the Congress the first two years of his first term. How long do you think the recession officially lasted? When the Republicans got in, yes, they reduced spending. In fact that's what most of the fighting was about between DumBama and the Republicans. He wanted to spend more and the Republicans wanted to spend less.

DumBama passed the Pork Bill while the Democrats still had leadership; you know, nearly a trillion dollars that was supposed to go towards infrastructure?

You’ve been told? Why don’t you show who “told” you it was caused by democrats? I smell a STRAWMAN!
At least two posters here..but it was on another thread that was not the same topic, so in consideration and to not derail the other thread, I moved the discussion here. If you want the names of the two who kept telling me that, I will be glad to link that thread and/or tell you their names.

So a democrat somewhere told me
You’ve been told? Why don’t you show who “told” you it was caused by democrats? I smell a STRAWMAN!
At least two posters here..but it was on another thread that was not the same topic, so in consideration and to not derail the other thread, I moved the discussion here. If you want the names of the two who kept telling me that, I will be glad to link that thread and/or tell you their names.

Yes, I am curious who it was and the context in which they said it.

As with many things, like economics and climate, there is almost always an amalgamation of many factors which cause events and notable change. No one party or person caused the recession any more than climate change is simply the result of humans driving cars.
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Read it for yourself.....leaving the entire thread for you to follow the string of posts and how it got off topic.

Really? You expect me to read over 400 post to see who said the recession was all democrats fault. I’ll just drop it.
Of course. Reading is hard.

But apparently being a dick is easy for you. Ok, I call bullshit. You made it up. Nobody every claimed democrats were responsible for the recession. You’re a liar.
IF, we ever get decent government it will because We somehow come together, until then both party's will take what they can & leave us what little is left.

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