Who's Going to Pay for the Wall?

.....the drug cartels. Sorta kinda, but yeah. This is ONE of the various ideas being thrown around. Read the exclusive and leave your beautiful comments below.

Exclusive: Trump Camp Mulls Using Seized Cartel Assets to Pay for Wall
There are a number of ways to pay for it.
Mexico gets U.S. aid as in overseas aid 50 million a year.
The reduced cost on our social services will help pay for it.
Tariffs on Mexican products can help pay for it.
It by no means is unfunded.

You can't really be THAT ignorant about our trade with Mexico!! Not to mention the lie about "social services".
You deport 11 million illegals you reduce the cost to social services.

Every time I ask this question, you run away. Here it is again:


How would we deport 11 million people?
What would it cost?
How would you find them?

You kkk idiots always ignore the facts. All you've got is "round them up and deport then". You're just too damn dumb to think it through.

Funny thing is, it was the liberals who handed you a way to track and count undocumented and RWNJ traitors like you screeched like your hair was on fire.
Idiots on the right also ignore the fact that those undocumented are entitled to due process of the law.

They cannot simply be ‘rounded up’ and ‘deported.’
Who gives a damn who pays for the wall so long as it's BUILT??? None of us do.. You left-turds are excused from the America first conversation.. Go stand in the line for terrorist sympathizing cowards.

Isn't it funny how Ronald Reagan, who ran on how great America is, never said ever that he was the difference between the United States being great and not being great. He said it was regardless. John Kerry I found offensive for campaigning that he IS the difference between being great and not being great. It's just as offensive when Trump does it. The idea that our greatness comes down to one man, any one man, is a man who deserves to be ridiculed and derided. Trump is just such an offensive man

Cry me a river.. if you find protecting our border offensive, you're a fucking pussy.


In what possible universe do you consider that a logical response to what I said? Where in that paragraph did I support illegal aliens? I support building a wall. But that has zero to do with what I said. Damn, it's Thursday, can't you want to Friday to pound that many down?
I guess you have a difficult time reading your own bullshit?
Freaking Barry Hussein just sent 400 million dollars in (unmarked bills?) cold cash to a country that supports terrorists and the (moderate?) left wants to know how we will pay for a freaking wall that prevents illegal entry into the U.S? Where is the left's freaking perspective?

Which part? The Ransom? Or the cash?

I edited the post because you fools are set on your lies and nothing will change that. If you want to educate yourself, google it.
Mexico is a backward patch of land, who's leaders don't even have the testicles to smash the drug cartels, or probably the Mexican Government from the President on down are on the payroll of the Drug Cartels.

There is no "probably" about it. Mexican politics is literally feuding between the cartels. The cartels are their version of political parties and corporate donors all in one. The cartels fund EVERYONE. The only thing that the cartels can agree on is that everyone has to be aligned with some cartel. Anyone who tries to go it straight and not take money from them is killed before they can get anywhere.

Yes I watched a harrowing documentary about the situation in Mexico. Perhaps in exchange for building a wall, they could be offered military help, including Special Ops to help them smash the Drug Lords.
You know what would convince me conservatives are sincere. If they made a volunteer list and they all signed up to give up their current job, if they have one, and agree to work picking lettuce and grapes for the rest of their career. Immigrants from Mexico make up 75% of farm labor in the US, almost 55% of those are illegal.

So you cons load up your white pickups and head over to your local farm to get in some practice. Lucky for you summer is about over so there won't be any 110 degree days for you to work in. Once you show you are serious about deporting these people I will be on board with you.

But you aren't, and you won't. Not even for a day.
You whiney fucks on the left have no room to say shit.. Your diaper wearing freak is no where to be found.. She can't even fucking leave the toilet without shitting herself so she stays hidden.. you need to worry about that OLD BITCH crapping a load on stage during the debates.. I hope she crams her diaper full and the Donald outs her.. I would.. I would tell the world something stinks and it's radiating from Rotten Crotch's BagLady pantsuit.

Nobody in the world wants Open Borders except the Leftist Extremists, the Left are doubling down now because they know this is their Last Hurrah, the majority of people are tired of the Leftist Agenda and want the alternative to that destructiveness.
You’re a bigot and a liar, typical of most on the right.

Who apart from you Leftist Extremists advocate Open Borders?

Voter drive
.....the drug cartels. Sorta kinda, but yeah. This is ONE of the various ideas being thrown around. Read the exclusive and leave your beautiful comments below.

Exclusive: Trump Camp Mulls Using Seized Cartel Assets to Pay for Wall
There are a number of ways to pay for it.
Mexico gets U.S. aid as in overseas aid 50 million a year.
The reduced cost on our social services will help pay for it.
Tariffs on Mexican products can help pay for it.
It by no means is unfunded.

You can't really be THAT ignorant about our trade with Mexico!! Not to mention the lie about "social services".
You deport 11 million illegals you reduce the cost to social services.

Every time I ask this question, you run away. Here it is again:


How would we deport 11 million people?
What would it cost?
How would you find them?

You kkk idiots always ignore the facts. All you've got is "round them up and deport then". You're just too damn dumb to think it through.

Funny thing is, it was the liberals who handed you a way to track and count undocumented and RWNJ traitors like you screeched like your hair was on fire.
Idiots on the right also ignore the fact that those undocumented are entitled to due process of the law.

They cannot simply be ‘rounded up’ and ‘deported.’

They either don't know the US Constitution or they're counting on Drumpf keeping his promise to gut it.

OTOH, Drumpf doesn't know the US Constitution either.
I think I heard somewhere, could be wrong, that trump's team is floating the idea of putting a wall tax on all tacos sold in the US. Or perhaps he'll render tariffs on your lunch-time chalupa. Big money there. He could, as dictators can do as they don't have to actually have Congress do such a thing, levy a tax on each bottle of Dos Equis (sp, not the brand). After all he is the most orange-interesting derp in the world.

Likely though he'll have Tea Bag Concrete pour the 20ft high slabs in the image of the Berlin wall, complete with barbed-wire on top and a no man's kill zone beyond. Only this time they'll be shooting people as the climb over and run FROM the US.
Kind of blew history in school there idiot. The Berlin wall they shot people trying to escape.

Thought you said you live in Phoenix but its obvious you have no clue how different city streets and the Sonora desert are. Or, that particular stretch.

Drumpf's counting on your ignorance too.
I am 90 miles north of the boarder and know better than some Pirus driving communist.

If you are 90 miles north of the border, you'd think you would know how to spell border.
.....the drug cartels. Sorta kinda, but yeah. This is ONE of the various ideas being thrown around. Read the exclusive and leave your beautiful comments below.

Exclusive: Trump Camp Mulls Using Seized Cartel Assets to Pay for Wall
There are a number of ways to pay for it.
Mexico gets U.S. aid as in overseas aid 50 million a year.
The reduced cost on our social services will help pay for it.
Tariffs on Mexican products can help pay for it.
It by no means is unfunded.

You can't really be THAT ignorant about our trade with Mexico!! Not to mention the lie about "social services".
You deport 11 million illegals you reduce the cost to social services.

Every time I ask this question, you run away. Here it is again:


How would we deport 11 million people?
What would it cost?
How would you find them?

You kkk idiots always ignore the facts. All you've got is "round them up and deport then". You're just too damn dumb to think it through.

Funny thing is, it was the liberals who handed you a way to track and count undocumented and RWNJ traitors like you screeched like your hair was on fire.
Idiots on the right also ignore the fact that those undocumented are entitled to due process of the law.

They cannot simply be ‘rounded up’ and ‘deported.’
Hey BOZO.. Illegal is illegal.. the laws on the books STILL apply even if your failed messiah pisses differently. He was biatch slapped by the fucking court for his overreach.. ILLEGALS HAVE NO RIGHTS except to get the fuck out of this country and come back the right way, legally.
.....the drug cartels. Sorta kinda, but yeah. This is ONE of the various ideas being thrown around. Read the exclusive and leave your beautiful comments below.

Exclusive: Trump Camp Mulls Using Seized Cartel Assets to Pay for Wall
There are a number of ways to pay for it.
Mexico gets U.S. aid as in overseas aid 50 million a year.
The reduced cost on our social services will help pay for it.
Tariffs on Mexican products can help pay for it.
It by no means is unfunded.

You can't really be THAT ignorant about our trade with Mexico!! Not to mention the lie about "social services".
You deport 11 million illegals you reduce the cost to social services.

Every time I ask this question, you run away. Here it is again:


How would we deport 11 million people?
What would it cost?
How would you find them?

You kkk idiots always ignore the facts. All you've got is "round them up and deport then". You're just too damn dumb to think it through.

Funny thing is, it was the liberals who handed you a way to track and count undocumented and RWNJ traitors like you screeched like your hair was on fire.
Idiots on the right also ignore the fact that those undocumented are entitled to due process of the law.

They cannot simply be ‘rounded up’ and ‘deported.’
ILLEGALS do NOT have the same rights a American CITIZENS. That is one reason they call them ILLEGAL sperm breath.
You know what would convince me conservatives are sincere. If they made a volunteer list and they all signed up to give up their current job, if they have one, and agree to work picking lettuce and grapes for the rest of their career. Immigrants from Mexico make up 75% of farm labor in the US, almost 55% of those are illegal.

So you cons load up your white pickups and head over to your local farm to get in some practice. Lucky for you summer is about over so there won't be any 110 degree days for you to work in. Once you show you are serious about deporting these people I will be on board with you.

But you aren't, and you won't. Not even for a day.

That's some of the most bizarre crap I've ever read. That would be a much better challenge to liberals who support minimum wage. So, you buying a pickup?
.....the drug cartels. Sorta kinda, but yeah. This is ONE of the various ideas being thrown around. Read the exclusive and leave your beautiful comments below.

Exclusive: Trump Camp Mulls Using Seized Cartel Assets to Pay for Wall
There are a number of ways to pay for it.
Mexico gets U.S. aid as in overseas aid 50 million a year.
The reduced cost on our social services will help pay for it.
Tariffs on Mexican products can help pay for it.
It by no means is unfunded.

You can't really be THAT ignorant about our trade with Mexico!! Not to mention the lie about "social services".
You deport 11 million illegals you reduce the cost to social services.

Every time I ask this question, you run away. Here it is again:


How would we deport 11 million people?
What would it cost?
How would you find them?

You kkk idiots always ignore the facts. All you've got is "round them up and deport then". You're just too damn dumb to think it through.

Funny thing is, it was the liberals who handed you a way to track and count undocumented and RWNJ traitors like you screeched like your hair was on fire.
lets make it easy for you.
those 11 million louse infested piles of walking shit you are concerned with, all found their way here without any help.
Guess what, If you take away the jobs, the assistance, the rights that citizens have under the constitution, their life will be a living hell, and just like they found their way here, they will find their way back or to some other country. Except no other country will tolerate them
Yes I watched a harrowing documentary about the situation in Mexico. Perhaps in exchange for building a wall, they could be offered military help, including Special Ops to help them smash the Drug Lords.

Your optimism is admirable, but mistaken. The only way for Mexico to smash the cartels would be an all out civil war. The cartels have infiltrated every facet of the Mexican way of life.
Who gives a damn who pays for the wall so long as it's BUILT??? None of us do.. You left-turds are excused from the America first conversation.. Go stand in the line for terrorist sympathizing cowards.

Isn't it funny how Ronald Reagan, who ran on how great America is, never said ever that he was the difference between the United States being great and not being great. He said it was regardless. John Kerry I found offensive for campaigning that he IS the difference between being great and not being great. It's just as offensive when Trump does it. The idea that our greatness comes down to one man, any one man, is a man who deserves to be ridiculed and derided. Trump is just such an offensive man

Cry me a river.. if you find protecting our border offensive, you're a fucking pussy.


In what possible universe do you consider that a logical response to what I said? Where in that paragraph did I support illegal aliens? I support building a wall. But that has zero to do with what I said. Damn, it's Thursday, can't you want to Friday to pound that many down?
I guess you have a difficult time reading your own bullshit?

I said one man, no man, is the difference between America being and not being great. I said even Reagan never claimed it did while the turds Kerry and Trump did. What the fucking hell are you talking about that means I support illegal immigration? Too much Agave juice?

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