Who's more violent? Whites or blacks?

Sorry, forgot the OP was indeed a general over time comparison and not a timely current comparison.

THus, back to the obvious factoid, that the difference in numbers, in the past, was the lack of power of black communities to project violence beyond their immediate vicinity.

Thus past weakness is the prime factor in the relatively low black body count, not any type of gentleness.

There is still a vast difference in numbers so that pretty much kills that argument. Either way the OP is not confined to the US. You forget that instead of wiping white people out you were simply ignored until you were intelligent enough to receive teaching at the foot of Black scholars to help your first white civilization. If Blacks were violent they would have become imperialists like your white people have been every since they found the ability to develop superior weaponry. Never forget superior weaponry (violence) and lying (indirect violence) to gain a foothold is the only reason you have succeeded in taking over the world.

Delusional nonsense.

Blacks demonstrate violence here and elsewhere in the world quite well.
There you go trying to convince me again.

The question isnt if Blacks demonstrate violence. The question is the same one in the title of the OP. "Who's more violent? Whites or blacks?" The question is pretty redundant. Everyone knows whites are more violent. They excel at violence, they are most happy being violent and they celebrate violence. What other humans on this planet are as bellicose as whites? I will answer that for you. None.

And you spend your time discussing how much better whites are at expressing their violence.

Being incompetent at projecting power, winning wars, building say, even wooden ships that could sail around the world, or cannons, does not indicate that you are less violence, just less capable.
Stop whining. If you dont like the OP dont post. Dont worry about my time. Worry about yours white boy.

Weak dodge.

You are not fooling anyone but yourself.

Everything you post is an embarrassment to yourself, and to the extent that you raise the possibility that your views are shared by other blacks, your race.

And you are to self deluded to fact this obvious fact.
A Asian guy did a social experiment on this same topic and check the results.

He asked 5 white people if they wanted a punch and the 5th one clocked him.

He did he same with Black guys and got to 21 before he finally quit without any negative reactions.

Great data set.

Do you even understand the reasons why that is not very convincing?

What made you think I was trying to convince you? I wasnt even talking to you.

i will take that as a "no".
There is still a vast difference in numbers so that pretty much kills that argument. Either way the OP is not confined to the US. You forget that instead of wiping white people out you were simply ignored until you were intelligent enough to receive teaching at the foot of Black scholars to help your first white civilization. If Blacks were violent they would have become imperialists like your white people have been every since they found the ability to develop superior weaponry. Never forget superior weaponry (violence) and lying (indirect violence) to gain a foothold is the only reason you have succeeded in taking over the world.

Delusional nonsense.

Blacks demonstrate violence here and elsewhere in the world quite well.
There you go trying to convince me again.

The question isnt if Blacks demonstrate violence. The question is the same one in the title of the OP. "Who's more violent? Whites or blacks?" The question is pretty redundant. Everyone knows whites are more violent. They excel at violence, they are most happy being violent and they celebrate violence. What other humans on this planet are as bellicose as whites? I will answer that for you. None.

And you spend your time discussing how much better whites are at expressing their violence.

Being incompetent at projecting power, winning wars, building say, even wooden ships that could sail around the world, or cannons, does not indicate that you are less violence, just less capable.
Stop whining. If you dont like the OP dont post. Dont worry about my time. Worry about yours white boy.

Weak dodge.

You are not fooling anyone but yourself.

Everything you post is an embarrassment to yourself, and to the extent that you raise the possibility that your views are shared by other blacks, your race.

And you are to self deluded to fact this obvious fact.
Why would I dodge? Youre white...... Its not like your opinion is considered valid.
A Asian guy did a social experiment on this same topic and check the results.

He asked 5 white people if they wanted a punch and the 5th one clocked him.

He did he same with Black guys and got to 21 before he finally quit without any negative reactions.

Great data set.

Do you even understand the reasons why that is not very convincing?

What made you think I was trying to convince you? I wasnt even talking to you.

i will take that as a "no".

Thats informative.
Delusional nonsense.

Blacks demonstrate violence here and elsewhere in the world quite well.
There you go trying to convince me again.

The question isnt if Blacks demonstrate violence. The question is the same one in the title of the OP. "Who's more violent? Whites or blacks?" The question is pretty redundant. Everyone knows whites are more violent. They excel at violence, they are most happy being violent and they celebrate violence. What other humans on this planet are as bellicose as whites? I will answer that for you. None.

And you spend your time discussing how much better whites are at expressing their violence.

Being incompetent at projecting power, winning wars, building say, even wooden ships that could sail around the world, or cannons, does not indicate that you are less violence, just less capable.
Stop whining. If you dont like the OP dont post. Dont worry about my time. Worry about yours white boy.

Weak dodge.

You are not fooling anyone but yourself.

Everything you post is an embarrassment to yourself, and to the extent that you raise the possibility that your views are shared by other blacks, your race.

And you are to self deluded to fact this obvious fact.
Why would I dodge? Youre white...... Its not like your opinion is considered valid.
If white opinions arent considered valid, that would mean we are completely powerless as a group. If thats true, what the hell have you been griping about all these years? You are contradicting eveything youve ever said about white people. That makes you a clueless dolt. Seriously, how fucking dumb ARE you?

You see, thats the problem with compulsive liars like you. You lie so god damn much, you cant even keep your lies straight anymore.
There you go trying to convince me again.

The question isnt if Blacks demonstrate violence. The question is the same one in the title of the OP. "Who's more violent? Whites or blacks?" The question is pretty redundant. Everyone knows whites are more violent. They excel at violence, they are most happy being violent and they celebrate violence. What other humans on this planet are as bellicose as whites? I will answer that for you. None.

And you spend your time discussing how much better whites are at expressing their violence.

Being incompetent at projecting power, winning wars, building say, even wooden ships that could sail around the world, or cannons, does not indicate that you are less violence, just less capable.
Stop whining. If you dont like the OP dont post. Dont worry about my time. Worry about yours white boy.

Weak dodge.

You are not fooling anyone but yourself.

Everything you post is an embarrassment to yourself, and to the extent that you raise the possibility that your views are shared by other blacks, your race.

And you are to self deluded to fact this obvious fact.
Why would I dodge? Youre white...... Its not like your opinion is considered valid.
If white opinions arent considered valid, that would mean we are completely powerless as a group. If thats true, what the hell have you been griping about all these years? You are contradicting eveything youve ever said about white people. That makes you a clueless dolt. Seriously, how fucking dumb ARE you?

You see, thats the problem with compulsive liars like you. You lie so god damn much, you cant even keep your lies straight anymore.
No it doesnt mean that. I means low hanging fruit, white trash, such as yourself occupy the lower spectrum of my attention span. Damn! You white monkeys get really angry when I tell you about your irrelevance. QQ. Is that wet dog smell produced because of anger or is it just natural?
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Its very easy to put a spot light on todays violent culture in black communities all around the country. Its been going on this way since the early 90's and don't seem to let up any time soon, black on black crime is at historic levels and we can blame what ever you want on who, the facts are the facts and there's no disputing it......but what I find rather interesting are white people seem to find glee and enjoyment pointing out this horrific statistic and posting about it......I say lets turn the tables here a bit.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's. If we were to do an accounting of who's been and still is the most violent in this country....white folks would win hands down. If we were to do a body count, again, white folk would wins hands down.....now we've debated the causes of black on black crime, we've done studies, etc.....and concluded rather obvious reasons, poverty, discrimination, single parent homes, etc.....so my question now is,
what was the white man's excuse?


Who is more violent as a percentages of their race?
Its very easy to put a spot light on todays violent culture in black communities all around the country. Its been going on this way since the early 90's and don't seem to let up any time soon, black on black crime is at historic levels and we can blame what ever you want on who, the facts are the facts and there's no disputing it......but what I find rather interesting are white people seem to find glee and enjoyment pointing out this horrific statistic and posting about it......I say lets turn the tables here a bit.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's. If we were to do an accounting of who's been and still is the most violent in this country....white folks would win hands down. If we were to do a body count, again, white folk would wins hands down.....now we've debated the causes of black on black crime, we've done studies, etc.....and concluded rather obvious reasons, poverty, discrimination, single parent homes, etc.....so my question now is,
what was the white man's excuse?


Who is more violent as a percentages of their race?
Its very easy to put a spot light on todays violent culture in black communities all around the country. Its been going on this way since the early 90's and don't seem to let up any time soon, black on black crime is at historic levels and we can blame what ever you want on who, the facts are the facts and there's no disputing it......but what I find rather interesting are white people seem to find glee and enjoyment pointing out this horrific statistic and posting about it......I say lets turn the tables here a bit.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's. If we were to do an accounting of who's been and still is the most violent in this country....white folks would win hands down. If we were to do a body count, again, white folk would wins hands down.....now we've debated the causes of black on black crime, we've done studies, etc.....and concluded rather obvious reasons, poverty, discrimination, single parent homes, etc.....so my question now is,
what was the white man's excuse?


Who is more violent as a percentages of their race?
White? You can't be serious. Look at the population of prisons as a percentage of race.
Its very easy to put a spot light on todays violent culture in black communities all around the country. Its been going on this way since the early 90's and don't seem to let up any time soon, black on black crime is at historic levels and we can blame what ever you want on who, the facts are the facts and there's no disputing it......but what I find rather interesting are white people seem to find glee and enjoyment pointing out this horrific statistic and posting about it......I say lets turn the tables here a bit.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's. If we were to do an accounting of who's been and still is the most violent in this country....white folks would win hands down. If we were to do a body count, again, white folk would wins hands down.....now we've debated the causes of black on black crime, we've done studies, etc.....and concluded rather obvious reasons, poverty, discrimination, single parent homes, etc.....so my question now is,
what was the white man's excuse?


Who is more violent as a percentages of their race?
White? You can't be serious. Look at the population of prisons as a percentage of race.
What does that have to do with the percentage of violence? Are you claiming all the violent people are in prison?
the break down of the Black Family and the sharp rise is crime and gang culture didn't arise until the latter half of the 20th century.

This demolishes the "blame slavery, and thus whitey" bullshit.
Try harder to convince me. Slavery and whitey are definitely the cause of the majority of issues in the Black community. Black people 10 times your superior in intellect have already explained this. Why would you think you as a white boy would be more convincing?

I don't.

I think you mind is closed to any information that doesn't fit your preconceived notions.

i note that you ask me to make my case while twice ignoring a very strong point about the vast gap of time between slavery and some of it's supposed effects even starting.

THat is pretty stupid. Of you.
Whats pretty stupid is thinking that the effects werent there until recently. Thats why I ignored you.

The collapse of the black family did not occur until the latter half of the 20th century, as I stated above, and you were to dishonest to address.
More stupidity. The Black family has never collapsed. We are the strongest people standing. Having issues does not = collapsing. Try your white boy jedi mind tricks on someone thats not your intellectual superior.

having "issues"? Seriously? Thats all it is? One parent households with no end in sight? Poverty, crime and rebellion out the wazoo for 50 years and its just a minor issue? Really now? Thats not even talking about aids, gangs and drop out rates.
Delusional nonsense.

Blacks demonstrate violence here and elsewhere in the world quite well.
There you go trying to convince me again.

The question isnt if Blacks demonstrate violence. The question is the same one in the title of the OP. "Who's more violent? Whites or blacks?" The question is pretty redundant. Everyone knows whites are more violent. They excel at violence, they are most happy being violent and they celebrate violence. What other humans on this planet are as bellicose as whites? I will answer that for you. None.

And you spend your time discussing how much better whites are at expressing their violence.

Being incompetent at projecting power, winning wars, building say, even wooden ships that could sail around the world, or cannons, does not indicate that you are less violence, just less capable.
Stop whining. If you dont like the OP dont post. Dont worry about my time. Worry about yours white boy.

Weak dodge.

You are not fooling anyone but yourself.

Everything you post is an embarrassment to yourself, and to the extent that you raise the possibility that your views are shared by other blacks, your race.

And you are to self deluded to fact this obvious fact.
Why would I dodge? Youre white...... Its not like your opinion is considered valid.

And yet you do, dodge, deflect, refuse to answer,

Almost as if, at some level, you know that you are full of shit, and cannot defend the nonsense you spew at all.

Racist fool.
There you go trying to convince me again.

The question isnt if Blacks demonstrate violence. The question is the same one in the title of the OP. "Who's more violent? Whites or blacks?" The question is pretty redundant. Everyone knows whites are more violent. They excel at violence, they are most happy being violent and they celebrate violence. What other humans on this planet are as bellicose as whites? I will answer that for you. None.

And you spend your time discussing how much better whites are at expressing their violence.

Being incompetent at projecting power, winning wars, building say, even wooden ships that could sail around the world, or cannons, does not indicate that you are less violence, just less capable.
Stop whining. If you dont like the OP dont post. Dont worry about my time. Worry about yours white boy.

Weak dodge.

You are not fooling anyone but yourself.

Everything you post is an embarrassment to yourself, and to the extent that you raise the possibility that your views are shared by other blacks, your race.

And you are to self deluded to fact this obvious fact.
Why would I dodge? Youre white...... Its not like your opinion is considered valid.
If white opinions arent considered valid, that would mean we are completely powerless as a group. If thats true, what the hell have you been griping about all these years? You are contradicting eveything youve ever said about white people. That makes you a clueless dolt. Seriously, how fucking dumb ARE you?

You see, thats the problem with compulsive liars like you. You lie so god damn much, you cant even keep your lies straight anymore.

I think he purposefully does not think about anything.

That way he doesn't have to face the fact that all of his statements and beliefs are moronic crap.
Its very easy to put a spot light on todays violent culture in black communities all around the country. Its been going on this way since the early 90's and don't seem to let up any time soon, black on black crime is at historic levels and we can blame what ever you want on who, the facts are the facts and there's no disputing it......but what I find rather interesting are white people seem to find glee and enjoyment pointing out this horrific statistic and posting about it......I say lets turn the tables here a bit.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's. If we were to do an accounting of who's been and still is the most violent in this country....white folks would win hands down. If we were to do a body count, again, white folk would wins hands down.....now we've debated the causes of black on black crime, we've done studies, etc.....and concluded rather obvious reasons, poverty, discrimination, single parent homes, etc.....so my question now is,
what was the white man's excuse?


Who is more violent as a percentages of their race?
White? You can't be serious. Look at the population of prisons as a percentage of race.
What does that have to do with the percentage of violence? Are you claiming all the violent people are in prison?

Wow. YOu have to be dumb to think that was what he meant.
Its very easy to put a spot light on todays violent culture in black communities all around the country. Its been going on this way since the early 90's and don't seem to let up any time soon, black on black crime is at historic levels and we can blame what ever you want on who, the facts are the facts and there's no disputing it......but what I find rather interesting are white people seem to find glee and enjoyment pointing out this horrific statistic and posting about it......I say lets turn the tables here a bit.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's. If we were to do an accounting of who's been and still is the most violent in this country....white folks would win hands down. If we were to do a body count, again, white folk would wins hands down.....now we've debated the causes of black on black crime, we've done studies, etc.....and concluded rather obvious reasons, poverty, discrimination, single parent homes, etc.....so my question now is,
what was the white man's excuse?


that part isn't true many blacks immigrated here for the opportunity.

aside from that, we obviously need more welfare

more of the same so they keep killing themselves like dems have wanted them to for a very long long time
Its very easy to put a spot light on todays violent culture in black communities all around the country. Its been going on this way since the early 90's and don't seem to let up any time soon, black on black crime is at historic levels and we can blame what ever you want on who, the facts are the facts and there's no disputing it......but what I find rather interesting are white people seem to find glee and enjoyment pointing out this horrific statistic and posting about it......I say lets turn the tables here a bit.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's. If we were to do an accounting of who's been and still is the most violent in this country....white folks would win hands down. If we were to do a body count, again, white folk would wins hands down.....now we've debated the causes of black on black crime, we've done studies, etc.....and concluded rather obvious reasons, poverty, discrimination, single parent homes, etc.....so my question now is,
what was the white man's excuse?


Who is more violent as a percentages of their race?
White? You can't be serious. Look at the population of prisons as a percentage of race.
What does that have to do with the percentage of violence? Are you claiming all the violent people are in prison?

Wow. YOu have to be dumb to think that was what he meant.
You are dumb because you dont know what percentage means.
There you go trying to convince me again.

The question isnt if Blacks demonstrate violence. The question is the same one in the title of the OP. "Who's more violent? Whites or blacks?" The question is pretty redundant. Everyone knows whites are more violent. They excel at violence, they are most happy being violent and they celebrate violence. What other humans on this planet are as bellicose as whites? I will answer that for you. None.

And you spend your time discussing how much better whites are at expressing their violence.

Being incompetent at projecting power, winning wars, building say, even wooden ships that could sail around the world, or cannons, does not indicate that you are less violence, just less capable.
Stop whining. If you dont like the OP dont post. Dont worry about my time. Worry about yours white boy.

Weak dodge.

You are not fooling anyone but yourself.

Everything you post is an embarrassment to yourself, and to the extent that you raise the possibility that your views are shared by other blacks, your race.

And you are to self deluded to fact this obvious fact.
Why would I dodge? Youre white...... Its not like your opinion is considered valid.

And yet you do, dodge, deflect, refuse to answer,

Almost as if, at some level, you know that you are full of shit, and cannot defend the nonsense you spew at all.

Racist fool.
I only dodge if I am in danger of being "hit". Since there is absolutely no possibility of me taking a hit from your puerile arguments I'm simply ignoring your attempts to engage. There is nothing I would gain from having a conversation with you since you lack validity.. You are only useful as a play thing or a catalyst for me to get a point across to the more intelligent members of this forum.
And you spend your time discussing how much better whites are at expressing their violence.

Being incompetent at projecting power, winning wars, building say, even wooden ships that could sail around the world, or cannons, does not indicate that you are less violence, just less capable.
Stop whining. If you dont like the OP dont post. Dont worry about my time. Worry about yours white boy.

Weak dodge.

You are not fooling anyone but yourself.

Everything you post is an embarrassment to yourself, and to the extent that you raise the possibility that your views are shared by other blacks, your race.

And you are to self deluded to fact this obvious fact.
Why would I dodge? Youre white...... Its not like your opinion is considered valid.

And yet you do, dodge, deflect, refuse to answer,

Almost as if, at some level, you know that you are full of shit, and cannot defend the nonsense you spew at all.

Racist fool.
I only dodge if I am in danger of being "hit". Since there is absolutely no possibility of me taking a hit from your puerile arguments I'm simply ignoring your attempts to engage. There is nothing I would gain from having a conversation with you since you lack validity.. You are only useful as a play thing or a catalyst for me to get a point across to the more intelligent members of this forum.

Do you consider yourself a :"Wise black scholar"?

Its very easy to put a spot light on todays violent culture in black communities all around the country. Its been going on this way since the early 90's and don't seem to let up any time soon, black on black crime is at historic levels and we can blame what ever you want on who, the facts are the facts and there's no disputing it......but what I find rather interesting are white people seem to find glee and enjoyment pointing out this horrific statistic and posting about it......I say lets turn the tables here a bit.

From the time black people set foot on american soil, white folks have murdered, raped, beatin and victimized black folks up until the 1960's. If we were to do an accounting of who's been and still is the most violent in this country....white folks would win hands down. If we were to do a body count, again, white folk would wins hands down.....now we've debated the causes of black on black crime, we've done studies, etc.....and concluded rather obvious reasons, poverty, discrimination, single parent homes, etc.....so my question now is,
what was the white man's excuse?


Who is more violent as a percentages of their race?
White? You can't be serious. Look at the population of prisons as a percentage of race.
What does that have to do with the percentage of violence? Are you claiming all the violent people are in prison?

Wow. YOu have to be dumb to think that was what he meant.
American Blacks commit violent crime at a significantly higher percentage than American Whites.

When trying to get the PC Police to admit this obvious fact, their first tactic will be to dishonestly manipulate the data, i.e., saying that Whites commit a higher number of violent crimes than Blacks while blatantly ignoring and avoiding the vast difference in populations/ratios.

Their next tactic will be to blame you in some way.

And finally, if the conversation is still going, they'll call you a racist for bringing up the fact in the first place.

Predictable, tedious, dishonest, counterproductive.
Who is more violent as a percentages of their race?
White? You can't be serious. Look at the population of prisons as a percentage of race.
What does that have to do with the percentage of violence? Are you claiming all the violent people are in prison?

Wow. YOu have to be dumb to think that was what he meant.
American Blacks commit violent crime at a significantly higher percentage than American Whites.

When trying to get the PC Police to admit this obvious fact, their first tactic will be to dishonestly manipulate the data, i.e., saying that Whites commit a higher number of violent crimes than Blacks while blatantly ignoring and avoiding the vast difference in populations/ratios.

Their next tactic will be to blame you in some way.

And finally, if the conversation is still going, they'll call you a racist for bringing up the fact in the first place.

Predictable, tedious, dishonest, counterproductive.
Well, Asclepia is even more dishonest. He pretty much sticks to racist non sequiturs.

BUt generally, yes you are correct. That is the normal lefty response.

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